How are your kids handling all this?

DD and DSIL are both in healthcare so they are working. Naturally we’re concerned for them. DW normally does child care for grands, 3&5. She can’t do that now as we’re in self quarantine for another week after returning from overseas. DD is part time in retail pharmacy so they are juggling scheduled days off . . . a little thing but an added stressor.

Grands are doing well . . . On-line kindergarten sounds like fun 🤪.
DD14 is kind of angry - this is her middle school graduation year and she won't have her senior trip, graduation ceremony, or senior trip - in addition, and started her online schooling today ( tho a few of the teachers tried to slide in assignments over the weekend, and then gave the students missed assignments, and marked them absent, if they weren't done !)

DS9 loves homeschooling - he is on the low end of the spectrum and has some sensory issues, so the one on one is much better for him

They have been killing time playing Nintendo switch ( animal crossing is amazing, board games, and card games)

..... And asking me (dad) if we are going to be able to go to wdw in July !
Older DS is fairly oblivious, as he is to most things. He's annoyed he can't go to scout meetings and that he was already doing virtual school so he doesn't have an excuse not to finish out this year and therefore isn't getting a break from school. Other than that he's mostly a hermit anyways.

Youngest DS' school switched almost immediately to homeschooling. He's actually wishing he could go back to school now, apparently I'm tougher than his regular teacher. We had a huge argument yesterday about his use of the words "mostest closest" in an assignment. I'm pretty sure his regular teacher wouldn't have allowed it either. He's a little anxious but so far not anything unmanageable. We have a big yard so he spends a lot of time playing outside with his dogs which helps burn off all that excess energy.

I need an on staff psychologist in my house. My 2 DD who are 21 and 19 are currently so depressed about online learning and not playing lacrosse. The 19 year old is saying that she can't do anything and the world is ending. She just finished sobbing hysterically for almost an hour. The 21 year old told her to buck up and that did not end well. The 17 year old never leaves his room except to eat all my stockpiled food. The oldest is working from home at his house in Philadelphia. If he gets laid off he will be moving back with us. The is so hard because while I am an introvert my children are not and I am the wicked witch who will not let them go anywhere except for a walk by themselves. It is hard because some of their friends are hanging out. My 78 year old father lives with us so it is not a choice matter. I keep telling them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel but sometimes I don't think that there is an end in sight either.
DS20 says it's same old, same old. He's in the Air Force. He doesn't know anyone who's sick at this point, and they are still working (with some distance measures).
DD22 is a senior in college. She was planning to stay in her apartment off campus to finish her research project; because, she and one other student were allowed to continue due to the timeliness of their projects. That lasted a week until the other student complained about a repairman coming into the lab while he was working. And then they were both shut down. Sigh. She was pretty upset about that because she was going to complete her project, be published, and was doing her thesis. Not she's short data, probably won't be published, and will have to do her thesis defense with incomplete data. She ended up coming home since she could do her coursework online, and is BORED, BORED, BORED. She has always called herself an introvert and 'not a people person' but she would kill for some peer interaction right about now.
My kids seem to be doing ok so far, but I can tell this is changing some important, fundamental part of them. This will affect the psyche of a whole generation of kids, just like growing up in the Great Depression affected my grandparents.

My 22yo is still living at home and getting really frustrated - he's been looking at houses for months and finally found "the one" week before last, but getting anywhere with his mortgage (a state-backed first-time homebuyer program) and getting the offer in has become difficult as everyone shifts to working from home. And he's not sure if he's going to get hung up completely on the inspection, appraisal or closing steps, since all require some level of in-person presence. But money-wise he's okay. They're looking at layoffs but unemployment will more than cover his ordinary bills so he doesn't have to touch his house fund to get by.

My 18yo is home from college and not thrilled about it. She's got a lot of lab courses and she's worried about the quality of instruction since they've been so hastily moved online, but she's managing the workload fairly well. Its the social stuff she's really missing - going from San Francisco to small town Michigan is culture shock under the best of circumstances, and with everything closed down it is that much worse.

DD11 is having the worst time of it, because she's a total extrovert and misses her friends. The one saving grace is that we've been watching a friend of hers while her mom (an essential employee) is working, so she's not completely isolated. But she's doing okay with her online schooling, especially since she and D18 are close and are structuring their school days to line up with one another, and she's started working on some projects for the county fair to keep busy. And she and her sister are both cooking - she got both of the Master Chef Junior cookbooks for her last birthday and Christmas, so she's got lots of complicated new recipes to try while we're home.
Ds 20 is upset because he got laid off and is bored, he is going to collect EI but he’d rather be working. His girlfriend is doing is online school now and she is staying here so he has her but he really just wants to go out and hang out with his friends as well. He’s been playing a lot of video games.

Dd17 Is still working as a cashier at a grocery store so she gets out occasionally, she hasn’t started on line school yet. Her boyfriend also 17 has been here since school has been out two weeks ago. He spends most of the time playing video games, hopefully they can start online school soon. I’m glad they have each other at least so they are not completely socially isolated. He hasn’t left our house other then to take the dog for a walk.

Dd13 misses her friends, she normally has friends sleep over every weekend. There is always a group of her friends here on weekends. she’s been having Group FaceTime sleep overs where they all stay up all night watching the same movies together on an app and go to bed and get up at the same time😂 Her and Dd17 have been going a lot of baking and cooking. She wishes school would start again because she’s not looking forward to online learning, she says it’s just all the boring parts of school without all the fun stuff and social part and she’s right 🤷‍♀️Sorry it’s sucks and I know it
We’ve been home since 3/13. My 18 year old complained about missing going to weight room after school for the first couple of days, but hasn’t complained about that since then. Online school started for him that Monday(3/16) so he’s busy with that. I’m upset about the thought of no prom and no graduation for him, but he hasn’t mentioned it. I think because they’re in mid-late June he thinks we’ll be back by then, but I’m not sure about that at all.
My 20year old daughter is a college sophomore. She came home for spring break 3/13 and today was her first day of online classes. She’s been absolutely fabulous. Not complaining about staying home, not complaining about not being able to see her boyfriend or go out, not complaining about having to leave her campus apartment and roommates at school that she loves, just took it all in stride, and is a joy to be around.
Both my kids have been stellar, and to be honest being locked down with them and my husband hasn’t been a hardship at all. Lots of games and TV and fun. As long as we all stay healthy(🙏🏼) we’re good!
My kids are technically still on what was the second weeks of March Break. They were suppose to go back next week. We don’t know what will happen regarding online learning yet. They don’t seem that bothered at the moment but will see what will happen once they were suppose to have started back.
My kids are doing pretty well. Online school started for us last week. The first week was a big adjustment, but this week is better. The kids don't care about doing stuff outside the house. They enjoy hibernating & watching YouTube, Disney+, and playing video games. They're not worried one bit.
DD18 is sad to be home from college but coming to terms with it. Happy that she got an internship and hoping it can really happen. Sad that she can't see her boyfriend.

DD21 is worried that the new job she got last month and loves will go out of business.


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