How are the mosquitos in Orlando??


Apr 24, 2010
My two youngest children are terribly allergic to mosquitos. Wondering if they are bad in the Disney parks & resorts?? Should I be prepared with OFF & Benadryl?

I've never noticed mosquitoes at Disney--and they love me--but I would still bring Benedryl & Off just in case since they are allergic. I would worry more around the resorts than the parks.
not a one..Disney does a great job at prevention with spraying at night & early dawn, however, if it makes you more comfortable bring those things

I wish Disney personnel could take of the mosquitos near MY house ( none yet here either though)

I've had once vacation, three years ago, where they were bad. We did a split stay and we had them at both resorts. My other 24 vacations have been bite-free.
Well-fed. ;)

That's Orlando in general: because of the number of retention ponds around the area, keeping them in check is a constant battle.

Disney is rather a different matter, especially in the parks. They go to great lengths to keep the population down, and they mostly succeed.
The area where they are most likely to be encountered is around the landscaping at the resorts (though not very many at the pools; major effort is expended there as well.)

One other pest that one does encounter in the Disney parks are biting black flies. (It's not that WDW doesn't try to eradicate them; it is just that there is no known pesticide that will effectively kill them.) They are only a problem at certain times of the year; mostly in April and August-Sept, they like running water (think creeks and waterfalls) and they bite mostly in the late afternoon (NOT at night). On one September trip, I ended up with a very severe allergic reaction to them after eating a late lunch outdoors at Epcot's Japanese pavilion; that stream attracts them.

Your best defense is probably to carry a benedryl dab stick and dab any bites asap.

People would have you believe that Disney property is immune to bugs. Not true. The reason, I believe, that people don't notice bugs that much while at WDW, is because the people are on the move. I can almost guarantee that if you sit near a body of water or wooded area for awhile at dusk on WDW property, you will find mosquitoes.

OP, be most careful at night walking about the resorts. There are more non-treated water areas and foliage at the resorts. Mosquitoes love me and have found me many times on WDW property. To make things worse, it has been very wet lately. The mosquito population is worse right now due to the amount of rain we've had.
My middle child is very allergic to mosquitos and ant bites.

He's so allergic that he gets cellulitis at each bite and now has become allergic to pencillin from being on it so much.

We have the tri-fecta, we use a good healthy dose of OFF, he wears the anti-bite bracelects, and we always have Chigger-X.

Chigger-X has become our lifesaver. It works beter than anything we have found over the last 6 years of searching for something that works.

I have no idea why it works so well, it just does. It has similiar active ingredients to Benadrly, but has additional inactive ingreidents too. Most topical benadrly has .02-1% benzocaine but, Chigger-x has 5.0%

I've have used it myself and after application, have never itched at that spot until I shower/swim.

I can only find it at WalMart pharmacy area. It comes in a little white plastic canister that looks like a film roll. Heres the kicker it's only like $3.
They're just fine. Thank you for asking. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm in a strange mood tonight, really stupid things are making me laugh.

Queen Colleen
They're just fine. Thank you for asking. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm in a strange mood tonight, really stupid things are making me laugh.

Queen Colleen


OP-I would take your usual precautions and as others have said, not linger near the water areas from dusk-dawn. I have rarely been bitten at WDW but when our kids were little and I was the breakfast "mule", I would go EARLY while the family got ready. I remember that was when I got a bite or 2, but on seperate trips. When we stayed at Caribbean Beach one August, I kinda got chowed st some point, but I think that must've been as NotUrsula said, the biting flies as they were not like the usual mosquito bites.
Coming from America's Rice Capital, and the mosquito is the state bird, I'm thrilled when we are in WDW. Maybe it's because they are so bad here that I don't notice them there, but I've never been bitten by one while at WDW.


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