Leverage: anyone considering SSR purchase:

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woohoo - two Mickey bars!!! I am in hog heaven (so is peanut in my tummy....apparently s/he likes ice cream :rolleyes: :earboy2: )
lllovell said:
woohoo - two Mickey bars!!! I am in hog heaven (so is peanut in my tummy....apparently s/he likes ice cream :rolleyes: :earboy2: )

Hey, it's vacation time, let's act like it!
TCPluto said:
I see your Mickey bar and raise you one!

I agree that the H/A rooms don't work for everyone. I was trying to raise awareness about how people communicated their thoughts on the matter, and that they should be aware on how their words and emotions do affect others.

And certainly, most often, they would never intendt to hur tthe feelings of another, particularly a child. Bit I have seen it happen first hand.

I do think the likes of SJ fall into the category of "it's my world, don't you dare infringe upon it", and "I'll tell you how to think and feel". But I'm only basing this upon her discussion here.

How many times can you tell a person that you have no right to feel a certain way, that your feelings are invalid? While she, and others, have derided posters for saying the same thing, she takes free reign of the world to decide what people should feel.

On the other hand, the vast majority of people, at WDW and elsewhere, are not in this category. Thankfully.

thats fine but like I said I do not even care in the slightest what type of room I get.

so once again I ask how exactly is that the me type attitude?(of course I doubt you'll even reply to that)

also I am not telling you cant feel a certain way, youcan feel however you want, but you cant sit there and tell me what I am thinking. I am not against handicapped people, how is that ok that you say that?

you are making broad statements about what one rude loud person said about the HA room being inferior. One can find these types of situations in any aspect of life. this is a completely different discussion we are trying to discuss the current reservation system with regard to requests.

you arent even discussing the reservation system you are discussing some tine you were wronged and are now applying that to everyone here who simply saying HA arent for everyone for whatever reason
Well, I'm just glad that - for once - we're not discussing how terrible SSR is.

After reading all the pages - yep, every post (no comments about DrT's spare time, hokay?) - I think I've distilled out the basic issue. It's related to the Serenity Prayer:

God, grant me the
SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change;
COURAGE to change the things I can;
WISDOM to know the difference.

There just seems to be a fundamental disagreement between the Serenity folks - those who are willing to accept the way things are and make do - and the Courage folks, who see a problem and want to change things to improve them. And I sure as heck don't have the Wisdom to know who's right. :confused3

Not to stifle debate (like I have that power), but I feel that this is a classic "Agree to Disagree" situation. To those who accept - enjoy your Serenity. To those who are working for change - I admire your Courage.

Be well, all of you!

I have a feeling this thread is going to close REAL soon...

Oh, I wish it would be! I keep coming back to read the darn thing! Taking up too much of my time!

Not to stifle debate (like I have that power), but I feel that this is a classic "Agree to Disagree" situation.

I'd be happy to agree to disagree. I think at this point we all should so that we can move on...
I'm sorry you don't see it from the point of a person with a handicap. I tried my best to describe how the words and actions can hurt.
I see it that some of the handicapped here are unfortunately not looking at this from a very objective viewpoint ? I realize words and actions can hurt---but haven't seen that here in regards to the handicapped ? Respectfully, I feel you're morphing some posts into what you believe is disrespect or insulting---perhaps because you're emotions run so high on this topic (and understandably so). But if you could just distance yourself from the emotions you might be able to see that some of us are just discussing room preferences and requests etc ? So don't say you're "sorry I don't see the point". I used to volunteer with Easter Seals (I'm a nurse) for a couple years. I cared highly about and respected the children and families I worked with. If I saw open insults or disrespect towards anyone with disabilities here I would open my mouth and say so. I just don't see it.

You're absolutely right. No ones feelings are valid unless you say so. I get it now.
I don't get having to say this either :confused3 If anything, if you want to go there, this could be applied to other people in this thread too.

its no wonder that the handicapped people think you might be attacking them.
Unbelievable ! Attacking them ? :sad2: I really think that if they truly feel this they are reading way more into the postings than they should ? It's almost like they're reading between the lines and trying to turn things around to appear as an attack or insults when really all it is is people desiring accomodations that work best for their family ???

To say "I don't care for the soup" or "I don't want the soup", is far different from " This soup tastes like s---". The cook would likely be offended by the last and not the first two comments.
Again....really reaching I feel ? Who here has said the "soup tastes like s---" ? I'm not seeing this. I'm witness to posts that seem to be trying to be as sensitive as possible but still get their point across ? It's obvious others here are seeing something 360 degrees different and that is truly a shame.

I agree that the H/A rooms don't work for everyone. I was trying to raise awareness about how people communicated their thoughts on the matter, and that they should be aware on how their words and emotions do affect others.
Ok....totally agree with the first line in this statement. But I felt the communication came through respectfully and honestly ? I think the "honestly" part is what got alot of people put on the "guilt trip wagon" unfortunately. I'd bet there are people on these boards that are downright afraid to post for being branded an insensitive, attacker of disability issues. It's a shame we all just can't voice our thoughts and feelings without being made to feel like we're doing something wrong. Some here have stated this is a "non existant issue" or they "don't care" about hearing about it, yet they keep posting ? With all due respect, if they feel it's a non-issue why is this ? And I agree, DVC Members who are new or vets should ALL feel comfortable enough to post their feelings here.
I hope this thread is closed soon too---it's going in the wrong direction unfortunately. :sad2:
MiaSRN62 said:
I see it that some of the handicapped here are unfortunately not looking at this from a very objective viewpoint ? I realize words and actions can hurt---but haven't seen that here in regards to the handicapped ? Respectfully, I feel you're morphing some posts into what you believe is disrespect or insulting---perhaps because you're emotions run so high on this topic (and understandably so). But if you could just distance yourself from the emotions you might be able to see that some of us are just discussing room preferences and requests etc ? So don't say you're "sorry I don't see the point". I used to volunteer with Easter Seals (I'm a nurse) for a couple years. I cared highly about and respected the children and families I worked with. If I saw open insults or disrespect towards anyone with disabilities here I would open my mouth and say so. I just don't see it.

I don't get having to say this either :confused3 If anything, if you want to go there, this could be applied to other people in this thread too.

Unbelievable ! Attacking them ? :sad2: I really think that if they truly feel this they are reading way more into the postings than they should ? It's almost like they're reading between the lines and trying to turn things around to appear as an attack or insults when really all it is is people desiring accomodations that work best for their family ???

Again....really reaching I feel ? Who here has said the "soup tastes like s---" ? I'm not seeing this. I'm witness to posts that seem to be trying to be as sensitive as possible but still get their point across ? It's obvious others here are seeing something 360 degrees different and that is truly a shame.

Ok....totally agree with the first line in this statement. But I felt the communication came through respectfully and honestly ? I think the "honestly" part is what got alot of people put on the "guilt trip wagon" unfortunately. I'd bet there are people on these boards that are downright afraid to post for being branded an insensitive, attacker of disability issues. It's a shame we all just can't voice our thoughts and feelings without being made to feel like we're doing something wrong. Some here have stated this is a "non existant issue" or they "don't care" about hearing about it, yet they keep posting ? With all due respect, if they feel it's a non-issue why is this ? And I agree, DVC Members who are new or vets should ALL feel comfortable enough to post their feelings here.
I hope this thread is closed soon too---it's going in the wrong direction unfortunately. :sad2:

I respect your opinion and that it is yours and just that (an opinion), but I disagree with you almost completely.
I'd be happy to agree to disagree. I think at this point we all should so that we can move on...
I totally agree with this Shan & DrTommorrow......and I'll go one step further.
For those that have felt hurt or attacked, I'm sorry that you have felt this. I honestly don't feel it was anyone's intention to do so. It's most likely that some of you are just much more sensitive to this topic as you live with this on a daily basis. Some of us live with asthma or allergies or heart conditions (i.e.) on a daily basis and again, this should all be respected also.
I will go so far as to say I respect/acknowlege your feelings on this, but will not acknowledge open attacks or insults on those with disabilities here. Most certainly nothing intentional.
But regardless, if you feel this way, then we should all just shake hands and move on as was stated above.
sjdisneywedding said:
thats fine but like I said I do not even care in the slightest what type of room I get.

so once again I ask how exactly is that the me type attitude?(of course I doubt you'll even reply to that)

also I am not telling you cant feel a certain way, youcan feel however you want, but you cant sit there and tell me what I am thinking. I am not against handicapped people, how is that ok that you say that?

you are making broad statements about what one rude loud person said about the HA room being inferior. One can find these types of situations in any aspect of life. this is a completely different discussion we are trying to discuss the current reservation system with regard to requests.

you arent even discussing the reservation system you are discussing some tine you were wronged and are now applying that to everyone here who simply saying HA arent for everyone for whatever reason

If you don't care, why on earth are you here? Isn't this the definition of a troll???

Because I mention only one example, that's all I've experienced, right? And I'm the only one with these types of experiences? I don't think anyone, and I know I don't, wants to overload with examples, but they are there. PM me if you like.

Like I said earlier, you have demonstrated quite effectively that you are incapable of seeing another position other than your own, hence the attitude of the "me, all about me" comments. Anyone who disagrees with you gets shouted down and belittled. It's just your style, I understand that.
MiaSRN62 said:
I will go so far as to say I respect/acknowlege your feelings on this, but will not acknowledge open attacks or insults on those with disabilities here. Most certainly nothing intentional.
But regardless, if you feel this way, then we should all just shake hands and move on as was stated above.

I missed the post where you were appointed referee.

Can we challenge that and go to the cameras for an instant replay???

Just kidding. Did I need to say that?
TCPluto said:
If you don't care, why on earth are you here? Isn't this the definition of a troll???

Because I mention only one example, that's all I've experienced, right? And I'm the only one with these types of experiences? I don't think anyone, and I know I don't, wants to overload with examples, but they are there. PM me if you like.

Like I said earlier, you have demonstrated quite effectively that you are incapable of seeing another position other than your own, hence the attitude of the "me, all about me" comments. Anyone who disagrees with you gets shouted down and belittled. It's just your style, I understand that.

im here because I am a dvc member and care about making the system better for all like I said 100 times over. I didnt say I dont care! so dont take my quotes out of context please. i said I dont care what type of room I get.

That doesnt mean I dont care about how to make our system better.

Its doesnt matter if you mention 10, 000 examples of someone being rude to you or your family memeberrs its not the point, I am sorry if that happens but its not from me nor anyone from this post that I can see, the point being this is not a discussion of your dealings with peoples attitudes towards you.

Im shouting and belittling who? again sorry but I have to laugh when there is no basis for this type of remark, its just soemthing brought out to start an arguement

any way since you dont want to discuss the reservation system I guess Ill just say good luck to you and move on

I'm assuming from your previous post that you have opened communications with MS regarding this. I'm very interested in hearing what they have to say. I, too, would like to make things better for all - I'm certainly not opposed to making this a seperate booking category if such a scheme is logistically possible and cost effective.
I missed the post where you were appointed referee.
Wow....how did I just know I'd get this sort of response :rolleyes: Again....just zoning in on one thing and disregarding the rest ? But since you brought it up....I have seen some others trying to play referee ;)

I guess you'll just see what you want to see, but this was the jist of my post:
For those that have felt hurt or attacked, I'm sorry that you have felt this.
I will go so far as to say I respect/acknowlege your feelings on this

but will not acknowledge open attacks
Translation: meaning I "personally" have not seen attacks on those with disabilities here and will not say that I have simply based on guilt trips being dropped. I never proposed I was calling the shots for "everyone". I said let's shake hands and agree to disagree---guess you missed that part & the fact that I said I "respect and acknowledge your feelings" TCPluto ? Wish I hadn't said anything if it's just going to get all misconstrued. :confused3
Maria, it is obvious some people don't want to agree to disagree. They would rather argue all day. At least we tried. :confused3
lenshanem said:
Maria, it is obvious some people don't want to agree to disagree. They would rather argue all day. At least we tried. :confused3
You're right, Shan. I'd rather think back fondly, remembering the days when one of your posts had a Minimum Guarantee of 5 typos! :rotfl2: :wave2:
Now that was funny Dr. T.

Maria ...it's frustrating, isn't it? And you've certainly recognized the pattern.
I'm afraid that you won't be able to mediate, negotiate,or placate this person...there is a mindset there :badpc: , and nothing seems to get in, in the same guise or with the same intent as it is sent out. But you are so sweet for trying :cheer2: ...and trying :cheer2: ....and trying :cheer2: and nearly everyone who has read your posts recognizes your heart and skill in trying to mediate!

Take care Maria! :wave:
Colorado Belle
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