November W.I.S.H. - Thankful is as thankful does.

Sorry to hear about your awful weather-days without sun must so hard.
Picture of your wreath? I make one for our door every year and could use new ideas.

The pre-made ones are always so heavy and bulky and I wanted something lighter and fluffier... nothing all that spectacular but I love it. (and look at the reflection of sunshine in the window!)

I love my oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast, but those oats have a lot of calories. Anyone have super fast healthy breakfast ideas? What do you eat?

I need ideas, too. DH likes egg sandwiches, but I get bored with them quickly.

Love the wreath!

Happy for your Dad, Mona! DH already has his appointment for tomorrow (underlying condition) and I am excited to hear the news this morning that boosters might be approved for all adults today, so I should be able to get mine soon.

Woohoo for yesterday - managed to get some chores done after all. (I had a lazy start to the day.)

Thankful today - for the ease of doing things over the internet.
Wahoo for popcorn. I'd been craving it for days and tonight I ate a bit and gave the rest to DH.

I love my oatmeal and blueberries for breakfast, but those oats have a lot of calories. Anyone have super fast healthy breakfast ideas? What do you eat?
I usually eat the same couple things-peanut butter toast and fruit (half a banana, grapes) or a whole grain toaster waffle, turkey sausage patty and fruit. When I was still working I would bring the fruit to school and eat it when I had a chance.
I saw these advertised (Aldi) and would like to try them.
I am thankful that we are not having a storm today, the forecasted rain hasn't even started yet. We really need it to stay calm.

I am thankful this was a short week and that next week will be short as well, with Thursday and Friday off.

I am thankful that I really like the new olive green drapes I impulsively bought for the living room last week. I had forgotten about the rug in that room and after I clicked "buy" was pretty sure they wouldn't go at all and that I'd be sending them back, but the olive plays off of the bit of gold in the rug and they actually look OK. Plus they came hemmed, so all I had to do was to put them up.
Thankful that I am currently sitting at the 15 min observation post-booster.
Breakfast is not good for me as far as being healthy as it needs to be fast. But I do like making granola bars. @gls1/2fll I agree on the calorie situation but I use them for my granola for the antioxidants...figure it sort of offsets? Just remembered I need to make a batch....
I am not an egg fan but I used to make freezer breakfast burritos for my mother when she was living at home. I would cook eggs in the oven and cut them up with cheese in small tortillas. They froze and reheated well.
I am eating my “dinner” at my desk before tonight’s conferences start. I decided not to go home in between school and conferences so that I could get some things accomplished.

For breakfast, I have a large Tinkerbell mug of Dunkin Donuts dark roast coffee with raw sugar and organic half n half, two eggs, and two slices of dry toast using 40 calorie Pepperidge Farm Very Thin Bread. I could eat eggs every meal of the day. On the weekends I have pancakes or waffles using Bob’s Red Mill Whole Grain Buttermilk mix and sausage if I want a treat.
Thanks everyone for the breakfast thoughts. I agree that the package of breakfast bite omelets looks yummy. We don't have an Aldi's but maybe Trader Joe's has something. Or maybe I'll make something similar (or maybe breakfast burritos) this weekend and freeze them. Whatever I come up with has to be fast because I just want to nuke something and chow down as I'm getting ready in the morning. I purposefully make my schedule very tight so no time for cooking. Of course, I could get up even earlier than my o'dark thirty yoga, but that's just not going to happen!!!

I'm thankful for school dress up days. Tomorrow is Disney dress up day--because it's Walt's birthday I think. I'm crushed I can't find my Eeyore t shirt anywhere, but I do have ears and zillions of earrings so will wear that. It'll be fun to see what the students come up with. They're so cute.


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