Now Approaching... Sleepingbooty's Sept. PTR (We're BAAACK! 9/26)

If your family is from Kentucky, you don NEED an excuse! Just horse race and a pretty hat!:goodvibes

Funny you should say that! Last year my BIL got free tickets to Derby Days pre-races shin-dig, and they ordered Mint Juleps all around.

Ever since I worked at the Blue Bayou Restaurant in DLR, I wanted to try one. They used to sell a non-alcoholic one from a kiosk just near there in NOS and they just sounded so good. Never did try one.

Now that I'll be staying at POR, it just seems to be a given that I'll be trying to round up a nice cool Mint Julip while I"m there. Maybe while I"m watching YeeHaw Bob or something.
Funny you should say that! Last year my BIL got free tickets to Derby Days pre-races shin-dig, and they ordered Mint Juleps all around.

Ever since I worked at the Blue Bayou Restaurant in DLR, I wanted to try one. They used to sell a non-alcoholic one from a kiosk just near there in NOS and they just sounded so good. Never did try one.

Now that I'll be staying at POR, it just seems to be a given that I'll be trying to round up a nice cool Mint Julip while I"m there. Maybe while I"m watching YeeHaw Bob or something.

I didn't know you worked at Blue Bayou! I've ALWAYS wanted to go there. But we didn't want to take time out for a table service meal when we were there in 08, since we only had 2 days.

I used to think a mint julep sounded good, too. I guess I had no idea what it was, and I was picturing some frozen, ice-creamy thing. Like a McDonald's shamrock shake with a kick. Then I went to a Derby party a couple years ago and discovered that it was basically straight bourbon - with a little bit of sugar, mint and lime juice :scared1: As a former bartender you'd think I'd have known that. :rolleyes:
I didn't know you worked at Blue Bayou! I've ALWAYS wanted to go there. But we didn't want to take time out for a table service meal when we were there in 08, since we only had 2 days.

I used to think a mint julep sounded good, too. I guess I had no idea what it was, and I was picturing some frozen, ice-creamy thing. Like a McDonald's shamrock shake with a kick. Then I went to a Derby party a couple years ago and discovered that it was basically straight bourbon - with a little bit of sugar, mint and lime juice :scared1: As a former bartender you'd think I'd have known that. :rolleyes:

IT was a fantastic job!! I had so much fun there.

OMGosh, Shamrock Shakes! There's a blast from the past.

YOU were a bartender?? I always thought I'd do ok at that. I can multitask well, and memorize well. But, I don't think I could tell a drunk off if I needed to.
Hello!! Joining in! We are going back to Disney in September as well. 9/20-9/28! We are now deciding between CBR and POP! Too funny, we also went this past May with the torrential rains. We were there from the 12th to the 19th though, so we had quite a few days at first with no rain at all. In fact by the time the rain came we were burnt to crisps and it wasn't so bad to cool off,although I would have much rather done without it! Hoping for good weather in September.

Are you doing MNSSHP? We are, we can't wait, it will be the first time!

Good Luck with your powerpoint presentation, can't wait to hear about how it goes and what resort you choose!
IT was a fantastic job!! I had so much fun there.

OMGosh, Shamrock Shakes! There's a blast from the past.

YOU were a bartender?? I always thought I'd do ok at that. I can multitask well, and memorize well. But, I don't think I could tell a drunk off if I needed to.

Yes, I was a bartender. When my hubby and I were first married I worked for a company in Nashville that supplied waitstaff for private events and banquests, so I got to work in some pretty cool places like the Carnton Plantation (haunted!), the Belmont Mansion, Belle Meade Plantation, the Country Music Hall of Fame. It was a pretty fun job!

I really miss those Shamrock shakes!
Hello!! Joining in! We are going back to Disney in September as well. 9/20-9/28! We are now deciding between CBR and POP! Too funny, we also went this past May with the torrential rains. We were there from the 12th to the 19th though, so we had quite a few days at first with no rain at all. In fact by the time the rain came we were burnt to crisps and it wasn't so bad to cool off,although I would have much rather done without it! Hoping for good weather in September.

Are you doing MNSSHP? We are, we can't wait, it will be the first time!

Good Luck with your powerpoint presentation, can't wait to hear about how it goes and what resort you choose!

:welcome: Thanks for joining!

Hey, we may end up at CBR together, that is one that we are considering. Have you stayed there before?

Not sure yet if we are doing MNsSHP. We never have before, but its definitely up for discussion!
Chapter 6: “And this here’s the TV…”

“And this here's the TV. Two hours a day, either educational or football, so you don't ruin your appreciation of the finer things.”

That quote’s a little tougher than my first one, but I bet at least ONE of you will know it. I spent about two hours yesterday trying to figure out how to get the dang TV and computer to communicate with each other with no luck. I was SO looking forward to showing our resort PowerPoint presentation at my parents house after dinner. I guess I’m not that tech saavy. I thought I’d be able to snake a cable from the laptop to the TV, easy-peasy. Nope. My parents have an older Sony rear-projection, and it just doesn’t have the right kind of jacks. So, I guess I will have to have everyone over here for dinner next Sunday so we can view it on our TV, which is pretty new and hopefully more compatible.

So, since I can’t report on how the PowerPoint went over, I’ll pick back up where I left off last time, with more background fluff:

Last chapter I was lamenting about my indecision on the career front, but I really do feel the need to get back to full time work sooner or later. Number #1 reason for getting a job? More Disney trips, of course! Okay, maybe not the #1 reason – there’s always personal fulfillment, making a contribution, taking some of the burden off my DH, yada yada yada. No, I guess it is the #1 reason after all!

I fell in love with Disney when I was very young. We lived in Southern California (Garden Grove, to be exact), and we went to Disneyland all the time. It was practically in our back yard. You actually could see the fireworks from the backyard. My mom was born a two weeks before Disneyland opened, and her first date with my Dad was to Disneyland at Christmastime. So it’s definitely in my blood!

The first time I went to WDW was when I was 12. By this time, we were back living in the Midwest. My grandparents took me and three cousins (we were the four oldest grandkids) down for a week in Florida. This would have been about 1986. I remember thinking that MK was huge compared to Disneyland, but it seemed sort of sterile. I don’t feel that way now – so I don’t know what led to that impression. I remember thinking there weren’t any trees. No shade, like at DL. Epcot was super cool. I distinctly remember Universe of Energy, Living Seas, World of Motion (I think?), Spaceship Earth, and the Mexico pavilion. We ate at the Biergarten and had a blast dancing in front of the stage. I also have some vague memories of some other extinct attractions.

I think this pic is from the airport. I'm the awkward pre-teen:

I didn’t go back again until 2005. After Jenna was born, I had an idea that it would be fun to take her to Disneyworld on her fifth birthday. So for several years I’d had a vague notion that we would go, but I didn’t start doing any research or planning until about 5 months before our trip. Prior to this, our annual ‘big’ vacation had been renting a beach house on the gulf for a week. I didn’t want to give this up entirely, so I planned to go to Disney for 3 days, then drive over (7 hours) to the gulf and stay the rest of the week.

Boy, when I got online to start researching for the Disney portion of our trip, I was in for quite a shock! I had no idea these huge, comprehensive websites devoted solely to Disneyworld even existed! I quickly got hooked, and started reading the message boards. I couldn’t believe there were so many people who actually went to Disney every year, or even – gasp – multiple times a year! Naturally I became obsessed with the idea (I can say that here – you guys get it!) of going back as soon as possible. One thing led to another, many arms were twisted, and it has since become our de facto vacation destination. Bye bye beach! Thanks for the red tide!

Most of my friends don’t get it. But honestly, even though there are many other places that I’d like to take the girls, at the age they are now I really think it’s the best family vacation for the money. Of course, we do Disney pretty frugally. We go during value season (usually), and don’t stay deluxe. We don’t even usually get park hoppers. And we definitely give up some other things to make a yearly vacation happen.

But even as the girls age, I can’t imagine not wanting to go to Disney. And maybe just add on another trip – maybe to somewhere educational, or outdoorsy, adventurous – whatever. I’ll probably need to get a job for that to happen, which I guess brings us full circle in this chapter! Anybody hiring?

Chapter 7: And the award for best picture goes to...
Good news - I finally figured out how to show my PowerPoint on my TV. So, I'll be having Sunday dinner at our house this weekend. I bought a couple slabs of ribs today- think I'm gonna go for the Whispering Canyon Cafe theme dinner!
Bummer that the laptop/tv didn't work but yay that you figured it out at your house! We try to find a balance of Disney trips and other places but I am happy to report that I've been able to get my DH there more frequently than he'd ever have thought!

Let me know how the ribs turn out, it's a wonderful meal in the winter, I need to do it myself soon!

Most of my friends don't get it either. My family does but they aren't quite as obsessed with the planning aspect, i.e. they wouldn't dream of making ADR's 6 months out!
Yay for getting the Powerpoint to work on your TV!!!! :banana: My friends don't really get it either!! That's why I think many of us are so close here on the DIS!!! :hug: I can't imagine not wanting to go to Disney either!! :goodvibes
sorry that the powerpoint presentation didn't work.... they travel well?;)

Garden Grove in da house. I live in Garden Grove now.
Ribs!? You've hit my soft spot now! MMMmmmm! With Carolina sauce.

Yes, you must go with the WCC theme. It'll be perfect for your presentation. Hip-hip-hooray that you got it all figured out. Now you just have to hope they are convinced!

So, what concrete things have you done to look for work yet? Anything?
or are things in the planning stages still?
A whispering canyon cafe themed dinner sounds like a lot of fun. Glad you figured out how everything works and can give your powerpoint this weekend. I know you asked if I ever stayed at CBR. I have not, but just looking through the pictures threads of it, it looks so beautiful. Not sure if we're going to end up staying there though, might end up at Pop! We are a family of 6 and need two rooms, so CBR will cost us 1300 more than Pop. We are getting married in July as well, so I need to think a little more frugally. :goodvibes That's hard for me to do!

I love the picture of you at the airport!
Bummer that the laptop/tv didn't work but yay that you figured it out at your house! We try to find a balance of Disney trips and other places but I am happy to report that I've been able to get my DH there more frequently than he'd ever have thought!

Let me know how the ribs turn out, it's a wonderful meal in the winter, I need to do it myself soon!

Most of my friends don't get it either. My family does but they aren't quite as obsessed with the planning aspect, i.e. they wouldn't dream of making ADR's 6 months out!

Okay - so one more question about the ribs - if you bake them first, then put them on the grill, how long on the grill? Looks like it'll be up in the 40's Sunday so I can actually do that part of it!
Yay for getting the Powerpoint to work on your TV!!!! :banana: My friends don't really get it either!! That's why I think many of us are so close here on the DIS!!! :hug: I can't imagine not wanting to go to Disney either!! :goodvibes

I know! Yay for the Dis - at least here were "normal"! :upsidedow
sorry that the powerpoint presentation didn't work.... they travel well?;)

Garden Grove in da house. I live in Garden Grove now.

I know. It was a bummer, but at least I got it going now - I just have to show it at MY house. But the ribs will make it all worth it. If there are any left over I'll fedex them to you - sauce on the side?

I thought you lived there, I remembered it from your very first TR. How is da Grove?


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