NEW...DOLPHIN/SWAN..."questions and answers" and hints!

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<font color=deeppink>Princess of THIS Castle!<br><
Sep 7, 2001

This is the NEW (ONCE AGAIN!) & FRESH SWAN/DOLPHIN INFO...TIPS...HINTS....NEWS...posting thread! It's sparkling clean, awaiting all the DOLPHIN/SWAN fanclub (& Sorority Sisters too) DISers "QUESTIONS & ANSWERS" well as a place to post UPDATES on your recent trips with PHOTOS to these two fabulous resorts! Any starters? Grab some java and begin to post!! WELCOME!

*Sorry, Trekker for straying. We do not wish to lose our lease here, and LOVE being on the Resort board. Like the other threads (WL, etc.), we have many FAITHFUL FAMILY members whom remain LOYAL to the TOPIC, and keep the thread alive on the front page (in between questions). We sometimes comment on other things, instead of merely "BUMPING" the thread continually. We definitely DO answer LOADS of questions, and HELP lots of DISers With their Dolphin/Swan queries. We will keep working tenaciously to remain on TOPIC! Thanks, for the assist. Could you please kindly LINK the old thread to the new?


TTFN...DF99 :wave2:

Click here for the previous thread
Maggie~Mom Poppins posted a FAB idea! I've also arrived at the Dolphin to find the SPG desk "empty", and bypassed it to stand in line at the regular counter. After reading her answer, I realized this is PRECISELY what I do at every other Starwood WHY should the Swan/Dolphin be any different?

From now on, whenever I arrive and find it empty, I'll just stand there until an associate walks over to assist me! ::yes:: After all, I am not an SPG member for nothing! (LOL).

Hope you are all pleased with the CLEAN SLATE! Happy Valentine's day to all! XOXOXO :wave:

TTFN...DF99 :wave2:
I have always had good luck getting someone to come over and assist me at the Dolphin Starwood desk. I will try it again in a few weeks and let you know how it goes.

Does anyone know which club lounge Thabo is currently at, the Swan or the Dolphin...

Trying to stay on topic.... Waving to the room :wave:
:eek: Well, sorority, it looks like we are in danger of being moved! I would rather be moved than stop our sharing and caring for one another. DF, do you think your plea worked?

Re: Starwood desk - When I checked in at the Dolphin there was someone there. When I checked in at the Swan, there was no one in the front desk section labeled spg check-in. There was no line for the regular check-in either. So I just walked right up to the CM. Thanks for the advice on standing at the check-in and waiting for service.

TIMEO007~ :laughing:

Lou~ we REALLY, REALLY LOVE YOU --- after all you are "one of us", too. ::yes::
Am i understanding correctly? Is there a special desk for us Strwood folks to check in? That is pretty cool. Maybe i will try it when i chaeck in tomorrow
Yes, Fokus. At the Dolphin it is separate from the long check-in desk. You can't miss it - it is across from the bell captain's desk. At the Swan, it is at the end of the check-in counter.
Fokus17~WELCOME! Which resort are you planning to visit? The SPG desk is the BEST place for us members to check~in. Ask for any special coupon booklets available for SPG members too. ::yes:: I received some wonderful booklets from the Westin St. Francis during the Holidays. There was an assortment of coupons, some good for 2/1 dinners in ANY starwood resort! Great perks. Hope you enjoy your stay, and have a wonderful time. :sunny:

mouseteacher~We can still stay on topic...and share LOVE at the same time! :goodvibes: It's all possible. After all, we are not the only Resort-themed thread on here which has REGULARS. We are also not the only resort-themed thread on here which posts personal tidbits and exchanges of love and laughter. Take a visit to some of the other ones, and you will see what I mean. We are truly no different...other than we seem to have a few more "members", dedicated to the Resorts we hold dear, (and "sisterly" bonds to one another). Sometimes, we get carried away...but we always come back to our senses...and return FULL CIRCLE! We have contributed tremendously on this board, and have assisted a lot of DISers with their queries. :grouphug:

MOM POPPINS~:wave2: Thabo works between both resorts (from what I recently recall), and should be at one or the other while you are there. Ask for him, and the Concierge on duty should be able to tell you "when" he is working. Be sure to tell him "Dreamflight" sends her **good wishes**, and will be there this summer. Also, send a cheery "hello" to Mama T and Denise as well. ;) They are the nicest folks, and one of the main reasons the SWAN & DOLPHIN have such fabulous Club Level.

Are you all packed and ready for your trip? :moped: The days have melted away, and soon you'll all be back IN THE MAGIC of WDW and the DOLPHIN!! I know you'll have the BEST time, as you have everything organized and well~planned. You'll have to post all the details, especially the "special dining event" in the Castle! With the little prince, and all the should be MAGICAL. Take lots of pictures...and have the BEST TIME EVER!!

**TO all the rest of you little munchkins..."Come~out, Come~out...wherever you are." :sunny:

TTFN...DF99 :wave2:
MP~ please give my regards to Denise, too. She was working the CL when I stayed at the Dolphin in 2002. She was a doll. I wasn't quite "mouseteacher" then - I was just a lurker!

I am trying to garner some spg points to use for CL for our July stay. Does anyone know what amount you need per night? Is it 1000 or 1500? I have enough for one night at either count right now.

I posted on the CB about a report our local news station is airing at 11:00 about "Eating At Your Own Risk In WDW". It is about food poisoning and Board of Health violations at WDW. I'll try to check out the newscast - if I can stay awake that late! :teeth:
:eek: mouseteacher~Food poisoning? I've heard SO many different complaints about this stuff, and have been a victim myself on a couple of occasions (isolated incidents). I would be VERY interested in hearing the results of the broadcast, and if anything pertained to the SWAN/DOLPHIN restaurants. Thanks for the info, I'll try to research the net for this topic. ::yes::

Denise is wonderful! She is one of the most helpful persons, with the sweetest personality. :angel: We all love her, and look forward to seeing her when we visit this summer.

AS for the SPG points...I'm clueless. Since many persons have reported different amounts (some 1000, some 1500...) it's hard to say! I would call the SPG concierge # and ask directly. Then, call the resort and inquire. If the two are "different", ask WHY? Have you visited the SPG site for POINT oppotunities? There are some GREAT ones on there, and you may even purchase extra points if desired!

Have a wonderful & FUN weekend! in the AIR!


*I have to change this page...the BRIGHT BLUE LARGE PRINT shocks me when I open this thread....LOL. :teeth:
DF~ I posted a link on my CB thread to the article on the news channel's website. They specifically mention: Brown Derby, Cape May, Coral Reef and CRT. I'll record the news since I'm sure I will fall asleep by 11:00. ::yes:: I'm not a late night person!
:wave: Hello everyone!

Just brings back memories, when my first HUGE Swan/Dolphin
thread was closed and moved to the CB!:earseek:
But, that was over three years ago.

So, I'm glad this one has sustained a move!;)
Especially since I just found you gals and guys!

As for the S/D food, there is not any chance any of their restaurants would be on a "poison-food" list!
The best food and room service is at these two resorts, and I will always stand by that....and those WONDERFUL BEDS!!!!::yes::

When we stayed last June, at the Dolphin, 10-night stay, 2 bdrm executive suite....there WAS no one at the SPG podium when we checked in!
And that was in the middle of the afternoon...regular check-in time.
I was a little "put off" by that, walked up to the "regular" check-in and was immediately assisted by a nice CM and quickly wisked up to our "spread"!;)
So, I've completely forgotten about that, until I read it here!

I love your idea, DF!
Next time, I'll just stand there until they come and wait on me!:teeth:

Now...bring me up to speed here. one of the guys, right?
:wave2: Hi, BambiTamby - I am so glad you found us! Yes, indeed, Lou is one of us. We made him an honorary sorority sis...err I mean brother! :teeth: He gave us all our yearbook pictures, our sorority group yearbook picture, has helped with our logo design that is now proudly on our official mugs - thanks to Disbug!

On my trip last summer, the times I was in the Dolphin lobby I did not see anyone at the spg check-in desk. But that just could have been my timing.

Btw, I see you will be staying at the CR Tower. I love the Tower and have stayed there several times. The CR is my sentimental fav resort. It is where I stayed on my first trip to WDW in the mid 1970s when there were only 3 resorts - Poly, CR and the Disney Inn aka Golf Resort aka Shades of Green.
OK, well, we are not on S/D topic, but it is definitely Disney. We receive east & west coast satellite feed for CBS/FOX/ABC (remember- I'm in the boonies here!)

The news articles appeared on NY CBS news on Monday & Tuesday nites at 11pm broadcasts. They did not mention the Swan or Dolphin at all - strictly Disney Restaurants. They were very critical in that at least 50% of the restaurants that they were able to obtain tests for had at least one critical violation. The test was on 150 places if I remember right. I should have posted right after I watched it!!! Most were food being held at unsafe temperatures. They did finally (I think on nite 2) indicate that out of the XXXX million visitors each year there were only (sorry - I can't remember for sure) 7 or 17 - something like that reported cases of food poisoning last year. A couple of them spoke about it and discussed it freely - they did mention another specific one that had 'settled' with Disney for cash and could not speak on camera. They spoke both nights with a head of PR for Disney and she was very positive and upbeat regarding the small quantity of complaints vs the number of people they feed per year. I was a little paranoid when I started watching it, however, by the end of the 2nd night I wasn't too concerned. I imagine even if the food is being held in a unit not heating or cooling properly, it is probably being turned over so fast due to volume that this avoids the issue quite frequently.

If I remember right the SPG check-in is at the end of the counter closest to the entrance. (Course they may have changed it....)

And I guess I'll keep Trekker on my v-day list since he didn't boot us out. Plus he's a cheesehead!

Link to our old thread:

jgates~ that was the gist of the article I read on the website. Our local channel that is airing the report tonight is CBS, too.
Originally posted by Mouseteacher
DF~ I posted a link on my CB thread to the article on the news channel's website. They specifically mention: Brown Derby, Cape May, Coral Reef and CRT. I'll record the news since I'm sure I will fall asleep by 11:00. ::yes:: I'm not a late night person!
"Say it ain't so..." ~These are some of my favorite haunts! Thanks (in advance) for taping it, I'll be asleep by 11 this eve too...I'm too pooped to pop. :faint: Busy week here.

BambiTamby~:wave: WOW... HAVE we been posting here for three years now?! Time flies when you're helping others and having fun too. ::yes:: We will all be STARTING something we walk into the DOLPHIN, and STAND at the SPG desk, adjusting our sunglasses, checking our manicures, and waiting for the recognition we so deserve! (LOL). YES...LOU is one of the "guys", but he's also *metro* he fits right in! He's secure and cool....very hip. We'd be lost without him. :hug:

*I'm glad to read you LOVE the Swan & Dolphin, food...bed...etc. We too, have never experienced any trouble with the food and/or accomodations. We absolutely LOVE the place, and always stay in the Exec. suite too! So glad you have joined us have a wonderful way of offering help to others, and such a sunny disposition. :sunny: Happy Valentine's Day! (I'll bet your boutique was just *jammin'* today!).

I the CR tower. Stayed in the Suite atop the 14th floor last summer for a spell. Could have stayed forever (except I would MISS the Dolphin too much!). The VIEW...the AURA...the CLASSIC DECOR...the CM's on CL, all of it was simply MAGICAL. Mouseteacher and I share the same sentiments for this lovely piece of WALT history. I still feel it was the resort WALT loved the most (his pride and joy), his vision of the "future." I have an attachment to this property which will never wane. I could stay there each summer, sharing my time between many locations. I know you'll have a wonderful time. ;)

TTFN...DF99 :wave2:

*Are we there yet? (PAGE #2).
Originally posted by jgates

And I guess I'll keep Trekker on my v-day list since he didn't boot us out. Plus he's a cheesehead!

LOL...J~~ "He's a Good Guy!" He also stays at the Dolphin, on CL...etc. He's been a mod since I signed on...and one of the better ones, at that. He's always helped me with any questions, and actually "designed & posted" my Original clipart (when I was completely helpless/clueless). I never knew he was a cheesehead! (Learn something new every day). ::yes::

*We are officially on page #2. HOORAY!

*Thanks for the news info. I'll look and see if there's anything about this story on our networks. I'm just "relieved" the SWAN and DOLPHIN are not mentioned...or any of the other resorts I enjoy dining at (CR Cali Grill my #1). :teeth:

YES...the SPG check-in counter is directly to the left as you enter the main lobby (across from the Bell desk). There should be a BELL atop the counter, to ring incessantly if no one is present! (LOL) Perhaps I'll bring one, as a "gift."

TTFN...DF99 :wave2:
Whew! Good news, DF re: Trekker. Hopefully we can still reside here. :D :sunny:

I, too, have been confused regarding the CL points. It seems to have varied depending on what CM you get. I will certainly call as the time to go gets closer and I have accrued more points. Thanks for the advice.
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