Halloween Time at Disneyland, Oct 16-19. Lots Of Pictures! Trip Report Completed

...Although, when we were taking the 'short cut' from the PPH through the GCH lobby in October, we DID see some rather fetching construction workers (only about 3 out of 20 of them were hot!) working on the new GCH vacation villas! I hope they are still there in December when I get there, and not on holiday break or something! We girls need a little eye candy every so often too!;) Men can't have all the lecherous fun!

I couldn't agree more!
Fun jungle cruise pictures.

When I saw the caption "I will save you" on the Mark Twain, I just knew a picture of a hot guy was coming up & what did I get? a life preserver :confused3
After the phone call with my mommy dearest I decided it was time to put on my girl disguise! :rotfl: I headed to the bathrooms in NOS to make sure that I, at least, looked presentable. It was another hot day and Wendy + heat, in no way = sexy. When I finally decided that no more improvements could be made without me going back to my hotel, I decided to go meet the strangers I met on the internet at Cafe Orleans. Luckily I noticed Beth right away so I just kinda went up to her, not knowing who any of the other ladies were. Eventually I got around to meeting all of them and they were all super nice and super funny.



Callie - My mom saw this picture and asked me if you were smoking. :rotfl:

After a little wait, we finally got seated in the "freezer" which must be the coldest spot in all of the park. The waitress was just as frigid as the temperature. I sat with Melody, Stacie and her mom, and I must say that I had the best table ever. Those ladies are a hoot, and I love sitting with people that share my passion for food! :rotfl2:

Best table of ladies ever:

These ladies are pretty awesome too!:

As are these ones:



Melody, Stacie and myself:

Auntie Mel and me:

Melody and I split the pommes frittes, the chicken sandwich and the beignets. It was all SO yummy! I was in yummy food paradise. I would definitely eat here again. :thumbsup2

After dinner some of the gals left and some stuck around to ride some rides. We decided to go on Pirates of the Caribbean and that was a lot of fun (even though at one point I was tempted to throw Beth overboard :rolleyes1 ). After that thrilling adventure we took a group picture on the stairs in NOS, which happened to be decorated for Christmas.


We lost some more ladies at this point, but a few of us kept on going. They decided our next stop would be the Mark Twain...because I hadn't done POTC or Mark Twain yet this trip :rolleyes: :rotfl2:

After our adventure around the Rivers of America, we stayed on board to watch the "Remember" fireworks. I've never watched them from the Mark Twain before, so this was a new and neat experience. Once the fireworks were over, most of the gals went there separate ways. Michelle was nice enough to let me tag along with her and her boys, which I'm so completely thankful for! The four of us went on Star Tours, Space Mountain, BLAB and I think there was one other ride, possibly Big Thunder, but I can't seem to remember. At this point it was getting late and they still had their drive home ahead of them so we walked out of the park and went our separate ways.

At this point I was beyond exhausted and wanted to cry by the time I finally sat down on the tram. Luckily the guy in the back of the tram was telling jokes and had me laughing hard, which woke me up and enabled me to make it back to my hotel. This is the night I discovered that after 11 pm, you need your room key to get back in. I was seriously unorganized and sat there forever trying to find my key. Finally someone exited the building and I was able to get in. By the time I got to my room I had finally found my key and was ready to pass out the way I was. I made the oh-so-grand decision to try and wake up early and make it in time for park opening. So I set my alarm and went to sleep, not knowing what the next day would bring.

Coming up next: If I plead insanity can I get away with throwing that woman in front of a tram? My not so magical morning.
Are you offering me some coffee? How nice of you! ;)

Ewww, I don't drink coffee. That's hot cocoa with mini marshmellows. :)

Good thing Stacie and Michelle took those pics of the mini meet. I didn't get any! Those are the same ones I'm going to swipe for my TR too. :lmao: Even though I look hideous in all of them. And Callie with her "cigarette" is too funny!!

So at what point did you want to throw me overboard? When we were cruising past Captain Jack? :love: Or when you were promising not to come in March? :rolleyes1 Good thing Maggie was between us. ;)

Ok, you've inspired me to get to work on another installment of my TR. See ya later!
Ewww, I don't drink coffee. That's hot cocoa with mini marshmellows. :)

Good thing Stacie and Michelle took those pics of the mini meet. I didn't get any! Those are the same ones I'm going to swipe for my TR too. :lmao: Even though I look hideous in all of them. And Callie with her "cigarette" is too funny!!

So at what point did you want to throw me overboard? When we were cruising past Captain Jack? :love: Or when you were promising not to come in March? :rolleyes1 Good thing Maggie was between us. ;)

Ok, you've inspired me to get to work on another installment of my TR. See ya later!

I'm so glad they took pictures or I wouldn't have any either! In March I'll be taking loads, so everbody be ready!!!

Good thing for Maggie between us or we probably would have been kicked out of Disneyland! :rotfl:

Wendy, I will pay you money to remove this horrible pic from your TR! As if the "cigarette dum-dum" isn't bad enough, I look constipated while I'm digging for my phone in my bag. Puuuuhlease!

Hmmm...I don't see any picture like that in my report. :rolleyes1
I'm so glad they took pictures or I wouldn't have any either! In March I'll be taking loads, so everbody be ready!!!

Good thing for Maggie between us or we probably would have been kicked out of Disneyland! :rotfl:

Hmmm...I don't see any picture like that in my report. :rolleyes1
Well with all the loads of pics you'll be taking, will you please at least warn people first??? :lmao:

Oh, and I think that same pic might reappear somewhere else.......:rolleyes1 Of course, I can be bought too. At a much higher price of course. ;)
Oh, and I think that same pic might reappear somewhere else.......:rolleyes1 Of course, I can be bought too. At a much higher price of course. ;)

My new BFF, Wendy, removed the picture for free, because she's just really nice like that. :goodvibes :hug:

Anyway Beth, need I remind you of some hard work (aka stalking) I did on your behalf a few weeks ago? :rolleyes1 ;)
Wendy, I finally finished my TR, it took forever. So now I'm waiting on your updates missy!

Stacie's mom looks so young. Stacie, tell you mom at first I thought you were sisters!
You also have my permission to remove the one that looks like I'm mad.:mad:

:sad2: :sad2: :sad2:
What fun!!!!!!!!!! A DIS ladies meet. You guys look like you had a great time.
Ready for more...............
You also have my permission to remove the one that looks like I'm mad.:mad:

:sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

I guessed as to which one that was, because I don't think you looked mad in any of them. :confused3 Then again, I've never seen you mad. :rotfl:

What fun!!!!!!!!!! A DIS ladies meet. You guys look like you had a great time.
Ready for more...............

It was a great time!

I'm hoping to post another update later today. :goodvibes
Waking up, I realized I had slept in later then I had wanted to. There was no way I'd be making it to park opening like I had planned on, unless of course I didn't take a shower, which was SO not going to happen. I'm a freak when it comes to bathing, if I don't shower everyday I basically refuse to leave the house and then I feel yucky all day. That's just one of my weird little quirks (that has bugged every boyfriend I've ever had :rotfl: ). Waking up later then plan irritated me, and as you should know by now, an irritated Wendy is not a good thing at all. I made a pot of coffee and jumped into the shower. I was so busy getting ready that by the time I got around to the coffee, it was already cold. This bugged me even more. Then there was some kind of jackhammering noise, that sounded like it was coming from the next room. Seriously people, 8AM and you're making all that noise!? I wonder what part of the building they were doing construction on for it to sound like it was right next me. With my waking up late and my cold coffee, I was really not in the mood for the loud noise that was starting to give me a headache. The ice machine never worked for my trip and I always forgot to check another floor for an ice machine, so by this day, all the ice I'd gotten on my way down had melted and my Red Bull was warm.:sad2: At this point I had about as much as I could take. I just kept reminding myself that I would be in Disneyland soon and I was going to go get a Mark Twain (apparently my favorite ride!) at the River Belle Terrace and eat and be happy. Once I was finally ready, I drove to the parking structure and got in line for the tram.

The lines for the tram were long, as I was not in the mood at that time to wait. A tram came and went and I was still in line, and then another tram came. I was excited, because I was sure that me, being only one person, would be able to get on! As soon as it unloaded and people started getting on, I saw the perfect spot for me! I was just lifting my foot up to step on, when out of nowhere, this lady comes from my right hand side, extends her arm in front of me to grab a bar on the tram, shoots me a dirty look and steps onto the tram IN THE SEAT I WAS GOING TO TAKE. :mad: I was NOT in the mood for this. I almost lost it right there and then. There was about to be a throw down in the tram loading area. My mind was swirling with so many emotions, all I could do was just just stand there looking at her. During my confusion, the woman shoved into the family that was already seated, before she cut me off, to allow her fully grown adult daughter to sit next to her. :mad: Then when the saw I wouldn't be getting on the tram, they turned and laughed at me! :mad: I tell you, it took everything I had not to go ape wild crazy on them. I really had to think about the kids around me and think about what kind of person I would be if I retaliated against these "women." That tram finally departed and I was trying to calm down. It was hard though, because there was no tram for about 10 minutes, for whatever reason, even though all the other trams were minutes, if not seconds apart from each other. I was thinking on the bright side though: those "women" would be far away from me by the time I got to the parks.

Finally I was on the tram and headed to Disneyland! :banana: The park sure was crowded, which is not a good sign for being somewhat early to the parks. When I got to RBT the line was LONG! :scared1: There was no way I wasn't going to be enjoying a Mark Twain, so I stuck it up and waited in line. It took about an hour of standing in a crowded line, in what felt like 100 degree temperature, but finally I got my Mark Twain, and all was right with the world. I went out to the patio to enjoy some fresh air and my yummy breakfast.


After my yummy breakfast, I was in a much better mood. While eating I noticed all the tons of people walking by and I knew that my day would be full of waiting in lines. I decided that my first ride would be Indiana Jones, because I wanted to check out the single rider line! :woohoo: I passed lots and lots and lots of people waiting in line. I got to take the elevator, which was neat, I'm just glad that I realized I had to turn around and face the other way, because the doors open up on the opposite side you go into the elevator. I would have felt like an absolute fool if the doors opened and everyone in line got to see my backside before I finally realized that I needed to turn around, seriously, I wouldn't be able to face them if that happened to me (yes, I have done that in an elevator before, and yes it did embarrass the heck out of me). :rotfl: After I got off the elevator, I was able to walk right onto a jeep and journey through the temple! It was a fun ride, especially since I didn't have to wait in line for it! :upsidedow When I got back outside, I decided to check my voicemail and call my mom to let her know I was still alive. When I listened to my messages, there was one from Cheryl saying she was in the park and invited me to join up with her and some of the other DIS ladies! :yay: I made my way over to Critter Country and geared myself up for a day of firsts!

Up next: Yes, it is my first time.
Up next: Yes, it is my first time.
I don't believe you. :rolleyes1

OMG, that lady sounded like a total *****!!! :mad:

The breakfast looks yummy! Reminds me of a McDonalds Deluxe breakfast but with different potatoes. :rotfl: I'm sure it tasted much better. It got me drooling that's for sure!

I'm glad you got to ride Indy without much wait and without showing off your booty. ;)
I don't believe you. :rolleyes1

Why does everyone always say that? :rolleyes1 :rotfl2:

OMG, that lady sounded like a total *****!!! :mad:

Oh she was! Like mother like daughter too. :sad2:

The breakfast looks yummy! Reminds me of a McDonalds Deluxe breakfast but with different potatoes. :rotfl: I'm sure it tasted much better. It got me drooling that's for sure!

Did you just compare my super awesome breakfast, that I waited an hour for and paid $8.61 for, to a McDonald's breakfast!? :scared1:
OK, I'll have to agree, but it was better quality!

I'm glad you got to ride Indy without much wait and without showing off your booty. ;)

Yeah really, nobody wants to see my bum-bum. I'm glad it's behind me so that I don't have to see it!
Too bad you couldn't run into that lovely woman an trip her.:thumbsup2 What a doozy she was.


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