"Newest" Moms Hangout... take 2!

Ugh, another night of Elliott waking up. He was up at 2 and wanted to eat. He was up for over an hour at that time. He was up again at ten to 5, but fell back asleep fairly quickly. Unfortunately, I was wide awake after that.

In brighter news, today is my 5 year anniversary of being cancer free! Woohoo!!
In brighter news, today is my 5 year anniversary of being cancer free! Woohoo!!

Congratulations!!! :goodvibes

It's super hot here today (and will be tomorrow as well). Got the AC going and Carys is just chilling out in a onesie. :goodvibes

I'm going to an orthopedic dr. today for my knees. They started to get bad when I was pregnant but my primary didn't want to do anything at that time because they might have gone back to normal. But alas, they are actually way worse now. Fingers crossed there is nothing really wrong. Wish me luck!
Good thoughts out to everyone! I'm sure we can all use them. :goodvibes:

Apparently Lily loves taking naps on the couch. She keeps sleeping 2-3 hours there. I think it's also because she seems to be dropping the morning nap. I thought they were supposed to drop the evening nap first? She'll sleep from 11:30 or 12 until 2 or 3 and then nap again for an hour around 5. Then bedtime around 8 or 9.
What time does she wake up Sarah? Jake only takes 2 naps now... he goes down between 10 and 11 (thats his morning nap) and wakes up 2 or 3 hours later. And then only naps about an hour (somtimes shorter or longer) around 3 or so... and thats it for the day.
Natalie is 11 months and she wakes up (I don't let her sleep past 8:30) usually around 8ish. Takes her a.m. nap by 10:45 and is up at 12:15ish. Then she takes her p.m. nap at 3 and gets up at 5ish. I don't let her sleep past 5:30. Then she goes to bed between 8:30 and 9.

Have a great weekend everyone. We leave tomorrow morning for Florida. Not Disney but Sanibel Island. :goodvibes
Carys is 3 months today :goodvibes I guess that means that she is supposed to throw me for a loop! :laughing: She has been sleeping through the night for the past 2 weeks but then the past 2 nights she has gotten up once in the middle of the night for a feeding. I don't know if it's a growth spurt or not but it's caught me off guard!
We get up by 8:30 at the latest. Whatever she's doing it's been a lot better the last week. She's only waking up once or twice. I shouldn't post that though, cuz you all know what'll happen. ;)
Any recommendations for a face wipe. DS is starting to get acne under his chin from his formula dribble. Hoping to find a wipe I can use after each feeding. Don't want to use a baby wipe as it has oil in it and think it may make it worse.
Any recommendations for a face wipe. DS is starting to get acne under his chin from his formula dribble. Hoping to find a wipe I can use after each feeding. Don't want to use a baby wipe as it has oil in it and think it may make it worse.

We were having the same issue with Emma. The doc suggested trying aquaphor (sp?). It's worked for the most part!
I love Aquaphor! But if you want a wipe, ArielRae, why not use a wet cloth Scarlett spits up a lot and I only use a plain, wet cloth to clean her and she's fine.

Hulagirl - Scarlett just turned 4 months Sunday and she woke up a couple times a night this week, but last night was much better, basically back to her normal self. She slept from 6pm-5am, then ate and went back to sleep till 6:30ish, ate again, and back to sleep for another hour. And she was dying to go to bed earlier too, I mean, she was hysterical during dinner to the point where I got up a few bites into my meal and put her to bed and she instantly shut her eyes.

I took her on a field trip for my older daughter's class yesterday so I guess walking around in the heat, on the Metro, in the Aquarium did her and in and she was exhausted.
DS is still waking up a few times a night. Usually he is in bed between 7pm and 9pm sleeps till around midnight. Feed and diaper change back to sleep untill around 3am where DH takes care of him and DS usually wants to stay up unless DH holds him while he sleeps. So he is still waking about every 3 hours for a feed and change. Any idea when he may start sleeping more thru the night? I'd love if he slept from 6pm - 5am. Any advice?
Hi ladies! Baby number 3 is almost here and I have a dilemma. I have used Bjorns with my oldest two, but I have been hearing a lot about Ergo. Have any of you tried both? Can you let me know which you prefer? Also, does Ergo, front face and rear face???

Thanks so much!
Little E was 4 months old yesterday. Today we are headed to the doctor for his check up and shots. He has been grumpy and not been sleeping well for the last week. He did finally sleep through the night again on Tuesday night. Last night he was up about 2:30, but he had peed through his diaper, and he was only wearing a onesie to sleep in, and I think the ceiling fan was making him cold! So I changed him, put some jammies on him, and he slept until 6:30. Normally he goes down between 8 and 9 every night. He has been on cereal for the past 3 weeks, and he is really doing well with it!
Ladies thoughts on DS making sure We're still doing everything ok.
Here is a typical day for DS.

Feedings usually go like this. Eating between 2oz - 4oz:

3am - 6am - 9am - 11am - 3pm - 6pm - 9pm - 11pm

1am - 4am - 8am - 11am - 2pm - 4pm - 7pm - 11pm

He has no problems going right back to sleep during a night feeding (11pm - 3am) and diaper change.

I cant waint until he sleeps longer at night. I'm up about every 3 hours for a feeding and change.

He also gets fussy about an hour and a half after the feedings during the day and doesn't want to do anything but have me hold him and walk around with him but with my bad back I can't do that for long so I swaddle him and he sleeps for a half hour to an hour a few times during the day after his feedings. His formula is fine so I know that is not a problem. I just don't know what to do to entertain him at his age other then the playmat, swing, belly time, Walking him around, and showing him his baby einstein videos. I've tried reading to him, sitting with him out on the porch facing him out to the road but that really does not last longer before he starts crying. I think cause he is borded with just sitting around. I think he just wants to get up and start moving and is fustrated he isn't able to crawl or walk yet. :confused3

He does not entertain for long at things (playmat, belly time, Swing, baby einstein) maybe 10min - 20min before he throws a fit and I have to put him down for a nap.

I feel so bad cause it seems like he sleeps more then anything.
He does hold his head up during belly times, started making noises.
I can't wait until he starts crawling cause I think he may keep himself entertained for longer before he needs to be put to a nap cause he gets fussy.

Let me know your thoughts from experienced moms. Just want some tips, ideas and reasurances that everything is going well. :hug:
Ladies thoughts on DS making sure We're still doing everything ok.
Here is a typical day for DS.

Feedings usually go like this. Eating between 2oz - 4oz:

3am - 6am - 9am - 11am - 3pm - 6pm - 9pm - 11pm

1am - 4am - 8am - 11am - 2pm - 4pm - 7pm - 11pm

He has no problems going right back to sleep during a night feeding (11pm - 3am) and diaper change.

I cant waint until he sleeps longer at night. I'm up about every 3 hours for a feeding and change.

He also gets fussy about an hour and a half after the feedings during the day and doesn't want to do anything but have me hold him and walk around with him but with my bad back I can't do that for long so I swaddle him and he sleeps for a half hour to an hour a few times during the day after his feedings. His formula is fine so I know that is not a problem. I just don't know what to do to entertain him at his age other then the playmat, swing, belly time, Walking him around, and showing him his baby einstein videos. I've tried reading to him, sitting with him out on the porch facing him out to the road but that really does not last longer before he starts crying. I think cause he is borded with just sitting around. I think he just wants to get up and start moving and is fustrated he isn't able to crawl or walk yet. :confused3

He does not entertain for long at things (playmat, belly time, Swing, baby einstein) maybe 10min - 20min before he throws a fit and I have to put him down for a nap.

I feel so bad cause it seems like he sleeps more then anything.
He does hold his head up during belly times, started making noises.
I can't wait until he starts crawling cause I think he may keep himself entertained for longer before he needs to be put to a nap cause he gets fussy.

Let me know your thoughts from experienced moms. Just want some tips, ideas and reasurances that everything is going well. :hug:
I think that you might be over thinking it. At that age, they don't do that much. Play 'wheels on the bus', sing him a little song, and be glad that he's getting so much rest.

If he's anything like Sarah, in a few months he will be sleeping less, wanting to be fed more often, and really 'needing' to be held more. He's also be rolling and wiggling and trying to drag himself around so you'll be afraid to set him down on the bed for just a second for fear that he'll roll off and break himself.

Three months was kinda awesome. I think we saw our last movie when Sarah was about three months.
Hi ladies! Baby number 3 is almost here and I have a dilemma. I have used Bjorns with my oldest two, but I have been hearing a lot about Ergo. Have any of you tried both? Can you let me know which you prefer? Also, does Ergo, front face and rear face???

Thanks so much!

I have an Ergo, a Beco (very similar to Ergo)and a Bjorn. The Beco and Ergo are WAY better than a Bjorn. They are much more comfortable for the wearer and the baby. The only soft sided carrier that is okay for front facing carries is the Pikkilo, I think, and only up to about 6 months. Forward faing is highly looked down upon by babywearing enthusiasts as it is not a natural position for the baby, plus they can only be comfortably worn that way for a pretty short time. :snooty: Personally, I would have done it in Disney when she was younger, but there is no way I could now.

Since you are used to the Bjorn, I would suggest looking at the Beco as it's similar for getting them in and out of, ther Ergo has a different learning curve.

Since they cost about the same price I highly recommend trying to get an Ergo or Beco. If you can I would totally find one to borrow or find a local store where you can try one out. Otherwise look for a site that has a great return policy.

I think that you might be over thinking it. At that age, they don't do that much. Play 'wheels on the bus', sing him a little song, and be glad that he's getting so much rest.

Three months was kinda awesome. I think we saw our last movie when Sarah was about three months.

I agree! :thumbsup2
AR you have possibly a looooong time (at least it felt that way to me) before he crawls. Everything in you post sounds totally normal. Try not to think too much about crawling and just snuggle with him while you can. You're doing great!
But while I am fine with people who don't want to vaccinate for no just cause (and I will leave my own thoughts on that decision out of this thread), I think it is truly absurd that I, a parent who chooses to vaccinate my kids, must submit documentation of vaccines, that they must be done on a specific schedule (and that schedule varies by state) or be repeated, but kids can be unvaccinated and that is fine and no 3rd degree for those parents. Sorry, I know that is a huge run on sentence, but every time the health inspector comes through my kids's school, someone will be notified that their kids vaccines weren't spaced according to DC standards (if they moved from out of state, or live in VA or MD) and must be redone or the kid can't attend school, or a kid is missing the 3rd shot in a series and can't attend school, etc. But kids can be completely unvaccinated and that's okay. It just makes no sense.

Anyway, that is off topic, but there's my vaccine rant for the day.
It doesn't make sense that they are that way with those who do and then are totally fine with those who don't. We delayed Isabel (started at months and I'm doing two each month pretty much - the dr. Sear's schedule - but she'll end up wit them all) - but we have her at home full time. Anyhow, I don't think the double standard is fair. If they allow people to go without they shouldn't be so strict to those who do!

I had a woman stop me in Target today telling me what a beautiful baby I had. She then touched Carys' face and was playing with her toes. I was just kind of shocked. I would never touch a stranger's baby! It kind of threw me! :laughing: Then Carys started to cry and looked at me like "mom, who is this crazy lady touching me!" It was funny!

UGH! People LOVE to touch Isabel - Especially her hands - I always immediately go and wash them! (I don't care much when it is her feet that are COVERED in socks). . .

Saw this cartoon and had to share.
I may post more as I find some good ones if no one minds.

So funny! Keep sharing!
Ugh, another night of Elliott waking up. He was up at 2 and wanted to eat. He was up for over an hour at that time. He was up again at ten to 5, but fell back asleep fairly quickly. Unfortunately, I was wide awake after that.

In brighter news, today is my 5 year anniversary of being cancer free! Woohoo!!
Happy 5 years! I had my 7 year in April :)
Any recommendations for a face wipe. DS is starting to get acne under his chin from his formula dribble. Hoping to find a wipe I can use after each feeding. Don't want to use a baby wipe as it has oil in it and think it may make it worse.
Our pediatrician recommended just a wet washcloth and Aquaphor, it was GREAT! She cleared up really fast!
BabyTigger - I missed the post about your 5 year mark-congrats! Hope the shots went well today.

I still swaddle Scarlett at night, not because she needs to be as she will nap just fine without anything, but because she wakes up in the morning with frosty hands and toes if she isn't wrapped in a blanket. I tried the wearable blanket things, but because her hands are still exposed, she still had the frosty hand thing in the morning. And I keep the house pretty warm at night, at least the other 4 of us are fine-warm, so other than swaddling there isn't much else that I can do.

ArielRae - That is pretty much what 3 month olds do, eat, play a few minutes, sleep, repeat. Through in some pooping, drooling, and spitting up and call it a day.

The one thing I would change if I were you, I would drop the nighttime diaper changes. When your son wakes up at midnight, 3am, whatever, don't change his diaper. Unless of course he pooped and you have to, but if it is just pee, don't worry about it. I found diaper changing to be really disruptive overnight and while I did it with my 1st child for months, I learned with my 2nd that after the initial newborn phase, where they poop everytime you nurse them, that he was fine to stay in the diaper. That child started sleeping through the night way, way, way sooner than my first. Now, part of that is just their temperments (as he just loved his sleep), but I think not changing him every feeding helped him distinguish between night and day.

And I did the same with Scarlett and, like I said, she sleeps very well. And actually, in her case, she is very rarely wet overnight. I can only hope that helps when it comes time to potty train!

cmskok - I had a Bjorn with my 1st and LOVED it. She loved it, I loved it, and I had the Bjorn Active, with the lower back support, so I carried her in that without issue till she was 15-18 months. She was a skinny baby, about 21lbs at that age, but still, she was long but it was never a problem.

Then I had my son was wasn't such a huge fan of that position so I got a sling, which I liked a lot. It was a pouch sling and I liked that he could lay down and sleep in it, but then sit upright and not dangle on his crotch (though my daughter is now 6yo and suffered no ill-effects so I don't really buy into the hype about it being terrible for them). I also liked how I could use it as a hip carrier when he was older. Of course, now some slings are being recalled for newborn deaths, but if you use it properly that isn't a problem.

With my 3rd I have tried every carrier, including the Ergo. I do like that one, but it's a pain to strap on. I like how it has a little canopy to keep her shaded. But she won't stay in it too long cause it's basically just the one position that works.

The best thing, for her anyway as I didn't buy it till I had her, is the Moby Wrap. I love, love, love it! As a newborn she could sleep upright, cuddled up against my chest. She has reflux so this was the perfect position to keep her from choking/gagging too much, plus she loved being really snug in there. I can make it really tight so as a newborn she probably felt like she was back in the womb, or being swaddled. When she was awake I could use the cradle carry to let her see out a bit, but still be fairly upright. Now I can either use it in the same facing-mom, seated position like the Ergo, or facing-out, like a seat though, not dangling. All the weight is on her butt, with her legs criss-crossed, knees above hips. I hold her in that position a lot (without the wrap I mean) cause she likes to see out, so I like that the wrap can maintain the same position. You can also breastfeed in it, though I have only really done that in my house, but that's my own deal really, not an issue with the wrap.

I will add that it can be sort of a pain to get on the first couple of times, but once you get the hang of it, it is super easy and fast, and just so versatile. She's awake when I put her in so I generally put her facing out to start, then when she's sleepy I turn her around to face me or put her in a cradle position.

It can also be used as a back carrier, though I have never tried that. Same with the hip hold-you can do it, but I haven't tried it yet as Scarlett isn't old enough.

So anyway, that would be my carrier of choice after having tried nearly every one in existence!


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