November Trip pack what


Sep 27, 2001
Our first trip to WDW is early November; what is the weather like? Hot, mild, cold? We live in north, north, northeast so it will probably feel warm to us. Any feedback would be helpful and greatly appreciated. Then I wouldn't be tempted to pack everything we own.
We usually go around Thanksgiving, so a few weeks after you will be there. The weather is variable. Some years it is unusually warm (in the 90's) and, last year, it was unusually cold. Last year, it was in the 60's, even during the day, and we wore long sleeves, long pants and polarfleece all day. I think we would've worn mittens and hats at night if we had them (the stores were sold out). As a general rule, we usually wear capri/long pants and a t shirt during the day and a sweater or light jacket for nighttime. However, I usually pack a polarfleece for everyone, too. Since it's cold in MA in Nov, that's usually what we wear to the airport anyway. The pools and water parks are heated to 84 degrees all year round.
Oh, I usually rains at least one day. The good thing is, the showers usually don't usually last very long. Be sure to bring a poncho for everyone. One suggestion - the ponches they sell in the parks are yellow so I would try to bring another color. It'll be a lot easier to keep track of everyone if you are wearing another color.
We usually go around Thanksgiving and have found pretty much the same thing. Last year it was warm during the day (80's) but quite cool in the evenings so definitely bring jackets or sweaters. Some nights when we were out later it was actually even a little cold so you may want to consider gloves and/or heavier coats just in case (at least that's what I'm doing for my kids this year).

It's a wonderful time of year to go! Have a great trip!
Disney Dad says................................................. First off, don't over pack. We have gone for 7 and 10 days and have never checked luggage. For general clothing pack for one day in the sixties, one for the seventies and two for the eighties. You can adjust if need be when you get the future forecast for Orlando the day before you leave. I would buy cheap ponchos from Dollar Tree, probably 3 each though you will probably only use 1 or 2. Compare $1 to use and toss, as appossed to $6 oh my god I have save this drenched piece of plastic for another use!
Wash your clothes for the second half of the trip. Make the husband do the laundry!! On a warm night it takes two beers to wash and two beers to dry. If you fold it all neatly and put in a suitcase for easy distribution back at the room, that probably takes one more beer! On a cold night you get by with one to wash and one to dry!! And the pools are heated to 84 so the kids can swim while dad does the laundry and mom gets almost two hours of QUIET!!! Isn't that the vacation ALL moms are looking for!! A good sweatshirt will cover most of the chilly evenings, if it is thick.
Thanks for all the feedback, it has helped me decide what to put in the old suitcase. We are staying at OKW, 2 bedroom, and it is my understanding that there is a washer/dryer in the unit. The idea about washing clothes for the second part of the trip is great. I have to admit I ALWAYS overpack. My goal is not to do that for the WDW trip. I am looking at clothes that can be used for layering. I also found the 10 day forecast website for Orlando, and plan on checking it everyday before we leave. I brought several of the $0.89 pouchos from Walmart, they are packed tightly. They fit nicely in my fanny pack. Again thank you for all the tips......they have all been so helpful.......33 days to go.....hurrah!!!! (ps this is our first trip)
Disney Dad Says.............................................. Oh no, this is your first trip and you only have posted 11 times?? You have a lot of work to do. You need to learn at least some of the tips and tricks to making WDW a great vacation!! I could start here, but I won't. Go to the tips board, the attractions board, and read many trip reports. I could tell you about the best two hours at MK, if you have young ones, but it doesn't fit in here. Go ask the 30,000 experts for tips!! You'll probably get a couple.......................hundred!!
Disnee dad..............just had to say, YOU ARE A CRACK-UP! Keep it up, your posts are always very insightful and funny at the same time. I'll have to print out your laundry tips for DH.
Disney Dad thanks for the encouragement about posting. I have been checking out the discussions boards since April, when we first started to plan our trip. I have created a notebook full of Disney information and helpful hints from tips gathered on this site. Posting wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I am now asking specific questions about final trip planning. Again thanks for your help. Our party consists of self, husband, sister, spouse, nieces (16, 5, and 7). My family I lived in southern ca in the early 60's and went to disneyland everytime a relative came out west, but have never been to the WDW site. This will be the first exposure for the spouse and nieces. I am SO EXCITED. It has been 37 years without a good shot of Mickey Magic.


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