I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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Me trying to login to DHs accounts today:

So I got a Jetblue card offer for DH today from Barclays that says he was "pre-selected" for it and it has a personal code for him to put in to apply online for the card. It's 50k miles for 1k spend, which would actually be great for us since we fly Jetblue to MCO. I'm assuming that "pre-selected" for Barclays is not the same as "pre-approved?" I'm getting ready to close DH's Barclays AA Biz but wondering if I should apply before I do that, or after? I've put no spend at all on that card other than the first purchase last year, and Barclays denied me for Jetblue Biz last year due to lack of spend. However, Barclays also only gave me a 1k credit line while they gave DH a 14k credit line on the Barclays AA Biz.

Would love some advice on this. I would be willing to burn a 5/24 slot for DH for this card.
May be getting that BBP sooner than I thought since my lawnmower threw the fourth mower belt of the year tonight... Really tired of fixing things around this house.
We’ve been buying things like crazy for our new house. Dh had to buy a ton of new yard equipment like a long tree limb cutter for our palm trees. In the end, it will cost less than the yard company we started out paying for though. We were paying them like $150/month? I can’t remember exactly.
We’ve been buying things like crazy for our new house. Dh had to buy a ton of new yard equipment like a long tree limb cutter for our palm trees. In the end, it will cost less than the yard company we started out paying for though. We were paying them like $150/month? I can’t remember exactly.

Yeah we have about 7 acres to mow and lawn care would be way too expensive. It's definitely cheaper to buy a new mower than do that, but yeesh. I feel like all I've done the last month is fix cars and appliances.
But no, we don’t blog. I don’t believe our life or travels are worth blogging about. Then again, I don’t think anyone’s is. :P

I don’t know if you can say your travels aren’t worth blogging about. You are able to travel to places others (like me haha) can only dream about. But I get what you are saying. I just like to look at them for ideas of where to go and where to stay. I don’t need to know what people did every second. But I guess that is what you do with ABD itineraries. I have learned about so many places just from this thread. I guess it’s lazy research. Lol
Persistence pays off! Finally, after weeks and weeks approved....drumroll please....the Barclay Aviator Biz! That was the hardest card ever to get!

Also, I had tried to make DS employee when I applied but he was rejected for not being old enough. So DH will have an employee card coming.

Why were you held up? I keep getting told it's too many new cards, so I'm curious to know if others are getting around this.
You very well may be able to do more, I just haven’t built up the courage to ask to do more than whatever amount of VGC I have on the card I’m using lol. I did get another $200 loaded just now and tried to memorize the cashier’s face lol. I wanted to do another $100 at the garden center on my way out but the cashier was nowhere to be seen.

I've done 2 $200 loads back to back a few times now. Since it's multiple cards, I haven't asked if I could do $400.
Another Staples trip and another 2 $200 VGC. This staples had a sign up stating only 1 $200 mastercard per customer. The manager was walking by and I asked if that was right. That was from the last promotion. He said you can try to get more than one, but not sure if it would work. At the register the cashier said only one. Did the oh, I didn’t realize. Then he said that’s ok, I’ll just ring it up in two separate transactions. Works for me. I’m up to $ 800. I m going to stop for now as I don’t want to get too much before my serve gets here and I try loading. I can use these at Costco or other normal spend if for some reason I have a hard time with serve. Hurry up Amex and send my cards!
I'm getting lucky w/ my Staples and VCGs this go around. There is one I go to that's close to the Walmart I load at. I've done $1k there a few times now. Today I hit the one by the gym, they were almost cleaned out of VGCs, I did $400 ($200 on one amex, $200 on another). I have 2 other Amex I was gonna put spends on, but I didn't want to make the cashier do 4 different cards, so that will be Thursday's adventure after yoga. I need to load onto the Serve, maybe that's tomorrow's fun. Well that and closing my Huntington acct. I need to find a good bank bonus.

For those w/ more than one Serve, do you use the same info (name, etc) when ordering others? I should get a back up incase I'm shut down.

And for those that got the popup w/ Amex, how soon after putting some spends on your cards till you try again? Do I need to wait for the statements to close out? I just put $400 spend on 2 of them, in addition to using them last week while in NC (for small purchases here and there). I booked a night at Kalahari on one tonight. I'm about to switch our car insurance to my delta gold biz (I scored the offer, and the ex is fine w/ me taking over the payments...yes our car insurance is still together, LOL). So that will get a monthly spend of $200+ every month. My Amex everyday has an offer for added MR if I use it to pay my cellphone bill so the Aug/Sept/Oct bills will be on that as well. In other words, all 4 of my Amex will now have some decent spends on them and several will have monthly bills now. So how long should I wait? Is there any harm in trying daily? I'm trying to go for the Hilton Biz. I have the Surpass, the Aspire, Delta Gold Biz and Everyday. I just closed the SPG when my AF hit and to make room for the Hilton Biz.
May be getting that BBP sooner than I thought since my lawnmower threw the fourth mower belt of the year tonight... Really tired of fixing things around this house.

Last week in one day I took apart the dishwasher and fixed it (2 year old house, BTW), fixed a smoke detector that wouldn't stop beeping, a ceiling fan that wouldn't stop squeaking, and added a water connection to the dryer for steam. This was all after the gas company rang my doorbell a random day in July and told me that we had a leak and it cost me $800 to the plumber. :headache: I am hoping nothing else needs fixing anytime soon.
We just posted our next video from our Japan trip. It was our second day in Tokyo when we went to Meiji Jingu, Asakusa, the Edo Tokyo Museum, and Akihabara.

That was fun. I forgot you were a drummer until you started saying it was too easy. I wouldn't do well at that game at all.
That was fun. I forgot you were a drummer until you started saying it was too easy. I wouldn't do well at that game at all.
It was so much fun! I wish I could find it in an arcade here. I used to play guitar hero a lot but this game was much easier for me
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