Jay-nee's journal


Can you see me? I'm over here...
Jun 12, 2000
Well, I have been working out for 13 days straight now and joined WISH officially on 11/30/04. I set goals on the boards to exercise for 1000 minutes this month and also to loose 5 pounds by New Years.

But, more than that, I want to feel healthy again. I am a jock who always could eat and do what I wanted until an accident that destroyed my left knee in August of 1986. For along time, I refused to work out, I was so scared to hurt again.

Slowly, I added pounds. But, I can hide weight very well. No one can ever guess my weight. Well, two kids later, I was heavier than I would I would have liked to be... I did WW and took it all off. Felt great.

I few years later, it had crept back on and a few more. I decided to start walking 3 miles a day, religiously. Took it off until winter, Maine is COLD, and I didn't know how to dress. Got discouraged...

Well, about 4 years ago, I decided to bite the bullet and do something I always wanted to do...get my black belt in karate. So, I started working out again for real! I did probably 5 karate classes a week and 2 cardio kickboxing, I felt and LOOKED great! Until about 4 months before I would get my black belt. Learning a new karate move, I started to ruin my knee again. I was so determined that I just kept doing it (stupid). I was hurting all of the time at that point.

So, went to the Dr's and he sent me to another, who sent me to another, who finally said... no karate and NO walking. Come to find out the 3-5 miles a day that I was walking was also destroying my knee. Started PT, which sucked! I was so bummed by now, that I had to start all over again... And, bummed I stayed... until Thanksgiving this year. Not really sure what motivated me, but I am back!

Dr's gave me the okay to bike, so I am biking... Which coinceidentally, had always been my sport of choice when I was in HS and college. I am learning to enjoy it again and be friends with it! I miss walking so much though... It was so nice to be able to do everyday.

But, honestly, I don't think I would be so motivated to stick with it if it weren't for WISH. I document my daily workouts almost everyday and I read and read everyones hints, sucesses, and failures too.

So, thank you to the folks who started this board. You are awesome. I have been a member on Pete's boards for years (lost my profile during one of the upgrades years ago) and didn't realize it until a year or so went by (I'm mostly a very frequent lurker).

My plan is to eat smaller portions, eat healthier, and workout daily on the bike and add pilates every other day for additional toning.

Thank you again WISH boards...

I hope to add to this often, maybe I will be able to stay motivated through those hard times...

By the way, I weighed 192 at the start of this and I am wearing a size 16 pant comfortably. I hope to get back down to a size 12 very comfortably and, probably, around 155. 37 pounds.

As of Tuesday, 12/07/04, I weighed 190.5 lbs and as of today, I have worked out 457 minutes in Dec. Boy, I can only hope to keep that going! Yippee!
HI there and welcome. You will find alot of nice people here who are truly supportive. :flower1:
It seems when DH is home, I eat so much unhealthier! Went out for pizza! I, thankfully, ordered the smallest (9") and only ate 1/2! But, still, pizza! Honestly, I didn't know what to order without feeling like I was deprived...

The kids seem to understand and love the change to eating whole grains, but we still have to buy white bread and ice cream for Dad... Argh!

Oh, well, enough griping... Just worried about when he is back from overtime and whether my willpower can stand knowing he is eating all the "good" stuff... :-) I am just hoping that "santa" does not bring too much candy this year. (A little bit might be nice though..) :-)

Also, what the heck can I eat at WDW? Eating is the best down there... will have to figure out what to order before we leave so I can be "good" without feeling deprived...
Hi Jaynee,
Welcome to the Journals!
You will find a ton of support here. There are some awesome people around here. You have a solid plan, and I know you will succeed.

Can't DH's be frustrating? It makes it so much harder to get healthy when our family sabotages us. Maybe you could get your kids support and make a moratorium on at least ice cream for the new year? Have you tried explaining how much harder it makes it for you? I hope you find a solution.

Have a great Monday,
Well, another week has passed since I officially joined WISH. My exercise total as of yesterday is now 567/1000 and I have lost another 1.5 lbs so I am down to 189 lbs, still 34 to go. I am so proud of my great start!

Strings...I am okay with ice cream being in the house, I don't really care at this point. It isn't one of those things I go running too. My downfall is pastries and candy. I try really hard to avoid having those in the house! Also, I just love food! So, I am trying to not have seconds and really think about how full I am while I am eating too. The kids are great! They know that I am trying to do this the right way and just eat healthy and exercise regularly and they are so supportive of the changes! Great kids!

What I am worried about is...eating at WDW and work events...I tend to not think about how much I am eating, and I love food (see the trend here?)...

I am trying to plan what I am going to eat before hand... I hope that works...

But for now, I am celebrating my success! I am feeling good just knowing that I started this journey!

Thanks WISH!

CONGRATULATIONS! 1.5 pounds is an awesome start to losing those 35 pounds. Keep up the great work.
Hi Jaynee! I'm glad to see you started a journal, they are the best! ::yes:: You'll get all the support and encouragement (and kicks in the pants) you could ever want! :teeth:

You are off to a great start! You know, eating at WDW isn't really that hard. They have so many healthy selections. A lot of the fast food places sell really yummy salads and almost all the sit down restaurants offer healthier options as well. Have you ever gone to www.allearsnet.com? There are menus there and you can maybe see what you might like before you go. :)
Hi jay-nee...I figured since you posted on my thread...I should visit your journal and say HI! So, HI!

Looks like you're doing great on your path to weight loss. I can't wait to get my journal underway. I can tell this really helps

Congrats on your loss so far and keep up the great work!! Take care
Well, I had my surgery yesterday and, thankfully, it went really well. I feel pretty good and should be able to bike lightly starting Monday. Probably no pilates for a week after that...

Trying hard to stay on track but I can't drive until MOnday and I can't cook either until tomorrow. Plus my Mom went home today. bummed... I miss her so much. Until 6 months ago she lived 25 minutes away, now she is 2 1/2 hours away. We both cry so hard when she leaves... She's my best friend...

Of course, Mom brought sweets (love them, bad news, right...). Very dangerous, I can't exercise and there are sweets around. ARGH! I'm trying to be good, but I am so bored and I am a boredom eater... yuck... Can't wait for MONDAY!

I just hope I don't add weight so I can get to my 5 lb goal for Jan 1st! I was already ahead on my exercise goal (647/1000) so I should be okay if I can get back on the bike starting Monday, I really miss it alot already! I will just have to do at least 30 minutes a day to make that goal.

Note to Princess Michelle: yeah, I have already printed the menus from Allears.net. Thankfully a site I found years ago. But, how to stay on track with all of those foods around? I love so much to have a little bit of this and a little bit of that! Thankfully, we will only be doing 2 buffets this time (Boma for dinner for DD Bday and Boma for breakfast at DS's request). I have discovered a wonderful salad at Peco's Bills that I order without the chicken. Very yummy. I am trying to go through the menus and figure out what to order so that I will have a plan. Is that what you do at WDW? I need a strategy...

BTW, thanks to those who have posted to my journal, I really appreciate your encouragement on my journey!

It's feels so good just to put down how I feel today... At least tomorrow I will be able to cook something...healthy!
Hi Jay-nee!

I've been around WISH along time, but very new to the journals. I hope you recover from surgery really fast and can get back on the bike. I really commend you for keeping optimistic and trying new things after your knee injury. Injury is my biggest fear. I feel like I would lose all progress if I had to stop exercising abruptly.

I know what you mean about missing your Mom. My mom used to live 5-10 minutes away and now lives 45-60 minutes depending on our outrageous traffic. It sure has changed how we visit :(

Sending pixie dust and postive thoughts your way :)

First of all, thank you plutosmyfav, very kind words... My Mom called last night to check on me. She cried the whole way home. Her move has been very complicated and she still has very mixed feelings about it, my family misses her so much! Nice to know you understand how I feel...

I am still trying to keep my attitude in the right place, hoping that I can get back on track tomorrow! My knee has been feeling great, but my DS mentioned it probably is the pain meds (why didn't I think of that?). I was thinking maybe all the biking had helped! I go back to the Dr for my knee on Jan 6th, hoping that we can make some positive headway now that I am biking each day.

I did pretty good last night and only had 2 pieces of pizza. Of course, when you had a couple of licorice bits and a piece of fudge, maybe not that great! Thankfully, I can report that the licorice and the fudge are now gone! Thanks to my DH and the kids! I'll have to remind my Mom for another time, although I did notice it was a smaller tin this year (good thinking Mom!)...

Today, I should be able to cook. Not sure what I'll make but, something good for us! Yippee! DH has to work, again! :-( He's not been able to help much, so DS has been picking up the slack since my Mom went home yesterday. Poor kid, I had to wake him at 6:30 this morning to walk the dog and it snowed to boot. He's a good sport though and I should be able to walk the dog tomorrow! I might een walk with them this afternoon too, if it's not slippery... DS and I will have to do the barn chores this afternoon together anyway so, at least, I will get outside for some fresh air!

I so want to get back on track... My Mom gave me this book on pilates, yoga, meditation, and stress relief for Christmas so I have been reading that. It's mostly common sense, but interesting... I think I will have to wait to start pilates until I see the Dr for my follow-up on the 30th, but she did ok the biking as long as I ease into it. I think I will be off the pain meds as of later today, at least I hope so, they make me a little loopy.

So glad I got my clippies to work! On Tuesday, I can update to 3 weeks with you folks!

Thanks again to the folks who have been so supportive of this newcomer! You guys are great!
hi Jay-nee..i hope your surgery recovery is going well! i wanted to say i appreciate you coming to my journal, since i just started it, so i will come visiting your journal :) i know what you mean about all the posts being encouragement..there was a day last week that i DID NOT want to go to curves , just wanted to be a bum..i looked at my journal, and someone had posted...i got right up and went...:)
My tummy hurts today... And, I am soooooo bored! DH is at work and I am sick of watching the kids play Gamecube. I'm sick of DVDs and I'm sick of reading. Thank God there are no sweets in the house now.

This day is so long! I hate to wish a day away, but tomorrow better be better than this... I'm supposed to be resting and I can't stand it!

Sorry to be a bummer Jen...but, thanks for asking anyway! Good for you to go to Curves again. Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!
no bummer here--ive had a boring day too--was up late last night and havent felt like moving!! tomorrow will be better!!
I apprecaite your words today, helps to keep me going. It's already starting to get dark here (3:50pm), can't stand that either!

Kids and I are just mullin' around at this point. Just got done staring at the presents, wondering what they are... Even the dog is bored, he keeps barking at anything! It's actually pretty funny! He's a Border Collie, so they are pretty interesting anyway. He so badly wants to jump up to visit me, but I have to tell him no way! He doesn't quite get why I'm not being my usual self...

Thankfully, I am not due back to work until Wednesday. I don't think I'd make it in tomorrow anyway... (still hoping to bike some though...)

It's a really good thing that I did all of my shopping knowing about this surgery! If not, I'd be in REAL trouble...

Well, DS and I are going to hobble out to the barn and try to get the animals fed, hopefully without incident!

Thanks again, Jen, for keeping me company today! You will never know how much it meant to me! :-) Happy Holidays! BTW, we will be at WDW between your two trips, Jan 20 thru Jan 29 at POR! Funny huh? Where are you staying?
no problem jaynee--i sent you a PM..
but i am staying at POR the first time and AKL the second :) where are you staying
Well, I made it thru the most boring weekend of my life! I feel better today (24 hrs without pains meds definately helps, I'm sure!). I'm also not as bloated as I felt after the surgery and even yesterday too.

Well, I walked the dog this morning, but only 1/2 his normal walk because it snowed about 2-3 inches and it's slippery and I didn't think it would be good to take a tumble my 1st time out! :-)

So, my new day... hummmm... what should I do? Well, I'm definately NOT laying on the couch all day! I will probably cook breakfast for the kids and make a real meal for dinner! I had hoped to do that last night, but no motivation! Yikes... Plus, I get to bike today!

Well, hopefully back on track! (Thanks again Jen, you really helped me thru a really, really tough day yesterday!). BTW, we are staying at POR too!
glad your day is better today!! yummm what cha making for dinner? maybe ill come visith ahahaha..be careful out in the snow!!! its freezing here, so i know its worse there...just dont push it after your surgery too much...i konw i did that , and regretted it, so be careful
I biked for 30 minutes! Granted I was on level 1 and at about a 9 mph pace, but still... I got to move for real again! (just a little happy!).

No, I did not overdo it either, I feel great and it didn't pull or anything! I didn't walk the dog though, it's snowing still, and very icy underneath. Not worth it to slip or fall. DS is being a real trooper!

So glad to feel a bit normal again. I am going to weigh myself tomorrow morning and see if there is any damage to report.

Jenn - I was so careful and just stayed at a really steady pace. I had to bike in my big PJ pants so I didn't put any pressure on the two holes (laproscopy for my tubal, yuck!). The one on my belly button is just tender today and the other one isn't bothering me a bit. I had to get off the pill because my blood pressure was becoming an issue. DH was going to have it done, but when we talked to the Dr, she thought it would be better for me to go through it (long story...). Everyone that found out has been giving me a really hard time about DH not having it done, so that is why I hadn't said it before... I am sick of everyone's opinions! ARGH! BTW, you have been so good to keep up with my happenings, thank you!


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