Leave in 5 days and what? Poison Ivy! Any tips?

I know this is going to sound terrible but it works. Take a washcloth and pour a little bit of Clorox/bleach on it and rub the area. It will burn but it will clear it up in no time. Or if you are near a pool, go for a swim. It works..I promise. It dries it out and takes away the itch. I get it all the time!! I always used to hate it when my mom would rub me down with clorox after running around outside near poison ivy. When we had a pool I just went for a swim and it helped. Also make sure you wash any clothes that you think may have been exposed to it. It can live on clothes for up to a year if unwashed.

It's a cleaner that binds to and removes the surface urushiol (instead of being stuck to skin)

I had a bout with poison ivy, had 2 dr visits and shots... That did basically nothing. The pharmacist recommended (then it was new) Zanfel, and I finally got relief!

Zanfel helped heal mine pretty quickly - and it stops the oozing. Its not cheap but it works!
I've used Zanfel. It's good. Most of the time I just let it go away on its own. I use calamine lotion to help with the itching. If you don't irritate the rash further by scratching and stuff, it should be mostly gone in 5 days.
Is Technical something different from Tecnu? I've heard of Tecnu.
Similar to the mean green, I assume; we scrub with Simple Green - full strength but rinse quickly to avoid irritation. We've heard, but have not needed to try, scrubbing with Simple Green even after a rash has developed helps. I guess what you're willing to try would depend on your level of misery.
I assume that sun would be an issue on the rash? Do you have any light weight slacks? Zinc is in some natural sunscreens (and diaper ointments) and it is drying and soothing/healing to skin - if I needed sunscreen on top of a rash, I would use it.

It's Tecnu, but autocorrect thinks I am lying.
I feel your pain! Really surprised that a Dr. didn't give you any pills to take daily. I spent one very miserable summer after walking barefoot through poison ivy,( my feet were just one very large blister) the positive side was that I am now immune to it and haven't had a case in over 30 years even though I am outside in it every summer. Hope these ideas help you and that it gets a little cooler in Disney while you are there.
Having had many intense reactions to poison, I've found sun exposure (and sun block!) to be very irritating. Cover up with cotton clothing, use Zanfel, and shower with Burt's Bees Poison Ivy Soap as often as you can. If you get desperate for relief while in the park, ice (free from any food stand) can be calming.
Thanks for the advise everyone. It seems to have gotten worse after the shot. Urggh

I did use the Tecnu stuff and scrubbed everywhere in the shower when I first noticed it. I have no idea how I got it.

I'll go get some Zanfel and try that. I"ll grab some Aveeno Oatmeal bath too. I do have a pool but was trying to stay out of the sun. I could swim and go back inside right away. lol

I wonder if it is healing as it was the itchiest ever last night?!

I may try that bleach idea too. :crazy:
I'm a nurse (and nurse practitioner student) and we usually recommend Domeboro Astringent solution- comes with 12 powdered packets, mix with water, use as a soap. Zanfel poison ivy wash, 1oz cost $30 is also an option but not recommend for just a small patch of ivy. Good luck!!
Do you have a dog? Because if your dog came in contact, the oil could be on his coat and then transferred to you. Also it could be "getting worse" in areas that had the least amount of oil contact...slower to develop a rash.

My oldest son (11 at the time) had a terrible case of poison ivy when we went 4th of July week in 2013. We tried everything OTC/prescription and we found cold packs were the best for the itching.

So sorry!
It's even worse now. I must have sat on a chair or ground with shorts on that had the oil on it/poison ivy cuz it is mostly on the back of my legs.

Going to med center to get some steroid cream.
I am also very susceptible. Last year I had to make 3 trips to the Dr. He gave me prednisone. It helped immensely. Ask your Dr.


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