Help settle an argument - cold weather wear for DD!


<font color=royalblue>I'm a Geordie, we don't own
Jun 20, 2011
I am figuring when we go next week it is going to be BALTIC. I suggested we buy DD an all in one snowsuit to wear (under her dress of course). They have pink ones in Sports Direct (boo hiss) for £13.

Hubby says I am being daft and she will be fine with some thermals on under her normal clothes and her coat (it is a traditional woollen coat - not padded or anything). I disagree.

Who is right?!
Buy it

Best case scenario it's "warm enough" and she doesn't need it, her coat will do

Probable scenario it will be warmer than the next few days but she will need it

Show him the temeratures atm and the projected ones - Thurday 9th they are talking about possible snow showers

Nothing is worse than seeing little ones crying because they are cold and miserable

We went just before Christmas in 2010 when it was snowing and didn't get above freezing the whole time. We all had thermal underwear and wore another 4 layers (at least) under our coats and still felt chilly at times. Our youngest felt it especially badly when she was in the buggy because she was sat still.
Buy it and let him freeze! We went in Dec 2008 and it was freezing, Even with thermals, normal clothes and then an extra layer and a ski suit on it was cold! Worst that will happen - it will come back with the tag still on and can be returned to the shop!
Thank you! I am going to get him to go and buy it tomorrow!

It's *** we are Geordie's and therefore could walk through the Arctic with nowt but a t-shirt on! However, she is only little and hasn't developed this skill yet!
I think your husband probably doesn't realise that your daughter will have to deal with some of the coldest weather she's ever experienced.
She'll be sitting still in a stroller, or standing in lines with temperatures below zero. And she won't be able to warm herself up like adult try to do.
Without proper outfit, you might end up with a grumpy kid all day, and a sick kid the next day...

Of course the weather might change, but why take the risk.

If my kid's health depended on £13 and packing a snowsuit, it would be a no brainer.

Last winter, temperatures were higher, still my (then) 3yrs old DS was barely comfortable with a padded coat and under a heavy fleece while he rode in his stroller.
I went out a few hours ago, and there is no way I would let my kid out without another layer of clothers. And we're still days away from the coldest it will get.
He is going to buy her one tomorrow on the way to the farm! And I have already bought her some long sleeved/legged thermals from Asda!
When we went at the end 28th nov- 2nd dec 2010 it was some of the coldest weather i had ever experienced. On the night of the 29th it went down to -10 :eek:. It never got any warmer than -2 all the time we were there.

We listened to everyone on here in regards to taking lots of layers. I brought thermals and winter tights to put on our 2 dd's under there normal clothes. We also took a fleece blanket for when our youngest dd was in her pushchair. We also drank a lot of hot drinks which also helped a lot.

In other words you better be safe than sorry.


You are right! We are also going next week and we all have thermals and ski-wear!!! We've been in February before and managed very well in the above but I wouldn't have been without it!
We were there mid December 2010 and it was freezing. My DS was 3 and normally moans at being too wrapped up, we are Scottish by the way so the cold is nothing new.

That holiday DS wore thermals (from Asda), thermal socks, normal clothes, a trespass snow suit, snow boots from Asda, a furry lined hat, kind that come over the ears, scarf and mits. He wore this stuff everyday after going out the first morning with a jacket rather than snow suit and he was happy as larry for the whole trip.... Going to the bathroom was a trauma though...

I wore thermals everyday, thermal socks, boots, hat, scarf and gloves and a coat that resembled a sleeping bad. The cold didn't bother us at all but glad we were prepared. Remember some thermals for yourself, primark have good cheap adult ones.

Sure you will have a great time.
We came back last night, and I have never ever felt cold lik I did there. We had thermals, then base layer, heat holder socks, snow boots, normal clothes, ski coats, hats and scarves and extra thick gloves, and still the wind would cut through you! We are well used to the cold in Donegal but this was something else! Buy 2 snow suits!!!!!:)
We came back last night, and I have never ever felt cold lik I did there. We had thermals, then base layer, heat holder socks, snow boots, normal clothes, ski coats, hats and scarves and extra thick gloves, and still the wind would cut through you! We are well used to the cold in Donegal but this was something else! Buy 2 snow suits!!!!!:)

We got back last night too OMG wasn't it cold, had so many layers on I could hardly move, if I dropped anything it had to stay there I couldn't bend over to pick it up and if you'd seen me trying to get up onto the carousel horse, I gave up and sat in the carriage instead. lol

Get the snow suit and 1 for you and hubby too !!!
We got back last night as well and as Jill said it was very cold. We applied the layer principals but even that wasn't enough.

We ate in Agrabah yesterday and even inside it was bitterly cold and much of the hot buffet was cold by the time we got back to the table :sad2:


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