How did 2020 work out for you?

From 1(worst) to 10(best) how would you rank 2020?

  • 1 (worst year ever)

    Votes: 10 6.1%
  • 2

    Votes: 20 12.3%
  • 3

    Votes: 41 25.2%
  • 4

    Votes: 25 15.3%
  • 5 (average year)

    Votes: 20 12.3%
  • 6

    Votes: 11 6.7%
  • 7

    Votes: 17 10.4%
  • 8

    Votes: 14 8.6%
  • 9

    Votes: 3 1.8%
  • 10 (best year ever)

    Votes: 2 1.2%

  • Total voters


Feb 1, 2001
All joking aside about 2020 being a dumpster fire, looking back I really don't have that much to complain about. Ultimately in my case it is really first world problems I would be able to complain about. I didn't get to vacation as much as I wanted, I was limited in my entertainment options, etc.

Ultimately I started a new job, my wife started a new job, the kids did well in school, we all have our health, I got to work from home for the majority of the year, we went to the beach, we went to Disney/Universal a few times.

There were certainly parts of 2020 that were scary and annoying but I really would have to say that I would not rank 2020 as the worst year I have lived.
Well, in April I lost my job I had only been at for 6 months and was really, really depressed about that for a while. It took me another 6 months to find a new one, started in October and so far it's been great! I know there are a lot of folks in a lot worse situations so I try not to complain too much, we're healthy and don't have to worry about losing our home or anything like that.

I am ready to start traveling again, especially overseas.
We were very fortunate this year. No job loss, we always had food to eat and a warm home, our friendships got closer, we dropped relationships with people we should have long ago and we are healthy. I know that’s more than many in this country.
It was definitely challenging. But 2020 gave me some of my life's most memorable moments. I remarried to the best man I could ever have imagined and my stepdaughter gave us our first grandchild. Silver linings abound!
Compared to many others, we’ve been very lucky. DH is still employed and working from home. Kids are doing school from home. It’s not at all what I’d want from them, but it’s given us unprecedented family time that I will cherish forever. My oldest is halfway through her junior year, with a car, boyfriend and normally 25 hr dance week. In normal times, I would have barely seen her. Having this time before she gets ready to fly the coop has been a gift!

My county, in my state has been closed since March. That has been rough. There is a lot we’ve all missed out on and zoom everything is taking it’s toll. I worry about how the businesses here are going to survive, especially when they have to recover from our fire season every year.

But we’re all healthy. I haven’t lost anybody close to me this year, which is a nice reprieve from previous years. So overall, I can’t complain.

ETA: we had to cancel a few vacations that were really hard, but I can count those in the first world problems category.
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It has been scary in some ways and tedious in other ways, but my family has come through it pretty well all things considered. All 4 of us (DH, DS, DD, me) are still employed with no disruption in our incomes. Neither my son nor I got our annual raises, but we didn’t lose income either. My senior in college daughter has been working her internship while in school and went through the campus recruiting process. She has a job lined up for after graduation. Her May 21 graduation will probably be virtual, but we’ll make the best of it. I’m a teacher at a small private school. The 3.5 months we had to teach virtually in the Spring were totally awful, but we have been teaching face to face with no shut downs since mid August. Everyone is happier with that!

We didn’t take any major trips, but we were able to go to our local beach (2 hrs away) for long weekends several times over the warm months.

None of us have been sick. We are all trying hard to stay healthy. I’ve lost some weight during the pandemic in an effort to be healthier, and I got a new set of knees in early July. It was a horrific surgery followed by 12 weeks of PT, but I’m doing really well and getting better and better each month. The shutdown was the perfect time to get it done because I didn’t really miss anything!

We’ve been really lucky and blessed this year. I know that is not the case for everyone, and I pray daily for those who are struggling, and for those who have lost loved ones.
It wasn't a horrible year for me and my family. We lost out on a couple trips and Christmas with my Grandmother. But I also got a new position that allowed me to work from home a couple months and help my wife with the kids while she was working from home. We didn't miss a paycheck, no one in my immediate family had COVID, we bought a new truck and I managed to go to FL to umpire the Finals at the softball World Championships. Took my kids to see the Rocky Mountains after being able to show them WDW in 2019. I don't necessarily want to repeat the year, but it wasn't horrible either.
One of the worst years I've experienced. I only rated it a 2 instead of 1 because nobody in our family has had COVID and we still have our jobs. But everything else about our lives - how we live, where we go, what we do - has changed.
This year has sucked!
But it could have sucked more:
I haven’t (nor anyone in my household has gotten Covid)
I was on furlough for 3 months but was covered with the extra 600 week unemployment.
The early evening before I was supposed to go back to work:
My neighbor accidentally started a fire that would destroy the apartment building and our things were destroyed: BUT No One got hurt or died.
One night leaving work in October, a buck hit my car: he ran away and I wasn’t hurt and my car was able to be fixed.
2020 has been kind of surreal. My job thankfully and my husband's job is considered essential, so his job just increased in hours. My daughter had trouble initially adjusting to remote learning, though after a while she was able to figure out what was causing her problems.

The downside of 2020 for me is how much weight I've love of sweets is apparent and now I'll be spending 2021 trying to work off some of the "cheesecake belly".
Started out pretty crappy with what was once a close friendship blowing up. Ending with my daughter losing her job (that I encouraged her to take), today is her last day. But other than those it’s been a pretty average year.
2020 worked out pretty good for us. Can’t complain. Of course our cruise got cancelled. Instead we went to Disney Hilton head in September. Went to Disney/universal beginning of December. We do the right thing support places but do it safely.
Worst year of my life. We had a loved one die of ovarian cancer, another one just got diagnosed with advanced cancer at the age of 47, and have struggled as small business owners. We had to lay off our employees when the state closed our business. That was really, really tough. DH had to work night shift most of 2020 because he lost his job of 25 years at the end of 2019 and then got rehired in another department. I'm living in a house with a first responder and an essential employee and I feel like my COVID exposure risk is high so I constantly worry about it. And we're trying to build a house, which has turned out to be much more expensive and is taking longer due to COVID. I think it's great that others are thriving. I'm not. My mental health is at an all time low.
I don't want to jinx it since there are still 14 hours left in 2020, but overall an average year, a 5.

Started a little rocky with blood work coming back with funky results during a Physical in February that triggered my Doctor to order 6 procedures over the court of the year that concluded that there is no detectable reason for my blood work coming back funky. Each negative test triggered another test it seemed, that came back negative. Let's just say I met my medical insurance deductible in 2020.

Didn't get to see my now 1 1/2 year old Granddaughter as much as we would have liked. 3 times we risked it from April to today. She only lives 6 miles from us but because of all the stay at home orders and "bubbles" visiting would have been considered a risk. She is walking and talking now, but given how young she is, the pandemic will be over before she reaches an age where she will remember us as she grows up.

Got furloughed for the second time in my 63 years. First time was in 2008, this time all the pandemic unemployment programs put me in the category of people who made more in unemployment benefits that I would have made working. Throw in the stimulus checks, 2020 will be one of our highest earning years.

Worked from home March 22 to October 27, back in the office for 3 weeks, back at home after that. Projected return to the building date moved from January 4 to March 29, 2021. But company is now wrestling with the spike, and have begun saying it may not be safe to return everyone this year. We have about 35 of 140 employees working in the building, the rest on remote. Apparently productivity is up and operating expenses are down, so the next question is, do we really even need a 56,000 square foot office?

In my second week of vacation, can't go anywhere, and it has been one of the most restful vacations ever. I have finally learned to navigate Netflix, and sadly discovered there really isn't much there to watch.


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