Moving in with Significant Other

After marriage. We were supposed to close on our first house right after we returned from our honeymoon but, due to construction delays, the closing was pushed back 3 weeks. I spent the first 3 weeks of our marriage living with my husband... and his dad. His dad had moved in with him when he separated from my mother in law and then I moved in when we returned from our honeymoon. Fun times! Not. lol

We've been married 25 years now and our oldest daughter, who turns 24 in June, is getting married in November. She and her fiance do not live together.
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It was right at one year, probably would have been sooner but I had relatives living in my house and I thought having 4 adults and 3 dogs in a 1500 sq foot house was just too much! As soon as they moved out he moved in!
I had a “four seasons” rule. So we dated for a year before moving in together, lived together for a year before getting engaged and were engaged for a year before getting married. We just celebrated 8 years of marriage and have been together for a little over 11 years.
I “technically” moved in with DH 13 months after we started dating. I practically lived there for a few months before there even though I paid rent somewhere else and most of my stuff was still there. We were already talking marriage when I moved in and he proposed the week after I moved in.

Been married coming up to 17 years.
I'm yet to be in a relationship which has got to the moving in stage but my parents dated for about 2 weeks before my Dad moved in to the house my Mum had recently bought. Two weeks after that they were engaged and this year they are celebrating their 33rd year of marriage.
Had this conversation with one of my friends the other long would you (or did you) wait before you moved in with you significant other? Whether you're just dating, engaged, married...

After we'd been dating about a year and a half, he moved in with me as soon as I moved out from my roommate's apartment.
My husband and I met in college, after dating about 8 months he moved in with me for the summer and sublet from my roommates, but we didn't formally move in together full time until I graduated from college 3.5 years later and we moved to a new city together, we were married about a year and a half later.
Good Catholic kids - not until after the wedding, even though we closed on our house a few months beforehand. I lived there by myself for those couple months.

We were good Baptist kids & didn't move in together until after we were married as well. Although we had dated off & on in high school, we started "officially" dating in February 1992 & were married in April 1995 - so we moved in together a little over 3 years after we started dating. (We were 21 & 22.)

Had we moved in together before we got married, our parents would probably have disowned us, & we would have had a hard time finding a preacher to marry us! LOL!
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We moved in together after about 10 months dating. We lived together for 5 years and then got engaged. We were engaged just under a year and got married on April 14th!
We will be together 6 years at the end of October.
Didn't move in together until we got married. Just not raised to "live together" before.
We moved in after we were engaged. He asked me to relocate to move in with him about 6-8 months after we met, I think. I don't remember anymore. I told him NO WAY was I going to quit my job, uproot my life, and move until we were engaged with a ring, a date, and solid plans. I would have waited until after the wedding, but I was laid off (Thanks Carly Fiorina!) from my HP job and it was silly to try to look for a job to last me three months and then move.
Started living together after 6 years together. A few years later we bought our first home.
I moved in with him just over a year ago, after we'd been dating for 2 years. We are in our mid-late 40's and have no plans to get married, been there twice and we both like the way things are now.
Who knows, it just sort of happened over time. First I would just spend the night, then two, then a week. Officially, we didn't use the same address until we had been living together a few years and after Georgia recinded the common law marriage law.
After we got married. Not necessarily by design, but because we got married as soon as we had finished undergrad degrees and were able to move out of our respective parents’ houses and be self sufficient.
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DH moved into my apartment after about three weeks of dating. We've been together for 17 years, married 15.
Met in August of '89. Moved in November of '89. Married December of "89. We knew we were getting married and only moved in to save some money. I don't think anyone expected it to last. It's not been easy but it's been one heck of a ride :)


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