How do you keep your hair looking good in the parks?

Normally, after an hour in one of the parks, I look like I've had a bucket of water dumped over me. It is what it is.
I have long hair that is very affected by humidity. It turns into what I liken to Hagrid’s hair! Lol!

I try to use a bit more anti frizz product and keep it down so it looks nicer if we have a nicer dinner planned. I can’t go from a high pony tail to it down because it gets that weird bump and the top looks funny from being pulled back. I try to do a loose low pony if I’m hot.

I’ve attempted to do pretty loose French braids but they just look bad. Never like the Pinterest examples. Haha!
I've been wondering about this. We have our first WDW trip this July. I normally blow dry and flat iron and I guess it's best if I don't even try. Pony or hat and not worry about it.
My hair when left curly is to my waist and I can sit on it if I straighten it. I pretty much wear a bun or a braided ponytail on every day of vacation with some gel to keep my little frizzies at bay... I did have a grown man pull my hair on Indiana Jones once - I'm guessing the jostling intensity of that ride had my hair flying at him but I still felt pretty ticked off that an adult would pull someone's hair... none the less I like the braid best in the parks most of the time (I now sit on the braid during Indy though)
My hair is more sorta that beachy wavy... really on top its straight and underneath its sorta wavy... if I use the hair dryer and a round brush - straight hair without to much work.

Don't fight it... I pull mine up, pony tail, messy buns, twists.. I find using a product for curls help keeps it under control so it doesn't get all flyaway, if I am wearing my hair down going with a beachy wave... another trick is wetting it while in the parks, just wetting my fingers, a couple of times running them through my hair, seem to get things back on track...
My hair when left curly is to my waist and I can sit on it if I straighten it. I pretty much wear a bun or a braided ponytail on every day of vacation with some gel to keep my little frizzies at bay... I did have a grown man pull my hair on Indiana Jones once - I'm guessing the jostling intensity of that ride had my hair flying at him but I still felt pretty ticked off that an adult would pull someone's hair... none the less I like the braid best in the parks most of the time (I now sit on the braid during Indy though)
OMG. Why can't people keep their hands to themselves? I had my hair pulled so much when I was younger, if that happened to me, my reaction would not have been good.
OMG. Why can't people keep their hands to themselves? I had my hair pulled so much when I was younger, if that happened to me, my reaction would not have been good.

At an old job guys used to try and sneak up behind me and touch my hair without me noticing... why?


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