Need your prayers and good thoughts for Kevin


Grand Administrator
Jun 1, 1997
Hi everyone,

As those of you who have been following the show already know, Kevin had cataract surgery recently. The surgery on one eye went well, but he's been having a lot of trouble with his left eye ever since the last procedure. He found out today that he has a detached retina - and will require emergency surgery. While the prognosis is good, this is the type of surgery where complications can and do happen. There is a possibility he will lose sight in one eye, and needless to say, he's very apprehensive and more than a little nervous.

I'd like to ask everyone to keep him in your thoughts and prayers over the next few days as this unfolds. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on what's happening.

Oh my gosh Kevin. I hope and pray that everything comes out OK.:hug: Prayers are headed your way. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Pete thank you for keeping us posted.
Oh Pete- I will keep him in my thoughts - cant imagine how scared he must be. Thank you for sharing this with us , I know with how many people in this community love him that he will have lots of prayers coming his way -that his surgery will go smoothly and he will be on his way to full recovery soon-
:grouphug: I am thinking of all of you!
Will keep Kevin in my thoughts, I can't imagine how scary this is. Especially after the last surgery.
Oh no! Kevin and John, You are in my thoughts and prayers!:grouphug:
I hope this surgery is the last one you will need and it fixes the problem. Good luck with the surgery.pixiedust:
Kevin, our thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this procedure and for your recovery afterwards. We have the rest of the podcast crew in our prayers also, it's difficult having a loved one go through something like this. :grouphug: Hugs to all of you.
Kevin - Our family will be thinking of you! Our DIS family will be thinking of you! Thoughts and prayers to both of you. :grouphug:

Pete - Thanks for keeping us posted.
Our thoughts are with all of you. Kevin, I am sure things will be fine and you will soon be at your favorite Disney restaurant having a fabulous meal.
Kevin, thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through your surgery and recovery.

Pete, thanks for keeping us updated.
OMG kevin why dose bad stuff always happen to good ppl. Ill jeep you in my prayers.
Oh, Kevin, I hate to know you're in pain! Sending all my warmest thoughts your way.
You got it Pete... :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Tell Kevin we're thinking about him...
Will keep you in my thoughts and wish you a speedy and pain-free recovery!!

Oh Kevin, I am so sorry! I hope everything goes okay with the surgery. My dad had the same thing happen to him a few years back and ended up being fine. He was very nervous (as he should have been) and we were all relieved when we found out everything went well. I truly hope the outcome is the same for you. It sucks when bad things happen to such good people.


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