Lacey & Keith's 10/24/11 Wishes Wedding! ***honeymoon, day 4...updated 6/18***

Okay, so it seems like you were busy while I was gone and dealing with a concussion. :rotfl2: I am all caught up now. :cool1:

First off, I know I said it on facebook, but CONGRATS on the upcoming arrival! :cheer2: That is awesome news.

On to the TR comments --

* Love your DATW pics! That's amazing that you got everyone to go as a group. That is usually nothing but a disaster when we try it.
* Good job on the surprise dessert party. Love that you went low key. We are kinda doing half and half. We don't want to be all dressed up, but if our DPS package still has time left over, we will use it for the DP. I bought a white dress, but one I can wear in the park. We'll see how that goes.

Day 1

* Glad Chef Mickey's worked out for everyone. Awesome pic of you and Keith with Donald!
* I now have a VR goal, get everyone to listen to me, like your guests listened to you. Awesome job!
* Love the Mr. Incredible story!!! :rotfl2: Good job, Keith!!!
* I love being the boss too! A lot of guests fear me, so this could be a good thing.
* Why is TSM still crazy?? I love it, but come on!
* Love the MGM pics! Very nice.
* Vacations are made for adult beverages. :rotfl:
* OMG!! Love the MNSSHP pics! They are fabulous!
* We have waited ages for the The Dwarfs too, but you are right, it's so worth it.
* To us, the special characters are the best part of the parties.
* Love, love, love the pics with you and Alice.

I have to say that I had the Boo to You song in my head too!!!

Day 2

* Love the HM shoot pics! Good idea for the switch. Paul had never seen the picture point before last week, but loves it now. Great pics there.
* OMG!!! The suite was amazing! Wow! I have a new thing to put on my WDW bucket list!
* Of course you are a Sam fan!!! :rotfl2: We are insisting on it for our events, since Paul loves it. :rotfl2: At F&W, Paul really loves the Sam Adams stand and all the different types they serve. Tries a new one every time he stops.
* The Small World story about the couple you met last summer is fabulous. You never know who will run into.
* I understand your feelings about AK. We like it, but don't feel the need to visit it every trip.
* Looks like you had a very nice dinner at Cali Grill. Good way to end the night.

Can't wait to hear about the cruise!!! :cheer2:

Your comments made me smile! :goodvibes

-DATW was soooo much fun, but kinda difficult with all those people!! After a few different countries (and a few cocktails) some people kept wandering off...
-If you have the time left through DPS, then it would be amazing to get some photos of you and Paulie smooching in front of the fireworks! :love2:
-I am happy to give you lessons on how to be scary so that people listen to you. My guests feared me, too!
-Yay for the Boo to You song (STILL in my head, btw!)! :yay:
-I would totally stay in the garden suite again if the opportunity presents itself! makes me very sad that I can't have any Sam Summer until baby boy arrives. :sad2: BUT I am extremely happy that I will be able to enjoy an Octoberfest when it makes its debut! :dance3:

And thanks again for taking the time to read so carefully and comment on my updates. It means a lot to me! :hug:

-Omigosh, that suite is GORGEOUS and HUGE!!! I am just a littttle jealous!
-Mmmm those snacks look tasty.
-I do remember your party at Misquamicut! Because I used to go there all the time when I was little. ☺
-WOW! It’s a small world after all, huh? Huh?
-Yup, AK is my least favorite park too. ☺
-Mmmm. That dessert at cali grill looks fabulous.

-Jackie, I have never stayed in a suite (nor have I ever been CL before) at WDW so that was a double jackpot for me! I LOVED it! :yay:
-I also remember that you commented about Misquamicut last year. ;) I love that place! And yes, it is a small, small world!
-DF and I went and had ice cream the other day and he got a bananas foster sundae. He was like, "didn't we eat something like this at that place at the Contemporary?" Of all the things he remembered, of course it was the dessert! ;)

Ok, your dress and shoes for the honeymoon shoot were super cute! I also really like how the hammock shots turned out. That suite is amaaazing! And yay, you went on a DCL cruise! I can't wait to read about it!

Thank you so much! I love the hammock shots as well. I have one of those on my desk at work! :) Yup, DCL was AMAZING! I can't wait to talk about it! ;)
Hi wedding twin! Another great update! I have to admit though, this one made me a wee bit jealous!
*That suite is AHmazing! So gorgeous. I just want to sink down into that tub...ahhh!! :)
*I love the small world story. That is just so cool.
* I also love Sam Adams Octoberfest! I am a pretty recent beer drinker. I thought for years that I didn't like it. Turns out, I was just drinking crappy beer! Haha.
*Animal Kingdom is my least favorite park too. The first time I ever went, it was so hot that I broke out into heat rash almost immediately. So, it became a place to be avoided by association! In fact, the first time DH went to AK was a couple of months before the wedding, because I refused to go back! I do like it a lot better now. I love taking pictures there. But we usually don't spend more than a half day at AK.
*I've never been to California Grill, but from the looks of that food, I will definitely have to now. Yummy!

Great update! Can't wait for more! :goodvibes
Hi wedding twin! Another great update! I have to admit though, this one made me a wee bit jealous!
*That suite is AHmazing! So gorgeous. I just want to sink down into that tub...ahhh!! :)
*I love the small world story. That is just so cool.
* I also love Sam Adams Octoberfest! I am a pretty recent beer drinker. I thought for years that I didn't like it. Turns out, I was just drinking crappy beer! Haha.
*Animal Kingdom is my least favorite park too. The first time I ever went, it was so hot that I broke out into heat rash almost immediately. So, it became a place to be avoided by association! In fact, the first time DH went to AK was a couple of months before the wedding, because I refused to go back! I do like it a lot better now. I love taking pictures there. But we usually don't spend more than a half day at AK.
*I've never been to California Grill, but from the looks of that food, I will definitely have to now. Yummy!

Great update! Can't wait for more! :goodvibes

Hi twinnie! I love that you like good beer now! Woo hoo!!! I am glad to know I am not the only person who isn't thrilled by AK. I prefer to drink beer at EPCOT...can you tell I am just a little sad that I haven't been able to enjoy a yummy adult beverage in over 6 months? hehehehe. Yes, definitely go to California Grill and make sure you time your reservations with Wishes. That was the best part!!!
Honeymoon Day 3

Part 1

Today was definitely a bittersweet day...sad because we were leaving WDW but happy because it was the day we got to set foot on the DREAM!!!

We got up nice and early this morning because we had to make sure our bags were ready for pickup by around 8am. We packed everything up and made sure we had the necessities in our backpack, because we wouldn't see our luggage again until we were on the cruise!

Originally we had breakfast reservations at Kona Cafe for 8:30am. However, I made an executive decision the day before and suggested to DH that we cancel our reservations and utilize the complimentary breakfast offered at the Innkeeper's Lounge (first because we would save a ton of money, and secondly because I didn't feel like taking a taxi or transferring buses in order to get to the Poly). DH has never been to Kona Cafe so it was an easy decision for him. I was a little sad about missing tonga toast, but I got over it!

After breakfast and coffee in the lounge (I don't remember exactly what we ate, but I do remember having some delicious oatmeal and pastries!) we headed back to our wonderful garden suite. Our bags had already been collected by the time we got back to the room, so we decided it was time to check-out and head to the designated meeting location to check in with DCL. Before we left the room, however, I had to take a few minutes and say goodbye to my beautiful bouquet, which had been sitting in an ice bucket (filled with water) for the past few days. I was so sad about leaving my bouquet that I actually cried. Yup, I shed tears over flowers! :worried:

We found the meeting location for DCL which was at one of the small lounge areas near the main lobby. Since we were so early, we decided to pop into one of the little gift shops. DH ended up buying a BW pin and I bought some nailpolish remover. After that, we headed back to the lounge area and just relaxed until it was time to load onto the bus. Not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but DH got me an ipad as my wedding gift (love him!) and loaded a bunch of my favorite movies in it before wrapping it up. I decided this was the perfect time to start watching the Nightmare before Christmas (for the billionth time) and was singing along to the movie when we were told it was time to go.

I will spare you all the details about getting onto the bus, finding our seats, and waiting impatiently at all of the stops at other resorts (;)). Finally we were off...and headed to Port Canaveral!

After a (not-super-duper) short ride, we made it to the terminal and headed inside. We already had all of our forms filled out so DH and I got in the appropriate check-in line. There was a couple in front of us who were wearing their bride/groom ears because they had also just gotten married. A lovely CM spotted them in the crowd and whisked them away to the much shorter priority check-in line. I immediately hissed at DH and told him to take our ears out of the bag and put them on. We didn't have enough time to do this before the same CM came back to our line. Luckily, we were both wearing our honeymoon tshirts and just married buttons...because he took us to the same "special" line! Woo hoo! :yay:

Check-in was very smooth after that and we were finally headed onto the ship! I was so beyond excited, as this was my first cruise EVER and DH's first cruise on DCL. :banana: We entered the gigantic atrium and I was blown away by the beauty of the ship! I wish I had taken pictures of the chandelier! :worried: We didn't waste too much time gawking and went off to find our stateroom!

Finally we found it...stateroom 9020...and went inside...we were both very impressed with the room. DH told me that it was much bigger than other staterooms he has seen. I thought it was lovely!

Of course I had done my homework before going on this cruise. After reading the boards, I discovered many tips/tricks/ideas to enhance our cruise. Prior to leaving home, I called ahead and had some snacks and beverages waiting in our stateroom. There was beer and water chilling in our cute little fridge, and our special "bon voyage" celebration was waiting for the ship to set sail...champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, and petit fours. Oh yeah, I had also sprung for the refillable beer mugs! :cool1:

Before we could do anything else, I made sure to decorate our door with the magnets I made and hung our fish extender (more about this later).

We were both pretty hungry by this time and decided to grab some lunch from Cabanas. We grabbed our beer mugs and found our way to deck 11. After some delicious peel-and-eat shrimp, pizza, and mac & cheese, we walked around the ship for a little bit just taking in the sights.

Eventually it was time to head back to our stateroom to drop off the beer mugs and find our assembly station for the mandatory lifeboat drill. Thankfully, the drill did not last FOREVER and we were able to go back to the stateroom. Rather than join the other families for the sailing away party, DH and I decided to enjoy this moment from the privacy of our own veranda. We ordered a couple of cheese platters from room service, opened the champagne, and had a grand-old time!


Next up: Palo!

I totally understand the sadness over leaving WDW for a cruise, but the cruise is so worth it when you get there.

Love the door!!! I think that decorating the door is one of my favorite things to do on a cruise. Nice FE from what I can see.

I think I am going to steal your idea on our next cruise and do the champagne and snacks on the verandah as we pull out of port. What a fabulous idea! :cool1:

You and Keith look so happy! Way to go!

Can't wait to hear about Palo! It's our favorite restaurant anywhere.

Going to the Sox game tomorrow night. Just wish I was excited about this season. May be our only trip to Fenway. I still can't believe the Bruins are done. Piffle!
-I think you made a great call on the breakfast. I mean, you can always have Tonga Toast at some other point!
-Awww I totally understand crying over flowers. You were also crying about not being a bride anymore! We all get that.
-That is such a sweet wedding gift. What a thoughtful DH.
-Woohoo! Priority!
-Your room is very lovely, and has that awesome pillow I have been drooling over.
-Your door is adorable too!
-I can’t waiiittt for the rest of it.
Yay, you started on the cruise!!! I'm already taking mental notes on what you did so we can do the same. I looove the door decorations! I'll have to do some research on those. DF and I have only been on one other cruise and it wasn't DCL so we're crazy excited. Can't wait to hear about Palo and the rest of your honeymoon!
Lacey! Your door is absolutely adorable!

Thank you! I was very proud of how the door turned out! :)


I totally understand the sadness over leaving WDW for a cruise, but the cruise is so worth it when you get there.

Love the door!!! I think that decorating the door is one of my favorite things to do on a cruise. Nice FE from what I can see.

I think I am going to steal your idea on our next cruise and do the champagne and snacks on the verandah as we pull out of port. What a fabulous idea! :cool1:

You and Keith look so happy! Way to go!

Can't wait to hear about Palo! It's our favorite restaurant anywhere.

Going to the Sox game tomorrow night. Just wish I was excited about this season. May be our only trip to Fenway. I still can't believe the Bruins are done. Piffle!

Thanks, Bethie! I had the FE made from a seller on etsy. She did an awesome job! I will definitely be decorating our door on the next cruise we go on!

I highly recommend the champagne and snacks while you pull out of port. It was so romantic and we really enjoyed ourselves. If you decide on the cheese platter from room service, make sure you order 2. The platters are kind of small (and there is no extra charge, of course, so it's totally worth it!).

Did you have fun at the Sox game? I always love going to games, even if the seats are bad and the players are (ahem) not so great. You can't beat a Fenway Frank and an $8 draft beer!!! We have tickets to a game at the beginning in September. My best friend and her husband bought them the week before we found out I was pregnant. I am due 8/18. Maybe the baby will come early/on time and we can still go...fingers crossed!!! :thumbsup2

-I think you made a great call on the breakfast. I mean, you can always have Tonga Toast at some other point!
-Awww I totally understand crying over flowers. You were also crying about not being a bride anymore! We all get that.
-That is such a sweet wedding gift. What a thoughtful DH.
-Woohoo! Priority!
-Your room is very lovely, and has that awesome pillow I have been drooling over.
-Your door is adorable too!
-I can’t waiiittt for the rest of it.

Maybe I will have to try and make tonga toast at home?!?!? You are totally right about crying over not being a bride anymore! :( So sad!

Yes, DH is very thoughtful. He made sure the ipad had a pink cover and had it inscribed to say "for my Disney bride on her big day".

I agree. The room was great. And that darn pillow wouldn't fit in my suitcase so I had to leave it there...

Yay, you started on the cruise!!! I'm already taking mental notes on what you did so we can do the same. I looove the door decorations! I'll have to do some research on those. DF and I have only been on one other cruise and it wasn't DCL so we're crazy excited. Can't wait to hear about Palo and the rest of your honeymoon!

You are going to LOVE the cruise. If you have ANY questions, feel free to ask (I am not an expert by any means, but I do have a teeny bit of insight now!)!

I used magnetic printer paper to print the door magnets at home. Many of the images I used were made for me by some of the fabulous DISigners on the boards. Based on tips I read from other members of the boards, I wrote our stateroom number on the magnets that weren't personalized with our names (in order to discourage people from stealing the magnets!).

Definitely will order 2! Love DCL room service. It is fabulous.

I had someone make our FE too. It's the easiest way to go. :)

We did have fun at the Sox game. It was us, the Fairy Godchildren, their parents and their grandparents. We had a blast. We had State Street seats and had dinner at the restaurant. It was amazing. I had 2 Summer Ales - 1 for me and 1 for you, since I knew you couldn't have one. :rotfl:

Definitely will order 2! Love DCL room service. It is fabulous.

I had someone make our FE too. It's the easiest way to go. :)

We did have fun at the Sox game. It was us, the Fairy Godchildren, their parents and their grandparents. We had a blast. We had State Street seats and had dinner at the restaurant. It was amazing. I had 2 Summer Ales - 1 for me and 1 for you, since I knew you couldn't have one. :rotfl:

Aww, thanks for having a beer for me!!!! I really enjoyed living vicariously through you!!!! :worship:

I have been in the State Street Pavilion a few times (my dad gets seats from his boss pretty frequently) and enjoy the free popcorn they give you inside the restaurant! :banana:
Honeymoon Day 3...continued

After the boat pulled out of port, DH and I spent some time finishing up the delightful bottle of champagne (it was the Iron Horse Cuvee) and ate the rest of our snacks. And yes, you read that right...we drank the entire bottle! :woohoo:

We left our stateroom and headed down to guest services. Prior to leaving for our cruise, I had read on the boards that people often bring tshirts and pillowcases and other items for the characters to sign and leave them with the CMs at guest services, who have the signed items returned to the guests on the last night of their cruise. When I told this to DH, he suggested we bring one of those ceramic platters for the characters to sign so we could have it displayed when we got home. Brilliant! :thumbsup2 So of course I took his idea and ran with it, and found a woman in CT who customizes ceramic platters and ordered a special one for this purpose (I promise I will show you a picture at the end!). We waited our turn in line and then explained our request to the wonderful young lady behind the counter at guest services. She took our platter and special pen and told us she would be happy to put in our request. DH even asked her if the captain could sign our platter as well. In order to sweeten the deal (hahaha), I gave her a bag of Halloween candy as a little thank you (as some DCL CMs can't accept cash tips). I made a bunch of candy goodie bags to give to the CMs on board (in addition to the cash tips for our servers, room host, bartenders, etc) and they all seemed to appreciate the sugar!

We then decided it was time to explore the boat a little more. I really wanted to get some pictures with the characters, but every time they appeared, the lines were SOOOOO long that I decided against waiting. DH was very happy, because this left more time for us to do more "grown-up" things on the ship. We headed to Deck 4 to check out The District, and all of the bars/lounges in that area. After walking through Pink and Skyline, we ended up in 687, which is a sports bar with lots of TVs and yummy beer that is brewed especially for DCL (the beer is called 687--imagine that!). We sat at the bar and had a beer or two (I honestly can't remember because I was feeling pretty buzzed at that point!!) and watched whatever game was playing on the television. After a while we decided to head out and walk back to our stateroom to get ready for dinner.

Dinner was scheduled for 8pm at Palo. We showered and got dressed, and headed up to Deck 12 to check in for our reservations. We were shown to a lovely little booth and our dinner experience began.

I am so mad at myself that I didn't write down exactly what we ate for dinner! I did snap a couple of photos, but I can't tell you anything about our meal other than it was fabulous!!!




Before getting on the ship, I had ordered the premium wine package--which meant that we received a bottle of wine with each evening meal. I do remember what kind of wine we drank that night, because it's one of our favorites: Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio.

I wish we had our picture taken before the meal because I was soooooo uncomfortably full after dinner I almost busted out of my dress!!! :rotfl:

As we were getting ready to leave the restaurant, I was very aware of the boat rocking back and forth. I couldn't tell if it was the boat or because I was so tipsy!!! :rotfl2:

Luckily, we made it back to our stateroom in one piece (I managed to walk in my heels and not fall over). We changed into some comfy clothes and headed out in order to deliver our FE gifts. For anyone who doesn't know what a FE is, let me give a little explanation. A FE (fish extender) is a little pocket organizer that is hung from the fish ornament outside of each stateroom. Prior to the trip, I signed us up for a gift exchange over on the DCL board with a bunch of other couples/families who were going to be on the cruise. Each participant brings little gifts to leave in the FEs of the rest of the group. I made up little gift packages for each of the staterooms--a reusable Mickey shopping bag and some Halloween Treats. We then took our list of participating staterooms and walked allllllllll over the Dream to deliver our goodies!!

Please note the beer mug in DH's hand!!!


DH got into the spirit of things and helped me deliver our gifts.

Throughout our cruise, we would return to our stateroom and find little gifts and goodies from our fellow DISers!

Here are just a few examples from the first day:


And, because I have no idea at what point this little guy was left in our room, I decided to add it into today's update:

By the time we finished delivering our gifts, we were both pretty intoxicated and we went to bed! :goodvibes
Love the update!!

We love Palo! Especially the souffle. At least you got a picture of that. :rotfl2:

Your cruise is looking alot like our cruises -- alot of adult beverages. Good job!!

You got some good FE gifts. Good exchange.

More, more, more!!
Holy cow, that towel creature is AWESOME!!!

I think it's a lobster . . . my first reaction was trilobite, but not many people know what that is, so we'll go with lobster . . .

Either way, it looks like you two had a great start to your trip! :goodvibes
Finally got all caught up! Between your DCL pics so far and Deena's DL pics, I'm really struggling with where we should go next on vacation! :rotfl2: (CA gets bonus points because I lived there for a while, but oh, the one cruise I have been on, I loved it)

Your decorated door is adorable! SO doing that! In fact, you've given me a ton of ideas. Now, to have the money and Doug's vacation time magically appear... ;)

The dessert pic from Palo looks amazing. I just want to reach into the screen and start eating :lmao:

Can't wait to read more! :goodvibes
Aw, the FEs look like so much fun! DF and I should totally do that! And I didn't realize until now but your wedding date is only a day before the date we want (obvs in 2013, lol) and we've booked the cruise for Oct. 26 so we'll be on the boat for Halloween!
What a fabulous idea about the platter! It’s so awesome that the DCL crewmembers will do that for you.
-Ha! I think a cruise ship is certainly the best place to have a buzz. So much to do, and you don’t have to drive anywhere.
-You don’t look busting! You look lovely.
-The FE gift exchange sounds like SO much fun. I love that!!
Holy cow, that towel creature is AWESOME!!!

I think it's a lobster . . . my first reaction was trilobite, but not many people know what that is, so we'll go with lobster . . .

Either way, it looks like you two had a great start to your trip! :goodvibes

hahaha, I am not going to lie...I had to Google "trilobite". Kind of creepy! :lmao: Let's go with lobster! :rotfl:

Finally got all caught up! Between your DCL pics so far and Deena's DL pics, I'm really struggling with where we should go next on vacation! :rotfl2: (CA gets bonus points because I lived there for a while, but oh, the one cruise I have been on, I loved it)

Your decorated door is adorable! SO doing that! In fact, you've given me a ton of ideas. Now, to have the money and Doug's vacation time magically appear... ;)

The dessert pic from Palo looks amazing. I just want to reach into the screen and start eating :lmao:

Can't wait to read more! :goodvibes

I have never been to DL so I can't really give you any advice! Although I would love to go one day! However, the cruise was fabulous! I only wish we had gone longer. I will DEFINITELY be on another Disney cruise!!! I am now spoiled and will not even think about another cruise line!!! :rolleyes:

Aw, the FEs look like so much fun! DF and I should totally do that! And I didn't realize until now but your wedding date is only a day before the date we want (obvs in 2013, lol) and we've booked the cruise for Oct. 26 so we'll be on the boat for Halloween!

OMG you must do the FE! It was so much fun to arrive at the stateroom and find little gifts from fellow cruisers!! We got off the boat the day before Halloween. I would have LOVED to be on it for that holiday! :goodvibes

What a fabulous idea about the platter! It’s so awesome that the DCL crewmembers will do that for you.
-Ha! I think a cruise ship is certainly the best place to have a buzz. So much to do, and you don’t have to drive anywhere.
-You don’t look busting! You look lovely.
-The FE gift exchange sounds like SO much fun. I love that!!

Yup, I must admit DH has some good ideas now and again! :rotfl2: The crewmembers on the boat were so amazing.

I totally agree about being buzzed on the cruise. No driving, AND if you aren't walking straight, nobody will be able to tell! :lmao:
Honeymoon Day 4

I have to admit, I was nervous about sleeping on the ship (this being my first cruise and all) but I managed to have a great night's sleep! I woke up feeling very refreshed...and not even a bit hungover! :banana:

We grabbed some breakfast at Enchanted Garden and decided to go back to the room to get ready for the day. The ship was docking in Nassau, and DH really wanted to buy a new watch in one of the stores on the island. While we were in the room, I was reading our daily Navigator and noticed that there was going to be a champagne tasting at Pink (one of the bars) that afternoon, and I told DH that was something I really wanted to do! :goodvibes We got ready pretty quickly and stopped by guest services to reserve our spots for the tasting.

Please excuse my was terribly windy out there!!!


Before we got off the ship, DH spoke with the shopping director (I'm not really sure that's what she is called, but basically she was the girl who led seminars and helped guests shop for diamonds and other jewelry at port) to get some information about the best stores to visit. Once we got off the ship, we walked around Nassau for a bit. I am sorry to say that I wasn't overly impressed with the island. Granted, we didn't have any excursions booked and we really didn't leave the "touristy" section of the island, but I would have been happier on the boat. We visited several jewelry stores but DH didn't find "the" watch. So we headed back to the ship!

We had a little less than an hour to kill before the champagne we decided to grab a drink at one of the bars near the quiet pool. Today's drink-of-the-day was the Yellow Bird...I don't remember what was in it, but apparently I liked it (see my big smile?)!


We headed back to the room so DH could change his outfit (he wanted to be in something more "champagne appropriate" :rotfl:) and eventually made our way down to Pink.

The champagne tasting ended up being one of the highlights of the cruise! Although the cost wasn't included (it cost an additional $25/pp) it was so worth it! The CM who led the tasting was the Dream's sommelier, and he did a fantastic job!

We each got to taste four different champagnes out of these beautiful flutes (which were all Murano glass made in Venice, Italy).



My favorite was the pink Taittinger champagne. Apparently it is a special, signature champagne sold exclusively on the Dream.



After the tasting was over, we decided to spend some time in the pool...but not before we rode the AquaDuck (which was amazing, by the way!). The wait wasn't too long...maybe 15-20 minutes...probably because so many people were still on the island. After our ride, we grabbed a couple of loungers in the Quiet Cove and made use of the pool and one of the hot tubs. There was a man singing and playing the guitar, and we had a great time! :cool1:


Next up...dinner and drinks (do you see a pattern here???)! :rolleyes1
I am sorry to say that DH and I never made it to a single show in the ships's theater while we were on the Dream. I know DH didn't really mind, but I was kind of disappointed in us! I mean, we were on a DISNEY ship, for goodness sake! Perhaps if our cruise lasted longer than 3 nights it would have fit into our schedule a bit better. :confused3

Tonight's dinner was at Animator's Palate. Since we had dinner in Palo the night before, this was the first time we met our serving staff. They were wonderful! I was having a difficult time deciding what to order for my meal (again, I didn't take pictures of our food and I don't remember what I ate! :furious:) so our server brought me two different entrees to try. And when it was time for dessert, we chose one that the server felt was the "wrong" choice for us :lmao:, so he brought us two...the one we picked and the one he picked!




After dinner was over DH suggested we head back to Pink for a little bit (he knew how much I loved that place!).


We even decided to purchase a bottle of the pink Taittinger to take home with us!!!

When we got home, DH even ordered two of the pink champagne flutes that we used on the ship. My big plan was to save the bottle of champagne for New Year's...but as it turns out, the bottle of champagne is still unopened...and we will use it to celebrate the arrival of our little bundle of joy! :goodvibes

DH and I made it back to our stateroom, and there was a surprise waiting for me!

Before we turned in for the night, DH enjoyed a cigar on the veranda (I hate the smell of cigars, but I decided to be a good wifey and sat outside with him anyways!).

Up next...Castaway Cay!


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