JULY W.I.S.H. Challenge - Summer of Positive Change


... the super hot temps have broken and this morning there's even a light misty drizzle. Four or five days of sunny summery weather and then a cool grey day is just about perfect.
... I figured out the chocolate cravings when I realized I hadn't been taking my magnesium for several days. Duh. So I'm doubling up and taking some morning and night to get back on track. I'm also wondering if that might be a contributor to why I've been so tired lately.
... I was finally able to move my WDW park ticket to the right days in March. Still haven't tackled changing my flight, but will do so soon.
Thank you ll for the good vibes! My Woohoo is that the appointment did go well. :-)

My BP was indeed high when I was checking in, but they took it again at the end, and it was fine. Precautions were in place, but they didn't feel quite so alien as the dentist, and everyone there was very pleasant.
It’s Thankful Thursday!
For today’s exercise, let’s name 3 physical activities we are grateful for.

1. Biking - I enjoy getting out on my bike and riding around at various speeds...faster for both exercise and stress/anger reduction, slower for calming or family time.
2. Beachbody workouts - I can workout from home. When I’m in a rut, a new workout program can really motivate me.
3. Swimming - Its refreshing on the hot summer days and also gentle on my aging joints ;)

Walking - by the beach or near my home- most days I do it I do feel better and clears my mind when I listen to music along the way or gives me a chance to chat with my kids when they join me.

Yoga - I’m not good at it but I enjoy some of the easier poses.

Strength exercises - some with resistance bands others with just body weight - I am using them to heal my injuries and make me stronger.
1. Walking 2 miles every day. I never take for granted that I can easily move without pain or discomfort.

2. Swimming. In a pool or the ocean. I love feeling weightless!

3. Sitting on my giant purple ball with my hand weights. I watch tv for a half hour on it and do a set routine with the weights.
Walking... moves the body and relaxes the mind
Yoga... I was really enjoying the class I was taking before everything shut down. I am hopeful the studio survives and I'll be able to start up again there at some point.
Resting/being still... so important for the body and the soul to have quiet restorative time
Hello, I realize I am VERY late to the party, but I hope I can still come in. I am so glad I found this forum, and if all I can do is read your posts, even that will help me, but I would love to become part of your wonderful supportive group. I just wish I had found your forum at the beginning of the month, not at this late date. This is just the kind of thing I have been needing/looking for. I hope you will be continuing next month and that I may join you. With school starting up, I will be less likely to make time for myself but I will need to do so even more so I don't fall back into my old bad habits.

A little about me - I am a 71 year old teacher in California - second career so no decent retirement ever, but I am so thankful I have a paying job. I figured I might as well get something good out of this terrible situation we are all in and finally work on losing the weight I had been thinking about doing for so long (plus I knew if I didn't I would just eat more and I didn't want to go there!).

I am down 25 pounds now from my worst, but I want to go down at least 50 more, and it is getting harder and harder to stay motivated. 10 more and I will be able to put my wedding ring back on (they had to take it off me 2 years ago in the hospital when I broke my arm my first day on Maui) and 11 more and I will go from obese to simply overweight.

One physical activity I can say I am grateful for is I am soooo glad my old Jane Fonda step aerobics video - yes, I said video - still works, knock on wood, and that I still have a video player. Although I am not fond of any exercise (I hate it when Jeannie says every day, "Exercise should be fun!") this is really good for me. Years ago - the day after I started a weight loss effort, in fact - I very badly broke an ankle - 6 pins, a screw, and a plate. Between having a bad result from that and favoring that ankle and so climbing every step for 15 years with my other leg, overtaxing my the other hip, and so messing up both legs, I really benefit from stepping. In fact, I have gone from going up the steps in our house one at a time to walking up the steps most days like a normal person (or at least a normal 71-year-old).

I also love swimming, although our ocean in Northern California is too cold for me at my age (didn't bother me as I child - I just thought that was what the ocean was like) - it was 59 today. I am so jealous of you east coasters. And I used to like (street) biking, but I no longer have a bike (and when school starts I won't have time for a nice 15 mile ride in any case).

Well, enough about me. Hello and I hope you all are doing well.
Hello, I realize I am VERY late to the party, but I hope I can still come in. I am so glad I found this forum, and if all I can do is read your posts, even that will help me, but I would love to become part of your wonderful supportive group. I just wish I had found your forum at the beginning of the month, not at this late date. This is just the kind of thing I have been needing/looking for. I hope you will be continuing next month and that I may join you. With school starting up, I will be less likely to make time for myself but I will need to do so even more so I don't fall back into my old bad habits.

Hello :wave2: :welcome:

Its never to late to join us ... and yes we will be starting again next month - some of us have been here for years! Friends come and go as they need or when life gets in the way - but typically there is a group of us here chatting and supporting each other :-) Congratulations on the impressive weight loss to get where you are now - hope you get to put that wedding ring back on soon.

Well it's already Friday night for me. It is a rainy one and we are expecting rain most of the weekend. I would like to try some walks again this weekend though - Physio - said to give some shorter ones a go seeing as I am still feeling a little unbalanced when I walk. I have my neurologist appointment on Monday - so it will be interesting to hear their take on all of this...

Happy Friday everyone - hope you had a good week :)
Welcome @gardenrooms - I love the puppy in your avatar!

And happy Friday everyone!

We had a decent storm roll through yesterday around dinner time, but it’s still kind of humid - a bit cooler, but still sticky. I’m planning to meet my friend and her kids for a brief hike later this morning anyway - just taking lots of water and going at an easy pace. It’s a nature trail, so maybe I’ll even get some critter photos!
Hello, I realize I am VERY late to the party, but I hope I can still come in. I am so glad I found this forum, and if all I can do is read your posts, even that will help me, but I would love to become part of your wonderful supportive group. I just wish I had found your forum at the beginning of the month, not at this late date. This is just the kind of thing I have been needing/looking for. I hope you will be continuing next month and that I may join you. With school starting up, I will be less likely to make time for myself but I will need to do so even more so I don't fall back into my old bad habits.

A little about me - I am a 71 year old teacher in California - second career so no decent retirement ever, but I am so thankful I have a paying job. I figured I might as well get something good out of this terrible situation we are all in and finally work on losing the weight I had been thinking about doing for so long (plus I knew if I didn't I would just eat more and I didn't want to go there!).

I am down 25 pounds now from my worst, but I want to go down at least 50 more, and it is getting harder and harder to stay motivated. 10 more and I will be able to put my wedding ring back on (they had to take it off me 2 years ago in the hospital when I broke my arm my first day on Maui) and 11 more and I will go from obese to simply overweight.

One physical activity I can say I am grateful for is I am soooo glad my old Jane Fonda step aerobics video - yes, I said video - still works, knock on wood, and that I still have a video player. Although I am not fond of any exercise (I hate it when Jeannie says every day, "Exercise should be fun!") this is really good for me. Years ago - the day after I started a weight loss effort, in fact - I very badly broke an ankle - 6 pins, a screw, and a plate. Between having a bad result from that and favoring that ankle and so climbing every step for 15 years with my other leg, overtaxing my the other hip, and so messing up both legs, I really benefit from stepping. In fact, I have gone from going up the steps in our house one at a time to walking up the steps most days like a normal person (or at least a normal 71-year-old).

I also love swimming, although our ocean in Northern California is too cold for me at my age (didn't bother me as I child - I just thought that was what the ocean was like) - it was 59 today. I am so jealous of you east coasters. And I used to like (street) biking, but I no longer have a bike (and when school starts I won't have time for a nice 15 mile ride in any case).

Well, enough about me. Hello and I hope you all are doing well.

Glad you found us! I’m also a teacher (kindergarten) and I remember those Jane Fonda aerobics! Nice work on your weight loss. We’re happy to be here to support you as you continue your journey 😊
Hello, I realize I am VERY late to the party, but I hope I can still come in. I am so glad I found this forum, and if all I can do is read your posts, even that will help me, but I would love to become part of your wonderful supportive group. I just wish I had found your forum at the beginning of the month, not at this late date. This is just the kind of thing I have been needing/looking for. I hope you will be continuing next month and that I may join you. With school starting up, I will be less likely to make time for myself but I will need to do so even more so I don't fall back into my old bad habits.

A little about me - I am a 71 year old teacher in California - second career so no decent retirement ever, but I am so thankful I have a paying job. I figured I might as well get something good out of this terrible situation we are all in and finally work on losing the weight I had been thinking about doing for so long (plus I knew if I didn't I would just eat more and I didn't want to go there!).

I am down 25 pounds now from my worst, but I want to go down at least 50 more, and it is getting harder and harder to stay motivated. 10 more and I will be able to put my wedding ring back on (they had to take it off me 2 years ago in the hospital when I broke my arm my first day on Maui) and 11 more and I will go from obese to simply overweight.

One physical activity I can say I am grateful for is I am soooo glad my old Jane Fonda step aerobics video - yes, I said video - still works, knock on wood, and that I still have a video player. Although I am not fond of any exercise (I hate it when Jeannie says every day, "Exercise should be fun!") this is really good for me. Years ago - the day after I started a weight loss effort, in fact - I very badly broke an ankle - 6 pins, a screw, and a plate. Between having a bad result from that and favoring that ankle and so climbing every step for 15 years with my other leg, overtaxing my the other hip, and so messing up both legs, I really benefit from stepping. In fact, I have gone from going up the steps in our house one at a time to walking up the steps most days like a normal person (or at least a normal 71-year-old).

I also love swimming, although our ocean in Northern California is too cold for me at my age (didn't bother me as I child - I just thought that was what the ocean was like) - it was 59 today. I am so jealous of you east coasters. And I used to like (street) biking, but I no longer have a bike (and when school starts I won't have time for a nice 15 mile ride in any case).

Well, enough about me. Hello and I hope you all are doing well.

Hello and welcome! We chat every month and would love to have you join us! You will see the August thread go up the end of this month-we take turns every week “leading“ the daily posts.
I love the blueberry muffin recipe-I get stuck in rut with breakfast ideas.

My daughter’s family is coming over tomorrow, so I need to get out for a few things. I have 1/2 a watermelon and brownies in the freezer for my grandson, so that’s dessert. I might look on Skinnytaste for some ideas.

I made this last night-although I doubled it and used red and orange peppers. I added black beans to the rice for my husband-I skip the rice because I don’t really like it. Anyway, it was good and I think I might try it with chicken next time.

Hello, I realize I am VERY late to the party, but I hope I can still come in. I am so glad I found this forum, and if all I can do is read your posts, even that will help me, but I would love to become part of your wonderful supportive group. I just wish I had found your forum at the beginning of the month, not at this late date. This is just the kind of thing I have been needing/looking for. I hope you will be continuing next month and that I may join you. With school starting up, I will be less likely to make time for myself but I will need to do so even more so I don't fall back into my old bad habits.

A little about me - I am a 71 year old teacher in California - second career so no decent retirement ever, but I am so thankful I have a paying job. I figured I might as well get something good out of this terrible situation we are all in and finally work on losing the weight I had been thinking about doing for so long (plus I knew if I didn't I would just eat more and I didn't want to go there!).

I am down 25 pounds now from my worst, but I want to go down at least 50 more, and it is getting harder and harder to stay motivated. 10 more and I will be able to put my wedding ring back on (they had to take it off me 2 years ago in the hospital when I broke my arm my first day on Maui) and 11 more and I will go from obese to simply overweight.

One physical activity I can say I am grateful for is I am soooo glad my old Jane Fonda step aerobics video - yes, I said video - still works, knock on wood, and that I still have a video player. Although I am not fond of any exercise (I hate it when Jeannie says every day, "Exercise should be fun!") this is really good for me. Years ago - the day after I started a weight loss effort, in fact - I very badly broke an ankle - 6 pins, a screw, and a plate. Between having a bad result from that and favoring that ankle and so climbing every step for 15 years with my other leg, overtaxing my the other hip, and so messing up both legs, I really benefit from stepping. In fact, I have gone from going up the steps in our house one at a time to walking up the steps most days like a normal person (or at least a normal 71-year-old).

I also love swimming, although our ocean in Northern California is too cold for me at my age (didn't bother me as I child - I just thought that was what the ocean was like) - it was 59 today. I am so jealous of you east coasters. And I used to like (street) biking, but I no longer have a bike (and when school starts I won't have time for a nice 15 mile ride in any case).

Well, enough about me. Hello and I hope you all are doing well.
I'm kind of amazed at how much of a difference getting my magnesium intake back up has made, my energy level is up and last night I slept deeply. I'm thinking I might actually get some chores done this weekend, instead of napping the weekend away.

I did some shopping yesterday for non-essentials... cosmetics, which are a slippery slope for me. I was on a two hour video call yesterday and the whole time I kept fixating on my image in the lower right hand corner, thinking omg I need to do something about my eye shadow. Everything I have is shiny or sparkly and in golden tones which looks awful on video, so as soon as I signed off I ran down to our closest store and got some matt colors with more purple undertone... hopefully I'll be looking 20 pounds lighter and 10 years younger on the calls today.

And if the new eye shadow doesn't do it, I do have my haircut after work today. I was going to reschedule and push it out but am glad I didn't because I am ready to have it all cut off, as I'm planning on going super short. I know the "salon" experience won't be as pampering and luxurious under the current conditions, but heck I was going to a barber shop that was in a former car garage... hip and trendy but not fancy by any means.

Weight is up this week because I've really been packing in the calories, but I know what to do to reverse it so not panicked. And with more energy I'll be moving more and burning thru more calories, so these extra pounds will come off.

Hope everyone has a happy and healthful weekend.
Hello, I realize I am VERY late to the party, but I hope I can still come in. I am so glad I found this forum, and if all I can do is read your posts, even that will help me, but I would love to become part of your wonderful supportive group. I just wish I had found your forum at the beginning of the month, not at this late date. This is just the kind of thing I have been needing/looking for. I hope you will be continuing next month and that I may join you. With school starting up, I will be less likely to make time for myself but I will need to do so even more so I don't fall back into my old bad habits.

A little about me - I am a 71 year old teacher in California - second career so no decent retirement ever, but I am so thankful I have a paying job. I figured I might as well get something good out of this terrible situation we are all in and finally work on losing the weight I had been thinking about doing for so long (plus I knew if I didn't I would just eat more and I didn't want to go there!).

I am down 25 pounds now from my worst, but I want to go down at least 50 more, and it is getting harder and harder to stay motivated. 10 more and I will be able to put my wedding ring back on (they had to take it off me 2 years ago in the hospital when I broke my arm my first day on Maui) and 11 more and I will go from obese to simply overweight.

One physical activity I can say I am grateful for is I am soooo glad my old Jane Fonda step aerobics video - yes, I said video - still works, knock on wood, and that I still have a video player. Although I am not fond of any exercise (I hate it when Jeannie says every day, "Exercise should be fun!") this is really good for me. Years ago - the day after I started a weight loss effort, in fact - I very badly broke an ankle - 6 pins, a screw, and a plate. Between having a bad result from that and favoring that ankle and so climbing every step for 15 years with my other leg, overtaxing my the other hip, and so messing up both legs, I really benefit from stepping. In fact, I have gone from going up the steps in our house one at a time to walking up the steps most days like a normal person (or at least a normal 71-year-old).

I also love swimming, although our ocean in Northern California is too cold for me at my age (didn't bother me as I child - I just thought that was what the ocean was like) - it was 59 today. I am so jealous of you east coasters. And I used to like (street) biking, but I no longer have a bike (and when school starts I won't have time for a nice 15 mile ride in any case).

Well, enough about me. Hello and I hope you all are doing well.

Anytime is a great time to join. You will love this very supportive group.
Today is my 27th wedding anniversary. 👰 🤵 Normally we celebrate in WDW or at a fancy restaurant in NY or CT. Two years ago, we did a vow renewal in WDW for our 25th, had an amazing dinner at Narcoossee's, and took a private fireworks cruise on Bay Lake.

To say that this year will be toned down is an understatement. Between the pandemic and my oral surgery (barely eating solid food...no alcohol...no spicy food...no sugar) I was at a loss of how to celebrate, and DD came up with the perfect idea.

We have a patio by the pool with a new gazebo, and in it our table and chairs for outdoor eating. It is decorated with twinkle lights as is the deck. We will play the Polynesian Resort Hawaiian music loop. DD is going to make us dinner and serve us. She's making shrimp cocktail, shrimp tempura, mashed potatoes, and a salad. DH got himself the makings for Margaritas and Pina Coladas. The last time I couldn't drink on our anniversary, I was 6 months pregnant! It's okay. Fortunately it is a cloudy day, so the heat won't be as oppressive. We will
make the best of it spending the day in the pool and the evening in the gazebo.

Hopefully next year we will have an effective vaccine and will be able to celebrate in WDW again.


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