Melissa and Andre Disney Fantasy Cruise Wedding 05.27.15~ Day 16 At SEA

I made one but I think I may have to send art to Holly (or equivalent) because the colors from the laser printer aren't as saturated as I would like. I bought some color ones but now realize I will be exchanging them for clear ones. Posting my prototype to my PJ in a minute here.

I am probably blocking rooms at the Hyatt at the Orlando Airport for the night before the cruise and they have agreed to set up a couple of banquet tables in the lobby for my guests to pick up their goodies.

Hopefully Holly can help you out she was a great help to me! and it makes life so much easier too haha and yeah the clear ones are what I had to hunt for I was not to fond of the colored ones! and I just went over to your PJ loved your prototype!

I was debating between blocking rooms at Hyatt or at WDW and I think I need to get on that soon before they are all booked up I really love the option of being at the airport it might be more convenient for my guest and a little cheaper then WDW so many decisions!
Aliexpress if you are unfamiliar is a wholesale site that your order items from China and they are much cheaper however you take a bit of a risk with it being what you want, the seller I used was very easy to work with the only complaints is it took 3 months to be delivered but shipping was free and I had time, so if you need something right away I wouldn't recommend them but if you have time definitely use them you will save a lot of money!

Vender Rating: all ratings are out of 5 for a total of 25

Turnaround time: 2

Professionalism: 5

Creativity: 3

Product: 5

Helpfulness: 3

Total 18/25
Last edited:
Aliexpress if you are unfamiliar is a wholesale site that your order items from China and they are much cheaper however you take a bit of a risk with it being what you want, the seller I used was very easy to work with the only complaints is it took 3 months to be delivered but shipping was free and I had time, so if you need something right away I wouldn't recommend them but if you have time definitely use them you will save a lot of money!

Vender Rating: all ratings are out of 5 for a total of 25

Turnaround time: 2

Professionalism: 5

Creativity: 3

Product: 5

Helpfulness: 3

Total 18/25

I'm so glad to hear aliexpress worked out. They also carry copies of some of the Disney flower girl dresses that I am considering. The cufflinks look great!
Aliexpress if you are unfamiliar is a wholesale site that your order items from China and they are much cheaper however you take a bit of a risk with it being what you want, the seller I used was very easy to work with the only complaints is it took 3 months to be delivered but shipping was free and I had time, so if you need something right away I wouldn't recommend them but if you have time definitely use them you will save a lot of money!

Vender Rating: all ratings are out of 5 for a total of 25

Turnaround time: 2

Professionalism: 5

Creativity: 3

Product: 5

Helpfulness: 3

Total 18/25

I use aliexpress a lot for all kinds of stuff, not just wedding stuff. I bought my shoes (knockoff lace toms), and 8GB Flashdrive/bottle opener combos as part of our welcome bags. these:

I also have used them for a few years for random stuff, fashion jewelry, clothes, shoes and electronic accessories like phone chargers. I agree that its pretty slow shipping, mainly due to the whole import/customs process. Also, I have found it can be helpful to sometimes buy 1 of something you are interested and then make your bulk order after you are happy with the result and have the time to do so. I haven't had many aliexpress complete fails but there have been one or two.
I'm so glad to hear aliexpress worked out. They also carry copies of some of the Disney flower girl dresses that I am considering. The cufflinks look great!

that would be awesome if you could get your flower girl dresses there it will save you so much money just give yourself time for shipping and thank you I was so happy with the cufflink find! :goodvibes

I use aliexpress a lot for all kinds of stuff, not just wedding stuff. I bought my shoes (knockoff lace toms), and 8GB Flashdrive/bottle opener combos as part of our welcome bags. these:

I also have used them for a few years for random stuff, fashion jewelry, clothes, shoes and electronic accessories like phone chargers. I agree that its pretty slow shipping, mainly due to the whole import/customs process. Also, I have found it can be helpful to sometimes buy 1 of something you are interested and then make your bulk order after you are happy with the result and have the time to do so. I haven't had many aliexpress complete fails but there have been one or two.

I love your bottle openers those are great! I will definitely going back to aliexpress to look for a few other wedding favor bag goodies!
and that's a good suggestion to by one and make sure you like it before buying 30+ lol and yeah shipping is really my only complaint so far thank goodness
I love how thorough you're being and offering ratings on vendors is going to be so helpful to so many people! The tumbler idea is brilliant, I've been on a cruise before with the surprisingly tiny cups you get and that's such a clever favour that will come in very handy and they look fantastic! Same with the Mickey cufflinks, I can't believe they were only $2 each - how is that even possible?! What a great find. Seems like you're making great use of your time getting these things ready at this point, you'll really have have everything covered in good time and your guests are going to be so well looked after!
I love how thorough you're being and offering ratings on vendors is going to be so helpful to so many people! The tumbler idea is brilliant, I've been on a cruise before with the surprisingly tiny cups you get and that's such a clever favour that will come in very handy and they look fantastic! Same with the Mickey cufflinks, I can't believe they were only $2 each - how is that even possible?! What a great find. Seems like you're making great use of your time getting these things ready at this point, you'll really have have everything covered in good time and your guests are going to be so well looked after!

Thank you! It can be so hard when planning a wedding you don't know what venders to use are they reliable or not so I figure giving as accurate of an experience especially with destination weddings can be really helpful! and i couldn't believe the two dollar cuff links either I was like how did I find these! I was excepting like 10 a pair so 2 was a great surprise and relief, I am really trying to get things done in stages that way at the end i am not to stressed out but we will see I am sure more projects will pop up the closer I get :goodvibes
Sorry for not posting so long! Your updates are all wonderful - can I hire you for my on wedding? I really want those cups! And the bags! You almost make me to come to your wedding just to get one of those!!!

And wow, what really great (but also hot,
If I might add) ideas for your photoshoot- your DF is a lucky man ;-)

And the dresses! Promise me to post a picture of the whole Marie outfit? Please?!
Sorry for not posting so long! Your updates are all wonderful - can I hire you for my on wedding? I really want those cups! And the bags! You almost make me to come to your wedding just to get one of those!!!

And wow, what really great (but also hot,
If I might add) ideas for your photoshoot- your DF is a lucky man ;-)

And the dresses! Promise me to post a picture of the whole Marie outfit? Please?!

Welcome back :goodvibes and thank you I have been working on so much stuff lol and I would love to be a wedding planner that would be the best haha

and feel free to come you would get a cup haha and lots more I am currently working on lanyards I promise to post that soon they are going to be pretty cool :woohoo:

and I am so excited to the boudoir photos! and nervous I booked it for Feb three months before the wedding and that gives me time to lose any weight I gain from the holidays haha and he has no idea he will be so shocked this is way outside of my norm

and yes once I get that outfit together I will post lots of pictures I just love Marie, and I just got some frozen inspired jewelry from Charming Charlie's so once I have some more outfits together I will make sure to post!

Thanks for following along :goodvibes
You're doing amazing work on the favours! I don't even know where to start, I have a bit of a lanyard collection due to wearing them at work (every time I go to Disney I pick up a few more) and I think that's another brilliant idea that your guests will really get great use out of. There'll be a lot of lanyards around but your guests will have unique ones like noone else's and they'll really feel like a part of something special. Also, we have that same ice mould too so it's fun to see what you managed to do with it and that finished soap looks great! The thank you card idea is so nice too, both your options look perfect and it's a nice touch that honestly we haven't even thought of yet and you've got six months on us! Which reminds me - only 8 months to go! The milestones will start flying off the calendar now, before you know it you'll be confirming attendances and packing your bags.
You're doing amazing work on the favours! I don't even know where to start, I have a bit of a lanyard collection due to wearing them at work (every time I go to Disney I pick up a few more) and I think that's another brilliant idea that your guests will really get great use out of. There'll be a lot of lanyards around but your guests will have unique ones like noone else's and they'll really feel like a part of something special. Also, we have that same ice mould too so it's fun to see what you managed to do with it and that finished soap looks great! The thank you card idea is so nice too, both your options look perfect and it's a nice touch that honestly we haven't even thought of yet and you've got six months on us! Which reminds me - only 8 months to go! The milestones will start flying off the calendar now, before you know it you'll be confirming attendances and packing your bags.

Thank you! I am loving working on favors helps the time go by and I feel like I am accomplishing a lot :goodvibes and I love lanyards they are so useful on the cruises and the parks for the matter! I am a bit of an overplanner and am planning stuff really far in advance but I want to feel prepared haha and I know only 8 months so crazy I can't believe it :cool1: and I just booked hotels and had all my guest book flights its all coming along and your getting so close now I know you must be excited!

Thanks for following along :)
Okay Ladies and Gents I have been a bad bride and ignoring the boards for a little bit!

So I have made some headway in the pre-hotel stay department! So originally I wanted to stay at WDW I was dead set on that and didn't want to budge, however most of my guest didn't think they could swing it in their budget (they are paying for a seven day cruise and airfare)! So I got an idea from Ashley's PJ she set up a room block at they Hyatt MCO which if you had done a cruise out of the Caribbean's it is so perfect you fly into the airport and no need to catch a taxi you just walk to your hotel and it is right in front of the food court so you don't even need to leave for food! :cool1:Then in the morning walk downstairs and you can board on Disney Transportation or book separate! Well it was $190 a night and I asked if I booked a certain amount of rooms what would the rate be and we got it for drum roll please....$115!!!! :rotfl:a night I am so excited about that :goodvibes and let me share a little piece of advice, I knew a contract was involved and I didn't want to get stuck paying $1100 dollars if I couldn't get 9 rooms minimum so I called everyone and let them know the deal was only good for a week and they needed to pay then and sent everyone the forms for their credit card! So once I had eight rooms and mine making the 9 ensuring that I wouldn't be breaking the contract I sent over the signed contract and forms and now I feel so much better even if I don't get any more rooms I don't have to worry about it!

I am sad about not staying at WDW but with an every rising budget I need to save where I can! Also I have been working like crazy on my brooch bouquet and I hope to post pictures soon and a tutorial it really is looking nice so far just so time consuming so if you are planning on doing one give your self plenty of time! Also I am working like mad on my six month newsletter I knew I should have done it months ago but I kept thinking I have time I have time and now were almost at six months in two weeks eek oh well hopefully I can get it done and I will make sure to post pictures!

Well Happy Planning I promise to come back with a picture filled update :wave2:
Hey Everybody so time for an update!:goodvibes





and then you add your card holder, I got mine from Specialist they shipped so quickly I got my order in two days! Plus they were only .34 each with no minimum order. And there you have it a $7-$15 lanyard for 1.78 (it

Hi Melissa! Having just returned from a cruise, I can totally see how useful this favor is. I was fumbling around in my purse for my ID/room key depending on which port of call we were in. The ribbon is super cute! This meets my criteria for favors right now which is that they should be useful onboard or extremely easy to pack. I'm interested to hear your music choices when you cross that bridge...

let me share a little piece of advice, I knew a contract was involved and I didn't want to get stuck paying $1100 dollars if I couldn't get 9 rooms minimum so I called everyone and let them know the deal was only good for a week and they needed to pay then and sent everyone the forms for their credit card! So once I had eight rooms and mine making the 9 ensuring that I wouldn't be breaking the contract I sent over the signed contract and forms and now I feel so much better even if I don't get any more rooms I don't have to worry about it!

Brilliant! Guest wrangling can be a tricky process, they never have the same urgency as we do so it looks like you found a good way around that! Sounds like you got a great deal too and in such a handy central location. You'll be so glad you did it that way, having your guests under one roof keeps things nice and simple for everyone. I remember going on a cruise in 2012 out of Miami and if we didn't have so many others in our hotel going too I'm not sure we would've had a clue what to do or where to go!

Looking forward to seeing how your bouquet is coming along!
Hi Melissa! Having just returned from a cruise, I can totally see how useful this favor is. I was fumbling around in my purse for my ID/room key depending on which port of call we were in. The ribbon is super cute! This meets my criteria for favors right now which is that they should be useful onboard or extremely easy to pack. I'm interested to hear your music choices when you cross that bridge...


Thank you! I love the ribbon too it was so hard to pick shocking enough I wanted something that was gender neutral so glad someone else likes it haah :thumbsup2: and music will be the next headache me and my DF never agree on music and I don't know if I want to bring an ipod or just use their pianist so many decisions to make!

Melissa :goodvibes
Brilliant! Guest wrangling can be a tricky process, they never have the same urgency as we do so it looks like you found a good way around that! Sounds like you got a great deal too and in such a handy central location. You'll be so glad you did it that way, having your guests under one roof keeps things nice and simple for everyone. I remember going on a cruise in 2012 out of Miami and if we didn't have so many others in our hotel going too I'm not sure we would've had a clue what to do or where to go!

Looking forward to seeing how your bouquet is coming along!

I agree! Dealing with guest is always hard and I 100% agree they never are as urgent as you lol they wait last mintue and then are upset that prices have gone up or things are already booked :sad2: and I am very happy with the deal I got I am trying to cut cost wherever I can! and the bouquet has become a bigger project then i thought I still need to get more brooches I am hoping that in three months I am done fingers crossed!

Thanks for following along


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