Il pochi il fiero i blabbermouths--getting healthy for Double Scoop!

whnim64 said:
Way to go, Jeri. I must admit that this thread has motivated me to exercise a lot more than I normally would. I don't have a WATP dvd, but did try a copy from the library. It is quite a workout. I've looked into getting one from Amazon, but I just love my treadmill so much I don't think I'd take time to do the WATP. Keep drinking your water :drinking1

Thanks! I have to tell a funny story about the WATP dvd. It sounded familiar when I saw it mentioned on this thread and then this weekend when we did our big Spring Clean/Clear out, I found it(still in shrinkwrap). Yes, my sister gave it to me a few years ago. We rearranged furniture in our guest room/play room/work out room so that I can play a DVD while on the treadmill. So I thought I would give it a try this morning. I could not quite match the step rhythm but it was when she started doing the steps to the side that I really got confused. I mean how do you do a side step on a TREADMILL? Believe me a tried several versions before it finally dawned on me this was not a workout for the treadmill :teeth:

Sometimes I such a :goofy: girl. Once I figured out the basics (like get off the treadmill) it was fine. I did all three programs just to test them out.

Also went to Sams and stocked up on Water :woohoo:

So I hope my silly story made you laugh because that is good exercise too! :rotfl2:

And with a TOP...what a great day!
Juletime said:
Thanks! I have to tell a funny story about the WATP dvd. It sounded familiar when I saw it mentioned on this thread and then this weekend when we did our big Spring Clean/Clear out, I found it(still in shrinkwrap). Yes, my sister gave it to me a few years ago. We rearranged furniture in our guest room/play room/work out room so that I can play a DVD while on the treadmill. So I thought I would give it a try this morning. I could not quite match the step rhythm but it was when she started doing the steps to the side that I really got confused. I mean how do you do a side step on a TREADMILL? Believe me a tried several versions before it finally dawned on me this was not a workout for the treadmill :teeth:

Sometimes I such a :goofy: girl. Once I figured out the basics (like get off the treadmill) it was fine. I did all three programs just to test them out.

Also went to Sams and stocked up on Water :woohoo:

So I hope my silly story made you laugh because that is good exercise too! :rotfl2:

And with a TOP...what a great day!
:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: Now, that sounds like something I might do!
Hi guys! Well yesterday's weigh in didn't go well. I'm up 2 lbs. No real surprise based on some food choices last week. No regrets but it made me realize how fast the pounds go back on.

Back on the treadmill today!

Jeri - too funny about the WATP and the treadmill. I like to balance the two. Walk on the treadmill in the morning and then do WATP in the evening. I've been sticking with the one mile one for right now but when I feel really strong I put in the 2 mile. My goal is to get to the point where I can do the 2 mile all the time and then push myself with the 3 mile. Baby steps!
Well I've been bad about checking into this thread. It seems to be all I can do lately is check in the main thread. I've been BUSY.

But I was down another pound last week, for a total of 10. A pound a week, that's me. But I will be happy if I can keep that up all year!

I did get a workout last week, setting up my booth. I rented space in an antique mall to sell dolls and vintage clothing. So I've been sorting, pricing, and carrying stuff to get it stocked. Still working on it, it still looks a little empty. Plus, some stuff sold!

Very glad to see everyone still checking in. And welcome Jeri!
Hi Diana, way to go on the pound a week! Some how I gained a pound this week....can I claim water retention with all the extra water I am drinking? Nah, I see the answer is in Mary's reply. She calls it baby steps but she is working out twice a day! Way to up the ante! :)

Congrats to everyone for another week! I may not have lost the weight yet but I do feel better about the exercise. My goal was 10K steps aday and so far I am hitting 12K!
Did my exercise today, shopped at Super Walmart. That counts, right? Seemed that everything I remembered I needed was on the OTHER side of the store.

When I got home, I pulled some stuff out of the garage freezer to make more room. One of the things was a Smart Ones Chocolate chip cookie dough frozen sundae. So I ate one. That was pretty good too! I'm weird, I know, I like dessert in the middle of the afternoon. After dinner I like a little bit of wine. But I've been cutting back on that too. I open a bottle on Saturday, and when it's gone, that's it for the week. Drank my last glass last night. I know it's not that bad, but I do think it keeps me from losing weight.

OH, I have fantastic news! Our Trader Joes is opening on Friday! I hear they have all kinds of organic stuff that's great for dieting. I've been looking forward to this!
This is me lately

I may be doing a lot of exercising, but by mid-afternoon and early evening my food choices are not good. I know when my weak times are, but am virtually powerless. The only way I can get past them are just to not have anything around me to tempt me. My sugars have been up in the afternoon for the last couple of days. I think it's from me starting back on my allergy medicine for the season. I'll check with my doctor on that and stop taking it if I have to. Time to get some breakfast, get DS off to school and hop on the treadmill to watch last night's American Idol. Everyone drink your water:drinking1 .
Hey everyone. Well I feel like I fell off the wagon this week, but I just keep climbing back on. Did real bad yesterday with a morning conference that had me getting out of the house without my walk, then I ate at the conference which I shouldn't have. Last but not least did a drive through for lunch. Oh well. Back on the treadmill this morning!
whnim64 said:

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I was trying to come up with a good response to that picture, but was having trouble....then I saw your post and thought YOURS was the best response EVER!
Irene, you know we can't let a joke go by without comment. Me too. Decided to let someone else take it.

Sandi, I figure the best defense is a good offense. (sorry) I plan the meals for the first four days of the week, buy the stuff, and that's what we eat. Even Kevin has been getting low-fat, low-carb dinners. It can't hurt him! The end of the week is hectic due to Alicia's schedule, but I know some places we can eat out and not go too far off course. Subway is good!

I don't know what the solution is to the night-time munchies. I haven't been having a lot of trouble with that, but I know Alicia has. So I have legal treats around. We eat early, and she wants something when she gets back from dance class. So I have Skinny Cow and Weight Watcher ice cream bars in the freezer. She's quite happy with one of those. Find those WW ice cream bars dipped in Oreo crumbs, they are divine. My Super Walmart has them.

As I said, that small glass of wine does it for me. That's why I don't have it "with" dinner. When I'm out of wine for the week (my one bottle), it gets tougher. But last night I had a nice ripe pear, and that did the trick.
Mary, congrats on climbing back on! That's a big part of the battle, isn't it? If I could do that after every cruise/WDW trip, I'd be in great shape! It only took a year after the last cruise! :rotfl:
We've been cutting down for all of us, too, even though DH doesn't really 'need' to watch what he eats. We buy the big container of almonds at Sams. A handful of those will satisfy my munchies most of the time. Also, the mini bags of low-fat micro popcorn is a treat. I've got to go get on the treadmill. I've been slacking watching the bonus DVD that came with HP4, Biggest Loser from last night and Amazing Race from the other night (didn't have to work today). Also gotta go drink my water.
Well, when I googled the picture it was the size of a dime and I did not see the caption -- good one....... :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

(So sorry for any political incorrectness, I was working on Success.....)

OK, so that goes into the "don't do that again pile" :rotfl:

Wlaked miles tonight at a mall on the way home...Hope that counts. Tried on dresses too....I have many career clothes but thought I would "like" a nice Palo's dress....Well, there was this one a size (insert really small here) and it fit (insert - not really and I could not even eat a grape, but it did zip), what the heck, it was on clearance right......I could get it and wait and se...

yes, um, it was $250 - ON CLEARANCE - I don't think so.

Ended up with a very nice Polo's dress....took a chance on the colour - not my standard green, or black, but should match Sam's tux very nice....Hey, we have to pack it, he can wear it for 2 nights - right ladies.
Well good news, I dont think I really gained the pound. I figured out that when I did my way in this time I had to walk out to my DH workshed. Because he has the scales out there for the time being due to all the stuff he is putting on eBay that we cleared out a few weeks ago. So when I did that I of course was wearing shoes! I dont normally way in shoes so maybe there will be a nice surprise next time (when I get him to bring the scales back)!

Though I did take it easy yesterday. When I looked at my ped, I was only at 2k steps! That is a lazy day. So back to it today!

Also, good news, I gave my Mom the WATPs 1 and 2 mile disc so she can get started. She use to walk but got out of the habit. I think it would be great for her since she over commits to volunteering between church and community and then gets stressed.
Also, forgive me guys for writing such long notes. I will get better at breaking it down in to smaller post with added benefit of getting my numbers up!
what's your ebay ID? Would love to browse. One man's junk.....


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