Marathon Weekend 2022

It's always amazed me that they can't do a better job of organizing the security lines.

What kills me is that they have one of the largest airports volume wise, but they continue to use dated screening technology. The old grab a tray and take out everything and put it in the trays. They need to upgrade to the system where there are stations where trays are delivered right to that station and the only thing you really need to take off is your shoes and belt. Everything else can stay in the bag. It would help move along the lines so much quicker.
I wasn’t hungry at all after the marathon, but I’m pretty sure I had a mild degree of heat stroke or some heat-and-dehydration-related malady. I had a terrible headache, was mildly nauseous, and had chills. I drank a Powerade and a water at every single water station but I guess it wasn’t enough. I have white stuff on my running clothes that I’m pretty sure is salt that I must have sweated out. Is that even possible? I can’t think what else it could be.

Funny thing is that I was super hungry DURING the run! I ate ALL the bananas (including one someone left on the side of a bridge and one that another runner took but didn’t want) and all the stingers and I was disappointed at the sponge station because from a distance those yellow sponges looked like more bananas. I thought I was going to get so many Disney treats after the run. But as soon as I sat down on the bus to head back to my resort for a shower, I started feeling sick. I managed to eat the applesauce pouch out of the race box and tried to eat the chips for some salt, but couldn’t get them down.

But I sure was hungry this morning!
If you're going to attempt another marathon or even a half-marathon (which I think that you definitely should FWIW!), I would recommend researching and doing a sweat test. From my research and understanding (@DopeyBadger could probably enlighten all of us with his information and knowledge base), you should be hydrating A LOT more than one drink every mile. Speaking personally, I am a very heavy sweater so I would be seriously dehydrated if I hadn't been drinking every 1/3 mile mile or so.
I love that she did this in costume!
I'm guessing she didn't stop for any pictures. That's a bummer. More pace, more problems. :D
I read that wearing costumes was a conscious choice from her part and a coach recommendation. She explains how DNF Boston was what pushed her on the runDisney fun (and successful) path.

ETA: Found the article on the FoodBlog. Basically, it is all in her Instagram.
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I'm hoping that others here can make me feel a little better about an important pre-race aspect that absolutely surprised me: SLEEP! I got into bed at 6:30 after taking a Melatonin thinking that I would all asleep by 7:00 and be good to go for the marathon after a nice 7 hours of sleep. 8:00...9:00...10:00 passed and I'm freaking out. I couldn't fall asleep until 11:00 and ended up with only three hours of sleep before my first freaking marathon!?! Thank god for adrenaline and proper hydration/fueling to get me through 26.2 miles. I crashed HARD on the car ride home. ANYWAY, did anyone else have a similar experience in the past or this weekend? Any recommendations on how to deal with this for the future?
I'm hoping that others here can make me feel a little better about an important pre-race aspect that absolutely surprised me: SLEEP! I got into bed at 6:30 after taking a Melatonin thinking that I would all asleep by 7:00 and be good to go for the marathon after a nice 7 hours of sleep. 8:00...9:00...10:00 passed and I'm freaking out. I couldn't fall asleep until 11:00 and ended up with only three hours of sleep before my first freaking marathon!?! Thank god for adrenaline and proper hydration/fueling to get me through 26.2 miles. I crashed HARD on the car ride home. ANYWAY, did anyone else have a similar experience in the past or this weekend? Any recommendations on how to deal with this for the future?

I went to the parks each evening and went to bed around 9:30/10pm each night. Getting up at 2am. So about right there with you.
I'm hoping that others here can make me feel a little better about an important pre-race aspect that absolutely surprised me: SLEEP! I got into bed at 6:30 after taking a Melatonin thinking that I would all asleep by 7:00 and be good to go for the marathon after a nice 7 hours of sleep. 8:00...9:00...10:00 passed and I'm freaking out. I couldn't fall asleep until 11:00 and ended up with only three hours of sleep before my first freaking marathon!?! Thank god for adrenaline and proper hydration/fueling to get me through 26.2 miles. I crashed HARD on the car ride home. ANYWAY, did anyone else have a similar experience in the past or this weekend? Any recommendations on how to deal with this for the future?

When I did the marathon a few years ago I went to bed at 8ish but was dealing with the aftermath of a cold so I started coughing every time I tried to lie down. Took a benadryl, didn't help. Finally stopped coughing when I assembled my pillows so that I was at an angle, but still took a bit to fall asleep after that. I think I ended up getting like 3-4 hours of sleep. In my case it was a combination of nerves, a bedtime earlier than I'm used to, and being sick.
Meanwhile, when I did my non-Disney marathon 10 months later, I slept fine the night before.
I don't think it's possible to predict whether or not you'll sleep well before the marathon, which is why its so important to get lots of sleep in the days and weeks leading up to the race.
Home now, and my cat is running around the living room and rolling around on the carpet. She's happy :) I had Mears effectively no-show and had to take a taxi to the airport. I will be calling and politely demanding a refund. And my 10K shirt pilled where I carried my purse :( At least I eventually turn my race shirts into a quilt.
Writing this from the hot tub pre- massage and pedicure appt, which after sunrise breakfast at Sanaa, is my favorite day-after-marathon treat. I had a great race yesterday (just the 10k and full for me), and hit my goal of not stopping- though much harder mentally this year bc it seemed all my favorite characters were out 😭 My training was horrible so I’m surprised/shocked with how good this felt, especially in comparison to 2020 when my training was ideal. I think the weather and earlier start made a huge difference for me over that last one, but I was in a funny mental state yesterday. I’m not really a time person, so PRing by 15 minutes hasn’t meant as much to me as the achievement of finishing 2020. I’ll take an easier feeling run and better weather any day over the misery I felt 2 years ago, but I’ll always remember that run as one of the proudest physical achievements of my life, even though it was slower than 2019. Still thrilled with the day, though I was also frustrated with the extra mileage (26.56 for me). I expect it, but it was just demoralizing to have my watch beep when the mile marker wasn’t even in sight. Walking has always helped me recover, so my park time yesterday was great for a couple reasons. Off to DHS this afternoon, have a great time at Epcot!
Do you get a discount on the pedicure from the missing toenails?
Yes, you were on the verge of having big problems. Chills when it is hot out is a unambiguous warning sign. And you definitely sweated out a lot of salt. If you're planning to do long races in the future, you'll have to try to plan better for this. You may be a particularly heavy sweater or saltier sweater, or perhaps not as heat acclimated.

Glad you are OK now and you finished!

What was strange was that I didn't start to feel this way until I sat down on the bus. I felt fine on the course. Well, I may be playing fast and loose with the word "fine" here but I felt pretty ok considering the circumstances. I don't think I tend to sweat much more than average, but I have come to realize that I must not have hydrated enough. I guess it just didn't hit me until after the race was over. Next time I'll carry water with me, and maybe something salty. This was my first marathon and I've got a lot to learn, so it's a good thing I have this community!
I'm hoping that others here can make me feel a little better about an important pre-race aspect that absolutely surprised me: SLEEP! I got into bed at 6:30 after taking a Melatonin thinking that I would all asleep by 7:00 and be good to go for the marathon after a nice 7 hours of sleep. 8:00...9:00...10:00 passed and I'm freaking out. I couldn't fall asleep until 11:00 and ended up with only three hours of sleep before my first freaking marathon!?! Thank god for adrenaline and proper hydration/fueling to get me through 26.2 miles. I crashed HARD on the car ride home. ANYWAY, did anyone else have a similar experience in the past or this weekend? Any recommendations on how to deal with this for the future?

I never sleep well the night before a marathon. The pre-race anxiety of everything from "what if my 3 alarms don't work and I miss the start" to "what am I doing and who exactly thought this was a good idea" conspire to make sleep shallow and fitful, at best. From what I've gathered, it's a pretty common occurrence, though, and the best recommendations I've found are to focus on getting a solid night's sleep the previous night so that the poor sleep on race night don't impact your performance.
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Congrats to all the runners this weekend!!!
I didn’t make it to the meet up at the 10k, but wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who encouraged my boys on the course. And especially those who calmed their nerves about being swept. They completed their first 10k (with no sign of the balloon ladies) and my younger son is now itching to be 18 so he can run Dopey😂


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