How much time do you give yourself in the morning?


Feb 1, 2001
My alarm goes off at 5:45 and I have to be out the door at 6:05. That gets me to the bus with 5-10 mins to spare. I can’t leave the house any later because traffic builds around the high school I have to pass. If I left at 6:10 it would take an extra 10 minutes getting past the school.
I usually get up a little after 6, and am out the door around 7:20-7:25. But that includes:

* Eating (includes reading USA today while eating)
* Checking out stuff online (message boards and whatever other research I need to do... about 30 minutes)
* Bathroom, Shower, and dress.

I could get out the door in 5-10 minutes if all I did was dress, within 30 if I showered and dressed.
Can't say until this evening. It would reveal what I am doing at work right now... LOL

5-5:30. I'm slow in the mornings. Bathroom, shower, start the car, lunch packed, out the door when the car is clearing 6-6:15. Equipment up and running 6:30-6:45, check out some "news" while equipment heats up.
Alarm goes off at 5:30. I usually stay in bed until 6 checking e-mails, looking at Facebook, etc. Once I get up at 6, I am out the door between 6:25-6:30. I stop at McDonalds for my daily Diet Coke and then have 21 mile drive to work. I am usually clocking in at school between 7-7:10.
I'd be a zombie if I only had 20 minutes to get up and get out the door. I need time to wake up because I'm not at all a morning person. My alarm goes off at 4:25, I have a cup of coffee and watch the news while I wake up a little bit, then I make the bed and fold laundry from the night before if needed, shower/hair/makeup, make my lunch, out of the house by 6:45. I don't usually eat breakfast.
I get up between 6:20 and 6:40 depending on if I have to wash my hair. My goal is to be out the door by 7:30 for my 4 mi commute to work. It can take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes.
My alarm goes off at 5:45. I get up, cook breakfast for the family, pack my lunch, make my coffee, and feed the dogs and let them out. Then I have anywhere between 15-30 minutes to sit, quietly sip my coffee, and check e-mails/look at Reddit before I need to start getting dressed, which takes me 25 minutes. My DD and I are out the door at 7:25 am.
Wake up at 0436 when I have to relieve someone. Out the door at 5:15. usually try to relieve the person 12 minutes before the end of his shift.

wake up at 0441 when I don’t have anyone to relieve. Out the door by 5:20
Up at 4:40 - shower, makeup, hair, dressed
5:15 - make coffee/lunches, tidy up, load washing machine, feed pets
5:50 out the door to work
I love the morning, I get up at 4:15 to have coffee, feed the cats, read the news, clear email. Then I go downstairs to our gym to workout, then shower and out the door around 6:30 to beat a good bit of the traffic into work.

I cannot just go from the bed to the shower. I feel like I've wasted the best time of the day!
Alarm goes off at 6:10, snooze until 6:25
Shower, get dressed and ready
Out the door around 7:05

I can't eat first thing in the morning, I have my tea and a breakfast bar when I get to work around 8.
I need an hour (longer is better) to be up, having coffee, reading devotions and then some web-surfing. :surfweb: From there it takes another solid 45 minutes getting ready before I can get out the door. I’m basically up at 5:30 to make it to work for 8:00, factoring in a 15 minute commute. Any less time and I feel like a rushed, grumpy mess until noon.
Our alarm goes off at 6 a.m. and I head directly to the shower. Then I get dressed, fix my breakfast and lunch for the day, and I'm out the door around 6:45, at work around 7. Eat breakfast at work.
Alarm: 5:30am
Out the door (goal): 6:05am
Starbucks: 6:10am
Drop DD off at the high school in the next town over (we share a h.s.): 6:30am
Arrive at work parking garage: between 7:10-7:20am

I usually drink my coffee at work, and often do a mid morning snack instead of breakfast. Otherwise it's too early to eat at 6am.
Most mornings I’m awake before my alarms.

Alarm #1 is at 6:30. I check email, the newspapers online, the booking log, the DIS and then read until I have to get up.

Alarm #2 is at 7am. I usually start getting ready about 7:15. Out the door at 7:45. At the parking lot usually by 7:55.

I only “need” about 15 minutes to actually get ready.
I get up at 6:10 and leave at 7:30.
That includes showering, styling my hair, eating breakfast, packing my lunch, making my coffee, etc.

OP - why is there so much traffic at a high school at 6 a.m?


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