NOW A TR: Just a little Trip for Two

Saw Pirates a second time today this time with my mum I still Loved it! I cant believe its getting bad reviews :confused: Anyhow I love it regardless :love:pirate:

Pirates is getting bad reviews?? Guess I haven't been paying attention! My two older sons went to it....they placed is as the 3rd best out of the 4. (they like 1, 3, 4, 2 in that order)

I really want to get to the theater to watch it.....but it's hard for Mike & I to get away to do so.

Times a ticking.........almost time for you to go!!! :cool1:
Wow your trip is so soon!!!!! :woohoo:
I am seeing Pirates on Monday, I have heard good things from people who have seen it so far, and as far as reviews, I have read mostly neutral ones. They say it's ok, but not amazing. But I think it's gonna be great :)
Pirates is getting bad reviews?? Guess I haven't been paying attention! My two older sons went to it....they placed is as the 3rd best out of the 4. (they like 1, 3, 4, 2 in that order)

I really want to get to the theater to watch it.....but it's hard for Mike & I to get away to do so.

Times a ticking.........almost time for you to go!!! :cool1:

I would place them in the same order but I love them all :lovestruc
I know soo close
It will be great JH87!

On a side note Jared has decided to get a new kitten hes adopting the stray thats been living in his office for the past couple weeks when we return home hes going to name her Dyna (after Alice's cat) guess who picked the name lol
Just a last note to sat toodles to everyone I am not sure ill be able to log on tomorrow Ill be finishing my packing in the morning, seeing kung fu panda then spending the evening with my family eating carna asda mmm before going over for a night at Jareds house before we leave Tuesday morning.

So that said DO we Have our Heading Mr. Stitch?


Were headed in a somewhat that way Direction! To the second star on the right and down the path to wonderland!
Have a *+*+*Magical*+*+* Trip Sid!!! Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!! Take lots of pics!!

Just a last note to sat toodles to everyone I am not sure ill be able to log on tomorrow Ill be finishing my packing in the morning, seeing kung fu panda then spending the evening with my family eating carna asda mmm before going over for a night at Jareds house before we leave Tuesday morning.

So that said DO we Have our Heading Mr. Stitch?


Were headed in a somewhat that way Direction! To the second star on the right and down the path to wonderland!

Sweet Compass!

Have fun, look forward to hearing about the visit.
Im back and ready to begin the trip report! so ALL ABOARD...LETS GO!

Day one:
Monday night Jared and I went back to his house after a yummy memorial day meal at my house and watched wrestling after that we went to bed. The plan was to sleep till 8 and then leave the house by nine, what happened was we slept till 7:30 and left the house at 8. Jared woke up early because thats when h useually gets up for work and I got up early because Jareds room mate cody was getting up for work and was really loud :confused:

I was up and ready first so I had some time to kill while Jared finished dressing and packing up the car so I watched a little tv :happytv:

I was watching Mickey Mouse Club house

Here I am waiting

and here is Jared getting ready

After we were ready and the car was packed up we went to the Redrock resort and casino for breakfast, I have a players card so that I can get 5 dollar breakfast and play bingo lol

Here we are waiting for breakfast


After breakfast we hit the road bound for Los Angeles

Here are some pictures of what we saw along our four hour journey

Mostly we just saw this lol

But at one point we saw the coming together of our peoples lol

and we drove by the little town of ZZYX

We arrived in Buena park and checked in to our hotel at about 3 o' clock we were staying for one night at the Inn suites. The hotel was ok, the hot tub was crummy and there was only wifi in the lobby but the beds were half way descent.


We rested in the room for about an hour we watched the bottom half of Scott Pilgram on the Tv before decideing we were super hungry we headed over to knotts berry farm to partake of Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner



We didnt wait at all for a table and were seated in a sorta half indoor half out door patio area the weather was nice so it was nice to eat outside. I ordered the Chicken Dinner with Boysen Berry Pie and Boysen Berry punch to drink. Jared ordered Chicken pot pie with root beer and berry sorbet.


Berry Punch -

Chicken Pot Pie-

Chicken Dinner-


Pie -

Everything was really delcious accept Jared didnt like the the sorbet and he felt his chicken pot pie could have used more chicken


After Dinner we walked around the shops there for a bit then we made a run to Target for some water and Jared wanted to buy new inserts for his shoes after that we went back to the room and laid around reading for a while, went in the hot tub which only had two jets both on the same side :eek:and then read some more I finished my book and Jared seemed to enjoy his relaxation time lol
Day 2:
Wedsnday we woke up bright and early at 7 am we packed up the car and headed to the lobby for Check out and breakfast. Breakfast was awful but what do you expect from continental, there was mufffins cereal and toast.


When I checked out the man at the desk asked me if I needed Directions to Disneyland I cant imagine how he knew thats where we were going :rolleyes:

After our Meager Scraps of breakfast we were off to the happiest place on earth we arrived at the Jolly roger at about 8 o clock I didnt expect our room to be ready but it totally was!

I really liked this hotel everything apeared to be clean and the employees were friendly. Also the walk to Disney wasnt that bad. If you stood out in front of the hotel you could see the fun weal and the back side of cars land!


We made it all the way up to the gates of Disneyland before I opened my purse and realized my phone was mising :scared1: this caused a major melt down it was at the Inn suites in the room we had to drive all the way back to get it and hoped it was there (it was) and we missed magic morning :sad1: After that mess we finally made it in to Disneyland at about 9:15

The first stop was town hall for a birthday button and a graduation button, my button lasted one day because I got tired of explaining what I majored in lol

The plan was to spend the Day in DCA but no time was left unwasted and we did a ride in Disneyland first we decided on the nemo subs because it was new for Jared and the line wasnt insanely long yet





we were on the neptune sub

After that it was back up main street and out of the land and into DCA

Welcome back Sid!!! Glad to see your report coming together!! :cool1:

Mrs Knott's Chicken Dinner.......yummmmmmm, haven't had breakfast yet & that sounds so good!! Have a major craving now!!!

Thank god your phone was still there!!! Bummer you missed MM......but if I had to chose between the MM & my phone would have won out too!!

Amazing your room was available at 8am!! Mike & I stayed at the Jolly Roger back in the 80' How were the beds??

Looking forward to seeing more & hearing more of your adventures!
Welcome back Sid!!! Glad to see your report coming together!! :cool1:

Mrs Knott's Chicken Dinner.......yummmmmmm, haven't had breakfast yet & that sounds so good!! Have a major craving now!!!

Thank god your phone was still there!!! Bummer you missed MM......but if I had to chose between the MM & my phone would have won out too!!

Amazing your room was available at 8am!! Mike & I stayed at the Jolly Roger back in the 80' How were the beds??

Looking forward to seeing more & hearing more of your adventures!

the beds were pretty ok actually better then the ones at inn suites lol
Day 2:
As we entered DCA the changes were pretty easy to spot from the last time we were here the Hyperion and Cars land are well under construction :thumbsup2

Our first stop was the visa character meet and greet where we met pluto

We got a few pretty cute photo pass pics here, we were really bad about doing photo pass this trip I think we only did it like three times :sad2:

after our visit with pluto our meager breakfast was starting to fail us and we were getting hungry we decided it was almost time for lunch, but we wanted to make sure Jared rode a big ride before he ate so it was off to Tower of Terror! this was a fist for Jared and he loved it Im so happy to have another person to get to ride it with before it was just my brother lol

We decided to have lunch at the pacific warf cafe to get there we walked through bugs land and stoped for a ride on Heimlich's chew chew train




At lunch I told Jared he could either have Mexican, Chinese or he could go to the cafe for soup with me he decided on soup with me but I think he regretted it because he kept asking if the chinese place had orange chicken :upsidedow I had the cheese and broccoli soup and Jared had the Roast beef sandwich, we split a coke.


After that we headed over for a ride on TSMM


I was beating Jared pretty much the whole game until the last game before the bonus round I dont know what happened there but I lost miserably lol Im player 1

After Toy story I wanted to ride the Silly Symphony swings and Jared most certainly did not, but he did want a churro so he got a churro and ate it while I rode the swings

I took this picture of Mermaid while I wanted for Jared to buy his churro

Here he is with his Churro

and here I am on the swings



After that Jared wanted to do Grizzley River Run, I did it with him even though I hate wet Jeans lol and of course we both got soaked I could ring water out of my sweater

here we are in line


After we got off the ride I was standing off to the side of a walk way putting my purse back togther and fixing my hair when I heard a child crying now the little boy in question was about two I didnt really pay attention at first two year olds cry its just what they do. Then I saw one of the most disturbing things Ive ever seen a man walked over to the little boy and asked the mom whats his problem I missed what ever the answer was (I felt its 2 in the afternoon and hes been at a theme park all day a nap is probably in order but what do I know) then the man got in the little boys face told him hed better shut the F*%# up and then Head butted him hard. The boy cried louder so the man said "your gonna make me put my drink down? fine you asked for it " and then he hit the boy in the arm closed fist pinched him and head butted him again all the while telling him loudly to shut the F up. Everyone was staring and the mom was laughing I assume from being uncomfortable, at least I hope so I would never let any man even a father touch my child that way. Jared had enough and he went and got Disney Security I was impressed with how fast they responded unfortunately (or maybe fortunately for the moment?) the man saw the badge and stoped I really wished there was more I could do for that little boy I hope someone who knows where the family lives or what there names are is able help :sad2:

After that incident Jared decided it was time to go to the bank. His mom had called earlier and complained that he forgot to deposit her check for her before he left so he needed to find a bank of america and deposit it for her. I decided to fast pass soarin (I didnt know they had a single rider but I do now for next time lol) and do single rider on Screamin while he was gone

Ive never done single rider and it was really confusing the Cm's all seemed to be sending me in seperate directions finally i found some other single riders and followed them and made it on the ride
That's horrible about the little boy........You're not the first one to report on something like happening over in DCA. I'm glad security got involved....I just always fears what happens after they leave the park. So sad!!!

You both got pretty good scores on TSMM.......I don't usually score too good....but it's fun!
After I got off scremin I was it was only 2 o clock and my fast pass wasnt up till 3:30 I thought about rideing the fun wheel but the wait was 30 mins and I felt like I would look sad in the little bucket all by my self lol so I went shopping in stead. I needed new sunglasses because the pair i brought broke while we were rideing Grizzley river run :cool2:After a while of aimless wandering and sunglass buying Jared Text me he was back in the park and would meet me in front of monster inc so thats what we rode next Roz talked to me at the end of the ride she liked my ears but didnt believe they were o natural lol




After we finished our tour of monstropolis we headed over for some time with the muppets


and our traditional smashed wall pics


After muppets my fast pass for soarin was up I had to ride this also by myself since Jared cant do motion rides

After that is was almost time for our Ariels reservation so we headed that direction I took a couple construction wall pics on the way and then we stopped to see its a bugs life


snaping for a fight in front of web side story

heres jared thinking romantic thoughts in front of beauty and the bees

After a bugs life it was definitaly time for dinner here we are heading to ariels grotto





I went to take a picture of the bread but Jared had already stolen some lol

I love the fishes

what to order hmmm

We went with the Veggie Antipasti and we both went with the santa maria tri tip it was delicious!





Day 2:

Dinner was delicious!


and now it was time for a locker run to get the Jackets and the only thing we wanted to do but hadnt gotten to yet was the animation building so off we went

Jared and I drew a cartoon together in the sorcerers work shop I drew some flowers and he drew a weed killing it lol



Then it was into the beasts library where we found out what Disney Characters we were


I was lady


and Jared was Jafar

Next we voiced a cartoon in Ursula's Grotto. We did the lion king monkies uncle scene

Next we did turtle talk with crush a first for Jared he didnt talk to us but it was pretty hilarious and Jared seemed to enjoy it then we headed over to the animation academy where we drew Daisy Duck
Here is my drawing

and Jareds

Afterwards the artist gave his drawing to Jared because he liked his Yoohoo shirt and Jared gave it to me :lovestruc

After finishing up our art we went into off the page and I spent some of my chirstmas gift card Cody (Jareds room mate )gave me on some Jim shore figurines and then we headed over to the world of color standing area at first we werent right up against the railing we were in the middle second level second row here we are waiting


We were talking about how Jared doesnt pose in pictures and he said "so like you want me to pose like this" and I laughed and took his picture he so silly sometimes :laughing:

As soon as the show started the nice family in front of us made room next to them so that I could stand up against the railing they said I should get to see it all since I hadnt seen it yet it was very nice of them
World of color was amazing I really enjoyed the pirates scene and the Buzz lightyear scene they had taken out the hell fire scene for an extended pirates and I was a little disapointed not to get to see the hell fire scene but the pirates was pretty awesome I didnt take pictures though because we were soaking in the sights ...literally

we got soaked lol


After world of color was over there was only another half an hour before DCA closed for the day so we headed over to Disneland and went for a cruise around the jungle


and then to hang with some pirates


by then it was about 11:30 and we wanted to be up by 6 to try Magic Morning again, so it was off to the hotel for some sleepy time!

Next up Day 3!
That's horrible about the little boy........You're not the first one to report on something like happening over in DCA. I'm glad security got involved....I just always fears what happens after they leave the park. So sad!!!

You both got pretty good scores on TSMM.......I don't usually score too good....but it's fun!

I worried about that too I felt so helpless to help him it was very sad :sad1:

Jared and I are video game addicts Im pretty good at TSMM but Im awful at buzz blasters I can never get the lazor to aim lol
What a fun day you had!!! Monsters Inc & Muppetvision I think get missed by a lot of people......both are lots of fun to do. We finally did the Animation Academy in March.....loved it & can't wait to try out my artist skills again!!

Ariel's Grotto......pretty good stuff huh?? Our entire family enjoyed our meal there.....and that's tough to do with 10 people!

Yay for the family letting you up at the railing!!! :cool1: You can watch that show multiple times & see something you missed each time. A lot to take in but super awesome!!!

I have yet to do the Jungle Cruise at night.....we were going to do it in March & I totally forgot!! Next time..........
Yay your trip looks so fun! Its so weird that you got wet. When I saw WOC in January we were right up by the railing and didn't get one drop of water on us :confused3
Your Daisy drawing is very good!
And that food at Ariel's looks yummy!!
Looking forward to more TR :)


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