Guinea pig

The least likely to bite "pocket pets" are rats, so if you're open to it look into getting a couple of those guys. They're some of the best pets I've ever had (and I've had a LOT of different types of pets). They're very sweet, intelligent, and crave human interaction. Very much like little Labrador Retrievers. The only drawback is their short lifespan.

I agree with the Lab reference - rats crave interaction. When we'd come in the door, they would immediately jump to the front of their cage, begging to be let out. They loved to be held, and even when they went exploring, would come when called. Ours would only pee outside the cage if they were out for a while, and never pooped outside the cage. I miss them.

I love my dog, but she'll never be as smart as those rats!
I totally agree with you. I posted way upthread. I actually do not think they are good pets. But, I had to be honest, I have become very attached to mine. But it is a TON of work and I would never actually ever recommend them unless you are the kind of person that loves to clean all the time.

Like you, while I don't enjoy all the work, I will never give him up because that is just cruel. EDITED TO ADD: I definitely feel differently if allergies are involved. Don't mean to offend.

I'm with you and CanBeGrumpy. A pet is a pet until they are gone. And again unless allergies are involved. That is why I have posted all aspects of caring for the guinea pigs I had. So many people get them from pet stores because they are cute little babies and then after a few months to a year are totally sick of all the work and or don't do it and as a result the animal suffers.
I've heard the comments about them being disposable. When they die it's cheaper to just get a new one. That is so sad to me.

As I said I did have 5 and I would have kept the last one to the end (not saying this as guilt just fact) but because I knew they are better in a "herd" because they are social animals and I can't give that attention (allergy and just not my thing) the two people that took her are friends I met from the shelter and actually they are the ones that told me about her and gave them to me as a baby. :-) They were thrilled knowing how well I cared for her. We had just had an ice storm knocking out power, so she could not stay in the house as it got below 60 and we didn't know when power would come back. Fast forward in the few days they had her, and knowing my allergies, they opted to keep her.

As I said in a previous post, a friend had a male gp and they were not willing to bring him to the vet and take on the expense. They were oblivious to the needs he had. It was hard for me to ask them to surrender him, but they did and he was able to live a better painfree life for about a year longer. Otherwise he would have died shortly.

And yet another friend, same deal. Cage was the store bought cage. He was a big GP and had no room to move around. Cage had 3 inches of billed up poop and hay and shavings. Who knows when it was last cleaned. I convinced them to bring him to the shelter since again they didn't want to do a vet care. He was already so sick, my friends from the shelter took him home with them and he only lived a very short time.

Honestly, you do get a more "relationship" reaction from a dog than a guinea pig. If I was willing to spend my money on vet bills instead of Disney vacations, I would get a dog before a guinea pig.

Again glad I had the experience, but glad I'm done also.
if you have a huge heart for caregiving, go to a rescue shelter and adopt.

Where do you get wood pellets? I love our guinea pig but I am so sick of cleaning out his cage, would love something a little easier to take care of.

I get them at Fleet Farm but Menards, Lowes, etc.. should have them. They are intended to use in wood pellet stoves. Just make sure they are hardwood and untreated...they are also used for horse bedding (if they are softwood they must be kiln dried).

So any home improvement or feed store type place should have them.

You do not want to order them online. They only cost about 5 bucks for 40 lbs but since they are heavy shipping would be outrageous.
OP keep in mind too that a piggies life span is average 4-8 years. So it could be a pretty long commitment. As another poster said, not trying to discourage you but you should know what you are getting into.
We ended up getting two sweet girls. Who talked all the way home!!

Sweet as they can be. One is long hair/crazy hair almost all white we named her Marshmallow.

The other one is short hair and black and white. Whose name is Oreo!

We love them and them seem to love us already

Thanks everyone for your advice
We have 4 guinea pigs. They are extremely social and talk non stop! But on the other hand if they aren't handled on a regular basis they will get a little skittish. Mine also favor the hand that feed them lol. My guinea pigs just turned 4! Also if you are getting 1 look into a rescue or make sure you get a male guinea pig. That's how we ended up with 4, lol. I learned more about guinea pigs than I really wanted to know
We ended up getting two sweet girls. Who talked all the way home!!

Sweet as they can be. One is long hair/crazy hair almost all white we named her Marshmallow.

The other one is short hair and black and white. Whose name is Oreo!

We love them and them seem to love us already

Thanks everyone for your advice

Congrats! My older boy is Oreo! (The little guy is Sheldon...named by the rescue).

Seriously take a look at the forums on truly a wealth of info!
We ended up getting two sweet girls. Who talked all the way home!!

Sweet as they can be. One is long hair/crazy hair almost all white we named her Marshmallow.

The other one is short hair and black and white. Whose name is Oreo!

We love them and them seem to love us already

Thanks everyone for your advice

Congratulations!!! Come back and keep us posted on the fun and Love!
I had a long hair. She was all white with little brown ears and nose and pink eyes. She was a rescue from 150 in a shed. She started out as a "foster" but I fell in love. As a foster she had to be by herself to make sure she wasn't pregnant. So I named her Snow White and asked her not to deliver 7 dwarfs. Turned out she wasn't pregnant. I had fun putting barrettes in her hair. She didn't like it much but I had fun. LOL

Rosie was a shorter hair tri-color. She got her name because she had the swirly Rosettes all over her.

Sasha and Hazel were the originals named before surrendered at the shelter.

Teddy was named Teddy because he was a Teddybear breed. He did have a little Teddy bear face.
Our guinea pig has a terrible name: Master Chief.

When my DD got him, she and her boyfriend at the time got him. The boyfriend was a Halo fan, hence, Master Chief.

The name never really stuck. When he came to us, we just started calling him "guinea" and it seems to fit.

My son will call him variations of this: guiness, and guinnieferd.
So one of my piggies,has started what I call shaking or viberating when she held. Is this normal? I don't think she cold. Any suggestions?
So one of my piggies,has started what I call shaking or viberating when she held. Is this normal? I don't think she cold. Any suggestions?

Mine does that when he's scared. Sometimes when I take him outside he will do that. Not often though.
you take yours outside? Do they like it?
Only in the summer and totally supervised.

I think he likes it but he is kind of freaked out and gets real still, then starts the vibrating. I'm sure he's terrified a big hawk will swoop down and get him! Sometimes in the summer I try to make a small playpen for him on the grass. He's very big and agile now so I have to be careful and make sure he can't escape. Sometimes I just sit out on the deck with him on my lap so he can just be outside.
At first I thought you were talking about the purring they can do.
I had one that would do that. She was a very nervous piggy. That would be my question is what is going on in the environment that could make your piggy nervous.
They all have different personalities.

On the going outside, they are prey animals and they could very much be nervous about hawks and such. It's their instinct.
I think that is why some get nervous when you walk by the cage or come to pick them up. Think about it from their small perspective.
I found that wrapping mine in a towel would help with the shaking. She felt "hidden" and safer i guess.


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