I'm Dreaming of a Disney Christmas PTR

Mum to Belle

<font color=royalblue>Thinks she may know someone
Jul 6, 2009

After booking our trip in April we have got down to that magical moment where it is now a month away :cheer2: which means I am allowed to get all excited and start obsessively planning our trip, so it must be time for a PTR too!

I'm Jenny, Mum to Isabelle who has literally just turned 6, today!


This trip is a belated birthday/must see Dreams/must take Daddy to see Disney at Christmas Trip!

DD & I went to Disney this time last year with MIL and had an amazing trip, so much so that DH wants to go this year despite his bi-annual Disney rule!

2012 has not been a brilliant year and DH was off work for a few months earlier in the year which prompted the very early trip booking as a "Light At The End of the Tunnel". I even booked with only a 30% off deal - we were that desperate to have a trip booked!! :rotfl: Fear not though, I upgraded when the 2 nights free offer came out so instead of a standard room in Sequoia Lodge, we have booked a Lake View room in Hotel New York! (Also managed to cover lunch in Auberge & breakfast at Cafe Mickey with the savings!) :cool1:

We have a Top To Do List which looks like this:
:santa:Meet Jack & Sally (DD), Belle (Me), Buzz (DH)
DD would also LOVE to meet Esmeralda but I'm not sure that will happen
:santa:Sunday Brunch at Inventions (Me)
:santa:See Dreams (Me & DD)
:santa:See the Christmas Stuff (DH)

Can't believe I forgot - ride BTM in the dark!!!!

So, here are some trip details for you lovely readers:

Wednesday 21st - Sunday 25th November (so excited to be there on a Sunday as it means we can do the Sunday Brunch!)

We are flying out first thing and should arrive at our hotel around 11-11.30 ish leaving a good few park hours left!

On the plan for today is a ride on POTC followed by lunch in Blue Lagoon. Then we are hoping to track down Jack & Sally (I was sooooooo excited when we read they would be there, it almost makes up for no MWW!) Hopefully we can catch the tree lighting ceremony before tea at Cafe Mickey!

Thursday 22nd Up for EMH, or at least part of them! Its the only time we ever manage to get on Peter Pan and it's one of DHs favourite rides. I'm secretly hoping that IASW may be open instead of Tea Cups, we'll see! Then it's off to see Santa and post DD's letter. Followed by a trip on BTM and lunch at Agrabah Cafe if its open. I'm planning a Christmassy afternoon with some shopping and a hunt for Belle and some characters in their Christmas costumes - especially Santa Goofy!

Today I am hoping we can all keep going until the park closes to watch Dreams! So I am thinking of trying to get something to eat around 5, maybe a croque & some chips so we can head back to the hotel when it's all over as I know Isabelle will never last that long without food!!

Friday 23rd We have a lie in this morning and our character breakfast at 9.30. Then it's a Studios day with some more character stalking! We will head back to Walts for a meal at 3.45 which should mean we catch the parade. Then maybe time for a ride before the Tree Lighting & Dreams.

Saturday 24th Our first weekend EVER in the parks - pretty sure it will be busy, so we'll try and make the one hour of EMH today. Today & Sunday are the only days Casey will be running so we'll try and get a ride! I was thinking today will be a good day for DD's princess makeover (Belated Birthday Present!) but this may well be a DIY Mummy version unless they email me to say it's still on...and then we'll have lunch in Auberge. (DH will be otherwise occupied!)

If we can persuade DH to queue for Princess Pavillion we may try that, otherwise it could be an afternoon of shopping, wandering & character stalking. I am really hoping to book a Dreams VIP meal for tonight as the park is open until 10 (another first for us!) and we will need a rest I think! We will see how we feel and decide whether we can manage to stay until 10 for Dreams or whether our beds are calling us...

Sunday 25th - Last day. This will be another chance to ride Casey!! I hope to tick off any last rides/characters today and then, drum roll please............... its time for the Hawaiian Sunday Brunch at Inventions!!!!!! :banana: :yay: :cheer2: Did I mention that I am REALLY looking forward to this?

I have no more plans really, same as the morning and then a quick EOS before John arrives to take us away to the airport....

I would appreciate any feedback on my meal plans - my planner is a work in progress but I am hoping to book our meals soon! No doubt this will all change and I havent even seen a park schedule yet!

Thank you for reading!!!
Sounds like such a great trip. I love Disney at Christmas. We had the loveliest Christmas Day dinner at Walt's last year and I'm itching to get back.
Oooh. Brunch at Inventions! :banana:

Also can I just say that your DD is beyond adorable in her Merida dress? :)
Isabelle looks adorable in her dress - bless her! I keep wondering about buying my girls one each but can't decide as they have so many and DD1 is starting to get a bit old (7.5 years, you know ;):lmao:)...

You sound as excited as me about the Christmas trip! :cool1:

Have to say, your plans sound great, but how do you know when things will be on? I have been walking around with vague plans because we are only there for a short time (arrive Thurs afternoon, leaving Sunday lunchtime) and I don't want to miss anything like the parade, christmas parade, tree lighting & of course Dreams (but that's the only one I definitely know the time for!). It's causing me some grief trying to plan, I can tell you! :rolleyes1

I would have loved to have done the Sunday brunch but we couldn't change our flights to the later ones. I had initially booked the earlier one because I wanted my DDs not to be too tired at school the next day - it would have been about 11 pm back home if we'd flown later. Nevermind, there is always a next time (if DH says he will go back next year - that is a bit of a moot point at the moment after our June trip!)... ;)

I hope some lovely characters are out and about for you. Think I posted about Jack & Sally - and honestly, my fingers couldn't type it fast enough to tell people on here. I am hugely excited about meeting them - as will DD1 be when she knows about the trip / and them!!

Are you taking any dresses for Isabelle - I can't decide as we go the week after you and I think it might be too cold, and with all those layers the dresses won't be seen and might get in the way anyway.... I did buy DD2 a red Christmas Belle dress for the occasion....

Have started seeing Christmas photos appearing on twitter of shop windows and the Christmas chalets that sell bits - ooooh it looks lovely.

Can't wait to read more.... :santa::santa::santa:
Sounds like such a great trip. I love Disney at Christmas. We had the loveliest Christmas Day dinner at Walt's last year and I'm itching to get back.
Oooh. Brunch at Inventions! :banana:

Also can I just say that your DD is beyond adorable in her Merida dress? :)

Awww thank you!

I LOVE Walts!!! :cloud9: :love:

Isabelle looks adorable in her dress - bless her! I keep wondering about buying my girls one each but can't decide as they have so many and DD1 is starting to get a bit old (7.5 years, you know ;):lmao:)...

You sound as excited as me about the Christmas trip! :cool1:

Have to say, your plans sound great, but how do you know when things will be on? I have been walking around with vague plans because we are only there for a short time (arrive Thurs afternoon, leaving Sunday lunchtime) and I don't want to miss anything like the parade, christmas parade, tree lighting & of course Dreams (but that's the only one I definitely know the time for!). It's causing me some grief trying to plan, I can tell you! :rolleyes1

I would have loved to have done the Sunday brunch but we couldn't change our flights to the later ones. I had initially booked the earlier one because I wanted my DDs not to be too tired at school the next day - it would have been about 11 pm back home if we'd flown later. Nevermind, there is always a next time (if DH says he will go back next year - that is a bit of a moot point at the moment after our June trip!)... ;)

I hope some lovely characters are out and about for you. Think I posted about Jack & Sally - and honestly, my fingers couldn't type it fast enough to tell people on here. I am hugely excited about meeting them - as will DD1 be when she knows about the trip / and them!!

Are you taking any dresses for Isabelle - I can't decide as we go the week after you and I think it might be too cold, and with all those layers the dresses won't be seen and might get in the way anyway.... I did buy DD2 a red Christmas Belle dress for the occasion....

Have started seeing Christmas photos appearing on twitter of shop windows and the Christmas chalets that sell bits - ooooh it looks lovely.

Can't wait to read more.... :santa::santa::santa:

Thank you!! Her dress is the M&S one and was a birthday present from her Auntie at my suggestion. It is just such a pretty colour I couldn't resist!! :lmao:

I am sooo excited!! :cool1: :banana: :yay: :santa: Saw the DLP Christmas advert at the weekend and got a bit goosebumpy at all the snow!! :goodvibes

I am basing my plans on last years times and hoping they don't change too much!

Isabelle and I are in discussions about which dresses to take! Last year we were only there for 3 days and she took Mulan and Rapunzel along with Minnie in red and pink. She wore them with polo neck tops underneath and thick leggings. I took her coat off for photos but actually it wasn't too cold. You never can tell with the weather can you?! My only rule was that the dresses couldn't touch the floor! princess:

This year she wants to take Mulan (again) and I would like her to take her Cinderella dress for lunch in Auberge. Minnie will probably come too and maybe one other. I have a stunning Belle dress but it may be a bit too long still, will have to check (it's age 8!). I am currently trying to make a pirate princess dress which WILL be coming if it's finished in time.....!! :rotfl: pirate:

I have to check my planner every day and move things around a bit!! All part of the fun!
Awww thank you!

I LOVE Walts!!! :cloud9: :love:

Thank you!! Her dress is the M&S one and was a birthday present from her Auntie at my suggestion. It is just such a pretty colour I couldn't resist!! :lmao:

I am sooo excited!! :cool1: :banana: :yay: :santa: Saw the DLP Christmas advert at the weekend and got a bit goosebumpy at all the snow!! :goodvibes

I am basing my plans on last years times and hoping they don't change too much!

Isabelle and I are in discussions about which dresses to take! Last year we were only there for 3 days and she took Mulan and Rapunzel along with Minnie in red and pink. She wore them with polo neck tops underneath and thick leggings. I took her coat off for photos but actually it wasn't too cold. You never can tell with the weather can you?! My only rule was that the dresses couldn't touch the floor! princess:

This year she wants to take Mulan (again) and I would like her to take her Cinderella dress for lunch in Auberge. Minnie will probably come too and maybe one other. I have a stunning Belle dress but it may be a bit too long still, will have to check (it's age 8!). I am currently trying to make a pirate princess dress which WILL be coming if it's finished in time.....!! :rotfl: pirate:

I have to check my planner every day and move things around a bit!! All part of the fun!

Jenny - would you mind please letting me know the times of the shows last year - thinking parade & tree lighting. I *think* the new christmas parade sounds like it might be a few times a day affair (in lieu of the train). PM is fine, if you don't want to clutter up your PTR - which I am doing a good job of :headache:!

Minnie (DD2) is the only dress that is not pretty much floor length - or thereabouts.... Hmmm. Need to give it some more thought. I haven't been able to get a red Belle for DD1 (she is in 9-10 yr clothes) - there aren't any in the shops in red or in that size. I did wonder about carrying them about and letting them put them on for say Inventions & another TS meal but it's a pain carrying them isn't it.... Hoping the weather will be kind but as you say, who knows - seems we are going to have artic temps here by mid/end of the week! :scared1:

Oh btw, please let me know if you hear back about the Princess makeover :flower3:.
I have a copy of last year's programme which I can email you - just PM me your email address! :thumbsup2
Hope Isabelle had a lovely birthday. Her dress is fab, there was a few wee meridas running around last week!

Am jealous as much as I love halloween, Christmas season is just magical. x
Hope Isabelle had a lovely birthday. Her dress is fab, there was a few wee meridas running around last week!

Am jealous as much as I love halloween, Christmas season is just magical. x

She had a lovely time thanks Wendy - will let you know when the card arrives too, thank you again! :thumbsup2

Thank you so much - it's on its way :thumbsup2.

I have sent them through - hope you get the email ok x
Great start!

How cute is your little girl? Such a sweet little Merida!

Sounds like you have one mazing trip planned I cant wait to hear more about it!
Wow Jenny this all sounds great! Can't believe I'm just missing you - we check into the radisson late on the 25th and will be in the parks on the Monday and Tuesday :(
I too love Isabelle's Merida dress - I'm considering being Merida for Halloween! I've already got the same voice ;)

Your expert planning has reminded me 1) that my own trip is now just a month away and I haven't planned anything! Not like me but life has been so hectic, sept and oct have just disappeared! 2) I still haven't posted my trip report for sept trip. This weekend, watch this space.

Ill keep checking in on your plans too! Chante c'est Noel, sing along sing a song of Christmas! Eek can't wait now!
Hey Lisa, I've been waiting for your tr!!!! We leave the hotel about 6pm on the Sunday - will be such a shame to miss you...

You would make a fab Merida - remember to show us your photos!!

I know what you mean about the time flying, can't believe Isabelle's been back at school 7 weeks already!! Just means our trips will be here soon....

....it's a wonderful time of year!! (Must get that on the car stereo soon!)

P.s did you see my video last Christmas tr? Watching that makes me feel festive too!!
2 weeks and 3 days to go - where is the time going....?!!!!!

I did a bit of pre-holiday shopping today and picked up some thermals long johns & thermal socks for DH, some more socks for DD and some jumpers for me as well as some ridculously expensive travel-size toiletries! :rotfl2: I did see a FAB mens jumper in Primarni with a grumpy Pluto wearing a Santa hat - but DH was having none of it - Humbug!! :rotfl:

I have also sorted out some of DD's old clothes to ebay in the hope of raising some holiday spending funds, otherwise we could be scrapping the meal plan & eating in Mc Donalds..... :sad1:

I am going to officially start packing next week, and I am really hoping that the first Christmas schedule should be online by the end of this week so I can book my meals and fine tune my plans!

I am very excited that our sequin Minnie Christmas ears have arrived and look fab!!

Hello :goodvibes

Glad to see you are getting the thermals sorted! We were out last night at about 7 pm to watch a light show and it was FREEZING (didn't help that we had just come from a pool party with the girls so we had slightly damp hair etc!). We then went out tonight to a firework show so after last night, we got wrapped up so much we could barely walk (DH said it was a trial run for DLRP as the girls had their new thermals, hats, gloves, boots & thermal socks on!). Worked a treat though as I was really worried last night as they were crying with the cold :scared1:! Yikes! Toasty tonight though so all is well!

After all that waffle, my point was :-)rotfl2:), the way the weather is turning, I feel we are all going to need to be wrapped up so much we'll resemble the michelin man!

Seen a few photos on twitter now of Christmas windows and decs in hotels and oh my - it is SO EXCITING! :dance3:

Shame on DH not going for the Primarni jumper - bah humbug indeed :rolleyes1. Mind you, my DH is the same - no Disney clothing on him! They just don't get it do they?

Those sequin ears are great - saw them in the DS a few weeks ago and deliberated but didn't get any! With the hats we've all just bought, I don't think we'll be able to fit them on our heads! :lmao: We'll take our usuals and might get some new ones when there (I've been eyeing up the pirate Minnie ones ;) although not v Christmassy!).

Enjoy starting your packing - I'm so disorganised this year - normally have nearly all my Christmas presents by this time of year but not this year :eek:. The next few weeks are really busy too so I need to get sorted asap!
Wow so close! I saw the jumper too and told DH he said no lol! Grumpy buggers .

I saw the Minnie ears yesterday in the Disney store they are great :)

I'm so excited for the first christmas schedule hopefully reveal some exciting things :)
the way the weather is turning, I feel we are all going to need to be wrapped up so much we'll resemble the michelin man!

Shame on DH not going for the Primarni jumper - bah humbug indeed :rolleyes1. Mind you, my DH is the same - no Disney clothing on him! They just don't get it do they?

Those sequin ears are great - saw them in the DS a few weeks ago and deliberated but didn't get any! With the hats we've all just bought, I don't think we'll be able to fit them on our heads! :lmao: We'll take our usuals and might get some new ones when there (I've been eyeing up the pirate Minnie ones ;) although not v Christmassy!).

Yes, in all my photos from last year I resemble the Michelin man!! :rotfl:

I too have been eyeing up the pirate Minnie ears to go with DDs dress, hmmmm and we have santa Mickey/Minnie hats and Minnie ear muffs too!!

Wow so close! I saw the jumper too and told DH he said no lol! Grumpy buggers .

I saw the Minnie ears yesterday in the Disney store they are great :)

I'm so excited for the first christmas schedule hopefully reveal some exciting things :)

Why do the men not want to dress up for us...??? :confused3

I remember that at some point last year there were 2 schedules on the website at the same time so I am going to keep checking!! You never know ;) Currently they have one for 5th-8th November...

Also, if anyone was following my Princess Makeover Panic thread, I have finally received a reply to say that it will be available on our dates!!! :cool1:
11 more sleeps!!!

Getting properly excited now after the release of all the Christmas photos & details on line! :hyper: I can't wait to see it all in person!

Picked up a few more bits today. Sparkly tights to go under DD's dresses, not that she's decided which ones to take yet though! Some thermal leggings for her too. Some superb fleecy lined tights - I kid you not! I think they sounds great, they look like opaque black tights but have a fleecy lining and feel soooo soft. Good alternative to thermals I'm hoping.

Mum also got DD a gorgeous jumper for Christmas, not for the trip...

Good news is that I have found my holiday purse, and it contained a 20 Euro note + change! :cool1:

Bad news is that I have lost my Chante C'est Noel CD and my Santa Mickey hat from last year. :(

I am off to check my Christmas Decorations boxes in case I've packed them away in there!

Happy planning everyone! :goodvibes


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