Mail Delivery Person Comments on Packages

I order from Amazon alot too and my carrier always jokes when I don't have a package delivered. He's been my carrier for years, it is just friendly banter. He has even asked about specific things that come because he sees where they are from and can figure out what it is, seems he and my dh share the same hobby.
I think you are over reacting, it sounds like she's just trying to be friendly. In today's world we could use more of that IMO.
well I dont care, she has no right to make the OP guilty about the amount of mail being delivered and maybe some home truths would make HER embarrassed, see how she likes being made fun of, and actually it is the rise of online shopping which is keeping mail delivery people in jobs now!

You do realize your post you deleted or edited was quoted so we can all still see what you did post!
We order a ton online and it's either left with our office or on our front stoop. They don't ring the doorbell even. I wouldn't think a thing in the world about throw away comments of this sort. She probably says it a zillion times a day.
I understand where you are coming from. Her job is to deliver and not comment about your personal life. The other day I purchased several greeting cards at Walgreens, the cashier opened the first and read it, when she started to open the second to read I told her that it was non of her concern to just ring up the order. For some reason I just didn't like her reading them.

Wow talk about being rude-I never could work with the public and deal with people like this all day! Who gives a crap who reads a card that was just on the shelf, it is not like you wrote in it yet!

As far as the OP and her packages- you are being majorly petty. Sad world when people can't even make small talk without having a snowflake being offended.
Another person who thinks this is NBD. OP, if you're bothered, you might want to look inside yourself to see why. There's absolutely nothing wrong with ordering stuff--heck, some people use Amazon Prime to order the bulk of their non-perishables. For our family of 6, that right there would probably take up half the truck on a good week! There's nothing wrong with your ordering style, and I think she's just trying to be friendly. I don't get the impression that her tone is unfriendly or she's asking what, exactly, you're ordering (which would bother me). All you need to do is smile and say, "I love me some Amazon Prime!" or something similar, then both of you go on your way.
I understand where you are coming from. Her job is to deliver and not comment about your personal life. The other day I purchased several greeting cards at Walgreens, the cashier opened the first and read it, when she started to open the second to read I told her that it was non of her concern to just ring up the order. For some reason I just didn't like her reading them.

The mail delivery person making a comment wouldn't bother me, but I'd also get annoyed at a cashier reading the greeting cards I was buying. Read the cards on your break if you're interested, not while I'm trying to check out. If anyone was rude in this situation, it was the cashier. If the poster needed to "put her in her place," so be it. He did nothing wrong nor overreact.
Wow talk about being rude-I never could work with the public and deal with people like this all day! Who gives a crap who reads a card that was just on the shelf, it is not like you wrote in it yet!

As far as the OP and her packages- you are being majorly petty. Sad world when people can't even make small talk without having a snowflake being offended.
I thought it was rude that someone I don't even know would be reading my personal items and commenting on them. Asking who died and who's birthday it was. None of that was her business. Maybe that sort of thing wouldn't bother you. Some of us are more private. I had a bagger at Publix the other day ask me what was I going to be doing the rest of the day. What concern is that to him? It would never dawn on me to ask someone that I dont know a question like that.
I thought it was rude that someone I don't even know would be reading my personal items and commenting on them. Asking who died and who's birthday it was. None of that was her business. Maybe that sort of thing wouldn't bother you. Some of us are more private. I had a bagger at Publix the other day ask me what was I going to be doing the rest of the day. What concern is that to him? It would never dawn on me to ask someone that I dont know a question like that.

My physiotherapist and his assistant always ask what I'm doing for the rest of the day too - when I'm paying. I find that question awkward.
I can understand why the OP may feel uncomfortable. I agree that it is not something to spend a lot of time thinking about or to get too worked up over.

However, if the delivery person was just making small talk, maybe she would mention it to the OP once or twice. But then to carry on the conversation and basically "tattle" that the wife gets a lot of packages is a bit over the top. I mean maybe all the packages are really for the husband. Maybe the wife can buy whatever she wants and the husband doesn't need to know. It is that part of it that seems like the delivery person is going beyond "small talk."
My neighbor does it to me. What did you get again today?????? with this kind of snarky attitude lol. That said I think maybe the mail carriers are just making mail small talk. We really like the Amazon Prime Smile where we do animal donations. Our last purchase was a huge box of toilet paper lol. It's convenient and we do mostly necessary home items.
Haha I get from my ups/fedex guys and my usps gal. I order a lot of stuff off the internet. I won’t even pretend like all of it is some sort of necessary purchase. I get more Sephora boxes than anyone should, but it is what it is. I smile and thank them for hauling my stuff so I don’t have to and that’s the end of it.

I know I get more packages than the average person by a whole lot. I’m sure it’s part small talk and part curiosity wondering what the heck I’m buying everyday. If I weren’t me I’d be curious too lol.

If it really bothers you that much, op then I’d just hide inside until the delivery person is gone. I absolutely think it would make things much more awkward to leave a note.
I can understand why the OP may feel uncomfortable. I agree that it is not something to spend a lot of time thinking about or to get too worked up over.

However, if the delivery person was just making small talk, maybe she would mention it to the OP once or twice. But then to carry on the conversation and basically "tattle" that the wife gets a lot of packages is a bit over the top. I mean maybe all the packages are really for the husband. Maybe the wife can buy whatever she wants and the husband doesn't need to know. It is that part of it that seems like the delivery person is going beyond "small talk."

that's inferring a lot in terms of the tone of her comment, honestly nobody on this board (even the OP) can accurately infer what the mail lady's tone was when she commented. Was it a friendly "hey your wife gets a lot of packages"? Was there snark behind it? We really don't know.

I've learned that most of the time, assuming malice or negative intent on the part of someone else is generally a wrong way to approach things.
that's inferring a lot in terms of the tone of her comment, honestly nobody on this board (even the OP) can accurately infer what the mail lady's tone was when she commented. Was it a friendly "hey your wife gets a lot of packages"? Was there snark behind it? We really don't know.

I've learned that most of the time, assuming malice or negative intent on the part of someone else is generally a wrong way to approach things.

You are right, we do not know the tone. My point is maybe it is not as innocent as others think. And anyway, why does the mail carrier need to bring up to the husband the number of packages she delivers for the wife? Just sayin'. This is not 1950. "Hey your little lady is spending too much money."

I am not saying that I would get too worked up over it. I am merely discussing a situation and different ways it could be interpreted.
I had a bagger at Publix the other day ask me what was I going to be doing the rest of the day. What concern is that to him? It would never dawn on me to ask someone that I dont know a question like that.

OMG- god forbid someone is being friendly making idle chit chat. Wow the nerve of people being friendly.
So, you would ask a complete stranger what they are doing for the rest of the day?

I also think the question is bizarre. I eat lunch often at the bar of the restaurant down the street...all the bartenders know me and even then I’d be kinda “huh” if they asked me what I was doing all day. Just a bit odd.


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