Nov 8-18, 2BR BWV: MDE, MBs, FP+, DAS and even Michelle Obama


I went to Iowa once, and it was closed.
Aug 19, 1999
We have been going to WDW so many years that I can remember the simple days when all I needed was a park ticket and a key to open a room, both of which you got when you arrived. Now I need to be computer-savvy, plan my life at Disney six months in advance for dining reservations, 60 in advance for probable park on each day there and time of day to hit FP+ rides, and at least 60 days in advance to purchase park tickets, and I have to do all that on a website that sometimes matches the speed of the unnamed slow DSL system in that turtle commercial for Comcast in which the turtles want to keep the world extremely slow. I am overwhelmed by how much “easier” computers have made my life. I am also glad I got through all this while blocking from mind any thoughts of suicide -- homicide maybe but not suicide. Thus, much of this long report is the report of our experiences with the new systems, but I also have a story about one of the most amazing CM's on the face of the earth (skip to the last point if you want to review that first).

1. Room, Resort and Weather.

Only three of us this time, DW, youngest DD (now a young adult with Down Syndrome), and me. At BWV Nov 8-18, 2BR boardwalk view, rooms 2003-05, down the long hallway from the lobby to the Crest of Waves section just a room short of the last room next to Jellyrolls. We had requested high floor and did not get it but room location was fine with excellent views. Rooms were in fine condition and no problems. Made reservations at 11 months out -- actually made two reservations on two different days using two different use years and had the reservations linked. Weather was near perfect, low 80s in the day, low 60s at night, except for one cool day (Wed, Nov 13) when it got up only into the 60s, and one rainy day (Nov 16) with light and sometimes a little heavy rain, off and on all day. No major noise issues but usual ones in hearing boat horns, illuminations, boardwalk service/maintenance vehicles beeping when backing up in the morning, and an occasional loud person late at night. As city folk, it meant little to us, but I am guessing some would find some of the noises disturbing. Christmas decorations at BW went up night of Nov 16-17 except the Gingerbread House and other floor level things in the lobby were not completed by the time we left. Resort itself looked fine and I did not notice any lights out on the boardwalk. We were treated very well and friendly by all CMs at the resort.

2. Setting up MDE. Magic Bands and Discount PAP.

We set up everything on MDE beforehand. As noted, we had two successive reservations under two use years and called to have them linked, and put both in the room reservation section of MDE. Be aware of the new improvement resulting apparently from the MDE system. If you use two use years and link reservations for the same room type, they are now linked seamlessly with no need to do any mini check in and check out on the turnover date, and the room key/bands are linked to both ressies. Did all necessary dining reservations on-line and the process was slow, both in the time we had to spend thinking about where and at what time we would eat on any given day and the time it takes to do reservations on line (a lot). The worst page of the MDE site is when you click and ask for all your reservations (including dining and FP+) to come up and those little, spinning line balls seem to sit there, spin, and spit in your face forever. Spent a long time learning the site, including reading everything on the MBs for which instructions were adequate but still complex to those of us who are computer challenged to begin with. We had the $399 PAPs, bought last year, to be activated during this trip. I assumed you needed actual ticket numbers to link the tickets until someone on this site reported you could put in the receipt number (that is not explained at all on the MDE site). Once I did that we were able to do FP+, which we actually did about 35 days out, after another long bout of having to determine what we were going to do when. We mainly got them for afternoon times (we don't usually make it to a park in the early morning anymore). When we made the FP+ we did not have the tiered restrictions at Epcot and Studios announced later. Also, though the system does not allow you to pick your specific ride and time, but instead you put in three ride choices and see what FP+’s come up, I found that if I canceled and redid a day for the same rides an hour or more after initially doing it, the times changed somewhat. What I was looking for, and was able to get with some minimal success, was having nearby rides, like Splash and Big Thunder, in successive hours and thus could ride one toward the end of the FP+ designated hour and then head to the other. I personalized the MBs by the date specified in MDE for our trip and they arrived a few weeks before our trip.

3. Check-in.

We did not do on-line check in because I was unaware of what might happen when doing so with two separate reservation numbers with successive dates. When we arrived, a little after 4:30, we were greeted at the front entrance and sent to check-in. The lines were short and when we got to the front desk, we were told that despite not checking in early, our Magic Bands would already have everything on them, including the room keys to our assigned rooms, charge privileges and FP+'s and that there was no longer any check-in issues with two reservation such as redoing check-in on the turnover date when you have two reservation numbers. I informed the CM about our PAPs without an actual PAP number, and he said I needed to go to the guest services/concierge desk area right near the front desk to have questions on that answered. Besides the MBs, we were given typical key to the world cards. When done at the front desk, we went to the services desk and the CM told us that we needed to get the actual PAPs at the park before they could put them on the bands. We also asked about TIW and were told nothing had changed. You need to get it at guest services at the parks and it was separate from anything on the bands.

4. Initial MB and KTTW Card Problem.

When we got to the rooms, we learned our first problem with the MBs. They would not open the rooms. Neither would the KTTW cards. Back down the long hallway to the front desk (saw same CM, who I want to add demonstrated professionalism and friendliness throughout this ordeal). After about 30 minutes of doing and redoing things with aid from other CM’s, we went again to the rooms accompanied by the CM. They still did not work, but at least he had a master key to let my DW and DD into the 1BR portion. Back he and I went to the front desk. More adjustments, more aid from other CMs, several phone calls, and, after another 25 minutes, back to the rooms. I was starting to memorize the number of light fixtures on the way. The MBs and cards still did not work. Back to the front desk, more adjustments, another 30 minutes, someone redid the locks for the rooms, back to the room, they finally worked. However, by then it was getting close to 6:45 and we had 7:10 reservations at Chefs de France. I had explained the issue earlier to the CM including that we did not yet have the PAPs which would likely take some time to get at International Gateway. Without asking, the CM made a command decision and offered us for no charge both a one-day park ticket to get into Epcot and to credit our account the cost of the meal minus any alcohol. I accepted graciously. Score one huge round of applause for an excellent CM.

5. A New Problem.

We walked to Chef de France and arrived only a little late, excellent service, good meal. When we returned to the hotel, I went to the store on the boardwalk (Screen Door portion) to buy some things needed for the morning. That is when I learned of my second problem with the MBs and KTTW cards. I could not charge anything to the room on them. The store CM tried several times and nothing would work. The computer, which obviously never lies, had decided, for charging purposes, that we had already checked out, apparently in relation to some reservation for a recent trip for which I had somehow missed all the fun. I quizzed DW and she vociferously denied any secret rendezvous. Back to the front desk for another repair that did not work. This is one that was never fixed despite the Boardwalk CMs’ repeated attempts over a few days. The computer was certain I had checked out, and it was not going to let anybody prove otherwise. That is when I had my first thoughts of homicide. These were not thoughts aimed at anyone I was dealing with at WDW, all of whom acted with the utmost decorum, or even the scoundrel who had undoubtedly used my name on a recent WDW trip. These were the kinds of thoughts you have after having a few and sit down and start thinking to yourself, “If I could go back in time and eliminate someone I never knew but who managed to cause misery in my life, who would it be?” At times I have mentally assassinated the inventors of the necktie, the tuxedo, plastic packaging, child-proof safety caps, blow dryers for hands that replace paper towels, the thin toilet paper and its dispensers found in public restrooms, and the 15 inch ruler that is undoubtedly used to measure the allowed width and leg room of the modern jetliner seat. My homicidal thoughts at Disney turned toward Gottfried Leibniz. Who is Gottfried Leibniz you may ask? In the 1600s he created the modern binary number system, without which there would have never been computers including one that had decided I had previously checked out.

6. Additional Issues, Some Success, and DAS.

So Nov 9, we finally go to a park, Studios, to get our PAPs at one of the ticket booths. Ticket lines and the park crowd were large that day. I asked at the ticket booth if the CM could also put the tickets on the MBs and was told that could only be done at guest services at the parks or at the hotels. (Someone, who was there a week after us, recently reported on the DVC DIS boards that they were able to get the APs put on their MBs at a ticket booth, so the rules have either changed or I got incorrect info). We entered the gate (this was shortly before 11) and headed for guest services, not to get the tickets transferred to the bands, which I could easily do when I returned to BWV, but to get the new Disability Access Service card (DAS) and the TIW card. That is when we discovered that we were not alone in having problems with the bands. The line at guest services was three times longer than the longest line I had ever seen at a guest services at any park and it was moving extremely slow. I did some reconnoitering and learned the reason: about 90% of everybody in line was there because they were having problems with their Magic Bands. We decided we would have to wait in line because we needed at least the DAS before evening. Fortunately, a wandering CM with an iPad came up to us and asked if we were in line for the DAS. He could help us with that but not anything else, so we left the line and went with him. I had heard CMs had been asking a lot of disability related questions to get a DAS. We were asked none, possibly because DD’s disability is obvious. It was a quick process in that he took of picture of DD and then quickly produced a DAS. It had her picture on it, folded in two, was of flexible material similar to what used to be used for APs, had many lines on the back for filling in rides, and easily fit in my pocket.

For those unaware, the DAS works like a time-delayed fastpass for those with disabilities. Instead of getting a fastpass, you can take the DAS to the fastpass entry point of any ride and a CM will write in the ride’s name and date on the back and give you a fastpass return time that is 15 minutes less than the existing stand-by time. You can then return at the given time or any later time during the rest of the day. Like fastpass, you must use the one given before you can get another ride filled in for fastpass entry. Note if the ride’s stand-by line is 15 minutes or less, they just let you in immediately via the fastpass line. For stage-like shows (such as Disney Junior, Mermaid, Beauty, Captain EO, Lion King, Nemo at AK) the DAS is an instant fastpass in that you enter just like a fastpass holder without having to first get a return time.

What did work on our MBs were the FP+’s. The DAS combined with those actually allowed us to do all the rides DD wanted to do without much hassle – we would go get a DAS return time, then hit an FP+ ride, go back to the DAS ride, etc. However, we learned of other issues with the MBs and FP+. One was that the MBs need a redesign to allow more of the MB to be able to match with the Mickey face on the posts. Numerous people trying to enter via the fastpass lanes had issues getting that little Mickey face in the middle of the band to touch exactly the center of the Mickey face on the post with the result that fastpass lines were often slow to enter. Another problem is that Disney has apparently not yet determined how many FP+ it can give out for any particular time. The result is that some of the fastpass lines became slowpass lines. For example, we entered the Toy Story fastpass entrance when there was a 40 minute stand-by line; the fastpass line took 30 minutes after initial entry. Similarly at Soarin, the stand-by line was 55 minutes and the fastpass line took 40. It did not happen always, so it is likely a correctible problem.

FP+ is also having an impact on the fastpasses you can get in the park. When we went to Studios just before 11 the park fastpasses were already gone for the day for Tower, RnR and Toy Story. We learned the same for Test Track and Soarin when we went to Epcot, I had seen such passes run out that early before only during the busiest times of the year such as Christmas week and Easter time.

One good thing we learned about FP+ is what happens when you show up with one for a ride that is temporarily out of service. This happened to us at Test Track and they gave us another FP+, no paper one, instead they told us it would just show up in our MDE on my iPhone and on the MBs in a little while. Sure enough, about 5 minutes later, my MDE showed a new FP+ that could be used for any ride in Epcot at any time of the day (we eventually did use it for Test Track).

As noted we did not end up waiting in the guest services line at Studios at 11 a.m. after getting the DAS. We came back late afternoon to get the TIW card and still had to wait close to 30 minutes in line. At other parks on other days, we also noticed the long lines at guest services because of MB problems. As for the PAPs, guest services at BWV put them on the bands when we got back that night from Studios. Thereafter, the bands worked except for the charging issue and except for another problem discovered the night we returned from Studios. We took the boat and got off at Swan/Dolphin because it saves time and the location of our room made that a walk that was no longer than the one we would have from the Boardwalk dock. We went to the stairway door in the Activity Lawn area (where, after 16 years, I have yet to see any activity) that leads to rooms at the end of the boardwalk hallway. The MBs would not open the door. The KTTW cards did. I then checked another stairway door that night in the Luna Park area and the MBs did not work. I did not bother to get the issue resolved because I came to the apparently wrong conclusion that the MBs were not supposed to work on the stairway entry doors (someone on these boards has since reported otherwise).

7. Parks and Park Crowds.

Despite the early MB problems. the trip was fine. Though I dislike the necessity to have to plan out each day’s activity months in advance, the FP+ system itself, and for us the addition of the DAS, allowed us to do those attractions DD always wants to do without the necessity of showing up early in the morning to get something when it has a short line and get fastpasses when they are still readily available. Park crowds were a mixed issue. Veterans Day weekend was quite crowded. It was also the last weekend for Food & Wine. We hit Epcot Sunday, Nov 10. The crowds there were huge, close to what you get during Easter and Christmas. We went four days later and the crowd was medium size to mild at worst. Nothing was too bad after Monday, Nov 11. We also did Mickey’s Christmas party Nov 11 (Food and Wine ends and it immediately starts). The Christmas decorations were up in MK and to some extent at the other parks (they had the entryway trees and Studios’ Osbourne lights began while we were there). I do recommend the Christmas party, as well as its kin, the Halloween party, that is there earlier. During the party, rides were easy to get on, the stage shows at main stage and Tomorrowland were very good and our DD spent an hour at the Diamond Horseshoe dancing with Toy Story characters to DJ music. In fact there was a crowd of kids and adults dancing there from about 11 to midnight when it ended.

8. Michelle Obama.

While there, Michelle Obama came to the Boardwalk on Nov 13 to support and promote programs designed to promote jobs for veterans including Disney's "Heroes Work here" program. Bob Iger (Disney's head) was also there. I did not know about it until after I got to WDW. I did not get to see her but I did get the impact of her visit. We had a car and that day was one I actually had to go to Orlando for a short while for a business meeting. Unfortunately, I returned about the time the First Lady was apparently leaving. The result was a huge back-up on Buena Vista Dr while no one was being allowed to drive onto Epcot Resort Blvd or into BW. The intersection at Epcot Resorts Blvd and Buena Vista Dr was kept car free and open for the impending departure of the First Lady and an entourage of Secret Service agents. Spent about 25 minutes just sitting on Buena Vista Dr. while the departure was organized and completed. The depressing thought is that even at WDW a dignatary like the First Lady still needs all those security measures.

9. One Amazing CM.

Though our youngest DD has been going to WDW at least once annually since age two, this was the first time we were there on her birthday. One show we have been to so many times that we have lost count is Hoop Dee Doo. I scheduled it for DD’s birthday since they always recognize birthday guests in the crowd early in the show. Earlier in the week while still dealing with MB issues, I was talking to a very pleasant CM at the front desk about the MB issues, checking on progress of possibly fixing the charge privilege issue. After a while the conversation turned toward talking about kids in general, and hers and mine, and I mentioned our DD, her Down Syndrome and showed a picture, the one on the DAS. I mentioned that one of her dreams was to someday get selected from the audience at Hoop Dee Doo to go onstage (they always get four for the Davey Crockett finale). The CM looked at me and said that she was going to take it upon herself as a project to see what could be done to possibly fulfill that dream. I could hardly believe my ears but I did not tell DD because I did not want hopes built up and shattered. During the week she called twice mainly with some questions about DD’s physical capabilities (good though somewhat limited). When we arrived at HDD and checked in at the outside area where check-in is done, we were approached by a gentleman who identified himself as the stage manager. He informed me that because of DD’s limited abilities, she could not do one of the main audience roles in the finale (no disagreement there) but said they could add a little role where she could carry an applaud sign across the stage. Result: DD got recognized early for her birthday and then was chosen to go on stage to perform her role with a glow of happiness you only hope to see on your child’s face (even as an adult). The Pioneer hall Players were also great and doted over her during the show. A problem I had is that I never got to personally thank the Boardwalk CM. I looked around for her before we left WDW soon thereafter but did not find her again and could not remember her name, and my describing someone as brunette, very pleasant, possibly in her 30s to those behind the counter was not enough info to pinpoint less than half the boardwalk staff, . I did send a long email to Disney’s guest email address and to the DVC Member Satisfaction team, describing what occurred with the request that it be provided to the CM but I have heard nothing back.

All in all, a great trip. MB looks like something that will eventually be OK after a number of kinks are resolved. Though I am not excited about having to do all that pre-planning and reserving FP+ again for the next trip, it does assure being able to do certain attractions in the afternoon without having to show up early to get FPs. Some additional quick points: we used one FP+ for a princess character greet at MK and that worked well to avoid an otherwise long line waiting to see the princess. I still have not figured out why anyone would use an FP+ for a parade. I have heard rumors that FP at the parks will eventually be gone once FP+ is fully in place. I have doubts about that and perhaps all that will be gone is the paper Fastpass replaced by electronic. One reason I have doubts is because I do not know what else they can do but keep fastpass at the parks to give visitors not staying on site, who cannot put in their reservations on MDE and get a FP+, a chance at a fastpass. To use FP+ you need both a park ticket, or a receipt number for one, and a Disney resort reservation number showing when you will be at WDW (unless you have an AP, in which case you can get FP+ even without a room reservation). Learned after I returned that you can reuse MBs and the KTTW cards for your next trip and that those remain active on your MDE site unless you go in and actually turn them off (which I have done because I have no desire to reuse MBs that still do not work correctly). Played some golf but they had only LBV open (excellent condition, great staff), Palm is undergoing significant work and is not scheduled to reopen for a month, and Magnolia was closed while we were there because of aeration. We have Owners Locker and as usual it worked flawlessly.


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