I'm feeling so sad ...

Not sure if the OP is still reading this, but it may be worth trying to find a local charity or school that runs a Tricky Tray fundraiser. Our school runs a big one each year and we are always very grateful for donations of gift cards and tickets etc.
I can't believe that people are still jumping on someone who doesn't like the system. How exactly does calling someone a troll or accusing them of trying to stir up trouble help?

As for legacy coming back, of course it won't. I doubt that anyone expects that. In my case I just wish that the only issue we had was FP+.
That's not what i said. I said that people say building new rides will solve the crowd problems. I don't think it will -- I think it will, at the very least, keep them the same and probably amplify them. Not a reason not to do it, but it's not a solution to the problem.

Neither Epcot nor DHS were designed to be ride parks. Epcot was supposed to be a World's Fair type thing; MGM was supposed to be a collection of shows and backstage-type experiences. That they have "rides" is a result of a ride-centric visitor expectation based on visitor experiences at MK. Epcot and DHS are still pretty true to their original visions, it's just that a portion of the public wants them to be different parks than they are.

At DCA, building more attractions actually did significantly impact the lines at the other attractions. Crowd levels at DCA are now much, much higher than they were when the park was built, but wait times for most rides have decreased (the exception being RSR). TSMM doesn't even have FP at all at DCA, and the lines are a fraction of the wait at HS. Of course, HS has a grand total of two rides with no height restrictions, and they are now in the same tier, and one of them can be a bit scary for small children. HS is in desperate need of attractions. The shows are great, but I agree with a PP who said that we generally prefer to repeat attractions more than shows. Some of the shows at HS are showing their age, and another big chunk are gone completely. More ride capacity is really the only solution. I don't know if it was just supposed to be shows and backstage experiences, but if that's the case, it fails in its current state. I think all of the backstage experiences are now closed. If they had been replaced by rides, we probably wouldn't have tiers, and nobody would be calling it a half-day park.
So they spent an estimated $425K on New Fantasyland and had a net gain of approximately 31K "bums in seats" a day when the average daily attendance is over 47K (and over 70K in summer months) so not even a ride a day a person.....
I was just pointing out the incorrect statement. You may not like their direction, but they did add rides.

Everyone needs to keep one thing in mind - Disney is not doing any of these things for YOU or ME. They do not care about YOU or ME. They are not supposed to care about YOU or ME. They care about their future customers and future business model. They risk losing current customers with every change and they know that - but they are looking forward, not backwards. If You or I continue to vacation at WDW, all the better for them (and us, if we are happy). If not, they really don't care. They have their eyes on a bigger prize. I am totally okay with that. I am not quite narcissistic enough to think that my happiness should be anyone's priority other than mine.
I can't believe that people are still jumping on someone who doesn't like the system. How exactly does calling someone a troll or accusing them of trying to stir up trouble help?

As for legacy coming back, of course it won't. I doubt that anyone expects that. In my case I just wish that the only issue we had was FP+.

Don't you think it's amusing to watch people try to explain away anyone who is disappointed in Disney? It's usually seen as some sort of personality flaw.
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We went to WDW before, during and after there was FP or FP+. Just make your plans and go. Your children don't get any younger. We go at RD and will ride 6-10 rides by 11 using only 1-2 Fastpasses!
My family's first trip together was last year, and we already have two more in the works. I had been as a young teenager, and our trip in May was a million times better than anything I remember as a kid. I read lots of post where people are disappointed in Disney, and I think it just comes with the territory of change and time moving on. For every person dissatisfied, there is another person finding their new yearly vacation. I just don't see the horrible things everyone else does at Disney, and even my husband who was dreading the trip, turned into a Disney lover. Not to discredit that people are unhappy, I very much see they are, but there are also people who are very happy with their vacations...and judging by the crowds, Disney is probably pretty happy as well.
Don't you think it's amusing to watch people try to explain away anyone who is disappointed in Disney? It's usually seen as some sort of personality flaw.
I dunno...it seems to be pretty even with the people who instantly claim others to be Disney apologists or wearing rose colored glasses. It works both ways. It's a shame that people can't just have differing opinions without being labeled as something they're not.
Don't you think it's amusing to watch people try to explain away anyone who is disappointed in Disney? It's usually seen as some sort of personality flaw.
Yes - I experienced this upthread when I expressed our disappointment with DHS. I was told I didn't do enough research.

Look - I love DisneyWorld. I do have issues here and there, but overall, I find more to love than to hate. Regardless, if I do find a shortcoming or express my dislike for this or that, I find it extremely frustrating that the first line of response is how I must have done something wrong.
Yes - I experienced this upthread when I expressed our disappointment with DHS. I was told I didn't do enough research.

Look - I love DisneyWorld. I do have issues here and there, but overall, I find more to love than to hate. Regardless, if I do find a shortcoming or express my dislike for this or that, I find it extremely frustrating that the first line of response is how I must have done something wrong.
Totally agree. In the same way as the people who loved FP+ from the get go were told that they must not have used FP- "correctly" or "much". Opinions are our own, and we are allowed to have them, and we should be allowed to share them without backlash. If everyone thought the same way all of the time, the world would be so boring. Lol
I dunno...it seems to be pretty even with the people who instantly claim others to be Disney apologists or wearing rose colored glasses. It works both ways. It's a shame that people can't just have differing opinions without being labeled as something they're not.
Many of those who said such things don't seem to be here any more. Maybe some of them moved on as others suggested. Whatever happened, many of those who found fault with FP+ seem to have vanished.

It still doesn't help to call anyone anything regardless of what "side" you're on.
I really do not understand why people get so bent out of shape over FP+ and say that it ruins their vacation? Outside of limiting or changing how you pick attractions, it should not change the experience. The rides are still the rides and the service is still the same. Maybe people are just picky or don't like change. Or maybe you liked to go and hoard fast passes at the beginning of the day and now you can't and have to share. Can someone explain how FP+ has made them actually not enjoy their vacation over FP-???

However, people need to realize that change needs to happen. Now for people that say that there have been huge issues with the system, what did you think was going to happen? You tell me one huge technological change that a company has made that hasn't had issues or setbacks. Everytime microsoft comes out with a new windows there are months and months of issues. Apple released their new software a while back that killed everyones phones and tablets. What makes people think that a new system that tracks everything you do at disney and gives you the ability to change on the fly via your phone would not have issues and growing pains?

I enjoyed our last vacation (late September, using 2014)...but not because of FP+ and certainly not as much as I did with original-recipe FP. I've explained this many times on the boards, but I'll say it again for ya.

I felt scheduled to death. It felt like constantly running from one appointment to another. Clock watching all day to be sure I didn't miss anything. Then there were glitches in the system (I'm assuming it was glitches and not how the dang thing is supposed to function) that made it impossible to switch our FP "on the fly". Never ever felt this way with O-R FP. We pulled a FP and used it right then.

When we pulled FP previously, we pulled one for whatever we were near. We never "criss-crossed"...never "ran to pick up". We did what was around us. With the new one, I was criss crossing the park to make our appointments. It was a pain.

That said...we'll still go. We'll just use it less because, for us, it blows. I've been going to WDW since 1977, well before FP+/MDE was a gleam in some insane suits eye and we did just fine without it. We'll do fine without it now too.
The problem that we had with the old FP system was the fact that the E ticket rides would fill up quickly. We had to run all over to get our FP before they were all gone. There are more and more people visiting WDW each year. Could you imagine the old FP system in say 5 years? All passes gone by 9AM or lines 50 deep at the kiosks. For those that don't care to ride the E ticket rides or meet and greets, I can see where the system may be inconvenient. The biggest question I ask of all that have issues with FP+ is this, given the current rising number of guests at the parks, what would you replace FP+ with? This is not the Disney of 20 years ago. The systems back then, will NOT work today.
I would highly recommend looking at a hotel on the metro line in VA. Hotels out here are much cheaper for the same quality, and it's easy to hop the metro into the city. It's also an easy drive in if you want to do that. It also gives you a lot more options for food and such that aren't as expensive as in the district.

ETA: If you've already looked into this option and ruled it out, I apologize - just trying to help! The district can be very overpriced, and even just going a little outside it can help.

Thanks for the suggestion. We need a suite hotel, not just a room with two beds. What towns should I be looking at?? I think the one I liked was in Alexandria actually, with a Metro across the street. That's the plan - metro into the mall every day.

Appreciate the help!!!

and LarryZ - that's the only time we can go because of school (sounds familiar lol). Do you mean the timing stinks because of the heat? I think the air conditioned museums should be okay, so the only time we'll be outside is to and from the hotel/museum and metro in between.
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The problem that we had with the old FP system was the fact that the E ticket rides would fill up quickly. We had to run all over to get our FP before they were all gone. There are more and more people visiting WDW each year. Could you imagine the old FP system in say 5 years? All passes gone by 9AM or lines 50 deep at the kiosks. For those that don't care to ride the E ticket rides or meet and greets, I can see where the system may be inconvenient. The biggest question I ask of all that have issues with FP+ is this, given the current rising number of guests at the parks, what would you replace FP+ with? This is not the Disney of 20 years ago. The systems back then, will NOT work today.

Good point. People may disagree with the method that Disney used but with increasing crowds, it is hard to argue against the fact that paper fast passes were going the way of the dinosaurs at one point or another so a new system needed to be developed.

I will predict that you will see Universal go to something similar to FP+ within the next 5 years or so. Of course, when Universal does it, the Uni fan boys/girls will laud it as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Although I would bet that it will look very similar to what Disney has in place.

As attendance continues to increase, the need for advanced systems to help disperse the crowds becomes necessary.
I enjoyed our last vacation (late September, using 2014)...but not because of FP+ and certainly not as much as I did with original-recipe FP. I've explained this many times on the boards, but I'll say it again for ya.

I felt scheduled to death. It felt like constantly running from one appointment to another. Clock watching all day to be sure I didn't miss anything. Then there were glitches in the system (I'm assuming it was glitches and not how the dang thing is supposed to function) that made it impossible to switch our FP "on the fly". Never ever felt this way with O-R FP. We pulled a FP and used it right then.

When we pulled FP previously, we pulled one for whatever we were near. We never "criss-crossed"...never "ran to pick up". We did what was around us. With the new one, I was criss crossing the park to make our appointments. It was a pain.

That said...we'll still go. We'll just use it less because, for us, it blows. I've been going to WDW since 1977, well before FP+/MDE was a gleam in some insane suits eye and we did just fine without it. We'll do fine without it now too.
I completely agree with your first statement.

I don't really have a beef with FP+, but I also don't think it enhanced my vacation. For me, it was a wash.

So if Disney is weighing whether this massive output of cash was money well spent, at least for me, the answer is no. My vacation was pretty much the same as it's always been, except I went with a good amount of trepidation for what might change.

That aside, from reading posts here on the boards, I understand why others feel FP+ has diminished their trips ... and conversely, why some are thrilled with the changes. We don't all tour the same or expect the same things. We don't all visit as often as eachother. We don't all travel the same distance to get there. We don't all travel with kids, or grandparents, or early risers, or night owls. There are a million things that make our perspectives different.
If I take the OP's first post at face value, I don't think it has anything to do with FP+. She CANCELED two trips because of something she heard about 2nd hand and had never experienced herself. She has tickets sitting in the drawer and is worried about how future ticket pricing might change things. This is not normal behavior, people. In my non-professional opinion, there is something much deeper happening with her and it has nothing to do with Disney World or the changes that have been made. I believe these things are the excuses she is using for whatever reason. OP - If you are still reading this thread, please consider whether you need to get some professional assistance.

I don't think it's anything like that; I think she doesn't like the direction WDW is headed, and the things she mentioned are indicative of changes she doesn't like. He second post sort of explained that, and while I disagree with her reasoning, the bottom line is she doesn't think WDW would be a fun place for her anymore. And if she's made that decision in her head, then she's made that decision.

Like I said earlier, although I don't think many act this way, there are some whose point is to remind everyone over and over again how much this system sucks. If you read enough of that, it's easy to see why someone would be nervous about investing their vacation time in a place they've been told, over and over, used to be great but now sucks. Logistical realities don't matter, arguments to the contrary don't matter. The OP may have been caught in that trap of believing the negative hyperbole..
Good point. People may disagree with the method that Disney used but with increasing crowds, it is hard to argue against the fact that paper fast passes were going the way of the dinosaurs at one point or another so a new system needed to be developed.

I will predict that you will see Universal go to something similar to FP+ within the next 5 years or so. Of course, when Universal does it, the Uni fan boys/girls will laud it as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Although I would bet that it will look very similar to what Disney has in place.

As attendance continues to increase, the need for advanced systems to help disperse the crowds becomes necessary.

I agree, I think Universal is going to have to move away from the Express Pass into something more like FP. Express Pass has hit its tipping point and as they keep building hotels it's going to get even more important to come up with a new system.

However, I can only speak for myself, but this Universal fan will not be happy about it!
I agree, I think Universal is going to have to move away from the Express Pass into something more like FP. Express Pass has hit its tipping point and as they keep building hotels it's going to get even more important to come up with a new system.

However, I can only speak for myself, but this Universal fan will not be happy about it!

Not if USO keeps express pass exclusive to it's deluxe hotel guests as a perk for staying onsite and continues to limit the number sold in park daily.


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