I Got Bit By A Fishing Duck!!! - July 2018 (Updated 08/06/18)


Earning My Ears
Apr 27, 2018
Hello everyone and welcome to my trip report!! This is my first ever trip report so I’m pretty excited to share it with all of you! I did write a pre-trip report, which you can read here, but we for sure didn’t follow it well so it’s mostly just a fairly well written lie :laughing:. This trip was from July 1st through July 6th. We stayed at the Yacht Club and had 3 day park hoppers. It included myself and 8 of my family members, one of the biggest groups I’ve gone to Disney with! The trip was supposed to be a celebration for myself and 2 of my cousins for “milestone” birthdays we had this year (21 for me and my cousin Christopher and 16 for Catie), but it mostly just turned into all of us just living it up and having a great time lol.
I think I’m getting a bit ahead of myself, let me introduce everyone who went on this trip. There was of course me (Kimmy), my parents, my brother (Zach), my Aunt Karla (auntie), my cousin Christopher (Auntie’s son), my Uncle David, my Aunt Tammy (Uncle David’s wife), and my cousin Catie (their daughter). Oddly enough we didn’t get one full group picture, dunno how I managed to let that happen, but alas :rotfl:. So we’ll just piece it together through the smaller group pictures from the airport.
This one is me, then Zach, and then Christopher (not the best picture but you’ll see more of us later lol).
This is my dad, my mom, and then Auntie.


And then Uncle David, Aunt Tammy, and Catie.
My family and Auntie/Christopher have been to Disney oodles and scadoodles of times. This was only the other 3’s second trip to Disney, but Catie was like 3 when they went so it was really like her first time going, which was super exciting!

Now that everyone has been introduced we can get on with the show!

I feel like I should warn anyone who is reading this that I’m a very wordy person so chances are this will be a long report. Good luck :rotfl2:
Day 1: Trekking to Disney

The goal was to be in the car with our butts in our seats and leaving the house at 5:30am. Now I knew that this was probably gonna be a struggle for our 4 person family cause Pa is perpetually running late on vacation departure mornings. Like he is historically running back into the house to check something while the rest of us sit in the car and ask each other what he’s doing in there :rotfl:. This year was pretty much on par with that. Me, Zach, and mumsy were spicing it up by loitering in the kitchen 5:20ish watching Pa run about the house doing whatever it is that he does before heading to the car lol. As it got closer to 5:30am we decided to leave him to his business and went to wait him out in the car. We were SHOCKED, and I mean SHOCKED, when he was in the car and ready to go at 5:31am. It was wild :laughing:. We were pulling out of the driveway at 5:32am (only 2 minutes late is like a record that I'm sure will never be broken) and patiently watching the garage go down so Pa wouldn’t feel the need to turn back around and check (which happens on a fairly regular basis even though it’s always down lol). The plan was for us to meet auntie and Christopher at a bank on the way to DTW (Detroit’s airport) at 5:40am so they could follow us cause Auntie didn’t wanna get lost. We were at Tim Hortons at 5:45am so that was a hard no lol. Once we were happily eating our breakfast and had collected the other 2 we were headed off to the airport!! The drive there was very uneventful cause who wants to be up that early on a Sunday?? :rotfl: We successfully made it and were in line to get our bags checked around 6:35am. We learned while waiting there that everyone except Zach was running on about 3 hours of sleep, he had a solid 7 lol. We got through security pretty quick and had about an hour before we needed to head over to our gate. We spent this time eating McDonald’s and watching my favorite fountain.


The water jumps around and it’s just wicked cool.

The plane left around 8:30am which was right on time, making us all very happy. We made it to Tampa uneventfully and were ready to start making the I guess 3rd leg? of travel that day. We flew into Tampa cause it was cheaper than Orlando and we always rent cars so we decided at extra hour and a half or so of travel wasn’t a huge deal when the money we saved was considered

We left Zach and Christopher in the terminal to drink waaay too expensive beers with one of Zach’s best friends, also named Zach, who just happened to be flying out of Tampa the same day we were arriving.

Once we all got our rental cars and went back to pick up Zach and Christopher (who apparently airport cops found sketchy while they were loitering outside waiting for us :laughing:) we headed back on the road. Our first stop before heading to the hotel was Walmart so we could get groceries and alcohol cause drinking by the pool is a lot cheaper when you bring your own :rotfl2:. The drive towards Orlando was full of both rain and sunshine which was weird but fun lol. Once we made it to Walmart it was around 1:15pm and we were all still pretty happy people, which was great (and surprising cause travel has been known to make me cranky lol)! Exhaustion hadn’t caught us! We successfully got our food and booze from the craziest Walmart I’ve ever entered without losing anyone, possibly more shocking than Pa being mostly on time:rotfl:. We then finally made our way towards Disney!!!


This is a sight I never get tired of!!
We made it to the hotel around 2:30 and found that our room was ready, very exciting after all the traveling we had done. Our rooms were all in a row which was nice and convenient. Doors were mostly dead bolted open so we could wander freely between the 3 rooms. We had a nice view of a quiet little courtyard.
Once everyone was settled in a bit we headed down to the pool, after a quick stop at the Yacht Club’s little gift shop eating area so we could buy the reusable mug cup things. I got a hot pink one and it's amazing.


Closest we got to all 9 of us in a picture, not sure where Aunt Tammy had wandered off to lol.

We swam and hung out for a long time before grabbing some food at Hurricane Hannah’s for dinner. Most of us got buffalo chicken wraps, I don’t remember what the others got cause I was so distracted by the deliciousness of that wrap :laughing:. After dinner we headed up to the room to clean up and head over to the Boardwalk. We played around in the gift shops and I took this nice picture of the siblings before we watched one of the performers who come out to play there at night.


The show was extra special cause Catie was invited to help the performer out. She got to toss him bowling pins and knives while he balanced rather high off the ground. It was really cool and a great ending to the day!



After that we headed back to the hotel to rest up for our first park day which was going to be coming sooner than our sleep deprived selves really wanted :rotfl:.

That's all I got written at the moment so ta ta for now! :wave2:
I'm in! We're heading to Disney next month for my (belated) 21st birthday as well :goodvibes And I love the wordiness!
How funny that you flew to Tampa! I am about to head off to Tampa and got a cheaper flight to Orlando, so I'm doing the backwards drive.
Day 2: Magic Kingdom and the Studios

Hello again!!! Sorry it’s been so long, I’ve been fairly lazy and distracted by our cutie patootie puppy, Remi.


Just look at her little face! :goodvibes
Anywho! Our first official day in Disney started with a fairly early wake up because the cars were rolling out at 7:15 and if you weren’t in it best find another way to get there lol. We all managed to make that time deadline so it was a solid start! We decided the monorail was our first real ride of the trip and celebrated with some pictures!

We made it to the park by 7:55 and stood over by the spot that would take us to the 7 Dwarves line. While loitering for over an hour several pictures were taken and more than one bathroom break was made.


While we were waiting for the park to open we were chatting up one of the girls who was going to be guiding us to the ride. About 15 minutes before open she told us that the ride was temporarily down and that they weren’t sure when it was going to be up and running. We were bummed, but determined to go on it so we followed her to the ride after the welcome show. It seemed that another line had opened before ours did because when we got to it the line was already super far outside the queue. This had me and the lads beyond frustrated, especially since it wouldn’t be moving anytime soon with the ride being down. So, the 3 of us abandoned the family and hopped into a honey pot :rotfl:. We had far too much fun on the ride and Zach did the Tigger laugh randomly the rest of the trip lol. When we got off the ride, 7 Dwarves was up again and the rest of the party was missing, so our party of 3 headed over to Small World and walked right on!


90% sure this ride gets creepier every time I go on it :laughing:.

Towards the end of Small World I started texting my mom to try and figure out where they were at so the party could be reunited. She told me they were in line for Big Thunder, so that’s where me and the lads headed. The line for the Fast Choo Choo, as Christopher’s younger brother called it when he was little :rotfl:, actually wasn’t awful. We managed to board our train as they were getting off of theirs. Once we met up with them we headed over to Splash and actually made it through the line pretty quickly, which was awesome! The less awesome part was that the ride broke down as we were headed to the laughing place. We thought it would be temporary, as Auntie always manages to temporarily break it while on it lol, but that was not the case. We had to be evacuated off of it, which while unfortunate gave us a pretty cool backlot kinda tour of Splash. I didn’t take any pictures cause it felt wrong to take away from the magic lol. The whole process of being taken off was about 30 minutes and resulted in us getting free waters and a fastpass good anywhere in the park, except for 7 Dwarves, Peter Pan, and meet and greet with Mickey. We decided right then and there that we were going to use it on Space because that line was crazy (per usual). Unfortunately, Splash took quite a bit of time from our morning leaving us with only 40 minutes before our Be Our Guest lunch.

Since we were short on time, we jumped on the little mermaid since it only had a 10 minute wait. After having a good ole time on that, we headed over to lunch.

Auntie with the casual photo bomb :rotfl2:
We sat in the West Wing which was super cool in my opinion. All the other times we’ve ate there we’ve always ended up in the ballroom, which is very pretty and nice, but it was a nice change of pace. I really loved how it felt like it was actually storming outside and how the portrait looked all ripped up on the wall. I also loved the rose, so so pretty. (Beauty and the Beast is my favorite so I’m always super psyched to go here lol). I really want to sit in the library at some point, maybe next time!


Lunch was super delicious! Most of us got the French dip, but others had the quiche, ham and cheese sandwich, or the braised pork. We were all super impressed with the food (as usual) and ate every bite (or helped other finish every bite lol). Zach had fries from at least 3 people :rotfl:.


Once lunch was finished, Aunt Tammy headed off to check out the shops on Main Street, Auntie and Mumsy headed to Buzz, and the rest of us went to Space.

We had a ton of fun on Space (definitely one of my favorite rides), unfortunately the Buzz fastpass line was crazy so Auntie and Mumsy didn’t go on it. After that Auntie, Christopher, and Zach headed off to Epcot, while Uncle David, Catie, myself, and my parents went on the people mover. After that, it was super hot and possibly the busiest I’d ever seen the Kingdom, so we found Aunt Tammy and headed on back to the resort for some pool time.

We spent most of the afternoon at the pool relaxing and drinking before my family and Auntie/Christopher headed over to Epcot for some fish and chips for dinner (love those fish and chips, I was craving them like no other the other day and was so sad that I couldn’t have them lol).

Quick break before I get back into the whole trip report thing, I feel like I should inform all of you that my family is a fairly rowdy one that enjoys drinking (you might have picked up on that :rotfl:) and swearing. Now this doesn’t exactly work well in the Disney setting, so we made modifications. The F-word that certainly members of my family are deeply fond of, was replaced by “fish.” This fun alternative was tossed around frequently then and continues to be now because it makes us laugh lol. There were other modified swear words tossed around this trip, but fish was the most regular. This might make the trip report title a bit funnier or a bit cringier, your choice :laughing:.

Now back to the story, we were hanging out eating our dinner on the little patio next to the fish and chips stand minding our business and having a good time when some ducks wandered by and decided they would like some fish and chips. We politely declined and asked them to move along, but they continued to harass Zach. Now Zach doesn’t care much for ducks to begin with, and now he especially doesn’t like them because the duck felt the best response was to bite Zach in the butt, and so our trip report title was born lol. We all died of laughter while Zach freaked out and pretty much threw himself into Christopher’s lap :rotfl2:. After we finally settled down, my parents decided to head over to the hotel to drive to Hollywood studios while the rest of us decided to hit the Boardwalk so I could get a necklace like Auntie's (she bought her's the night before and I was eyeing it up all day so I decided to get one for myself lol) and then take the boat to the Studios.


Kinda a weird picture but at least you can see it :rotfl:.

The boat was slow going, but our first mate (I guess? lol) was pretty funny which made it enjoyable. By the time we made it to the park we only had 25 minutes to make it from the entrance to Toy Story Mania. My mom was getting worried that we weren’t going to make it in time so they threw me in the lead and I managed to weave out way there with 10 minutes to spare. Go me :laughing:. I forgot what my score was, but I remember it was my personal best, which was awesome!

After Toy Story Mania, we headed over to Tower of Terror for our next fastpass. Aunt Tammy and Auntie had decided to sit this one out, so the 7 of us remaining took a journey to the dark side of Hollywood. Catie was scared out of her mind when we got off of it, claimed to have had fun, but refused to get back on (maybe forcing her to go no hands was too much? :confused3 lol). When we got off the standby line was fairly short so we dropped Cncle David and Catie off with Auntie (they headed off to find beer and place to drink them) while the rest of us hopped on for a second go (this time was far more thrilling than the first so it’s good Catie didn’t come along :rotfl:).

Once we got off, we headed to find Auntie and co. We still had a bit of time before our Rockin Coaster fastpasses opened so my parents took Catie off to meet some characters while the rest of us waited and drank a beer, looking at the street all lovely and lit up. When everyone was back together we jumped on the super stretch limo and had a great time. Such a great time that we got right back in line and a third time was considered lol. We were feeling pretty tired though after our long day so we decided to head back to the hotel to rest up for our adventures tomorrow.

That’s all I’ve got for now! I’ll try and update pretty quick! Byeeee! :wave2:


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