Is there a 95 pound clippie?!!!


Really,Really Cute!
May 17, 2001
I know I haven't been around much in the last couple of months, and I'm sorry about not congratulating all you wonderful losers on the great successes, and encouraging all the newbies...

I'm going to try to get here more often...I've had some family commitments that were pressing... but all you guys are doing so great!

I just there a 95 pound clippie.... :bounce:

I'm almost 100 pounds down!!!!:bounce:
That is fantastic!! 95 pounds down, girl, you must be happy dancing all day long...everyday!! You are an inspiration to all of us who have those "I want to give up" days. Thank you for posting, I am at the end of one month and have been dragging I needed a shot in the arm.

Way to go! Keep up the good work!

OH MY GOD, Susan!


You are amazing! That is incredible!!!!!! I just saw a post by you in another thread and then wondered where you had been hiding. I'm so glad you posted this today. WOW!!!!

That is just incredible! Updated photo time!!!!!!! Puh-lease, pretty please with Splenda on top? :)

Keep up the great work and YOU'D BETTER post when you lose those next 5 pounds so we can have a big old celebration!!!!!!!
THERE you are, Susan! We've been missing you, and hope that all is well! Welcome back!

95 pounds is incredible. You must be feeling so PROUD!!! And I agree, pictures, we want pictures!!!

As to your question, thereis a different clippie for 75, 80, 85, 90, 95 and another one at 100. They are really pretty, but I can't find the post! Anyone else remember who posted the actual clippies? (It wasn't Kelsie that did that post, according to my search.)
AREN"T YOU JUST THRILLED!!!! WEll, I AM THRILLED FOR YOU!!! 95 pounds- wooo hooooo- and I AGREE with TigH- you've got to show pictures!!!! That's just about how much I want to lose total- and it would be a thrill to see someone who's made it! Also, I love speeches to go along with these major losses- any tips, 20/20 hindsights, or challenges you faced? Did you hit plateaus? How did you deal with them? Enquiring minds want to know!! :)
And I do think there is a 95 pound clippie somewhere- I'm sure they'll update you!
And show us pictures!!!


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