How close are you to your breaking point?

My family is liking this normal.

My kids say they like not having to wake up super early to get to school. They liked the after school activities but not having to prepare and travel for it practically everyday. So, they’re better off than before from what I gather. As parents, we are saving A LOT of time from shuttling the kids and commuting to work. My wife and I are working from home more and spending more time with kids. Everyone is involved with cooking as we’re not ordering take out, and the kids love this since they usually cannot with all their school stuff and activities.
The only negative is not being in the same room with friends and extended family. But, that’s okay for now since FT has remedied some of that.
Not close at all to breaking. We're resigned that this crisis is going to go on for months and months. So, DH and I have decided to put extra effort into make our back yard our own summer "staycation" oasis. We've already planted a nice veggie garden, have some lettuces and other spring veggies coming in. I ordered some pots to plant some nice flowers and for some herb gardens. We're adding a mosquito treatment plan for our yard since we'll be out there more than usual. We live near a river where we paddle board, and so we'll do lots of that this summer in lieu of the beach. We can throw a small cooler on the back of the board with a picnic of nice sandwiches and even a couple of cold beers.

We're also talking with family members and close friends about how we'll get together when the weather warms up. These are family members and friends who we trust have been taking the virus seriously. We're working out how we can grill and dine outside together, and measures we'll put in place when we need to enter each others homes to use the bathroom. Whoever uses a bathroom has to wipe down areas they sat on and touched with a lysol wipe. We'll have a closed garbage can in there with soap and paper towels which can be tossed in can. Lots of plastic/paper plates and utensils. That kind of thing. So we'll all see each other.

This pandemic has really made me appreciate the little things. DH and I are scuba divers, and I remember one dive that we did many years ago in the Florida Keys. Usually, visabilty is pretty good and so you look far out into that clear water to see all of the beautiful sea life. But one day, visibility was really pretty lousy, and before we got into the water, the captain suggested to look at the things within 5-10 feet instead of trying to look out into the cloudy 100ft distance. And he was right, it's amazing all of the smaller creatures you miss right beneath you when you're so busy looking far out for barracuda and sea turtles. So...we'll appreciate the things we have right here, and stay safe.
DH had two surgeries on his foot last month and it looks like he'll need another one next month (after the infection clears up) so we're stuck at home and dealing with his health in addition to avoiding the virus.
We're doing good. My wife and I fortunately still have our jobs so that's a huge stress reliever but I have a lot of friends and customers who need things to start getting opened up soon or they'll be in trouble.

We live in the woods and can't see our nearest neighbor's house so going outdoors is never an issue. We also live about 2 miles from the Appalachian Trail and we've spent a lot of time taking hikes.

For fun I've been doing Zoom Meetings with some buddies in my Golf League every Thursday night. We've been featuring a different cocktail each week. Last week was Moscow Mules, this week Dark and Stormys. We've also done a few Zoom Dinner Parties with groups of friends where we prepare roughly the same meals and virtually dine together.

I also started an online Photography class on Udemy that I always wanted to take but never had the time. I'm expecting some kick-a$$ pics from my next Disney Trip! :-)
For me, the lead up to all of this was the hardest, as opposed to actually being in lock down. As a family, we were a month away from DS27 getting married. As the weekend of 3/15 was approaching, I was a basket case. As things were closing/shutting down, such as sports, I became more and more unnerved. The weekend of 3/15 was hard as it was my future DIL’s birthday and she learned her grandma and all of her moms side of the family wouldn’t be coming to the wedding. DH & I were realizing this wedding most probably wouldn’t be occurring. I think deep down DS & his fiancée realized it, too. However, they weren’t going to cancel until it was canceled by the venue, etc. Then my thoughts went to my 84 yr old dad, in Florida by himself. If the wedding was going to take place, he would do everything in his power to be here, even if it meant putting his life in jeopardy.

March 16th Came and it saw that their honeymoon destination (Aruba) shut down, followed by the venue canceling. The next few days were difficult emotionally and we all tried to salvage the day, with different thoughts until realizing we were crazy to think this way and jeopardize anyone’s life. DH & I knew it but it was just so hard after all of the planning. DS & his fiancée finally came to terms with it, too. They have rebooked for November, who knows it it will happen. However, once we got through all of that, I became relieved as did the rest of us. No thinking about the what ifs, what do we do now. I didn’t have to worry about my dad traveling...just now worried if he gets sick.
In Illinois it's going to be a total of over two months (at least) of lockdown.

I think my 81 year old parents are starting to have a hard time. My dad is very good about wearing mask, gloves, etc. - he doesn't let my mother even go in a grocery store.

But he's starting to get antsy. My parents love to go out to dinner, see relatives, friends for breakfast.
He feels like they don't have much time left to do all that. He doesn't want to spend the sunset of their life locked up inside, not seeing anyone. My mom had a hard time understanding that it was extended another month here (she has short-term memory issues, so she frequently forgets why this is even happening).

I have to say I feel the most for the elderly. Not exactly how they pictured their golden years.
We are good, still going to work and have the chance to get outside a lot - thankfully!

My folks, not so much. They've been on lockdown in FL for well over a month now, except for one weekend trip via boat to the dry tortugas. I think they are taking off on Tuesday again, for who knows where. At least they are alone and not dragging along any of the other old folks!!!
Honestly I’m more worried about how much I will hate returning to the real world. I’m an extreme introvert and LOVING the nowhere to be. I know I say that from a place of privilege since both DH and I are still working.

it’s going to be so hard returning to an office, getting up early, wearing real clothes.

I do miss having a vacation to look forward too. It’s how I usually get through a year by planning the next one.

but staying home and puttering and reading...yeah no problem.
I may hit my breaking point.....
In a way, everything is fine here and I know how lucky I am. I am not worried about money as I am working from home, DH is collecting unemployment, and DS21 has been able to work as well. I live in a decent sized house in a small community where I can easily take socially distanced walks on the beach. Yes, I am disappointed will all the things that had to be canceled: DSs college graduation, other DSs studying in Hawaii, our dream vacation to Hawaii, DDs play that she rehearsed so hard for etc... But, that’s not what is really getting to me.
It’s the constant worry about my family, friends, and students. Too many people are suffering right now.
I am a special education teacher and I see desperation in so many of my parents faces when I do my ‘virtual teaching.’ I spend half my time just being a listening ear; it’s heartbreaking at times. And these are parents who are trying their best. I can only imagine what life is like right now for so many other children out there. I suspect the long lasting trauma of isolation will be far worse for so many than anything this virus can bring them. If this distance learning continues into the next school year, I don’t think I have it in me.
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We are doing fine. I can't believe how fast the work day goes now that I am working from home. Seems like time is going twice as fast.
We are in a small city in the middle of the USA. Things here remain calm, people are more friendly. Our 2 grocery stores are well stocked, except for yeast and hand sanitizer. There have been car parades. The local high school seniors held the first one. Our local fire department drove the Easter Bunny around Easter weekend.

Missing the quiet of having kids out of the house, our 23 year old is now working from home. Missing a little Mom and Dad "Quiet Time" every week.

We'll get through this, there is no other option. We feel badly for those who are directly impacted, it will take a long time for them to recover.
In Illinois it's going to be a total of over two months (at least) of lockdown.

I think my 81 year old parents are starting to have a hard time. My dad is very good about wearing mask, gloves, etc. - he doesn't let my mother even go in a grocery store.

But he's starting to get antsy. My parents love to go out to dinner, see relatives, friends for breakfast.
He feels like they don't have much time left to do all that. He doesn't want to spend the sunset of their life locked up inside, not seeing anyone. My mom had a hard time understanding that it was extended another month here (she has short-term memory issues, so she frequently forgets why this is even happening).

I have to say I feel the most for the elderly. Not exactly how they pictured their golden years.
Reminds me exactly of my parents. 😢
Right now, I'm doing fine with it personally. We are about to start week 7, I think - I've lost track of time to be honest. That isn't to say it's always been smooth sailing. The early weeks were rough for me, with the constant changes. I'd do fine during the week and then Saturdays all the emotions would overwhelm me. But we've settled into a routine and are doing ok, I miss being able to see my parents, who are only 10 mins away. I really miss travel (but also understand it wouldn't be worth it right now). I miss the ease of just normal every day tasks like getting take out or groceries that somehow feel like major productions right now.

I am sad for my kids however. I hate that they're not able to see their friends, that all their ballet shows have been cancelled, that school is virtual. Especially my oldest who got her license 4 days before our SIP and hasn't been able to enjoy the freedoms that come with that. They're all handling it well though and I have to admit, I'm loving this quality family together. I don't miss the constant running around and schedules that don't line up.


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