How do you know if wisdom teeth really need to be removed


DIS Veteran
Sep 19, 2006
I'm wondering how to know when you really need to do this.

My 16 year old was referred over a year ago for an evaluation for wisdom teeth removal. Due to covid appt cancelations, it was just done yesterday and our out of pocket is 2k.

She has no pain, no issues, no crowding.

Part of me thinks it's not really needed and they are doing it because that's when lots of people have them removed. But if they aren't causing any issues, do we really need to do this? Of course the dentist says yes because they want money. I think they probably tell every kid around this age they should be removed.
No pain, no swelling, no rush then is my motto - but I would not leave them in forever because eventually, they’ll probably need to come out - my husband was in his late 60s when he needed to get them extracted and it was no picnic...
Well, I'm 63 and I still have all 4 of mine. I have had 5 dentists in my lifetime, 4 since my wisdom teeth came in. Only one even mentioned removing them. I changed dentists because he always seemed more interested in pushing things he could bill for. The other three said no reason to remove them. So far no issues, other than one chipped and has a crown on it.
So in my experience, if there are no issues, why pull them? My mom had her's until age 90 when she passed away. No issues.
I had mine out when I was 19. The wisdom teeth actually came in and then I got a monster cavity in it because there was no space to get the toothbrush back there enough. Dentist recommended that one come out and might as well do all 4 as this would become an ongoing issue. Damage was done though as my lower teeth got shifted a bit before they ever came out. My current dentist marvels that there was space for the wisdom teeth to come in since I have such a small jaw and still some crowding.
I had 3 wisdom teeth. Only have two now. The dentist was unable to get a good xray around one of the wisdom teeth and the pocket wasn't good back there so I had one removed...
I would ask why they think they should come out. I didn't have room in my mouth for them to come in. They also didn't start doing anything until I was 23 I think. Only had the bottoms but they were starting to put pressure on my teeth before they even broke through so they had to come out.

If that have valid reason to do it now then I would otherwise I'd ask what if we wait. If they don't cause problems then for me they'd need a good reason, but I'd be asking a lot of questions.
I have all of mine. One grew in when I was 43. It hurt like heck. Gave me a new appreciation for what babies feel when they are teething.

It has caused me no issues, including teeth shifting. None of the others have caused me issues. I'm 54 now.

My motto is "if it doesn't bother me, I'm not going to bother it."
My husband still has his 4 wisdom teeth and my 20 year old son has all 4 of his.. Our dentist does not see a reason to remove them as he has plenty of room and his bite is not affected by them. He will keep them as long as they do not affect him.
Did mine at age 21 and DH did his after we were married and around age 25. We did DS's when he was 21 because, like mine did, his were becoming impacted and infected. My twin DDs are 21 now and no issues thus far. So I would wait until they are a problem. Only thing is the more they grow the more digging they have to do to get them out so recovery might be a little tougher. Still...we were all back to pretty much normal in like 2-3 days.

DS had a girlfriend from India and she didn't have hers out and said they don't do that and have no issues. It seemed weird to her that DS had his out.
I had mine removed when I was in my 30's. They were all partially erupted and I had novocain only. The price (10 years ago) was under $400 without insurance. I needed a full two weeks for recovery and the bruising was pretty horrific. In my observation, women tend to bruise more than men from the removal. It may be more convenient to have the procedure as a student while she is still covered by your dental insurance.
Impacted run in my family, sometimes with gnarly twisted roots. Most of us have taken them out. I had mine taken out at 22yo.
Maybe take the xray to another dentist for a second opinion?
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Impacted run in my family, sometimes with gnarly twisted roots. Most of us have taken them out. I had mine taken out at 22yo.
Maybe take the xray to another dentist for a second opinion?

I had four impacted ones. I didn’t get them out until my 30s. I should have got them out earlier. I didn’t have pain or swelling either. It’s just more challenging later in life to get stuff like this done.
I called the dentist and talked to her this morning (my husband took her and didn't ask any questions).

I asked her to explain why she was recommending this if there is no pain, problems or crowding. She basically told me it's recommended for teens for preventive measures as they could cause issues down the line.

I'm torn. I had them removed when I was 18, although I don't really recall if there was a particular reason. Seems like it might be a good idea for "preventive" sakes but dang 2k because it could prevent something in the future.

Sure feels like they just want my money.
I called the dentist and talked to her this morning (my husband took her and didn't ask any questions).

I asked her to explain why she was recommending this if there is no pain, problems or crowding. She basically told me it's recommended for teens for preventive measures as they could cause issues down the line.

I'm torn. I had them removed when I was 18, although I don't really recall if there was a particular reason. Seems like it might be a good idea for "preventive" sakes but dang 2k because it could prevent something in the future.

Sure feels like they just want my money.

They do. I went to an oral surgeon to get mine done.

If you’re going to get it done, do it before they finish high school. It doesn’t look like there is an immediate need to get it done right away.
My husband still has his and has been recommended to have them removed for the last 10 years. He has never followed through, and has not had any issues. He is 42.

I had mine out at 17 because I have an absolutely tiny mouth and they would have not fit and caused a lot of issues if they had started erupting, potentially undoing 5 years of orthodontic work. As an adult, I have only 24 teeth.
I asked her to explain why she was recommending this if there is no pain, problems or crowding. She basically told me it's recommended for teens for preventive measures as they could cause issues down the line.
This always bothers me. I have all 4 of my wisdom teeth at age 58, never had a problem. Nowadays they want to remove everyone's, even if they are not a problem. That being said, all of my kids' were removed (DS only developed 2) for cause. Unfortunately my kids all inherited my DH's bad teeth.

Now my 30 year old DD's dentist says she should do invisilign on her bottom teeth because they are crowding and it is affecting her gums. I suggested she at least get a 2nd opinion. That is expensive!
I still have mine and I am 41. For awhile they thought I didn't have any because they didn't show on X-rays until I was like 18 or 19. They are all impacted and really do need to come out. I was told one was wrapped around a nerve. That scared me away. They don't really bother me. They did fix the space that my orthodontist left between my two front teeth but the bottoms are starting to crowd. I was also told that getting the top ones out may help with my sinus issues. DH had his out in his 30's because he had issues. My kids are two young yet but when the time comes they will come out as they are both in braces now. I don't want to undo what I am paying for now.
I called the dentist and talked to her this morning (my husband took her and didn't ask any questions).

I asked her to explain why she was recommending this if there is no pain, problems or crowding. She basically told me it's recommended for teens for preventive measures as they could cause issues down the line.

I'm torn. I had them removed when I was 18, although I don't really recall if there was a particular reason. Seems like it might be a good idea for "preventive" sakes but dang 2k because it could prevent something in the future.

Sure feels like they just want my money.

Did they say what problems? Are they starting to show they are impacted, does she have a small mouth and therefore no room? Preventative should have a reason, it's still a surgery. Also didn't have mine done by my dentist, went to an oral surgeon. I'd find one and get the x-ray and ask them for their opinion if you are unsure.


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