"Newest" Moms Hangout... take 2!

Katie still has no teeth!

I'll make sure to post details about my trip. 13 more sleeps!

don't stress out too much about the no teeth thing. My ped. said the first tooth just needs to come in by the time they are 18 months old.

Have a great trip!!!
WARNING Major vent alert!!! I feel pretty good that it took me 11 months to have a vent but I just can't stand it anymore!!!!! My in-laws are over right now. First off, I do not like my FIL. I am not alone in this, my hubby does not like him at all and most people who know him don't like him. He is a very toxic person. So he is here right now, camped out in my living room. He comes in and changes the channel to FOX News which he knows I hate. Now he is sleeping and has been for about an hour. (I guess I should be happy I don't have to talk to him. trying to look on the bright side.)

I used to have a great relationship with my MIL but since Natalie has been born, things have really changed. Does anyone else have a MIL who really doesn't care what your wishes are? I feel like a ghost. She just keeps taking her outside whenever I come in the room to see whats going on. I hate that I feel this way.

My parents live 3 hours away and see Natalie every other weekend. My in-laws see her several times a week and make me feel guilty it's not more. My hubby and I are going out of town next weekend for 4 nights and my husband asked his mom to watch the baby. I asked my MIL if my parents could watch her 2 out of the 4 nights because it will be over 4 weeks before they could see her. She started to give me greif and said well they got to see her 2 weekends in a row. How selfish of her. I told her, I know and not to worry about it, I will make plans to take Natalie to visit during the week when my parents have to work. Sorry for this vent but I just want to scream!!!!!

I hate feeling like this, it is really horrible.:confused:

You know what, she is your baby and you have every right to let anyone you want watch her. I would simply tell her this is what is happening and that is that. It's great that she wants to spend time with Natalie, truly it is and much better than a MIL who wants nothing to do with her grandchild, but she's your mom's granddaughter too, and if you want Natalie to split the time, then she should. There should be no asking MIL if it is okay, just tell her "Thanks for watching Natalie. Here's the plan while we're gone: We'll drop her off with you when we leave on Thursday (or whenever) and my mom will pick her up around 10am Saturday so that they can get her back to their house before her regular nap time. Natalie will love getting to spend one-on-one time with both of her grandmothers so thanks again for watching her!"

Katie still has no teeth!

Mine were late teethers too and I was totally thrilled about it cause of the nursing thing too! Also, I am loving it on the losing teeth end as well. My daughter is 6yo and has yet to have a loose tooth, and it is so nice not to have to worry quite as much about her teeth. Neither kid has ever had a cavity, but I know once the permanent teeth come in, well, they are permanent, so we really need to be sure they are taken care of well!

But if the pain is keeping them from eating, it's a darn good reason to medicate!

I totally agree! I hope it didn't sound like I meant that you shouldn't medicate them, cause I definitely don't think that way. I just wanted it to be clear that you shouldn't expect the reflux itself to go away with the medications. They still vomit, gag, cough, etc., and I think some people take that to mean that the medicine isn't working. But as long as it reduces or eliminates the crying then it is working cause that is the intended purpose.

Also, that is precisely the reason Scarlett just increased her dose of Prevacid. She had her 4 month check up last week (a little early so we can get all her shots in before we move) and was only 12lbs. Since she was 8lbs 1.5oz at birth, she hasn't gained a whole lot and is dropping down in percentiles. It's not a huge concern yet, but since she seemed to be getting fussy around feeds again recently, the ped thought she might be eating less than she should because the pain is starting to break through.
That report is without kids (technically) right? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something! :goodvibes You stayed at the Boardwalk too right? I can't wait for my December trip there!! :banana:

HA! Yes, I guess I should have mentioned that! ;)
The Boardwalk was awesome!! I loved being near Epcot since it's a central location!
Thanks for the support everyone. we are off to see my parents after lunch:cool1: Hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll check back in when I get back.
You know what, she is your baby and you have every right to let anyone you want watch her. I would simply tell her this is what is happening and that is that. It's great that she wants to spend time with Natalie, truly it is and much better than a MIL who wants nothing to do with her grandchild, but she's your mom's granddaughter too, and if you want Natalie to split the time, then she should. There should be no asking MIL if it is okay, just tell her "Thanks for watching Natalie. Here's the plan while we're gone: We'll drop her off with you when we leave on Thursday (or whenever) and my mom will pick her up around 10am Saturday so that they can get her back to their house before her regular nap time. Natalie will love getting to spend one-on-one time with both of her grandmothers so thanks again for watching her!"
Perfect answer - that was basically what I was going to say/suggest :)
:)Threads been quiet! Where is everyone? :goodvibes

Looks like we're finally going to get some decent weekend weather, sunny & warm. Besides errands the only thing I have "planned" is my older son's t-ball game on Sat afternoon, maybe I'll bring the twins, if I can get everyone organized before we need to leave. :)

Hope everyone & their babes are doing well.
Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing well!
I had kind of a rough day yesterday. Emma went in for her 4 month check-up on Wednesday and was a little fussy from the shots. :guilty: When I took her to daycare on Thursday, one of the babies there ended up with croup! :eek: I guess I was totally freaked becaue I know this mom doesn't believe in giving her baby all vaccines. I had a couple of meltdowns at work, just soooo worried about Emma getting croup which could lead to something worse like RSV! My heart just sank whenever I talked about it. Thankfully, my principal got my classes covered and allowed me to get Emma from daycare. I told the lady who runs it about the mother that doesn't believe in vaccines. I didn't mean to throw her under the bus, but when my child is put at risk I have a huge problem. To be honest, she looked very surprised. Apparently the paperwork that mother had turned in looked complete, but maybe it wasn't? She said she would have a talk with that mom when the summer was over (most of us our teachers that use her and will be taking the summer off from daycare).
I don't know, I probably shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Everyone did remind me that I'm a first-time parent and these things can be very scary! I just pray Emma stays healthy!
Should be a beautiful weekend up here!! Highs in the 80s!! Amazingly, we might hit 90 next week!! Eek!! I don't want to have to turn on the air yet!!!

Elliott has a little bit of a cold, mostly a runny nose. He is all stuffed up when he wakes up in the morning. Other than that, he is his typical, happy self!
Hey everyone! Hope you all are doing well!
I had kind of a rough day yesterday. Emma went in for her 4 month check-up on Wednesday and was a little fussy from the shots. :guilty: When I took her to daycare on Thursday, one of the babies there ended up with croup! :eek: I guess I was totally freaked becaue I know this mom doesn't believe in giving her baby all vaccines. I had a couple of meltdowns at work, just soooo worried about Emma getting croup which could lead to something worse like RSV! My heart just sank whenever I talked about it. Thankfully, my principal got my classes covered and allowed me to get Emma from daycare. I told the lady who runs it about the mother that doesn't believe in vaccines. I didn't mean to throw her under the bus, but when my child is put at risk I have a huge problem. To be honest, she looked very surprised. Apparently the paperwork that mother had turned in looked complete, but maybe it wasn't? She said she would have a talk with that mom when the summer was over (most of us our teachers that use her and will be taking the summer off from daycare).
I don't know, I probably shouldn't have reacted the way I did. Everyone did remind me that I'm a first-time parent and these things can be very scary! I just pray Emma stays healthy!

I am a 3rd time mom and I still don't want my kids around sick kids, so don't feel badly! I hope Emma stays healthy! And RSV is scary. My nephew was hospitalized for it and has asthma now as a result. My own son had it too, but luckily it wasn't a severe case. And his toddler class had a bout of RSV and pneumonia when he was 2yo and I kept him home a couple of days cause I did not want him to get sick.

I am very pro-vaccine and our kids get vaccinated for everything, and, in fact, we are vaccinating Scarlett early so that we can get them all done here in DC and not rush to find a pediatrician in AZ to get Scarlett's 6 month shots as soon as we move.

But while I am fine with people who don't want to vaccinate for no just cause (and I will leave my own thoughts on that decision out of this thread), I think it is truly absurd that I, a parent who chooses to vaccinate my kids, must submit documentation of vaccines, that they must be done on a specific schedule (and that schedule varies by state) or be repeated, but kids can be unvaccinated and that is fine and no 3rd degree for those parents. Sorry, I know that is a huge run on sentence, but every time the health inspector comes through my kids's school, someone will be notified that their kids vaccines weren't spaced according to DC standards (if they moved from out of state, or live in VA or MD) and must be redone or the kid can't attend school, or a kid is missing the 3rd shot in a series and can't attend school, etc. But kids can be completely unvaccinated and that's okay. It just makes no sense.

Anyway, that is off topic, but there's my vaccine rant for the day.
Should be a beautiful weekend up here!! Highs in the 80s!! Amazingly, we might hit 90 next week!! Eek!! I don't want to have to turn on the air yet!!!

Elliott has a little bit of a cold, mostly a runny nose. He is all stuffed up when he wakes up in the morning. Other than that, he is his typical, happy self!

Us too! We are going to be in the 80's this weekend with the chance of thunderstorms each day. Hopefully they will hold off a little as DH wants to finish our deck. So close!!!! I can't wait til it's done. We had to turn our air on yesterday just to get the humidity feeling out of the house.

I hope that Elliott is feeling better soon!!! :goodvibes

Has anyone ever ordered anything from the catalog One Step Ahead? I am looking for something to put on the deck that is covered that Carys can lay in while we are out there. They have a couple things that I really like but I'm always leery about ordering out of a catalog.

I had a woman stop me in Target today telling me what a beautiful baby I had. She then touched Carys' face and was playing with her toes. I was just kind of shocked. I would never touch a stranger's baby! It kind of threw me! :laughing: Then Carys started to cry and looked at me like "mom, who is this crazy lady touching me!" It was funny!
If it makes you feel any better, when my first was a baby I was walking from our house to meet my husband for lunch at the hospital. We only lived like 2 blocks away at the time, but I had to walk through a grassy circle where homeless people hung out after getting booted from the hospital. Well a random homeless woman ran up to me and touched Madison all over her face (she was in the Bjorn) before I could move away. She then followed me asking to hold her.
I had a woman stop me in Target today telling me what a beautiful baby I had. She then touched Carys' face and was playing with her toes. I was just kind of shocked. I would never touch a stranger's baby! It kind of threw me! :laughing: Then Carys started to cry and looked at me like "mom, who is this crazy lady touching me!" It was funny!

I've had a few people touch Lily, but always on a spot that was covered, never the face. The toes are very popular. The face is a major no-no! A couple of the people tocuhed and then looked all horrified and said, "I'm so sorry! No one should ever do that! I just didn't think!" Which was nice. I just say that Lily is what a Bug zapper is to bugs, sometimes it's hard to not touch! :thumbsup2

In your situation, I wish I would think to actually say, "please don't touch." or something. You know these people do it all the time.

The weather is supposed to be nice around here too, but we're going to get some rain.

Have a great weekend everyone!
We got a table, umbrella and chairs for our deck and sat outside with Carys today. She loved when the breeze blew on her face. It was so cute!

DH and I are watching Finding Nemo now. I love this movie!!
Ugh, Elliott was a pill this weekend!! Not sure if he wasn't feeling the greatest, or teething (he is soooo drooly, and his hands are constantly jammed in his mouth!), or a combination of both. After sleeping good forever, Friday night he was up 4 times, Saturday night 2 times, and Sunday night once.

On the bright side, he was VERY happy this morning when I had to wake him up to go to the sitter's house, so hopefully that is a sign of things to come!
Well I am back from my parents. We had a great time and Natalie did great on the drive. My parents have a cat and Natalie LOVES this cat. She can now say kitty pretty good and she points at the cat all the time. Really cute. We have 2 dogs and she LOVES them as well.

Hope everyone has a great week:thumbsup2
I had a wonderful weekend!! My BFF is pregnant!!! This is the one you may remember that has been trying longer than us and miscarried about a year ago. She's 10 weeks and they've seen the heartbeat and her numbers are all perfect! Last time they never heard the heartbeat. We spent all weekend with them. I don't think I told you guys, but they just got a second dog...a great dane puppy!! And they have a little house, so it's going to be very interesting.

Lily LOVES the dogs, she was so cute. I thought she would be afraid since the older dog is very in your face and lick you to death, but she loved it.
Hey all!
Hope everyone is having a good Monday! Sorry it was a rough weekend, BabyTigger! Emma was pretty fussy this morning. My guess is she was tired from us having company last night. But she went through several nights in a row last week of getting up at 2, 3 or 4 in the morning! :eek: Thankfully it has seemed to stop!
Congrats to your friend, Harley! I know that's so exciting!! :cloud9:
We're officially down to 8 school days (after today)! I'm so excited I can't wait! :woohoo: Our plan is for me to stay home next year. I hope to do something to bring in some $$, just not sure what. We're playing with the idea of me teaching at a community college, so please think good thoughts an opportunity will present itself!! :flower3:
Saw this cartoon and had to share.
I may post more as I find some good ones if no one minds.



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