My AP-ALOOZA Continues (WE RENEWED!!) ~ NEW TR link posted!

Definitely with you about at least having some plans vs. spending a 1/2 hour in the park asking everyone in you group "what do you want to do?", "I don't know, what do you want to do?" Though I'm not super happy about the new policy with having to give a 24 hour notice to all ADR cancellations or get a penalty. I understand wanting to avoid no-shows, but sometimes you don't know until that day if people are not up for a specific cuisine or the kids are just not in great moods/won't sit still, etc.

As far as resorts go, we are still in POR (though with the latest discount price). Depending on if additional discounts come out (I know last year some Disney Visa didn't come out until May and some AP discounts didn't come out until July for the time we are going this year) we may still look to move to a monorail resort - likely the contemporary given the construction planned for the Poly.

Yes, so true about the kids part! Though I guess we really haven't run into a time when we needed to cancel a ressie, it's just always in my head that is our destination unless some crazy circumstances happen. So the CC thing doesn't bother me too much I guess. I have found it easier to get all my ressies at great times at the 180-day mark, so maybe that is a plus.

POR will be beautiful!! Definitely can't go wrong with it!

seems like a fun morning but man, Aria was giving you the stink eye et the EPCOT entrance :rotfl:

Your grocery list looks pretty good! We love those organic toaster pastries, though I think we only have strawberry ones in the stores by us.

Adding some sunscreen and diapers might make sense. Worse case you have extra versus not having any and needing it.

We are HP fans, but have held off on Universal until the kids are older. I did see that report that JK Rowlings, looking back on it, wishes she stuck with having Harry and Hermione together. I saw someone's comment that Ron would read that and thing "Really? You already have my sister and now you want my girl too!"

Hahhaa I know, what a face! I looked to add diapers but the smallest pack was like 30 of them, and I will only need 10, so I think I will just pack those. IT will be interesting doing disney with a fairly new potty-trained toddler!

Yes, I don't go to Universal for Aria yet haha, that is why if the new section isn't open we will just skip it - there is very little for her to do.

:rotfl: at the comment you mentioned!! Too funny!! What age do you plan to read the books to Olivia? I am so excited to start with Aria but know she is young still. I was thinking maybe around age 6. (obviously moving slow so she is older when we get to the scarier books).

DW & I have been once and it was by far the best dining experience ever!! And fortunately we were able to share the wine pairings or else we would be crawling out of there after 7+ glasses of adult beverages each! :crazy2:

It really is a small world....we have ADR's for California Grill on this same day but at 7:00pm! We'll TRY to save some food for y'all. :lmao:

Stop in and say hi....we are staying at BCV!

In her next book, maybe she can take a page from the old "Dallas" TV series and Harry wakes up from a dream and is married to Hermione? :rotfl2:

Great update...looking forward to more!

I am *hoping* I am pregnant in October, so I won't be able to do the wine pairing, but if not then I will definitely be doing it - luckily no need to drive back to the room so we can stumble a bit....:crazy2:

WOW!! That is awesome, maybe we can plan to just pop over and say hi!

Haha that'd be amazing, to have another HP book to read WITH H&H together!! :p

I'm here! I'm here! So glad to read your reports again (pre and post trip!)

Yay thank you so much for reading along!! :goodvibes
After our fun here, Andrew ran off to ride Mission SPACE (another one I will NEVER EVER do again, blah! Just thinking about that ride makes me sick!). Andrew loves it though and it rarely has a long line!! As we were splitting up, I noticed the 5 minute wait for the Character Spot, so decided to pop in there. It was more of a 1-minute wait, and Aria was sooo excited to see Mickey around the corner!! She was still a little bit timid and didn’t want to go up on her own, but she gave him high-fives and was really cute with him.



Next up was Goofy – who BTW Is now one of her very favorites – everytime I ask her who she wants to see at Disneyland she starts with Goofy! Then goes to Minnie, then Mickey and so on. Again she was a bit timid to walk up but gave high fives and was working on her cheese smile lol!



And then…the best character! I had high hopes the photopass pictures would be awesome & I would have purchased the photopass CD just for this meet but alas no one really caught the photos perfectly. She saw Minnie from afar and tried to run up to her while there was another family with her (a la Cinderella haha!) but I held her back until it was her turn! Then she ran up, turned around and said “CHEESE” – she was just so cute! She even gave her a hug – HUGE for Aria!

Don't mind the 1 leg up on the leggings that was NOT intentional! :rotfl:



:rotfl: at the comment you mentioned!! Too funny!! What age do you plan to read the books to Olivia? I am so excited to start with Aria but know she is young still. I was thinking maybe around age 6. (obviously moving slow so she is older when we get to the scarier books).

We haven't decided when to start reading her those books yet. Kinda playing off her desires. We have gone through a few "story books" (Secret Garden, Wind & the Willows) so it isn't the length necessarily it's that she really doesn't like "conflict" and it makes her not even want to watch most movies Even Disney movies we have to push her to watch as she gets all scared from any sort of conflict and just wants the happy ending part .... keep in mind she loves rollercoasters and things like that so it's not like I am raising a wimp or anything :rotfl:
Totally understand not being a fan of Mission Space. I've done it and didn't really mind it but more of a "did it once, that's good for me" scenario

Cute meet and greets and glad Aria was at least up to giving high-fives and then gave Minnie a hug! Bummer you did get a great PP picture capturing it though
Oh my goodness!!!! How did I miss the fact that you've started another TR?! Sorry about that! I'm all caught up now though :goodvibes

I am SO jealous of all the trips you have planned. We are headed out on our cruise in 43 days....but I have a feeling that being at POR for a night is going to be a tease, and we'll want to get back down soon for a real WDW visit!

We love PVD -- my family is in the RI/MA area, so we try to fly in and out of there when we can!

We also have a Cosco Scenera - love that thing! So light, easy to clean, and DD likes it just fine.

So far your trip has been great! Isn't fun how its a totally different experience each time with a toddler? Glad you had a better experience at CG than we did --- but sorry to hear AP wasn't the best toddler-dining win some, you lose some, I guess!

Ok, that's it for now...glad I realized your TR was started sooner rather than later!! :goodvibes
We haven't decided when to start reading her those books yet. Kinda playing off her desires. We have gone through a few "story books" (Secret Garden, Wind & the Willows) so it isn't the length necessarily it's that she really doesn't like "conflict" and it makes her not even want to watch most movies Even Disney movies we have to push her to watch as she gets all scared from any sort of conflict and just wants the happy ending part .... keep in mind she loves rollercoasters and things like that so it's not like I am raising a wimp or anything :rotfl:

AWw I wasn't thinking that as I read the post lol! I like happy endings too! Haha. I am excited to get to story books/ chapter books! Aria loves to read, so we will see what sort of things she doesn't like.

Totally understand not being a fan of Mission Space. I've done it and didn't really mind it but more of a "did it once, that's good for me" scenario

Cute meet and greets and glad Aria was at least up to giving high-fives and then gave Minnie a hug! Bummer you did get a great PP picture capturing it though

Yes, I am glad I did it once so I know never to do it again! I don't even want to attempt the tame side (when I rode it was right after opening when they only offered 1 type of ride).

I know, no great photos but it was a great memory for us!

Oh my goodness!!!! How did I miss the fact that you've started another TR?! Sorry about that! I'm all caught up now though :goodvibes

I am SO jealous of all the trips you have planned. We are headed out on our cruise in 43 days....but I have a feeling that being at POR for a night is going to be a tease, and we'll want to get back down soon for a real WDW visit!

We love PVD -- my family is in the RI/MA area, so we try to fly in and out of there when we can!

We also have a Cosco Scenera - love that thing! So light, easy to clean, and DD likes it just fine.

So far your trip has been great! Isn't fun how its a totally different experience each time with a toddler? Glad you had a better experience at CG than we did --- but sorry to hear AP wasn't the best toddler-dining win some, you lose some, I guess!

Ok, that's it for now...glad I realized your TR was started sooner rather than later!! :goodvibes

I am so jealous of your cruise!! I am still peeking in every so often seeing how much a cruise will cost (I found a 5 night one from Miami on DCL for $1500 for the 3 of us...?) but the timing is just off and with everything planned I don't think I can pull off any more leave from work. :(

I got the Scenera and it is great! Super light. I spent an afternoon figuring out the best configuration with lugging it through the airport, since I don't plan to bring a rolling carry on. I fit it at the back of the stroller so hoping i can place it there again. It's tough trying to plan out carrying all of this stuff without help. I will have my friend along but I don't want to assume she will have a free hand to carry my stuff.

EVERY trip is so different, it is like I am vacationing with a different kid each time! :rotfl:

Thanks so much for coming over!! I am going to wrap up this TR soon, as I want it done before Disneyland...which is in 18 days!! :cool1: :rotfl2:
At that point I texted Andrew and we made a plan to meet up to use our next FP+ at Test Track! The timing was perfect as we were just getting to the entrance as Andrew was. Aria played in the car for a bit (side note, I was reading another TR that mentioned they were looking around making sure no one actually needed to test out the seats...I didn't realize this car was meant to be used for testing seat size...whoops)


And then I took off to go ride while he took her to play in the cars. No photos I guess but we all had a great time! We switched off and I think I took Aria to the bathrooms near Mexico (why aren’t there closer bathrooms?? IDK) and Andrew met up with us there. At this point we were all hungry so headed to Mexico and got some guacamole, margaritas, and I got the Empanadas de Queso (delicious!) and Andrew got the Tacos de Carne. Andrew grabbed a table overlooking the water while I waited. No photos because it was CRAMMED in there and there were birds everywhere, so we just felt like we had to eat super fast? Food was great though! Margaritas were good but I was not so secretly salivating for that passion fruit one from San Angel inn haha. OH well, maybe next time!! After our visit here we stopped in Norway as we had our final FP+ to use at Maelstrom before Aria had to nap!



We basically walked right on (and the line was at about 35 minute wait so it was a good FP to have!) and then we put Aria down for a nap! We sort of started to drink around the world although I don’t know if I got anything else to drink after the margarita and then Glogg at Norway (that is a very weird combo, BTW!).


I want to say that this was a wine we saw over in Germany...buttt could be totally lying...

We just enjoyed walking leisurely around the WS and took a few photos.

This has more meaning now, since we drove on the Romantic Road to Fussen!!


Our first time walking through these gardens in Japan


I love the UK garden



We made it all the way around and I think Andrew decided to go ride TT again single rider, so I did a little shopping.

Quick pic with holiday Minnie and Mickey-

I was still on a bit of a high from the Minnie meet, and found a pretty big Minnie plush so I decided to surprise Aria with it for when she woke up. To this day she sleeps with Minnie and brings her just about everywhere…so it was a very good purchase! After doing some shopping and meeting back up with Andrew it was getting late – maybe 4PM and we anticipated Aria waking up soon (and our dinner at Tutto was for 5) so we started heading back to the WS. Shortly thereafter she woke up so we stopped for a diaper change & I gave her Minnie. She was in love!




I actually wrote this TR part up friday but forgot to post it - and over the weekend I must have been preoccupied putting Aria down for her nap that I forgot her diaper (she wears one at nap and overnight, though mostly waking up dry). Well, Saturday she slept for 4 hours during her nap, and did not wake up dry...of course bed had to be stripped but Aria was SOOO upset about Minnie needing to be washed. And not getting to sleep with her overnight since she was still wet. She got Duffy bear as a replacement and did sleep thankfully, but it was neat to see her so attached to something!

On our way back around we stopped to watch the Chinese acrobats (from afar…)


Then stopped at the Africa station to let Aria play some drums..



Then into Germany where we stopped at our very first KidCot station and Aria drew all over Duffy!


Continued in next post...
And finally to dinner at Tutto Italia!! Now, in 2000 (I think) we ate at the previous incarnation of Tutto, and had a fantastic meal only to find out it was being replaced. In 2004 on my next visit, I ate here with Andrew and was disappointed (I could totally have the dates wrong) but either way it had been a long time since I last visited, and online I saw a swordfish dish that looked yummy…). The place was empty and we got a nice half-booth. We decided to split a bottle of wine after an awesome Sommalier came over, and then our waitress came and offered to bring out a free dish for Aria! She was incredibly attentive and we got to chatting about our 2008 trip to Italy and how we had just gone back to the Lake Como area in September, so it was really fun to chat with her. Soon another waiter came over and we were all enjoying a nice chat about Italy and our travels and where they were from. It was just fantastic! Plus, Aria was being great…always a plus!


Note- we trade off who sits next to Aria to feed her and keep her entertained.

Alas, there was no swordfish on the menu (and they looked at me like I was crazy when I asked about it) so I ended up getting a fresh but simple pasta with fresh mozzarella and tomatoes. It was great! I have no idea what Andrew got! Haha. Aria got a big bowl of pasta (for free, so sweet!) and we fully enjoyed our meal.


I tried to clean off her fingerprints but it was so cute how excited she was to have that Minnie!



After dinner we walked over to the Boardwalk Resort! This is one of the few resorts we haven’t stayed at, mainly due to the fact that I think the pool is fugly. Sorry, if they changed that clown out (and added some more excitement to it) then I’d be all for staying there. Until then, I am totally happy at the BCV! BUT our goal was not to see the pool but instead to enjoy the decorations! SO up in the elevator we went!


Ok funny tidbit, I am hoping I don’t post a photo of the girl that I am about to talk about! So while we were here, there was a 20-something year old with her boyfriend. They looked to be…artist types…and she had spikey hair and piereces and tattoos and all that. She came up to us and said “Ohh she is so cute! My mom used to dress me that way, pig tails and all!!”. LOL! Then went on and left. Andrew and I got a huge kick out of that – we joke that despite us both being Engineers and Aria would get a free ride to MIT due to his job, she will decide to go to RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) just to be different. But it was just hilarious at the time, and then throughout the rest of the evening we happened to see them 4 or so more times.

Anyway back to the TR…so Aria’s favorite word at the time was Ball so she was very excited to point out all the balls on the tree…




Continued in next post!!
Then we headed out of the resort and walked to DHS! Our only goal was to see Osborne Lights, and with the crazy long lines at every attraction it was the only thing we did do! So here are a bunch of photos! Aria wasn’t afraid this time too, which made for a much more pleasant evening!



I thought I read in other TR's they were disappointed with the number of lights this year, but we were both awed. We missed coming the previous December so maybe it just had been too long for us to compare it - but man, the lights are just gorgeous!

Aria was excited to point out Santa







After heading out of the park we walked back and this time took a left into the Swolphin area! We had never visited these resorts and I wanted to check out the decorations! Aria was able to relax in the stroller (it was past bedtime at this point, though she was still happy and awake!). First up was the Dolphin I believe – with this amazing 100% chocolate display! Side note – despite being very afraid of Santa, one of the things she likes to say randomly is “Santa santa ho ho ho” lol!



Then we walked over to the Swan – not sure where my photos are but I know I did take them! The walkway between the two was lit up with beautiful dancing lights which were dancing to holiday music. It was beautiful! But the inside of the Swan wasn’t as impressive – there was a neat tree with a big monorail like train under, but it was making a horrible noise I couldn’t imagine working in the lobby and hearing that constantly!



Next we were ready to go back to a Disney resort HAHA. First up the Yacht club with the adorable village!



Then…Aria was in great spirits and I was hungry, so we stopped at B&C for a banana split! Can’t imagine a better end to the day! Aria was SO cute and we all just ate right out of the dish – at this point she had been in this poor pink sweatshirt for 3 days straight I think I didn’t even care that chocolate got all over it.




Then one final resort to visit – the Beach Club with its amazing Carousel. That is SO impressive!





Just look at the detail!! Amazing!

This display just seals the deal that BCV is our favorite resort to stay at!!

Then back through EPCOT – a few photos – and back to the car. Aria was asleep within a minute and I carried her inside and she went right back to sleep once in the room. We spent a little time packing up that night and then headed to bed ourselves.


Last night, should we splurge for a Disney sweatshirt? Nah, her pink one can last 1 more day...she has an entire closet full at home...

Next…WCC breakfast….and 2 hours until we need to leave for the airport, do we dare head to the park?!
Now this post is totally off topic, but I was playing around with my new mad skillz :rotfl: (yes I have a LONG way to go! But having fun with the camera anyway)...

This weekend it was a beautiful 73 out on saturday - first time we hit 70's since probably last we enjoyed the whole day outside. It was supossed to be that warm Sunday and we headed to the Providence Zoo for an easter egg hunt, but it turned out to be mid-50's until late afternoon. So here are a few photos from the weekend!



Oh this was friday afternoon when Andrew walked through the door, coming home from work!






I love this one

Then from sunday-
She wouldn't sit on his lap BUT no tears either...


Need to work on indoor motion shots


Andrew doesn't get the need for a gazillion photos, so he rushes me through it. I need to just take Aria out next time so he won't complain about it all.



This weekend we are going up to Vermont (where my parents live) so I hope to have some decent weather to take some more photos around their property.
Aria and her giant Minnie are too cute!! Esp the photo of them in the stroller!

Looks like a great dinner --- good food, wine, and a well-behaved kid!

Checking out all the Christmas décor at the resorts looks so fun! We left YC right before the YC/BC décor went up...and I'm so sad we missed it! I guess that means we need to plan another trip.

I was SO tempted by the red/white polka dot Minnie fleece on our last trip...but I resisted. It was cute!

Great photos of Aria! So nice that spring has arrived! Hope Vermont isn't too muddy (my ILs live up we visit, but try to avoid mud season! :rotfl:)

BTW, we are in the midst of potty-training and hoping for our next trip could be VERY different than previous trips. At the very least, we'll become very familiar with all public restroom locations! :faint:
Aria and her giant Minnie are too cute!! Esp the photo of them in the stroller!

Looks like a great dinner --- good food, wine, and a well-behaved kid!

Checking out all the Christmas décor at the resorts looks so fun! We left YC right before the YC/BC décor went up...and I'm so sad we missed it! I guess that means we need to plan another trip.

I was SO tempted by the red/white polka dot Minnie fleece on our last trip...but I resisted. It was cute!

Great photos of Aria! So nice that spring has arrived! Hope Vermont isn't too muddy (my ILs live up we visit, but try to avoid mud season! :rotfl:)

BTW, we are in the midst of potty-training and hoping for our next trip could be VERY different than previous trips. At the very least, we'll become very familiar with all public restroom locations! :faint:

Aww thanks!! Yes the holiday decor was on my must do list (though, I did not see the GF gingerbread house this time, whoops).

We resisted too, should have purchased it at the beginning of the trip.

Hahhaha yes it will probably be chilly, muddy, and rainy. Weather is going downhill for us :( guess it'll be an indoor egg hunt! Where in VT?? My parents are in Underhill (about 40 min outside of Burlington).

Awww sounds familiar!! Good luck with #2!! ANd potty training! We did the 3-day potty training and it worked great! It took a few weeks for her to get comfortable going poop on the potty, and she still has diapers at nap and bedtime though 9 times out of 10 is waking up dry. Otherwise during the day she is doing great! I'm nervous about having to visit a bathroom every 20 minutes at DL, but even moreso having to go so much during the 6 hour flight...:rotfl: (she doesn't do that at home, but when we are out she sometimes will say "potty" over and over even after she goes...and I generally don't want to chance an accident).
Getting into the full Disney spirit by not only trying to plan every second of my DL trip (in just 17 days!! EEK!) but now I'm also getting excited to select FP+ for August! It's just Aria and me, and she won't have a ticket, so I am HOPING that will help me get some decent times since I'll just be looking for a party of 1 (thinking of the Anna/Elsa meet here).

I first made a list of all FP attractions at each park, separating out what we won't be able to ride due to Aria's height (currently 35.5" - I don't think she will be 36" by DL and I even tried with shoes - but there is only 1 ride there that has the 36" requirement, the tuck n roll buggies).

So here is the list!

Magic Kingdom:

Festival parade
Enchanted Tales w Belle
Jungle Cruise
Mad tea party
Monsters Inc
peter pan
Under the Sea

She can't ride:
Mine Train (38", she would have to have a major growth spurt!)

From that list, these are the ones I could see potentially FPing (the others either never have a wait or not interested in doing)

Festival Parade
Enchanted Tales
Peter Pan
Barnstormer (she should meet the 36" height for this by August!)
Under the Sea

That helps narrow things down, and we will be at the park for 2 1/2 days. Two of those are first thing in the morning, when we will be able to ride most everything without a wait. So I am not going to worry too much about the 3FP entitlements. I do hope they open up more though by August!

Tentative MK FP+

8/25 MK w/ early CP BF

Thinking FP for:

I plan to have Aria nap in her stroller and then wake up by 3 for the Festival of Fantasy parade = me having a ton of time to stake out a spot and relax, so prob won't need the FP for that one.

Then 8/27 MK for Rope Drop

Anna/Elsa depending on if I can get for 8/25
Enchanted Tales Maybe? or Speedway

And our last visit to MK will be the evening of 8/30 for MSEP/Wishes (and we have BOG ressies), so:

maybe Enchanted Tales this day and Aria can wear something Belle related to go w/ dinner too...
Barnstormer or Speedway (will start w/ Barnstormer and switch out if Aria hated it!)

Ok see how tough MK is? LOL. And that is with taking out the mountains!

On to EPCOT!

Pick 1 from -
Character Spot
Captain EO <--- this makes me laugh
Figment <--- this does too
Turtle Talk
Spaceship Earth

Aria can't ride
Mission space

So I see possible FP options as:

Character Spot
SE? LOL this 3rd one is silly.

So let's see, 8/26 EPCOT for RD (coral reef lunch, Aria naps in stroller, dinner at Spice Road)
I'll do Character spot
and Spaceship Earth for later in the afternoon.

IF we are allowed to add more FP and Park Hop, then on 8/27 I might do a FP for Illuminations since we are hopping to EPCOT that evening.

Next up...AK!

Finding Nemo show
Tough to be a bug
Pals at Adventurers post
Possibly Lion King if open

Aria can't ride
Primevil Whirl

So looking at:
Nemo Show
Pals at Adventurers outpost
Lion King

8/28 is the day we check out of BLT and into AKV-Kidani and head to AK w/ lunch at Sanaa

FP+ for Safari, Adventurers outpost, and Lion King

8/30 spending the morning at AK but no FP's bc I plan to use them this evening at MK.

Next, DHS

Dis Jr
Indiana Jones
LMA Show
Aria cant ride
Star Tours

Sooo spending 8/29 at DHS until after lunchtime.

Dis Jr
TSMM again? or maybe GMR or LMA show.

That's it! Phew!

I also heard that they were opening up the "Sunrise Safari" which is usually only open to AK guests staying club level, to AK DVC guests. It doesn't have an age reqirement, but you cannot be pregnant, and I am HOPING that over the next 5 months I am...:eek:...but if not :headache: I might consider doing that.
sounds like a really nice afternoon/evening at EPCOT and walking around the various resorts. ... always a plus when the child/children are in a good mood!

I have to say after having some of the margaritas from La Cava del Tequila I just can't get one from any of the other places in EPCOT - guess I am a margarita snob :lmao:

We stayed at the Boardwalk once and it was only OK for us. Not bad (and we didn't mind the pool) but not our favorite so you are probably just as well to stay at the Beach Club

Very cute how Aria got attached to the Minnie doll!


Some cute pictures of Aria - I like the super close up one!


Man, just love how FP+ add another layer to Disney Planning! (half serious, half joking)

There are so many ways to go in MK. Best probably is to just pick some must dos, then see what you can get done first thing and adjust as you need. Anna/Elsa obviously being the top priority!

One annoying thing with the new FP+ pending policy of the rolling 4th FP+ is that you don't get that one until your first 3 are used up - so pre-booking a night time attraction (illuminations, etc.) doesn't work to well as you will never get the 4th one
sounds like a really nice afternoon/evening at EPCOT and walking around the various resorts. ... always a plus when the child/children are in a good mood!

So true! It is amazing how their mood can affect ours SO much! Same with husbands actually...:rotfl2:

I have to say after having some of the margaritas from La Cava del Tequila I just can't get one from any of the other places in EPCOT - guess I am a margarita snob :lmao:

I know, the margaritas offered outside DO NOT compare! SO delicious at La Cava (and, actually at San Angel as well)

We stayed at the Boardwalk once and it was only OK for us. Not bad (and we didn't mind the pool) but not our favorite so you are probably just as well to stay at the Beach Club

Very cute how Aria got attached to the Minnie doll!


True, I would *consider* the Boardwalk if BC was totally not available and it was during F&W, otherwise I am more than happy to stay at other resorts. I'm so excited to have 4 different DVC resorts coming up in Aug & Oct. Can NOT wait until the Poly opens!

Some cute pictures of Aria - I like the super close up one!


Thank you!! I am sure everyone is getting sick of seeing pics of Aria...but I don't get tired of taking her picture!

Man, just love how FP+ add another layer to Disney Planning! (half serious, half joking)

There are so many ways to go in MK. Best probably is to just pick some must dos, then see what you can get done first thing and adjust as you need. Anna/Elsa obviously being the top priority!

One annoying thing with the new FP+ pending policy of the rolling 4th FP+ is that you don't get that one until your first 3 are used up - so pre-booking a night time attraction (illuminations, etc.) doesn't work to well as you will never get the 4th one

So true, although I am excited to add another dimension to my disney planning. Granted, the last visit included BOTH FP and the ability to get paper FP's from KTTW card AND AP's! We were so spoiled! But it is just another thing to look forward to, vs changing up ADR's just to have something to do! :rotfl:

So true - I didn't like that they mentioned that. The best time for FP to be used would be early afternoon IMO (or late morning) once the lines actually build up, but now I need to figure out how to use all 3 in time to get another. And in the case where I plan to use the FP selections at an evening park, I am currently just planning on not having FP abilities at the first park (like AK) - which is part of the reason we are spending the morning there and not at DHS...

Thanks so much for all your comments, I know I posted a TON the last couple of days it might have been too much...
Aww thanks!! Yes the holiday decor was on my must do list (though, I did not see the GF gingerbread house this time, whoops).

We resisted too, should have purchased it at the beginning of the trip.

Hahhaha yes it will probably be chilly, muddy, and rainy. Weather is going downhill for us :( guess it'll be an indoor egg hunt! Where in VT?? My parents are in Underhill (about 40 min outside of Burlington).

Awww sounds familiar!! Good luck with #2!! ANd potty training! We did the 3-day potty training and it worked great! It took a few weeks for her to get comfortable going poop on the potty, and she still has diapers at nap and bedtime though 9 times out of 10 is waking up dry. Otherwise during the day she is doing great! I'm nervous about having to visit a bathroom every 20 minutes at DL, but even moreso having to go so much during the 6 hour flight...:rotfl: (she doesn't do that at home, but when we are out she sometimes will say "potty" over and over even after she goes...and I generally don't want to chance an accident).

Underhill?!?! They are in Jericho!! (That's where DH grew up....)
Small world, huh? I have a feeling you probably live close to where I grew up (hint: there's a stadium in town :thumbsup2)

Hmmm Pawtucket? Foxboro?

I live on the Taunton/Dighton line :) work down in Newport, RI. DH works up in Lexington, MA so that's how we ended up here.


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