I hit the scrapbookers jackpot!

Tiger Fan

<font color=deeppink>Survivor<br><font color=teal>
May 21, 2000
Just wanted to share with those who may appreciate this. My DD preschool director called today (we're friends) to tell me that a lady had dropped by some scrappipng supplies to sell and they were cheap. I head over to find out that the biggest scrapping addict in the world - I'm talking crates and crates of supplies has just signed up to be a CMC and is selling all of the other supplies! She had every single issue of every scrapping mag - all for $1 each, tons and tons of paper, overalls, frameups, paper piecings, stick kids, paperkins, die cuts, letter stickers, borders, etc. I swear I've seen stores with much less! I bought a crate full for $21! Now, if I could only scrap all the pages I'm behind - sure can't complain about not having supplies. Just wanted to share.

Wow! I wish that would happen to me. I try not to buy too much, but still seem to spend a fortune - my dining room is full of supplies!

I've always said that I have way more supplies than I have time to scrap! Must be prepared is my motto though....LOL.

Wow you really got lucky! Sounds like a great find and I hope you are able to use everything you got. Happy Scrapping. :D


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