Kevin & John, is your TIVO ready? Amazing Race Sunday night!!!!

We are ready to go.

Thanks for the reminder.

Just one other thing....

There is a big football game tomorrow that might run late. Make sure you adjust you TiVo to run longer to catch the entire show!
Another AR fan here! I love this show.

I've got my season pass set up to record an extra hour. :thumbsup2
Thank you for the reminder. I knew CBS was starting it earlier then it had planned. Good idea on setting the DVR for an extra hour. Cannot miss a second of Phil.
I had heard that AR wasnt going to start until January but needed to fill that time slot quickly because Viva Laughlin was wretchedly awful.

Didja catch any of that? They would start singing for no reason.....and not just singing...they were singing over the original. Melanie Griffith started singing over an old Blondie song and you could hear her and Deborah Harry.

It was actually a bit of hoot. They even talked Hugh Jackman into doing it somehow.

Whatever their reasoning....I'm happy to have Amazing Race back.

Now dont be calling me between 8 and 11 on Sunday nights.

We have Amazing Race, Housewives and Brothers and Sisters (best show on TV).

Get comfy in those Barco-loungers and pass the bowl of popcorn........popcorn:: popcorn:: popcorn::

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Well...after watching the first episode last night DH and I agreed that this is the most "unusual" group to date! We were happy with the first couple eliminated as I really don't care for the contestants that immediately start spouting off about how sneaky and dishonest they're going to be. And to think, the person (Ari) that thought they were the biggest and the baddest got taken out by a little donkey.
Yeah...this is a group of characters.

There seems to be a lot of whining and it's the first show.

One young lady was bemoening the fact that walking from the ferry to that little church "was the hardest thing she ever had to do."

And the goth couple...Kynt and Vyxxsin...they're good TV. They rival Charla and Mirna.
And the goth couple...Kynt and Vyxxsin...they're good TV. They rival Charla and Mirna.

I agree!

This is one of the few shows that my family watches together. We've always enjoyed it and never had a problem finding a couple of teams to root for. However, the last couple of seasons we've been a bit disappointed and I hate the fact that it is starting to look like the world tour of the Jerry Springer show. Geez...even the potty-mouthed grandpa was getting on my nerves last night. I hope some of the contestants grow on me!
This has the makings of a good season. Yea, no alpha male team this trip around the world! After the family version (blech) and All-Stars, I hope TAR is finally back on track.

You gotta love when the real winners of the leg are the donkeys.
Oops, missed the first episode. They were too busy trying to restart my heart after the game (YAY, PATS!!!!)...I did catch DH and B&S, though.
Is it just me, or does the Goth Couple spend more time referencing just how Goth they are than doing, well, anything else?

I guess I don't find it very Goth to pimp how Goth you are on TV...


PS - yes, good TV. Viva Laughlin, bad TV. Kevin, how dare you compliment that show with just "awful"... it was SO far beyond that ;)
I think the term was "wretchedly awful".....but maybe that wasnt strong enough.

It was laughably bad....but I watched two episodes. It was like an accident along the highway. You know you shouldnt look. You feel guilty for looking....but you look anyway.

We were discussing how long they have between legs of the race, Doesnt Phil say they have 8 hours? How long does that eyeliner take?

I hope they last a while and we get to see them straggle out of some remote place in the middle of the night. You know...when they use that night vision camara?
We were discussing how long they have between legs of the race, Doesnt Phil say they have 8 hours? How long does that eyeliner take?

I hope they last a while and we get to see them straggle out of some remote place in the middle of the night. You know...when they use that night vision camara?

It's 12, I think.

Yep, I'd like to see what they really look like. Most of the women stop trying by the end of the race, wonder if this man will find it necessary to slather on the cotton white foundation after a grueling leg.
wonder if this man will find it necessary to slather on the cotton white foundation after a grueling leg.

Here is the "Best Case Scenario"... at least for us as viewers.

Goth Couple is last in a non-elimination round, and has to complete the rest of the race without their makeup.

You know you wanna see it...

Here is the "Best Case Scenario"... at least for us as viewers.

Goth Couple is last in a non-elimination round, and has to complete the rest of the race without their makeup.

You know you wanna see it...


OK, I'll admit it....:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

There is a special place in my heart for guys who wear more lipstick/lipgloss then I do.


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