Waiting for Genie.wTwo groups in front and the line was cut. I'm waiting in line to the side. Just fireworks and Lotso later for me. I might watch the parade, I'll see how I feel.
Ok other shorts on and I'm much better. Got to see Hallowishes in a good spot. In line for Lotso. Special reason for that one. I may or may not watch the parade. I'll check astro orbitor queue time and then call it a night.
So I sat down gone 11pm and because its just me I got a little to the right of where I was Sunday.
I (27) will be attending MNSSHP with DBF (34) on 10/26.

We will be in MK all day with APs.

Here's our schedule:

1:45- 3/3:30? ADR at Liberty Tree Tavern

If out of LTT by 3, 3-3:30 Ride Haunted Mansion

If not,
3:30/3:45-5:15? I will line up for Jack and Sally, DBF to nearest wristband station for wristband (what seems closer Tortuga Tavern or Philharmagic?)
---He returns to stand in line and I’m go get my wristband.

Head to Storybook Circus to line up for 7 dwarves. Not sure where we’ll be in line since I’m sure the line will have formed by the time we get there. Alternate shopping at Big Top Souvenirs for party merchandise.

6:30/6:40 Line up for Cruella
----Tag Team- Leave DBF in line while I head to popcorn cart outside Storybook Circus for Oogie Boogie bucket

7:20-7:35 meet Goofy if short line

7:35-8:00 meet Ariel and Eric

8:05-8:40 Trick or Treat/watch Madames at HM

8:45-9:10 head over to watch Cadaver Dans

9:10-10:30 Make way to Main Street , trick or treat on way to get Magic shots then find a spot for Hallowishes
----Random question that I've never looked into before. Does the bypass stay open through the whole party? We'll miss it since we'll be in the park already and I'd like to do it if possible.

10:30-10:45 meet Mickey if wait time is short or just find spot for Boo-to-You (I’m sure we could use some extra sitting at this point)

11:15-11:40? Watch Boo-to-you on Main Street

After parade, walk very briskly to Tomorrowland to see if meeting Lotso is an option (we did this for MVCMP with Nick and Judy and it worked!)

12am: Again walk briskly to Main Street for Hocus Pocus show

Afterwards, back to resort to collapse in exhaustion!
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I think I am finally ready to commit to a written itinerary. Really hoping to get some advice on this from those who have been before! Teens touring separately, so this is just for me and DH. We won't be able to be there at 4, but will be high-tailing it from Epcot after our Japan Sake Pairing experience.

6:30 - 7:00 Arrive MK, enter, get wristbands
7:00 - 7:30 Meet talking Mickey
7:30 - 7:45 Go through bypass, get treat bags, maybe take some pictures
7:45 - 8:15 walk through Fantasyland, ToT at Philharmagic
8:15 - 8:45 ride HM and get hitch hiking ghost Magic Shot
8:45 - 9:15 ride BTMR
9:00 - 9:30 wander around, maybe do another ride
9:30 - 10:15 follow first parade out, find viewing for fireworks from Main St
10:30 - 10:45 get pumpkin waffle sundae and find parade viewing
11:15 - parade
12:00 - Hocus Pocus
12:25 - 12:45 Magic Shots on the way out (dancing ghosts, headless horseman)

I have heard that the photographers are still out until around 1am. Should I not count on that and plan to do Magic Shots earlier, just in case? Really, really appreciate any help!

Thanks so much to everyone for your suggestions! It sounds like I will need to skip the bypass because it won't be open. I think I will end up taking all of SherlockMiles suggestions below. Thank you so much!!!:yay:pixiedust:

  • You may be able to get the headless horseman shot when you first arrive if its dark enough
  • Do the grave digger magic shot at town square after mickey since you'll be right there
  • Possible route change - walk up main street (after mickey), grab dancing ghost magic shot and go through adventureland on your way to HM - there are 3-4 ToT stations along that route
  • Check line for graveyard/lantern prop shot just outside of HM - grab it if possible
  • If you like your spot for the fireworks, keep it for the parade and Tag Team to go get the waffles (this line can be long at times)
Water??!!! Eat some food!!! My daughter is on a eat healthy diet n when I took her a few years ago she got sick and I told her disney is not the place to continue your diet. Take care the heat and exhaustion can do a number on the body.
Awww bex! Feel
Better! Get some water girl!
This will be my family's first trip to MNSSHP! We are going to the party on Tuesday Oct 3rd. I love the planning aspect of the Disney trip but am having trouble with the party night. Our 3 person adult group wants to focus on shows and M&G since we have another 1.5 days at the park to ride rides. Any help or suggestions for the plan is very much appreciated!

3-3:45PM Late lunch at Pecos Bills
3:45-4:00PM Head to Tortuga to pick up wrist bands
4:00-5:00PM Not really sure what to do here...ride some rides? halloween party shopping? candycorn ice cream/pumpkin waffle?
5:00-5:15PM Head to Storybook circus for 7 Dwarfs M&G
5:15-6:30PM 7 Dwarfs M&G
6:30-6:40PM Head to Pooh and Gang M&G
6:40-7:30PM Pooh and Gang M&G
7:30-7:40PM Head to Gaston's Tavern for Belle and Gaston M&G
7:40-8:30PM Belle and Gaston M&G
8:30-8:40PM Head to Casey's Corner area for Parade
-Get the Poison apple and dancing ghosts magic shot at some point between waiting for parade or fireworks
8:40-9:30PM Parade
9:30-10:30PM Fireworks (stay in same area as parade)
-Possibly tag team after parade/before fireworks for the pumpkin waffle/candycorn ice cream?
10:45-11:45PM Ride Haunted mansion/Visit Madame Carlotta/Get the Cemetary Watchman magic shot
11:45-12:00PM Head to Hocus Pocus
12:00-12:20AM Hocus Pocus
12:20-1:00AM Exit and get Gravedigger and Headless Horseman magic shots on way out.

Thank you for all of your suggestions and help!
Hi all, We are just back from our first MNSSHP and thought our actual itinerary might be helpful. We went on Sunday 9/24 which was a SOLD OUT night.

1. Much busier than I expected - compared to our usual rope drop touring style, wait times were longer on the rides. This was our only MK time for the trip, so we still wanted to ride our favorites. If we were to come in the future, I would probably not try and ride anything without a fast pass between 4-7pm since it doesn't seem like a good use of time compared to riding at rope drop.
2. Photopass Magic Shots were great
3. We did not do any trick or treating since we didn't see great value in it (as 2 adults). I was surprised at how long those lines were.
4. Headless horseman was very impressive and spooky. We enjoyed watching from liberty square. Did not line up beforehand and had a great view from Liberty Square Market
5. Hallowishes -> did not line up beforehand and were happy with our viewing location from the Tomorrowland side of the loop
6. Overall, did not get as much done as we thought, but I think in future we will not waste time on rides.
7. It was a non park day for us, so we could only enter at 4pm (they let us in a little early I think)

Our itinerary:
4:00: Enter park, Bag pick-up and Poison Apple Magic Shot in Tomorrowland shortcut
4:10: Fast Pass BLSRS Ride (3:20-4:20 window)
4:30: Fast Pass BTMR Ride (4:20-5:20 window)
5:00: Got in line for 7 Dwarves M&G (~10 parties ahead of us)
*eat popcorn and candy*
6:15: Characters came out (15 min longer wait)
6:30: 7 Dwarves M&G photos, head to Cruella line (~20 parties ahead of us)
*eat popcorn and candy*
7:00: Cruella came out (30 min longer wait)
7:30: Cruella photos
7:45: Space Mountain Ride (15 min wait)
8:10: Peter Pan Ride (15 min wait)
8:30: Main street Photopass (no line)
8:40: Talking Mickey (15 min wait)
9:00: Headless Horseman Photopass at Front Gate (no line)
9:10: Town Square Photopass (area was roped off for the parade, but we asked and they took our photo no wait)
9:15: 7DMT Ride (20 min wait)
9:45: Dinner at Cosmic Rays
10:15: Hallowishes from loop
10:30: In line for Pooh and Friends M&G
11:00: Pooh Photos
11:15: Mickey's Boo-to-You Parade viewing from Liberty Square
11:40: Haunted Mansion Cart Photopass (no line)
11:45: Haunted Mansion Lantern Photopass (no line)
11:50: Haunted Mansion Ride (10 min wait)
12:05: Caught end of Hocus Pocus
Hi all, We are just back from our first MNSSHP and thought our actual itinerary might be helpful. We went on Sunday 9/24 which was a SOLD OUT night.

Excellent - thank you for sharing. this is useful......would love to see talking mickey pic.....we didn't get a chance to see him at our party. We should have tried harder - we probably could have....
I started a thread but no one has answered so I'll ask here. have reservations for three girls at BBB at MK location on the night of a party during late afternoon at 5:00. How behind does this place usually run? I'm trying to make party plans and want to plan accordingly. Hopefully it's not one of those things that takes hours on end. Should I be a good dad and go with girls and wife to bbb or get in line for Moana? Don't want to seem like a creeper in line for a princess, also don't want to loose valuable party time and this is the one princess my girls want to meet.
Excellent - thank you for sharing. this is useful......would love to see talking mickey pic.....we didn't get a chance to see him at our party. We should have tried harder - we probably could have....[/QUO

Thank you! I'm thinking of using yours as a basis for our report since i'm sure we'll have a sold out night this coming Tuesday.
I started a thread but no one has answered so I'll ask here. have reservations for three girls at BBB at MK location on the night of a party during late afternoon at 5:00. How behind does this place usually run? I'm trying to make party plans and want to plan accordingly. Hopefully it's not one of those things that takes hours on end. Should I be a good dad and go with girls and wife to bbb or get in line for Moana? Don't want to seem like a creeper in line for a princess, also don't want to loose valuable party time and this is the one princess my girls want to meet.

This is our exact dilemma. We have BBB scheduled for this coming Tuesday at 5:30. I have tried to reschedule to a different time, but same day, with zero luck. From what I have heard around here and other Disney groups, it is not ok to be late to BBB (risk getting charged and not getting the makeover). I was hoping we could get in line for Moana super early, meet her when she comes out at 5:45, then run over to BBB, but again - we can't be that late to BBB.

Like you, the dilemma is now do I ask DH and SD to waste precious time standing in line for Moana while DD and I are at BBB when they could be riding rides or just doing whatever they want. I have already prepped DD (5yo) that she may not get to meet Moana and when I gave HER the choice, she chose the makeover hands down over meeting Moana. I have still been trying to figure out a way to make both happen, but it's looking more and more unlikely as we are days away at this point. I am going to keep trying to reschedule BBB, but I think at this point I have resigned myself that if I can't get the time moved, we are skipping Moana. She is the only character we want to meet at the party, but even for her, I'm not sure we want to waste all of that precious time being stressed about timing my DH being in the line at the exact correct time so that we can join him after BBB.

From what I've heard BBB can run behind - especially the later in the day you go. I'm allowing 2 hours for our appointment in my park/party schedule for the day.
This is our exact dilemma. We have BBB scheduled for this coming Tuesday at 5:30. I have tried to reschedule to a different time, but same day, with zero luck. From what I have heard around here and other Disney groups, it is not ok to be late to BBB (risk getting charged and not getting the makeover). I was hoping we could get in line for Moana super early, meet her when she comes out at 5:45, then run over to BBB, but again - we can't be that late to BBB.

Like you, the dilemma is now do I ask DH and SD to waste precious time standing in line for Moana while DD and I are at BBB when they could be riding rides or just doing whatever they want. I have already prepped DD (5yo) that she may not get to meet Moana and when I gave HER the choice, she chose the makeover hands down over meeting Moana. I have still been trying to figure out a way to make both happen, but it's looking more and more unlikely as we are days away at this point. I am going to keep trying to reschedule BBB, but I think at this point I have resigned myself that if I can't get the time moved, we are skipping Moana. She is the only character we want to meet at the party, but even for her, I'm not sure we want to waste all of that precious time being stressed about timing my DH being in the line at the exact correct time so that we can join him after BBB.

From what I've heard BBB can run behind - especially the later in the day you go. I'm allowing 2 hours for our appointment in my park/party schedule for the day.

I've been lurking on this thread for a while, but I wanted to jump in quickly. My daughter is 6 1/2. She's done BBB twice, once at MK and once on a cruise. She also met Moana at DL this past spring. They are all really amazing experiences. However, in my super humble opinion, you should do whatever is most magical for you*. Why do I say that? My daughter remembers going to BBB and meeting Moana, but really had to be prompted to remember the details. I, however, remember her face when she was turned around in the BBB chair for the first time. And I captured her glow and excitement talking to Moana, her hero! I don't think you can go wrong either way. In fact, we are taking our girl and her BFF to BBB at 1:50 before our party next Thursday. They love it that much. She was "disappointed" that I nixed Moana, but was quickly excited about meeting Elena instead. It's all magical to them and I feel really grateful today that I get to be a part of it. I would also say, she's going to love spending time with you wherever you are!

*ONE CAVEAT: I would not insist on doing what is most magical for me if my daughter had her heart set on doing one particular thing. I would not dangle out her heart's desire and then snatch it away just to satisfy myself (I wanted to make that clear in case some people who are reading this want to jump all over my seemingly selfish sentiments).

Good luck! I'm hoping our party runs smoothly and yours too!


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