Need advice regarding fleas.

Diatomaceous Earth and Borax both work by drying out the fleas (desiccation). I believe baking soda works in a similar way.
We saw an immediate drop of adult fleas. After about four weeks, we noticed more adult fleas, so we did another round. After that, our flea count dropped to near zero.

The fleas you get on dogs or cats have a reproductive cycle of about 14 days. To really disrupt it and get rid of all adults, larvae, pupae AND eggs, you really have to do 3 cycles 2 weeks apart, so that the process takes a total of at least 6 weeks; a fourth really isn't a bad idea, just in case your second cycle had some late bloomers.
Did you treat the yard, and home? Do you take them on walks or play in areas that might have them? I use Simparica right now, before that Bravecto, and have used topical Frontline. She hated Frontline, and it was harder for me to remember the Bravecto.
Our yard is big and they do go out but we also walk them. There are raccoons and possums in our neighborhood so it’s impossible to avoid them. I haven’t seen too many live fleas but have seen flea dirt and the dogs are still scratching so I guess there are live ones around. I think I will try an oral medication next. Thanks!


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