I have more respect for Kathy Lee & Hoda since

My eyebrows are so blonde they are almost invisible. I have thought of having them permanently tattooed. I wondered if it would look funny, tho'.
KL definitely has lip gloss on. But maybe the liner is tatooed on and she uses the lash growth products. I Love Meredith Viera. She looks totally natural.

The other day they were doing a beauty segment with Bobbi Thomas and KLG said she used the over the counter lash growth medication.
I don't wear makeup. I own some but its old and I'm sure it needs to be tossed. Completely bare faced everyday. Age 47. And only this year, I've noticed the very tiniest wrinkles starting near my eyes. I look at other ladies my age, and some have so many wrinkles already. Always wonder if its from all the rubbing & tugging at skin applying make up.

I don't understand them saying they need make up to feel secure - and something to hide behind. Makes no sense to me what so ever.


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