Kinda crazy Q... is it possible to experience Disney w/o "Disney"?

Kids who have to go through something like the topic starter's daughter went through - they are tough cookies! They mature real quick too.

I maybe wrong but I feel that the family would make a very happy trip even if they would not be able to go to the park.

Anyway - the parents know their daughter. If they think she is going to be happy with the "Disney-not-Disney" trip - they know what they are talking about.

I wish the family a VERY HAPPY TRIP - no matter how they would plan it.
Hi all. We have been to Disney 3x (last time I planned the trip for 35 people!).

My 12 year old just spent over 300 days in the hospital (over the past year) with a brain illness. She is recovering, and wants Disney. We cannot afford Disney this year, so we would like to do this: drive down (we are in PA), stay somewhere with a great pool and inexpensive rates (Wyndham Bonnet Creek?) and just be *near* Disney. I do not think we will be disappointed. In the past we had Disney hotel and park tickets, but will have neither this year. I would love your input, in case I am missing something.

My question to you: do you have any ideas how I can make this "feel" like a Disney vacation, without spending much money (or even getting *into* Disney)? I am thinking just breathing the Disney Springs air will be good enough for my husband and I. I hope my daughters feel the same? I know they will love some pool time, as we missed all that over the (difficult) summer, so they will already be so grateful for that. Plus, just the fact that we get to vacation together as a family after a long year - they will appreciate that. I think this year, we are a much more grateful and humble family than in the past! We are looking at mid-December (or January). Thanks all!

Dear BarbieSmith,

I sent you personal messages with the information Disney gave me about your situation. I hope you received them.

I have to put it into multiple messages because the message sizing is limited to certain amount of symbols.

If that didn't work - let me know, I will post this info here.
I would let your family know that you'd like Disney gift cards for Christmas for you and the kids. If you got a few hundred dollars in cards you could at very least do one day at MK.
Dear BarbieSmith,

I sent you personal messages with the information Disney gave me about your situation. I hope you received them.

I have to put it into multiple messages because the message sizing is limited to certain amount of symbols.

If that didn't work - let me know, I will post this info here.

JoieNsk, I am so touched that you reached out to Disney for the OP. :lovestruc
JoieNsk, I am so touched that you reached out to Disney for the OP. :lovestruc

It's nothing, and I am not even sure it is going to be very helpful.

I just thought the OP might be embarrassed to ask. But I can at least ask for them.
OP I love your positivity, & i think this trip sounds like a great idea.
Your daughter has obviously had a tough year, & i think a getaway would be good for not only her, but the whole family. I love Disney springs, there's alot of good stuff there. Checking out the resorts would also be fun!

There are people on here who think that it's not a real Disney trip if you don't stay on resort. I couldn't disagree more with that. If you visit Walt Disney World, whether it's going to the parks & staying off site, staying on site but not going to the parks, or enjoying the magic of Disney at Disney Springs, or at a resort meal, that's a Disney trip. If it's magical to you, then it's a real Disney trip.

All the best to you and your daughter OP!
OP I love your positivity, & i think this trip sounds like a great idea.
Your daughter has obviously had a tough year, & i think a getaway would be good for not only her, but the whole family. I love Disney springs, there's alot of good stuff there. Checking out the resorts would also be fun!

There are people on here who think that it's not a real Disney trip if you don't stay on resort. I couldn't disagree more with that. If you visit Walt Disney World, whether it's going to the parks & staying off site, staying on site but not going to the parks, or enjoying the magic of Disney at Disney Springs, or at a resort meal, that's a Disney trip. If it's magical to you, then it's a real Disney trip.

All the best to you and your daughter OP!

I'm not as sure it's that people think that "it's not a real Disney trip if you don't stay on resort" as that the OP's daughter by her own first post "wants Disney". If the child has expressed that she "wants Disney", she may well NOT be happy with almost-but-not-quite, and that is our concern (at least I think for most people on here). She's been through a lot, and if what she wants is Disney she may end up feeling cheated and being upset that they're close but not there.
JoieNsk, I received your PM .... thank you! You are so sweet and I will indeed reach out to these groups!!!

I will update you all in 2 weeks as to the outcome!!!

I was trying to send you a PM, but i can't figure out how to do it. If this doesn't work out, my husband works at Disney, and we would be happy to get you guys in to the park(s) of your choice for a day or two. We live less than 10 miles from WDW property. Please let me know how I can get in contact with you and when you plan to come.
I was trying to send you a PM, but i can't figure out how to do it. If this doesn't work out, my husband works at Disney, and we would be happy to get you guys in to the park(s) of your choice for a day or two. We live less than 10 miles from WDW property. Please let me know how I can get in contact with you and when you plan to come.

Wow! This is great!

I was hoping somebody from Disney will read this thread and do something!

Palavra - you made my day! I keep smiling whenever I think about it :) Thank you!
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JoieNsk, I received your PM .... thank you! You are so sweet and I will indeed reach out to these groups!!!

I will update you all in 2 weeks as to the outcome!!!

I hope this info is going to be helpful!

Anyway - I wish you guys ALL THE BEST!
OMG Palavra, seriously!?!?! My heart is beating so fast! I will PM you. In case it does not work... Smith Angels at comcast . net (no spaces)
I was trying to send you a PM, but i can't figure out how to do it. If this doesn't work out, my husband works at Disney, and we would be happy to get you guys in to the park(s) of your choice for a day or two. We live less than 10 miles from WDW property. Please let me know how I can get in contact with you and when you plan to come.

Well done. Nominate this for one of the posts of the year. That's so nice of you!!
Hi all, I just want to update you! The ticket offer above did not go through, but it did not matter at all! We worked hard to adjust expectations, and the girls were delighted with our trip. They were grateful and happy. We spent most of our time visiting resorts and their Christmas decorations and dreaming of staying there one day, and also at Disney Springs. I am so happy we did this non-Disney trip to Disney :)
Hi all, I just want to update you! The ticket offer above did not go through, but it did not matter at all! We worked hard to adjust expectations, and the girls were delighted with our trip. They were grateful and happy. We spent most of our time visiting resorts and their Christmas decorations and dreaming of staying there one day, and also at Disney Springs. I am so happy we did this non-Disney trip to Disney :)

I'm glad everyone had a good time and I know going through something like that has a way of making everyone feel grateful for whatever they are able to experience. Disney springs is a great place to spend some time to experience Disney, were your girls able to get a souvenir?
PM me your address and we are going in January and if I can remember I'll try and send a postcard from Mickey, saying something along the lines of "I heard you came to my neighbour but I must have missed you, I hear you had a great time and I hope that your able to come back and visit me sometime" if you think your girls would enjoy that.
A grateful heart is a happy heart! So glad you had a wonderful trip! I thought you would! Blessings to you and your family! May 2018 be a year of good health for all of you!


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