Has anyone had a baby/grandbaby in the NICU?

I am a l and d nurse and sometimes the babies we ship to bigger hospitals go home just a day or two later. They just need help doing the essentials at first (you know, breathing :teeth:) and once they get through a little rough patch those first few hours they are good to go.
My twins were in NICU after birth. It was hard having a roommate with her baby in the room and I didn't have either of my babies. I was released without them. It was hard but we got through it.
My daughter was in the nicu for a week with pneumonia. No idea how she got it. I was a wreck. She's 5 now and no ill effects.
Congrats on the new baby!

My second son was in NICU twice. At birth for three days. At three-weeks old for meningitis, which was a weeklong stay.

It's tough.

They really don't let you go home too early. There are loads of different reasons to be there, and the docs will release them only when it's time and the issues are resolved or stabilized.

Our second visit for meningitis was the worst for us. Keep those hands washed.
I've had 2 grandchildren in the NICU. The first was for only a week but it was very concerning. He's now 8 & perfectly healthy. My 2nd grandson was terribly early & weighed 2lbs. He was in for nearly 3 months. And,yes, it's pretty terrifying, but you know that's where they need to be. It just became a way of life for their little family. He's now 14months old & hasn't even been sick for one day! He's a little delayed physically & language-wise, but is getting therapy & we have no doubt he'll catch up eventually. It's amazing & miraculous what they can do for tiny & sick babies now. Just love on that little man every chance you get!
My precious grandson was in the NICU for 5 months, born at 26 weeks, he fought so hard, was on oxygen and steroids the whole time, the nurses were wonderful, he went to heaven last November, i am still heart broken
My precious grandson was in the NICU for 5 months, born at 26 weeks, he fought so hard, was on oxygen and steroids the whole time, the nurses were wonderful, he went to heaven last November, i am still heart broken
So very sorry...:hug:
I was very impressed with the 2 NICUs my son needed to stay at (transferred to a higher level when it was needed). He had a lot of issues and when he did come home, he came home with a lot of equipment. But the nurses were excellent at training us. And then before we were allowed to take him home, we had to spend 2 days in a special room that mimicked being at home. He could still be monitored and medical personnel could step in if needed, but we were expected to try to do everything our selves. This way, if we had questions, they could be answered then. If more training were needed, that could be addressed as well.

It has been 12 years and I still get notices for reunions the NICU families are having. Our experience was very good (even with lots of scary times and tears). Lots of support and love.

Wishing you the very best!
My two babies spent 47 & 57 days in the NICU. My son was born first & he was 31w3d & was there 47 days. Feeding issues kept him there longer than he should have stayed (he has NEVER been a good eater). My daughter was born nineteen months later & she was 29w3d & stayed 57 days.

One can't understand the emotions that a new mom experiences when she leaves her baby in the NICU. My mom was right by my side & I know that she was just as scared as I was but she was my rock. Feel free to PM me with specific questions. When my babies were in there, I felt like I was in a fog & nothing made sense.

The hospital that y'all are at may have FB groups that you can join. There is a very active group of women who mentor current NICU parent & they love to reach out, so ask around & see if there is such a thing like that in your area.

My DD was 7 weeks early and 2.5 pounds when she was born. I had spent over a month in the hospital prior, so we knew she'd be small and have a NICU stay. That helped a bit, at least as far as the shock, since we had some time to adjust.

We were told all along she'd be in the NICU for at least 3 months. About a month in I got the call that she was cleared to go home. I was sick, we had very little stuff (no baby shower since I was hospitalized), and no warning that she was close to being released.

She only weighed 3 pounds 13 ounces at release. They didn't want her to go home but insurance wouldn't pay to keep her there just to gain weight. I was terrified. It was November and RSV season was upon us. As much as I wanted her home, the NICU would have been safer for her.

But we did the best we could. We had a great pediatrician that had us come in the back and go straight to an exam room that they prepared carefully for her. We had in home nurse visits. We used gobs of hand sanitizer and sanitized dishes, sheets, blankets, etc. regularly.

Only took her out for doctor visits. We were careful with who came over to visit. They had to 'scrub in' before they could be near her. No one with kids in school were allowed to hold her.

We were vigilant and perhaps excessive at times but when your child's life is on the line you do what you can. My saying to others became "You don't have to like it, you don't have to agree with it, but if you'd like to be around you have to respect it." The one friend I lost I haven't missed.

There's some great groups on Facebook for parents/grandparents of premature babies. I found great support there in DDs first year.

I'll add that DD is about to turn 5. She's doing great. She "graduated" NICU follow-up at 3 and a half years. We were told any serious issues should present themselves by 5, so this is a milestone we've had our eyes on for quite some time.

Talk to the doctors as much as you can and follow their advice as best as you can. And take it one step at a time. <hugs>
My nephew was born at 26 week, after 11 weeks in the NICU we laid him to rest on Friday. My sister is trying to keep it together for her other children. Most heart breaking time of our live.
So very sorry for your family's loss
Yes. Long, sad, icky story that I can not really talk.about to this day. They saved his life. Two weeks.
My first spent her first three days in the NICU. I was running a fever the day she was born and she didn't tolerate birth very well. We were moments from an emergency c-section when she finally was born. The NICU team was waiting, the doctor cut her cord, NICU team scooped her up and grabbed dh and off they went. Thankfully I had delivered at the hospital with the top NICU in the state.

It was hard to see her in there. However, she was a big baby (8 lbs, 13 ozs) and perked up pretty quickly. She looked so huge compared to the other babies. She was born late on Friday and they could not get the specialist in to clear her for release until Monday morning. The nurses were incredible and told us that they fought over who got to care for dd since it was so rare for them to have a big baby in the unit.

I was discharged Sunday and it was one of the hardest things ever to leave her that night. I could have stayed in the parent room, but the nurses insisted that I go home and get a good night's sleep in my own bed. It was nice to see the violin player come in and play for the babies just as we were heading home for the night.

OP - Best wishes to you and your family as they bring their little one home.
Our youngest son spent 11 days in the NICU, after having a 9 hour surgery at 1 day old, with the first few days on life support, plus another 46 days in the hospital.

We knew he would be born with a very rare birth defect, and were able to make arrangements to be in the care of one of the best specialist in the country. This meant delivering out of state, and leaving 4 other children at home, 350 miles away.

Our son's birth was still beautiful and miraculous, (even with an entire NIC team in the room to receive the baby, ready to whisk him away into an ambulance and off to a different hospital) but those weeks we spent there were some of the saddest, and definitely the hardest times in our lives. It was also a lonely time. We missed the kids, and since we took shifts with the baby, one of us at the hospital while the other slept at the hotel, we barely saw each other. My DH's mother had passed away only 4 months earlier, and my mother needed to be home with our other children. Our entire support system was "back home." But I'd have to say... the worst part was feeling helpless. Mothers, parents, are supposed to take care of everything, make it right, fix it, and I couldn't fix it. We were totally dependent upon the professional, and had to put our trust in them.

Those early weeks were emotional, but...
Fifteen years later, we have a charming, smart, kind, witty, teenage son. He's had 5 additional surgeries, with more planned for the future, (can't be cured) and we still travel to the same Dr./Hospital for his care. We will be forever grateful to the Dr's and nurses who have given their best to our son.
Ugh....what a stressful thing.

My grandson was sent to the "big" hospital after birth to the NICU. Now they are saying he may come home Tuesday or Wednesday, depending...I should be thrilled. I'm terrified!! No really, please keep him til he's 6 months old, ok??? I'm guessing this is normal, yes??
My son was in the NICU for only 4 days after birth. It was more of a precautionary thing. He had some problems regulating his body temperature and something else was going on with his blood sugar.

It was a little stressful because I feel like we equate the NICU with very sick babies and that's not always the case.

I'm glad he gets to come home!
I was asking/saying that the conflicting emotions is "normal".

He had breathing problems mostly. Was 35 weeks. Is jaundiced now but getting better with that. Feeding iv out yesterday. Trying a crib tonight, out of the incubator. Crossed fingers!!!!

Oh yea. I had to bring home my oldest who was very sick from several issues, from the NICU. She was on max. life support for a few weeks in the NICU from necrotizing enterocolitis.

I was a wreck for months until she had her heart surgery because she was so sick. And those were the days of NO Pulse Ox on the finger went you went to the ER.

I am assuming they checked out the babies heart and baby got a clean bill of health? Just asking because they do not always have an actual pediatric cardiologist check out the babies.

My oldest is now 25 and while she still has serious issues and will need the pulmonary valve replaced in her heart at some point, she is making her way through it.

SO YES, totally normal.
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