Marathon Weekend 2025

SAFD: I never ran a mile in my life before signing up for the 2020 WDW Half-Marathon.

I grew up going to DL now and then, but didn't make it to WDW until 2017, when I took my wife and (then only) daughter on a "one-time" trip. I quickly became obsessed, and we went several more times in the following two years.

My wife started to get Disney fatigue, but then I heard about RunDisney while listening to old episodes of Lou Mongello's podcast, and we made a deal: if I started running and got in shape, we could go to WDW so I could race!

It turned out, Disney was the only thing I loved more than I hated exercise.

My first HM was a blast, though I admit I wept ugly manly tears from the moment I turned up Main Street until I was into Tomorrowland. From there, I was hooked, adding the (Virtual) half Hn '21, then the Full in '22 and '23.

After taking '24 off due to the December birth of our 4th child, I'm looking forward to making it back in '25!
SAFD: I am probably in the
both runner and Disney fan with RunDisney providing the chocolate and peanut butter combination of your two hobbies
I am a Disney fan since always but traveling wise more since we started going as a family in 2009. I always been willing to join a group doing exercise or sports, including running, and started on a training C25k plan because a colleague asked me in 2016.

In 2017, I decided to try racing and registered for a local 10k. Shortly after registration and way before racing it, I learnt about runDisney on these boards. The 10k objective became a PoT objective and I signed up for WnD shortly after that first race. I went to that Disney weekend solo and really enjoyed the Two Course Challenge plus the DiSmeet before the Epcot party.

DD saw me being a happy runDisney runner and embarked on her running journey, probably partly because of it. We ran multiple races together and I would say that she is the second Disney fan in the family.

DH is also a runner now but isn’t into going to Disney for a race. Ask me again next year 😉He tells me that there is a 50% chance he might travel with me for Springtime Surprise.
MAFD: Managed a 4.10 mile run today. Also.....

How I came to be here.

I grew up with Disney. My mom was a huge fan, the only movies I saw as a child were Disney, and Sunday nights were Wild Kingdom and the Wonderful World of Disney. Alas, with my parents being frugal cheap, my first ever visit to WDW was on our only family vacation, right after I graduated high school.

I did cross country in junior high, but my little bit of track was pole vaulting. After graduating college, I ran a little bit every now and then for exercise, but nothing too seriously, until I moved back to Atlanta and one July 5th had co-workers carrying on about the Peachtree Road Race. For all the years of living in Atlanta, I had never seen it in person.

By this time, I was feeding myself too well and had put on weight that I am still trying to lose. Oh, and I managed to develop athesma as a junior in high school.

As a result, I am a poster child for “You’re a runner?!” And why I try to encourage so many others on this forum. If my aging, porky self can do it, most anyone else can.

The Peachtree was the first 10K I ever ran, and the 6.2 miles of a 10K sounded very daunting. I started training and slowly built up to where I was comfortably running about 4 miles. I ran that ‘94(?) PTRR and finished in under an hour. And that is when and where things started, leading straight to today.

For a number of years, there was a string of PTRRs and various local 5Ks, but nothing more. In the meantime, the ex and I were going down to WDW at least once a year, sometimes twice, and kept doing so after we had kids. At some point, I remember saying how cool it would be to run at/through Disney and later found out that we could! I joined the Disney Running forum and later met and had a post-race dinner with the guy who ran it (can’t remember his name). He was the one who taught me that the races can be walked, and he did so, with surprisingly fast times.

So I signed up for the 2009 Half, and that 13.1 miles seemed very daunting, so I started training. I hadn’t been running, so it was start from zero, and at first it was run barely a quarter mile before I needed to stop and walk. But over the course of the following weeks and months, I built up my time and miles. And found out the hard way about shin splints and the need for quality shoes. And finished that first half in 2:36:48. Unlike all my other medals, that one is in a shadow box with photos. Why? Because at the time, I had no idea that I’d every do such a feat again. Or that I would got to the point of thinking “just a half”….

Somehow I found out about the Goofy Challenge, and decided to try that two years later (thus missing the 2010 Frozen marathon). Which meant that the 2011 Goofy was also my very first first marathon. Even with photo stops, I managed a 6:20. I was in the middle of a long, drawn out divorce in 2011 and that put a damper on distance running for a bit. In fact, I twice got into the MCM and twice had to forego running it due to divorce chaos.

Fast forward a few years and I’m at a class reunion and one of my classmates is showing a bedspread covered with medals as she explains that she and her DH ran the Dopey. Hmm, tell me more about this Dopey and all that bling! So the Dopey became a mountain that I needed to climb at some point. It took a while, but it was always in the back of my mind.

Fast forward to 2020 and the lockdowns, which started literally the week after the DW and I returned from our honeymoon. I’m in telecom and spent the first few weeks very busy with making sure people had internet, which was good for keeping myself busy. But after those first few weeks, I realized I needed to get off my backside for both physical and mental health and went back to running. So every afternoon at 4:00, I pushed back from my desk and headed out for a neighborhood run, building up to around 3 to 3.5 miles.

And always, there was Dopey in my thoughts, silently calling my name. With work being remote, I realized I had the chance to go run WDW again, and MW was a non-visitation weekend, so I took the plunge and signed up for the Dopey. Except instead of wondering (much) what I had signed up for, I was really excited about doing it, and became rather diligent about training. As noted in posts elsewhere, my Dopey training became my (tongue-in-cheek) HARM method of building up the endurance needed, if not with very long runs. And it worked. The most stressful part of the 2022 Dopey was getting down there. My car started venting transmission fluid on I-75; fortunately there was a Ford dealer at the next exit and they took my car in and ran me to a nearby rental place. I made it into the expo with 15 or 20 minutes to spare. Whew! That Dopey was and is one of my bigger personal achievements. Will I do another one? Maybe not, simply because of been-there/done-that and the extra time required. But two years later, I’m back at MW running my second Goofy, and sitting here planning on the 2025 Goofy and trying to get my son to come do the half with me.

As for the Marine Corps Marathon, that was finally accomplished in October 2023, making it my first and only (so far) non-Disney marathon. And two weekends ago was the third time I’ve had the opportunity to meet up with my fellow rD runners at the Hurricane Hannah meetup. That and the pre-race meetups are now one of the main highlights of MW.

One other thing is that I love the energy of a race, even for a local 5K, but it is greatly magnified to have the thousands of fellow runners all in one place at WDW for the weekend. It is electric.

<sits back in rocking chair> So that is how I came, much to my surprise, a distance runner and marathoner. As I told my wife, I never imagined it would lead to this. I’m slowly getting my weight down, and slowly getting faster, and totally enjoying (nearly) every minute of it.

Sorry for such a long post, but thanks for reading if you got this far. Next time I'll include an intermission.
SAFD: I ended up here because of my wife. She ran the half while we were dating back in the day when the half and full ran at the same time. A few years later, after we had a house not too far from Disney and decided to spend the holidays in Florida, I stumbled across Goofy while researching the half, ran Goofy on Ice in 2010, and the rest is history.
SAFD: I was always active in sports (particularly basketball and baseball) growing up. Around high school, my mom bought a treadmill and I started adding running into my exercise, mainly to improve in other sports. I continued running daily on the treadmill through college and into my 30s. It was a good way to stay in shape and break a sweat. But I also had no plan or goals other than to just run a few miles most days.

My first Disney trip was as a kid in 1988. However, Disney did not stick for me and my family and I didn't return until 2007 with my wife. That started what is now a 17-year obsession with Disney. Many trips to WDW from PA, two trips to Disneyland and seven Disney cruises later, we're not stopping. Most of our time is spent recapping, preparing for or dreaming up trips.

My first RunDisney race was in 2013. My wife wanted to go on a cruise and made me promise that if she could do a half marathon, we'd go. Knowing it would be good for her to be healthier, I said sure. I did the half as well (my first) and probably ran about 17 miles due to weaving between people. I also had not trained for that distance and thought it would be a piece of cake. Instead, I crossed the finish line and thought, "I can't imagine turning around and doing that again. Doing a marathon must be impossible."

In 2014, my knee started bugging me. After more than a year of searching for an answer, I had surgery to remove a loose piece of cartilage. During my recover, I watched a live stream of the 2016 Disney World Marathon. I saw a bunch of people finishing in under four hours and decided I should try to do it once I was recovered. Then I learned about Dopey and figured if I was going to do a marathon, I might as well go big.

My first Dopey was 2018 and I have now done four of them (2018, 2020, 2022, 2024) and one standalone Disney marathon (2023). I would love to try some other weekends, but I like including the marathon in our trips. Plus, the January timing works best with our schedule and budget. I don't do many other races outside of Disney, although I've started to do a few more in recent years to continue to lower my POT.
SAFD: I was born in the early 80s and grew up on Disney Afternoon and Disney animation. My family took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Disney when I was a kid and never went back. Fast forward to 2013, DH and I took our 2 young daughters to Disney and were hooked. We went once or twice per year for a couple years, then did a kid-free long weekend trip and loved it and immediately wanted to plan another one. At the same time, I had heard about RunDisney events on some Disney podcasts I listened to and heard that you can meet rare characters on the course, specifically Darkwing Duck. This sealed it for us! However, I hated running and didn't understand why/how people ran races. It was spring 2017 and W&D registration was open. I wanted to sign up for the 10k, but it was sold out. Only the challenge was open. So DH and I were in for the challenge! I seriously could barely run a mile without stopping in the beginning. But we trained reasonably well, dressed as Darkwing Duck and Gosalyn for the half and fell in love with RunDisney and running races! We've done countless local races and love traveling to races with fun themes in cool locations. I'm so thankful that I found running through Disney! We've done at least 1 RunDisney event since 2017, though am planning to take 2024 off from RunDisney given other life constraints. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so Dopey 2025 will be fantastic!
Let's go back to the beginning, the chicken and egg question, if you will. How did you find and get involved in RunDisney? Were you a runner who came across RunDisney looking for cool races? Were you a Disney fan who got drawn into running by the siren song of running through the parks? Were you both runner and Disney fan with RunDisney providing the chocolate and peanut butter combination of your two hobbies? Everyone loves an origin story, so what's yours?
This really does feel like chicken or the egg!

I’ve been a Disney fan my whole life. We made a few trips to WDW as a kid and I also had a healthy diet of Disney cartoons. Likely due to my age, the two Disney memories that stick out the most are Beauty and the Beast related. I still remember cowering in my seat at the movie theater when the wolves attacked and likewise vividly remember high-fiving the beast at Disney in Ice.

I’ve also always been a runner. Not really in a competitive sense as I was never that good but it was always my favorite part of basketball practice and I loved being able to run circles around the other athletes in soccer. I also ran 3 years of XC in high school but that was really just an excuse to not go home.

I ran sporadically in college as I tried to figure out a way to stay active without nightly sports practices but it never really stuck. Post graduation, a friend told me she was going to run a half marathon that fall and that was just the type of goal I needed to make running part of my routine. It wasn’t all smooth sailing since then, there’s been ebbs and flows, but that was definitely the catalyst of my adult running hobby.

I’m not really sure how or when I first heard about runDisney although I would guess it was from an ad in Runner’s World so in that way I guess that running came first? My first rD race was the Princess Half Marathon in 2014. In hindsight, this is a funny anecdote in my life because one of the primary reasons I picked that race is that I was engaged to be married that May and thought I would lose my decision rights afterwards 😆. I’m happy to report that is not the case and I’ve ran 5 more rD weekends 🤣.

My second rD race was the WDW Marathon in 2018. That was after swearing off all marathons after a truly painful debut in 2012. I can confidently say that running through the most magical place on earth is the only reason I ever ran another marathon (and another and another 😛).

Ultimately, rD is fun but is not the primary focus of my running or vacations. I squeeze them in when it makes sense. I’ve spent the last two Januaries in Florida escaping Midwest winter, so it has been a great fit but that may/will change and that’s okay. There’s plenty of other races and destinations!
So DH and I were in for the challenge! I seriously could barely run a mile without stopping in the beginning. But we trained reasonably well, dressed as Darkwing Duck and Gosalyn for the half and fell in love with RunDisney and running races!
And did you get the elusive Darkwing Duck picture stop? :)
In case you don't read the Running thread, saw the dr and he said no surgery. I might not be ready for a marathon for 2025, but i should be good for the half. Thankfully i have a little time to decide, maybe things will be much better by April but i don't want to push. I rather be able to run for 20 more years than push things to hard and only be able to run for 3 more years.
Jumping in on SAFD...

It was definitely Disney that brought me to running. My grandparents moved to Florida in the early 70s, so I grew up going to the Orlando parks. I was an OG Disney Adult and joined these boards very early on when they were just a few months old. I converted my husband into a Disney parks fan, and we bought into DVC in 2001 to take our nieces and nephews every few years to the parks. DH traveled internationally a lot for work, so I'd tag along anytime he was in proximity to a Disney park and we eventually ticked them all off. And I'm sure you all know about our epic around-the-world parks trip in 2019 for our 25th anniversary.

But back to running. We had consistently been going in May and it started to get too hot, so we were fishing for other spring timeframes that weren't crazy busy. That's how we ended up starting a trip the weekend of the Princess Half in 2015, and our first park day we saw tons of people wearing medals. I was aware that Disney had marathon weekend in January but really didn't know about the other weekends as I wasn't a runner. We decided we liked that time of year, so when we went to book DVC during the 11 month window I looked into Princess 2016, and discovered we would be leaving the afternoon of the 5K. Looking into it, I realized you could WALK IT and WEAR A COSTUME and decided to register. At that time it wasn't too hard to get in, so I registered and mostly forgot about it for several months. I bought a Tink tank and tutu on Amazon and almost bailed when I realized how early I had to catch a bus! Thankfully I decided to go for it, and absolutely fell in love with all of it, except the stupid rubber medal. Ugh! I coveted those medals I saw in the parks in 2015!

When I got home, I took a deep dive and found this section of the board. I started doing C25K as I had never tried to run for real before. I swam, was in cheer and dance, but hated running. I just wanted to get comfortable enough to do a 10K for a real medal until I saw the Kessel Run bling. Crap, now I have to do TWO half marathons. I was scared to death! But I stuck to C25K and kept it up, going a little overboard for 2017! I figured I'd get it all out of the way and then be done running. LOL! I registered for all three races at Princess 2017, since I had sucked a bunch of my family into wanting to do the 5K together. Then I wanted C2C, so here comes the Tink 2017 challenge at DL! And hey, why not jump over to Paris for Castle to Chateau?? Yeah, it was too much, but I was having a blast and knew if I could get through that, I could finally go for Kessel Run in 2018. Bring on the cancelation of DL races. I. was. DEVASTATED! Thank goodness they launched the virtual races for those of us who had already signed up for Dark Side at WDW. I DID get my Kessel Run, but I wanted to keep going.

I never in a million years thought I'd do a full marathon, but finding this community and knowing rD has my back on the course made it seem possible. After 3 marathons (2 as part of Dopey), I've now settled into doing some race(s) at MW every year, plus whatever other weekends have themes I like. My favorite part has become having these great conversations all year long, then getting to see folks in person and celebrating the work we've done. I plan to do it as long as my body will allow!
SAFD:I admit it. I’ve never done a RD race before. And I can’t remember when I first heard about RD races. Had heard about princess races but never dreamed of doing it since I don’t really do races I just ran because I liked it. Until 2020. That’s when I found a livestream of someone running the Dopey Challenge. And I thought, if all those people can run a marathon, why can’t I? And it has been my motivation since then.

I have been a Disney fan my entire life. Love the movies and the parks. My family made trips to WDW every couple of years and I’ve brought my own kids 2 times. My husband had never been before we brought our family in 2015.

I have been a runner most of my life. I ran cross country and track in high school. Fell away from running for a few years. When my DS was born in 2008, i wanted to start back because I thought it would be good to get back in shape and I wanted to include him since I am a SAHM. But never got a jogging stroller. So we just walked. 2011 DD was born. Since I had 2 at home, i Ended up getting a double jogger to push both around the neighborhood. So I’ve been running a few times a week since 2012. But never more than 3-4 miles at a time. I never believed I could do more than a 5k. Summer of 2015 (stress fracture) and summer 2016 (broken ankle) I was in a boot so I thought I would never run again. I struggled with not being able to run because I loved doing it. But I slowly started to get better, just had to take it slow. In 2019, I became a coach for GOTR at my daughter’s school. Then 2020 happened. Since I was home and so were my kids, I started to run more and add miles on. My kids were home and I needed to get out of the house. I had seen an advertisement about starting a couch to marathon program and they were going to celebrate with the Disney Marathon. Right then, I decided I would train for a marathon so I could one day get to run at Disney. I’ve never done any races before other than a handful of 5ks. But I went for the big dog and signed up for my local marathon in 2022. I’m crazy I know!

So I’ve completed 2 marathons, 3rd is in March this year and I’m hoping to get my time down for a POT so I can submit for RD if I’m able to get registered.

My dream is to come to 2025 MW for Dopey to celebrate my 40th birthday.
"I was engaged to be married that May and thought I would lose my decision rights afterwards", sez the woman.

Thats. not. how. it. works.

At least in my experience.....

I’ve never been that into traditional gender roles. I just thought there’d be a lot more compromise. Turns out I was lucky to find a partner with aligned life goals. 🥰

Are you sure? I thought you had to do two on both coasts to get both medals.
Are you sure? I thought you had to do two on both coasts to get both medals.
It used to be that way, with the previous C2C iteration. But looking at the fine print on the rD C2C page, it does say "a unique race must be used to qualify for each C2C medal", so I guess we won't know until some of these folks do Princess.
It used to be that way, with the previous C2C iteration. But looking at the fine print on the rD C2C page, it does say "a unique race must be used to qualify for each C2C medal", so I guess we won't know until some of these folks do Princess.
Well - that works for me as Princess is before W&D registration - let's see how much Disney wants more money from me in 2024... :rotfl2:
It used to be that way, with the previous C2C iteration. But looking at the fine print on the rD C2C page, it does say "a unique race must be used to qualify for each C2C medal", so I guess we won't know until some of these folks do Princess.

CORRECTION, it says "The same race cannot be used to qualify for both Coast to Coast medals." which reads to me like they won't give you both for the same set of races. I'm fairly confident prior to DL races going away, one DL race could result in multiple C2Cs. I know at least one person who got one in DL at Tink (for Princess + Tink), then another at WDW after W&D (for Tink + W&D). I would not be shocked if they just give them out because they don't want to keep track.


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