iPhone News...


DIS Veteran
Apr 23, 2007
OK, here is what I have so far...

June 29th ish is when the phone will hit stores. It will include an option for 3G which is high speed internet. The 3G feature will be an on/off feature as turning it on will cut battery life in about half and would only be needed for high speed internet stuff, so if you are not using it you might as well turn it off. 3G is available in many markets (~350), and At&t is expected to add ~100 more markets by the end of the year. Check to see if you are in a high speed market to get full use of the upgrade. WDW is a full 3G area.

Expected features (not confirmed) are real time GPS, a front facing camera for video conference, increased processor speed.

Expected cost to purchase from an Apple store ~$650. There is a well founded rumor that if you buy though the AT&T store and do a two year contract agreement, the phone will be $200. There will not be any option to turn in an old phone to get a discount on a new phone... however, it is generally expected that the previous model without high speed 3G will still be in demand in areas not covered by 3G, so expect to see them pop up on ebay for about $100.
I'm so glad to hear that Apple is finally adding 3G capibility to the iPhone! I'll be getting one when our US Cellular contract expires in 2009... :sad2: :)
650 bucks...my god man....I can buy a laptop for that...or pie....lots of pie....
only $200 with a contract though

yes to pledge your soul to the company with the MOST dropped calls. The service where I am is absolutely awful, but I love my phone so I put up with it. I am hoping it's better in FL!
OOH! This sound nice. i have to renew my contract in august and I wanted an iphone, if i could get one for only 200 it would be great!
Sounds like you guys should look into the Tilt. It comes completely loaded with 3G already, full real time GPS, windows (word, excel, and power point), has a full QWERTY slide out keyboard, camera, ect. Also available through AT&T. We love ours. Don't use our laptops hardly at all (my husband works in the mobile software field and loves his.) Best thing is it is cheaper than the IPhone. We paid 310.00 a phone, with a 2 year contract. The I Phone will not support outside software, but the Tilt does. I have loaded some software that I use for work onto it with no problems. Also, any music that you try to put onto the IPhone has to come from ITunes. With the Tilt it is any MP3.
Sounds like I may have to give my Iphone to DD and upgrade myself to the new one. I don't really use the net too much, but I'm sure it would be nice to have the high speed option. All the phones out there are just too small to sit there and surf the net for me anyway. I never have had an issue with importing non-Itunes music to my Iphone. I doubt I do anything special either because I'm not computer savvy at all.
The University where I work has an exclusive contract with AT&T to provide our work cell phones. So far the university has been unwilling to allow us to get iPhones, although the line has softened in the past month or so. It surprised me, because on paper it looks as though the iPhones are significantly cheaper than the ubiquitous Blackberries (service-wise). I've never bothered with a data plan or a Blackberry, but the iPhone actually tempts me.

Our shop has switched from PC's to Macs (with parallels to run Windows on the side). Aside from some irritation in dealing with the corporate email package, I'd really consider an iPhone.
While we are speculating rumors, I'll chime in with what I've heard as well. I have read in a couple of places that their will be two new iPhone offerings, one with a 720x480 screen and an Intel processor making the iPhone truly capable of multitasking various apps(which will be AWESOME if true) and one that is just a bit smaller than the one out now and make from mostly back plastic instead of the more durable casing it has now (bummer)

If this is true (and of course we won't know anything for sure until Steve Jobs takes the stage at the June 9th Dev conference) I believe that the one with the 720x480 screen and Intel chip will not only out do any current 'smart' device on the market, but I would imagine it will also start to invade the laptop arena too. I mean the current iPhone is almost a laptop substitute as it is, beef it up a little and I may never need to open my laptop up again. :thumbsup2
I also heard something about them having mobil streaming tv.
$200? keep dreaming. there's no way. i doubt you could even get a 4gb iphone from apple for that cheap. they will make people pay full price for the phone when it's released b/c they know that people will pay it. i think that 3g would be cool, but i know that they won't get that technology where i live for quite a while.
I have also heard about the $200 AT&T offer with 2 year committment. These phones must be bought from an AT&T store.

I've also heard the new iPhone will be thicker to accommodate a larger battery.

I just hope my treo lasts until the new iPhone is available.

Edit: And this is for people who want Vista on their iPhone.
however, it is generally expected that the previous model without high speed 3G will still be in demand in areas not covered by 3G, so expect to see them pop up on ebay for about $100.

There's no way people will be selling their old iPhones for $100, or $200 even. Apple is selling their fewer-featured iPod touches for $300.
I have to revise that their might be two different models coming out (there are 2 different models coming out) a black plastic model for $200... and the swoopy, curvy with a larger battery.
2 different models, one for $200 and one for $650? I wonder if the $200 one will be 3G?
$650 is too pricy for a phone. I'd be willing to go $400 for a new toy, but $650 is out of the Q!
Keep us updated Oscar.
yes to pledge your soul to the company with the MOST dropped calls. The service where I am is absolutely awful, but I love my phone so I put up with it. I am hoping it's better in FL!

Verizon is no better where I live.

Can you hear me now my happy a.......

They suck

2 different models, one for $200 and one for $650? I wonder if the $200 one will be 3G?
$650 is too pricy for a phone. I'd be willing to go $400 for a new toy, but $650 is out of the Q!
Keep us updated Oscar.

to get the lesser price you have to do a two year commitment to at&t... vs buying the phone out right and having no commitment.


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