Not our finest moment as a family..whats yours lol

Our worst blowup was years ago when DD was 2. We planned a morning at Typhoon Lagoon. Being a stay-at-home mom, I was in the stage where I had no time to myself at home, ever. So DH graciously agreed to watch DD while I took one turn around the river. I had a great time, relaxing on the raft, having a bit of time to myself. When I got back, something (still don't know what) must have gone totally wrong, because DH was not happy that I had been gone for so long. It didn't seem that long to me.

We decided to go find a place to sit near the tidal wave lagoon, but the spot I picked he didn't like. He was not going to sit there. Fine. I asked him to pick the spot. Nope, not going to do it. So I picked another spot. No. Not sitting there either. Then you pick it, I said. No. I tried a third spot. No, not going to sit there either and not going to pick a spot himself. We ended up leaving the water park. So many people stared at us as we were leaving as the park had just opened about 40 minutes before. While we have had many wonderful Disney vacations since that awful time, we have not returned to a water park. I think we both want to avoid that memory.

I completely get having a meltdown when you have invested so much time plannning and something happens to throw it off. I've been there myself, though not at Disney. We were at Carlsbad Caverns. I had planned a fabulous southwestern U. S. vacation and most of it went well, but this part did not. Also, while planning and asking DH's opinion on what to do numerous times, he said anything I wanted was fine with him and did not involve himself at all.

The first evening there we wanted to see the bats come out of the cave. It is supposed to be a spectacular sight, but it rained, with lightening, so they cancelled it. Well, they can't cancel the bats flying, but they didn't allow people to stay on the exposed high mesa during a lightening storm. So we went into the visitor center before leaving, though I can't remember why. While there, DH wanted to ask about a special tour for tomorrow. I had tried to talk to him about plans for the Caverns at home, but he didn't care what we did. I had made different plans for the next day and taking this tour would have thrown out my plans in their entirety. I completely lost it and called him a very choice name. Only I happened to do it right in front of our kids, in front of another family that had just walked across our path, and in front of a park ranger. It was so horribly embarrassing. After that, I walked away.

The next day, when we came back I flat out refused to get in line for tickets, refused to tell him what my plan was, and left everything completely up to him. We went on his tour and ended up having a fabulous time.

I think we have learned from both of those experiences. Over the years, I've learned to relax the planning a bit, insist on him making some choices during the planning stage, and he has learned to be more appreciative of the time I spend on planning.
So we went into the visitor center before leaving, though I can't remember why. While there, DH wanted to ask about a special tour for tomorrow. I had tried to talk to him about plans for the Caverns at home, but he didn't care what we did. I had made different plans for the next day and taking this tour would have thrown out my plans in their entirety.

Oh my gosh, this is SO my husband! Even now, after 25 years, I'll tell him about what we're doing that day (or the next), I'll give him as much information about the place as he's interested in listening to, and then when we get there, he asks the first person he sees all the SAME questions I gave him answers for just hours before.

Gah!!! I always tell him he thinks of me as one of those adults in the Peanuts cartoon, all he hears when I talk is "blah blah blah blah blahblahblahblah".

My absolute favorite, is when I give him a "hot insider tip" and tell him why we're doing something, and then he finds the same information out from someone else and comes and says "Hey honey, I just heard about this great trick, we should do this!!". Um, yea, gotcha covered there big guy.
I asked my DMummsie earlier if I had ever had a dramatic melt down in WDW before and she couldn't remember a time I ever did.:woohoo: But my DB on the other hand, :sad2:, he has had a few.

The worst one was when I was 10 and my DB was 5, he was going through the phase of not eating. We were eating breakfast at Chef Mickey's, which at that point was a yearly vacation event, and DB would go up to the buffet get plates and plates of food and not eat any of it! My DMummsie was getting upset asking him why he wouldn't eat, while my DFather was just getting mad and started screaming at him. He claimed that his stomach hurt and thats why he couldn't eat the 4 plates of food he had.:confused3 Well shortly after DFather started yelling did DB start crying, which got DFather even madder. He eventually pulled DB back to the hotel room to calm down.

We ended up leaving breakfast early without seeing our pictures and finishing our food. It was such a bad event that DFather has refused to go back to Chef Mickey's until this upcoming trip.
This incident took place with the help of a CM. My niece's favorite character was Max and in MK we kept missing his appearances. We would get online only to be cut off before she got to meet him. This happened three times. The last time they came up the line and said that the characters would be leaving and we would have to come back another time I went up to the CM standing with Goofy and Max. I begged them to let my niece just have a quick photo before they left. I guess my pleading worked because he stopped the line and let my niece in for a photo making an excuse to the people in line that I had already been through the line but had a "camera malfunction". I could not believe that the CM was telling a little white lie and we were all going along with it. I really didn't want to cut in front of anyone but just wanted my niece to have a quick photo before the characters disappeared again. I still feel guilty when I think about it although I have heard stories on here of people doing much worse! LOL
Also, while planning and asking DH's opinion on what to do numerous times, he said anything I wanted was fine with him and did not involve himself at all.

AAAAAGH, the dreaded you-plan-it-all-no-really-i'm-happy-with-whatever-you-decide! I think all of us planners learn about that one the hard way!
So, did you ever "fess up"? ;)

Oh, right away. I rode the train back to Rafiki's bearing the camera and confessed that *I*, not DD, had lost the camera.

She was angry with me for a long time afterward, though most of my issues with her (terrible attitude) were quite valid. The meltdown, however, was not.
AAAAAGH, the dreaded you-plan-it-all-no-really-i'm-happy-with-whatever-you-decide!

That's my hubby. :rolleyes: But I like that one better than what eldest son usually pulls, which is, "Don't even talk to me about it until [random date in the future]," right up until the last minute, when he suddenly wants all kinds of information and print outs right now and I have no time and/or no access. :headache:

To his credit, however, last time I demanded, "Why did you not say 'yes' when I asked you if you wanted that?" eldest son replied with, "Well, because I'm stupid." :lmao:
This is all too funny. I really did think it was only us. It was our first trip September 2009. Super hot. Epcot. Now, of course, I had researched everything but got completely overwhelmed and starting walking in circles. My DH wanted to go one way, and me the other. Huge fight. He said i was acting like my older sister, not a compliment. We stopped talking for 2 and a half days. I just remember crying that we had spent so much money and i was sooo miserable. But, we survived and are planning our 3rd trip for Aug 2013.
Hopefully, no meltdowns......:lmao:
Having taken three toddlers, I've had my share of meltdowns. Our most recent stupid moment came, however, when we toured AK without a stroller or carrier for DS22 mos. He did a bit of walking, but of course he was carried 95% of the time. Talk about parental exhaustion!
these definitely made me giggle, though I apologize for laughing at everyone's misfortunes! hehehe

Last Friday, my DBf and I had tried going to Star Wars Weekends. The plan was originally to spend the whole day there, then his boss decided the day before he needed to come in to work that night, after requesting the day off almost a month ahead of time. After being a grumpy gills, I decided a half day was better than no day, so we were there by rope drop, walked on to TSM, ToT, and RnRC, then as we were leaving Star Tours, it started raining. We were having a great day, but decided to go to the car to put my camera up, and decided that we wouldn't get to see the parade or characters because of the weather, and headed to MK for the rest of the day. Walking to the tram, DBf steps in a puddle and complains about his shoes filling with water, because there are holes in the bottom. I had spent the last two weeks trying to get him to buy new shoes, and WE WERE EVEN AT THE MALL THE NIGHT BEFORE. I lost it in Aladdin Row 36, and stormed back to the car, I was SO MAD about him complaining about his shoes after the past few weeks, and his boss ruining our day, that I just gave up and made him get new shoes at the mall.

After he apologized for not listening to me in the first place and I stopped being a baby, we ended up having a great day in Orlando, getting boba tea, and looking around a comic book shop before heading home early and napping before he had to go to work. :)

Another day, we were about ten minutes away from Disney, and he couldn't find his pass anywhere. This, after asking a thousand times the night before, "are you SURE it's in your wallet? are you positive?". I got mad, which was stupid because he could just walk up to guest services and get a new one printed, but still. It was the principle.
I spent 9 months planning every detail as I treated a family member and her 18 year old son as a special graduation trip for him.

I trained for 9 months, walking daily, bought properly fitted athletic shoes for myself, my DH and DS and OFFERED to pay for them for my family members as well. They didn't take me up on it. They showed up with a worn out pair of Dr.Scholls walking shoes and worn out athletic shoes and by the end of the first day they were in agony. I bought them both Crocs at Epcot (not cheap) that sort of saved the trip but not totally. Ugh....I was pretty frustrated at that point.

The family member was also a heavy smoker who was thrilled for her child to get to see Disney but MISSED most of it because she was in the DSA while we took her son to the attractions. We were on Soarin'....she was smoking. We did TT.... we had to go find her in the DSA afterwards. We had an early CP Reservation and we were ready for RD. Nope....she was in a DSA and we had to go find her as the rope dropped. All the getting up early for NOTHING!

My break point came when we had an 8:40 PM Ohana ADR (she had also left during Teppan Edo and LC to grab a smoke DURING the meal) and there was a 9PM Wishes. Do you know how hard that is to snag? Esp for a table of 5??? Of course you do. You're Dis boarders. om left BETWEEN the courses to go out to smoke when Wishes started. I was fuming. I'd tried so hard.

Btw, I'm not taking another family member who I dont sleep with or pay for college education for again. I learned my lesson. :confused3
This thread is one of the best ones I've ever seen! Unfortunately, since our family is PERFECT, we have never had a meltdown of any kind....anywhere! Puh-leese! We've had so many, I can't even pick one (or two) to share. one! We vacationed with my husband's entire family....17 people total. Guess who was the main planner for all 17 people....ME! The day started off fine. We all went our own separate ways in the morning. In the evening, we decided to go to MK. We ran into some family on the tram in the parking lot. The skies are blue with cottony clouds. As we are walking into MK about 15 minutes later, the clouds are looking less cottony and more threatening. We decide to go into Country Bear Jamboree to wait out the rain. Well, Mother Nature had other plans. It was a monsoon by the time the show was over! Guess where our ponchos the car! After waiting 30 minutes in the gift shop, we decided to don the garbage bags the CM's were passing out to be worn as ponchos and venture out into the rain. The pictures of us in our new rainwear that we have are priceless! Somehow we met up with the rest of our family (who all arrived separately) by the now-defunct Skyway terminal. The two-year-old twins decided to have a poo explosion in the middle of the monsoon, but my OCD sister-in-law refuses to change their diapers because of the mess. She lets them sit in their own waste. :scared1:

Some of our family members want to leave (including me) and some want to stay to get their money's worth....the ol' "I spent too much money on this vacation to leave!" rant. Well, the rain is NOT letting up. So we (my family and the poopy-boys' family) leave, but the line for the boat was horrendously long as was the monorail line. My daughter...about 9 at the time....says, "Hey, why don't we walk to the Contemporary and take the resort monorail to the TTC!" I have never been more proud of her! :love: As we are on the monorail, we overhear some teenage girls talking on their cell phones, "OMG, someone really stinks in here!" We all laugh because we know EXACTLY who they are talking about!

Thank goodness I can look back on this evening with fondness that only time can give! At the time, there wasn't too much laughing, except at the teenage girls' comments!
It struck everyone funny, my kids started laughing and so did DH, and one of my favorite pics of the whole trip is my teary-eyed, exhausted, laughing kids with the castle all lit up behind them ;).

On one of our AK days, DS decided he didn't want his pic taken (I had pre-ordered PP) but we ran across a really great PP CM that tried his hardest to convince DS to get out of his stroller and take a pic. When DS refused to get out, the CM just started snapping pics of DS hiding in his stroller. One of those is my absolute favorite pic of DS from that trip. He has his "I am NOT going to smile" smile and I love it!

I am really in a panic over all of the possible meltdowns that could happen on our trip in Sept. I am very close and get along great with my younger sis and my mom, but my older sis and I are a whole different story. Too much time together is not good. This is why we have 2 rooms for the four of us, instead of sharing 1. The 2 trips I have taken with olderSis (as adults), she has had a meltdown both times (as she often does at home, she embodies the word "drama")

I'm not saying that there is no chance of me having a meltdown myself, mind you. I am the planner. I have been planning this trip since March 2011. The last trip my family took all together, I was also the planner and had a serious hysterical meltdown in the parking lot of our hotel in Cape Canveral which led to a screaming match between my dad (who was in the parking lot with me) and my brother (who was on the balcony of one of our suites) all because, even though we had been at the hotel for 2 or 3 hours, at the exact time we were supposed to leave to go to dinner, new SIL decided that she wanted to take a shower before dinner. It was not our finest hour!
Usually it's just me and DD (now 18) at WDW, sometimes DH accompanies us, sometimes my Dsis, bil, and 2 nieces, but our FINEST moment as a family was on the extended family trip: Me, DD6, Sis, BIL, 2yo niece, BIL's mom and dad with their GS13 and GD9. Lesson learned here was that everyone has to eat on their own schedules! DSis planned so much, so well... but 13yo boys want to stop and eat at every food stand and their doting grandparents let them, while the rest of us wait around for GS13 to eat AGAIN. FIL has to eat at 5pm, it needs to be meat and potatoes, and we heard about it, no matter that he'd agreed to Ohana at 7:30. Snacks for FIL/MIL at 5:30 (while the rest of us waited for them) means they aren't hungry for 7:30 supper, want to take themselves and grandkids (not my niece) back to the hotel instead of to Ohana. DD and niece don't want to let the girl cousin go, BIL, sis and I are hungry and want dinner, not food court, and somewhere along the way my sister LOST it. Inlaws took grumpy GS13 and whining GD9 back to the condo, sis, BIL, and I took sulky 2 and 6yo girls to Ohana, and we all tried to ignore sister's prior ravings. I don't remember much about dinner. Funny thing, though... everyone toed the line for the rest of the trip. Sometimes a really good hissy fit clears the air!!
We were at Disneyland, not Disneyworld, but a meltdown nevertheless.

Here we were waiting in the line at Peter Pan with DH, myself and DSnearly4.
DS starts carrying on "I don't want to go on it, I don't want to".
I'm like "it's Peter Pan, it's not scary"
"The volume gets louder "I don't wanna, I don't WANNA!"
"You little fella are going to get on Peter Pan and you're gonna like it"
And with the he did a wee all over my DH who was holding him at the time :rolleyes1

So we get out of line, DH dripping wee, DS crying and red and we march back to the hotel, i'm like all get me out of here.
DS still crying "I wanna go home" (15 hours on a plane? Unlikely)

Lets see what the next trip brings, hope he doesn't poo on us :laughing:
Fun Topic !

Our family's "finest moment" came at DHS, during Star Wars Weekends 2010. We usually get to parks at open and take a break around noon, but on this trip, we decided to stick around for the parade and lined up about 45 minutes early, staking out a great spot so I could photograph it. It was scorching hot, and both my 4 year old and 10 year old were feeling it, whining and complaining about everything.

Two minutes before the parade starts, as the cast member closes down the path, a group of 4 British tourists (obvious from the accents) shoves right in front of my 4 year olds stroller, completely blocking his view, having to push the rope forward so they could "fit". I ask them to move and the woman, apparently drunk, starts screaming that the cast member told them they had to stand there. Her husband, a burly guy who looked like a soccer hooligan, looked embarassed, but did nothing to control his wife, who continued to scream as if this was all my problem.

When it became clear they wouldn't voluntarily move, I reached over a grabbed toy lightsaber from a vendor, and smashed the woman over her head in an effort to knock some sense into her. Her husband rears back and takes a swing at me, which I duck to avoid. He hits the man next to me, an off duty cop, square in the face. The cop, filled with rage and overpriced beer, tackles the hooligan into a crowd of rowdy frat boys. Pretty soon fists are flying, stands are getting knocked over, and uttter chaos reigns. Just then, the parade rounds the corner, and the 501st, seeing chaos, rears into action, jumping into the fray to restrain people. Long story short, 14 arrests, 2 years of ongoing litigation, and I have scars on my fist from the front teeth of the hooligan when I knocked them out of his skull.

hehe - just wondered who read these long posts. All of this really happened except the preceeding paragraph; I just ended up yelling at the woman until her husband, a very nice guy, ushered her to the back of the four deep crowd with an apologetic nod of his head.

I read 'em!
Our family seems to have a melt down in Epcot, every year. We call it our "Epcot Day". Oh, and usually, it's my fault for being cranky.

Although we avoided an Epcot Day this past year.

Funny the only melt down we had last trip was in Epcot, lol. I think it's the amount of walking. It's a huge park.

hopefully no melt down this year :littleangel:


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