Head hunters?


Oh great. Now we've got a yeti. - Jamie from Mythb
Nov 14, 2006
DH and I are considering relocating from Central New York to Austin, Texas but the only way it would be possible is if he could find a great job (that pays at least what he gets now if not more).

Neither of us really know how to start looking for jobs besides the normal routes of online searches. Are there such things as "head hunters" out there and how do you find a reputable person to help you? Any help would be WONDERFUL! Where is our fairy JOB mother when you need her? :wizard: :rotfl:
There are headhunters that specialized in just about every area. Please check out the HH references and fee schedule before agreeing to anything. Most reputable HH will collect their fee from the company looking to fill a spot, not the person looking.

Professional networking is also another avenue. Are there professional societies or trade groups that he belongs to or can join? Sometime putting the word out thru one's contacts may be a faster way to make a job change. My last two hires came to me from business contacts that knew I was looking to fill two spots.
What field does you husband work in. There are also head hunters that specialize and a specific field such as Robert Half specializes in Accounting and Finance.
monster is how my dh got his last 2 positions through head hunters. We even had a house buy out w/the last one. Just post the resume on monster & head hunters will search for resumes.
Also a quick warning - the salary range in Austin is lower than the Northern States. A friend of mine moved down there, had to take a 15% pay cut, then got laid off and finally found another job for 30% less than he originally had made up here! They ended having to sell the original house they bought and buy a smaller house since his wife doesn't work. They do like it down with the exception of the humidity and they are missing having winters :)

We had 2 bad experiences with headhunters in the Dallas area, after that, my husband is ver reluctant to use them.

Austin is quite different from the rest of the state IMHO. It is much more liberal and "artsy". If that is what you are loooking for then go for it! It is a wonderful place! The cost of housing in Austin seems to be more that the other major cities in Texas as well.


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