How big is the listener base?

The Grumpus

That's the money you could be saving by using Drea
Jan 8, 2006
So, I've wondered for awhile...what the heck, I'll ask:

What is the average weekly listening base for the podcast?

Generally speaking, only a certain percentage of those who listen will have some interaction, either through the boards or by calling it's gotta be pretty big.

The Digg count could be a lot higher too! Everyone should go over and vote for the Dis!

-The Grumpus :mad:
So, I've wondered for awhile...what the heck, I'll ask:

What is the average weekly listening base for the podcast?

Generally speaking, only a certain percentage of those who listen will have some interaction, either through the boards or by calling it's gotta be pretty big.

The Digg count could be a lot higher too! Everyone should go over and vote for the Dis!

-The Grumpus :mad:

En-choyink your new avatarrrr... ;)

Ve haff seen zis qvestion asked before, und Pete has said zere iss difficulty in sayink.... Perhaps zis Podcast iss too popular... Vee haff a PODCAST GAP!!!!!! :rotfl:
Mein Werner - help us. I've created a monster here.

But if we're going to count off... four.

-Der Grumpus :mad:
Usually about a size nine. depending on the brand.

Okay, looking at the title, thinking...

None of your beeswax how big my "base" is...let's just say somewhat broader than my shoulders...

The 12 Days of Christmas

In case we needed to be reminded how close we are to Christmas! :)


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