Is this "joke" funny?

Agree, but also want to disagree on OP's behalf - which I don't believe you directly implied, but just in case.

Agree in the fact I think somehow, somewhere our society has become so soft when it comes to comedy. I don't understand why no one can take a joke anymore. Not everything is meant to be literal and serious. There are plenty of comedians I don't find funny. Am I going out and blasting all over social media that their material is crass and inappropriate? No, because comedy is absolutely subjective! I simply don't watch. Voila! Problem solved.

The disagree comes with the OP. I don't think she took it as an existential crisis. She even said she moved on with her day moments later, but thought it could make a good discussion on the boards. Which by all accounts it is, as not everyone on here is in total agreement. It is nice to have a more lively discussion, even if it is a fluff issue.

I could be 100% wrong, but I took that poster to be referring not to the OP, but to the person who would write a letter to the employer. That seemed to be taking things a bit too far.
I could be 100% wrong, but I took that poster to be referring not to the OP, but to the person who would write a letter to the employer. That seemed to be taking things a bit too far.
Ah! :idea:

I went back and reread, I somehow missed that post about writing a letter. Now that makes more sense, you are likely correct. :thumbsup2
Like OP, I might have gotten stuck on using the actual word "liability" because it sounds so official. It's hard not to be sensitive when you're in the middle of trying not to find something difficult. I'm in the midst of trying to love caregiving because I love those I'm caring for and sometimes finding it difficult, so I get the mixed emotions of the situation. (I'd have felt the same way if my child or other family member had been challenging and someone joked about them.)

However, I thought the joke of "no, we charge them double" with an implication that they're feisty troublemakers is amusing. Maybe not using the word liability and saying troublemakers or something else silly with an exaggerated wink would be better, but it does sound like she meant well.
I'm on a trip with my mom, sister and DS. When we visit this area, DS likes to go on a particular tourist train ride. I went up to the ticket counter and asked if they have a senior price since my mom is 86. The woman behind the counter smiled and said, "Actually, we consider seniors a liability so we charge them double! But just for today, I'll give you the adult price!" I'll admit I was a bit stunned and said, "OK, four adults." While she was running the transaction I said, "Why do you consider seniors a liability?" She said, "It was a joke." I said, "I know, but my mom's not a liability." I signed the credit card slip, took my tickets and thanked her before walking away. I was never impolite, but I think she felt a bit put off by my reaction.

I will say that I love a good joke! I joke around a lot. I totally understand sarcasm and use it all the time. But the woman joking about seniors being a liability just didn't strike me as funny. In fact, it seemed kind of disrespectful. Did I overreact? Take it too personally? Maybe it struck me the wrong way because my sister and I have an elderly mom and helping her safely navigate this trip is a little stressful? Or does the ticket seller need to re-evaluate her idea of what kind of "jokes" are appropriate to use on ticket buyers?

r.e. bold = levity or am I misconstruing what a smile might indicate in 2023 :confused3
I'm on a trip with my mom, sister and DS. When we visit this area, DS likes to go on a particular tourist train ride. I went up to the ticket counter and asked if they have a senior price since my mom is 86. The woman behind the counter smiled and said, "Actually, we consider seniors a liability so we charge them double! But just for today, I'll give you the adult price!" I'll admit I was a bit stunned and said, "OK, four adults." While she was running the transaction I said, "Why do you consider seniors a liability?" She said, "It was a joke." I said, "I know, but my mom's not a liability." I signed the credit card slip, took my tickets and thanked her before walking away. I was never impolite, but I think she felt a bit put off by my reaction.

I will say that I love a good joke! I joke around a lot. I totally understand sarcasm and use it all the time. But the woman joking about seniors being a liability just didn't strike me as funny. In fact, it seemed kind of disrespectful. Did I overreact? Take it too personally? Maybe it struck me the wrong way because my sister and I have an elderly mom and helping her safely navigate this trip is a little stressful? Or does the ticket seller need to re-evaluate her idea of what kind of "jokes" are appropriate to use on ticket buyers?
Ehhh...I mean I wouldn't say it - I try to always be super aware of things that ppl. could take offense to, but I also wouldn't have been offended and honestly both of my elderly parents would've laughed and jokingly agreed.
So there is no senior discount?
The joke might have been funny if there was.
The response to your question kind of came across as condescending to me.
Good point...if there wasn't a discount the response, while I'm sure still not intending to be offensive, is a bit condescending.
If the joke was about kids I would have laughed, knowing what an unpredictable mess they can be. But my mom in that age too and deserves a little more respect now that she's slowing down. I'll have to ask her if she thinks it's funny.
Well if you think there's a chance she'd be offended or feel upset I certainly wouldn't ask her. Again, I think most wouldn't think twice, but obviously you are offended by it and if you think your mom might feel the same, save her those feelings.
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My guess is the person has had to field many upset comments at the lack of a Senior Discount so she chooses to approach the questions with humor to deflect from the inevitable discontent.
ehhh, deflecting discontent by insulting the seniors in question doesn't seem like a smart move to me. I seem to be in the minority tho so 🤷‍♀️
ehhh, deflecting discontent by insulting the seniors in question doesn't seem like a smart move to me. I seem to be in the minority tho so 🤷‍♀️
Even we seniors are able to know the difference between a joke and serious. People need to stop treating us like porcelain dolls. We have forgotten more then most of you will ever know. We have seen the world, the good, the bad, the happy, the sad and everything in between. We are at a volatile place physically but, we are not necessarily brain dead and if we take offence at anything it is being treated like a babbling fool or like we are 4 yours old. That is a lesson that so many well meaning people need to understand. Just because we are old doesn't mean that we are not mentally sound and for the most part think much younger than our age indicates. The "Liability" thing is an actual fact. There are some things that might put some places in a deep legal situations should anything happen. That is why there are so many caution signs everywhere.

Just a few of my life's experience: The part of my childhood that I remember was filled with Cold War situations. Our house was along side the south gate of a SAC Air Force Base that had B52's loaded with nuclear weapons. The town I lived in didn't even bother to go the fallout shelter route because in the event of a war the whole place would just have been blown to outer space, I lived through the Cuban Missal Crisis when that base was on full alert. then we witnessed the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK in rapid succession, some of us participated in that little "police action" in South Vietnam, the race riots in the cities, the killing of protesting students at Kent State, The startup of the space age along with each stage culminating in the moon landing through the shuttle program and, of course, 9-11 and worst of all Disco. We have seen only short little fragments of quiet time and are still able to laugh at something that is funny. I think it is time for people to lighten up and look up how to separate the good from the bad, stop all the drama and gnashing of teeth and understand that most of you have never really seen turmoil but if we don't all wake up soon, you all will.
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Even we seniors are able to know the difference between a joke and serious. People need to stop treating us like porcelain dolls. We have forgotten more then most of you will ever know. We have seen the world, the good, the bad, the happy, the sad and everything in between. We are at a volatile place physically but, we are not necessarily brain dead and if we take offence at anything it is being treated like a babbling fool or like we are 4 yours old. That is a lesson that so many well meaning people need to understand. Just because we are old doesn't mean that we are not mentally sound and for the most part think much younger than our age indicates. The "Liability" thing is an actual fact. There are some things that might put some places in a deep legal situations should anything happen. That is why there are so many caution signs everywhere.

Just a few of my life's experience: The part of my childhood that I remember was filled with Cold War situations. Our house was along side the south gate of a SAC Air Force Base that had B52's loaded with nuclear weapons. The town I lived in didn't even bother to go the fallout shelter route because in the event of a war the whole place would just have been blown to outer space, I lived through the Cuban Missal Crisis when that base was on full alert. then we witnessed the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK in rapid succession, some of us participated in that little "police action" in South Vietnam, the race riots in the cities, the killing of protesting students at Kent State, The startup of the space age along with each stage culminating in the moon landing through the shuttle program and, of course, 9-11 and worst of all Disco. We have seen only short little fragments of quiet time and are still able to laugh at something that is funny. I think it is time for people to lighten up and look up how to separate the good from the bad, stop all the drama and gnashing of teeth and understand that most of you have never really seen turmoil but if we don't all wake up soon, you all will.
Being offended that an elder family member is called a liability =/= as treating that family member as a babbling fool. There are a lot of things I find funny, laughing at elders is not one of them.

I am glad tho that you are able to laugh at the "joke". At the end of the day everyone's humor is different and if it doesn't offend you I am truly happy for you and glad you can find joy in it.

My point was that the "joke" would not have landed at all in my family even if it landed in yours, and risking that as a customer facing employee is ... a choice.
Thought about this for a long time. I’m a young/borderline senior myself and help care for my 99-year-old MIL. Honestly, I don’t think it would bother me, yet I wouldn’t be laughing either. It struck me as just an odd remark in questionable taste. OP, I wonder if she would have said it if your mom had been right there with you. IMO, someone in a job that serves the public should try to be more mindful of the words they use and how they might be perceived.
Thought about this for a long time. I’m a young/borderline senior myself and help care for my 99-year-old MIL. Honestly, I don’t think it would bother me, yet I wouldn’t be laughing either. It struck me as just an odd remark in questionable taste. OP, I wonder if she would have said it if your mom had been right there with you. IMO, someone in a job that serves the public should try to be more mindful of the words they use and how they might be perceived.
I feel similarly. I didn't find it funny (though I admit not being able to hear the delivery likely affects that), but I also didn't find it not funny. It was just 'meh' for me. I do agree it's a bit of an odd thing for someone in a customer-facing role to say directly to a customer (but again, without context of delivery it's hard to say for sure).


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