How do you describe your job?

Officially, I am an office manager for a driving school.
In reality, most of my day is spent dealing with people who have to take a DUI class or people with tickets that have to take the Defensive Driving class. Meet all kinds of people.
I'm in corp transportation for a paper company. I deal with the railroads- rate negotiations, major service issues, anything that needs to be escalated. People think railroads are cool, they aren't.

You are so right. They are difficult and don't care if you or your customer needs their products. It doesn't matter if you threaten to take your business elsewhere. There is no elsewhere unless you do trucks. Trucking companies are much easier to deal with. (That's part of my day job too)

I'm a consultant for a really big accounting firm. My current job is auditing, my previous one was a forensic investigation, the next one is anyone's guess.
I wish DS had a job like that. He has a degree in finance but is either overqualified or has no experience.
CFO of a manufacturing company. Job description includes babysitting/fixing/finding mistakes for the sales, purchasing, manufacturing, shipping, HR departments. I get little else done during the day. Too many people these days want to show up and get paid and do as little as possible to continue that trend.
I start with "I work for my Wife, but don't we all." Next line is "I put herbs in bags and sell them, finally putting that college education to use." In reality we make herbal dietary supplements for animals and sell them through our website.

I put herbs in bags in HS & sold them too:rotfl2::rotfl2:
Service and Warranty Department Manager for a homebuilder. It's not a very sexy job; hardly anybody ever asks for further details. :p

When asked, I say accountant or auditor, which isn't exactly true, but it usually precludes further questioning. :D
When I worked, I managed a gas station. I hired people and responsible right down to the gas alarms.
I do love my job and hear absolutely everything from murder trial, child molestations, burglaries. I've been doing it a long time now and I kind of get immune to some of it.
I recently changed careers and am an assistant professor at a large university, trying to figure out whether a career in academia is as fulfilling as I'd imagined. Before I made that switch about eight months ago it was complicated to explain what I did, so I usually just said "investments" or "investment banking." What I actually did was manage private equity investments and placements for a tightly controlled investment syndicate. It was interesting for a while but became very rote and boring towards the end so I was eager to try something new.
My Job. Hmmm....

In layman's terms: "I am one of the people that makes sure "product A, B, and C" gets to the shelves at Target and Walmart so that you can buy them."

Technical Title: "Strategic Inventory Analyst" in Supply Chain for some very well-known brands. I work with just about every department in my company from Trade, Marketing, Supply and Demand Planning to the plants, sales reps, customer service and DC's to make sure everything is running smoothly and on schedule in order to meet our deadlines.

What this really means: I sit at a desk all day looking at numbers on spreadsheets and jumping on conference calls and into meetings with people who may (or most likely may NOT) be doing their jobs correctly - and facilitate process improvements to help them.

Pretty much boils down to: Fixing everyone elses problems and/or getting blamed for them.

Super boring stuff. :rolleyes1o_O
Urban Administrator, what that means in Saskatcewan, Canada is I am the one hired by the elected Council of a Resort Village to run the main office. I do the budgeting, financials, accounts payable, I'm also that one that deals with the assessor and prints up and mails out tax notices and utility bills (utility bills include garbage and recycling charges as well as water and sewer). I also get yelled at a lot by the public.
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I tell people I'm a Vocational Evaluator. I give people intelligence and aptitude tests to determine what suitable occupations they could possibly do, with or without further schooling/training. I mainly work with disabled workers though workers' comp.


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