Off to see the "Real Tree" - April 19th - April 26th! Ali's Wish Trip PTR!

Oh my goodness! I just love these pics. The girls are so adorable as are the dresses.

Thank you!

Those girls are cracking me up! You are getting such cute pictures! I love how they do what the other does! Such cute dresses!

Maya is too funny about the whole thing. I don't know where she gets it from. And Ali has such a complex about her looks (already:sad2:) that she has to do the same thing. They're just loving this.:goodvibes

the girls are just ADORABLE! What amazing personalities and expressions! The dresses are AMAZING!

BEAUTIFUL Big Give package to match two BEAUTIFUL GIRLS!!!! :cutie::cutie:

Thank you! I'm so touched at the amount of thought that goes into choosing just the right colors, the right patterns, the right styles...It's just been an amazing experience.

Very pretty dresses! I love how the Tink one has the tulle on it! Very sheik! :goodvibes They both look very happy and that's what its all about!

They're just thrilled with EVERYTHING! We are so incredibly grateful to everyone for making this trip that much more special.

Yea! I'm glad you got them and they're liked! The two lighter fabrics being the same was a total coincidence...I didn't even realize it until I was getting ready to cut out the dresses! I had just picked pretty, coordinating colors. I just love the sparkly green, it's the same as I used for Piper's Jasmine outfit only that was teal. It's glitzy with out being itchy, something my kids always complain about with the purchased princess dresses. Thanks for all the pics, they look beautiful!

They are so beautiful, and the girls are just THRILLED with them! The sparkly material is so soft. Thank you for including the pictures. I love being able to put faces to the families that are doing so much for us.:goodvibes I think it would be really neat if we could meet up. For now, we have Saturday open, with an extra day of Disney tickets, so we'll see!

Oh my GOSH!!! Those pictures of the girls are wonderful. The poses are great!


Thank you!

your pictures are WONDERFUL!!!!

The girls are so cute! :goodvibes

And all of the Big Give stuff is amazing! :)

Thanks! We're all having so much fun with this. Even my husband gets excited when a package arrives, and he's usually pretty cynical about my online relationships.:rotfl:

They are adorable! The blowing kisses pictures are precious!

I swear I don't know where she gets this! She'll even check the picture on the digital screen, and if she doesn't like it, she'll ask me to take another.:rotfl2:

Love the tink and Sleeping Beauty..

The girls have to be getting beyond excited!!!!!

They are, and so are we! Even my fil texts me every once in a while to ask about the official countdown.:goodvibes

I work at the Nemours in Wilmington, DE!!!!! They are building a hospital in Orlando too. Its truely a wonderful place to work - I love it!! I wonder if they'd let me transfer to Orlando!!!!????? Hmmmm,,,,,lol

Kelly - Oh my gosh!! The girls look ADORABLE in the Tink and Aurora outfits!! They look so pretty!! I also agree that the shade of blue in the other outfit looks amazing on them! The princess shirts and jeans were also adorable on them!! They are sooooo cute!! Im hoping I see you at the village!!!

Thanks, Wendy! That's good to know that Nemours could be a good choice for us should we need it. Interestingly enough, Ali's mito doc here has a mito doc down there that he works with and refers all his wish kids to should they need medical care while in Orlando, so we're lucky in that respect. You'll have to let me know when you plan on being at the village so I can look for you.:goodvibes
The girls received Big Give package yesterday, this time from the Mason family (Sorry - I don't know your screen name)!

Maya was so excited when she saw the colorful tissue paper.


You can barely see the smile on Maya's face through her hair, but she was cracking up at all the layers of tissue paper.


Checking out the contents.


Beautiful Minnie Mouse bracelets! And it looks like the Minnie Mouse beads are handmade - when looking very closely, I can see fingerprint swirls on the ears. Amazing!



Thank you Mason family!
The girls received Big Give package yesterday, this time from the Mason family (Sorry - I don't know your screen name)!

Maya was so excited when she saw the colorful tissue paper.


You can barely see the smile on Maya's face through her hair, but she was cracking up at all the layers of tissue paper.


Checking out the contents.


Beautiful Minnie Mouse bracelets! And it looks like the Minnie Mouse beads are handmade - when looking very closely, I can see fingerprint swirls on the ears. Amazing!



Thank you Mason family!

So cute!! I love handmade jewelry for that very reason, I love seing the little swirls left by a finger in the clay. (I know I'm weird!) Marah is emcreative here ;)
Such cute Gives!!! The girls are so funny with their poses. I rarely have to tell Tessa to pose either. The dresses are amazing and the beads too!
The bracelets are beautiful and I love how you captured their expressions as they opened them! GREAT PICS!

Getting close........:cool1:
So cute!! I love handmade jewelry for that very reason, I love seing the little swirls left by a finger in the clay. (I know I'm weird!) Marah is emcreative here ;)

So cute!! What perfect bracelets for Disney and the fact their handmade is amazing and makes them even better.

LOL! Me too! I thought I was the only one that liked that!

Thank you, ladies.:goodvibes I was fascinated looking at the beads. On first glance, they look manufactured (the Mickey heads are that good). I love that someone else took the time to make them and now my girls are wearing them. Corny, but a whole six degrees of separation type thing. I know, I'm a dork.:rotfl2:

Love the bracelets! Girls are darling, as usual!!! Love all the posing!! :):):)

Thank you! They really are funny girls.:goodvibes

I love thier bracelets! They are so pretty. Pretty bracelets for two pretty girls!!

Thank you! I'm lucky - they're photogenic unlike their mother.;)

Such cute Gives!!! The girls are so funny with their poses. I rarely have to tell Tessa to pose either. The dresses are amazing and the beads too!

Thanks! Don't you wonder sometimes where they get it?!:rotfl2:

The bracelets are beautiful and I love how you captured their expressions as they opened them! GREAT PICS!

Getting close........:cool1:

Thank you! I can't believe it's so close - but you're even closer!:scared1: Are you feeling crazed yet?!

Things have been so crazy busy here. I feel like I'm swamped with work and then I'm swamped here. The good news is it's making the time go by quickly! The 19th will be here before we know it.:woohoo:
Count me in as yet another one who LOVES those bracelets!!! So cute.

So you are under the one month mark? :woohoo: Are you feeling good? Prepared? It'll be here before you know it!
I feel your pain Kelly!!! I am SOOOOO not ready yet. Not even close. I don't know why, but I am avoiding all of this like the plague!!!! Isn't that awful?? We have had to cancel a few trips in the past at the last minute, so I think subconsciously I am not letting myself believe this is really happening!!! :rotfl: But it is, and I need to get off my &*# and get my act together!!!! :goodvibes

How excited are the girls??? I would love to try and get together (you too Pamela)!! What are your plans for Saturday and Sunday (24th and 25th)??

Our flight gets into MCO at 1:40 on Saturday. We plan on hitting Wal-Mart, then checking in at AKL. My guess is the kids are going to want to swim if we have time or at least eat!! Then we have to be over at GKTW for orientation at 7:45. Was actually thinking of heading over there kind of early so Brigge can do her star, pillows etc....just in case we don't make it back over there. I figured which ever one of us doesn't go to the orientation will take the kids to Mayor Claytons BDay.

Then on Sunday, we have an ADR at Boma in the AM, hitting AKL for the better part of the morning. Back to swim at AKL, nap for Brigitte, and then HS for a bit, and the kids are DYING to get to MK and stay late at night. We haven't ever done that before and it is open until 2am, so we figured we would just stay as long as we can!! Anything sound like it might fit into your plans??
You're telling me!!! We are at 3 1/2 weeks and I'm starting to feel the pressure now. :eek:

I am soooooooo not ready, and honestly, I'm not even at a place where I can start getting ready.:scared1:

Count me in as yet another one who LOVES those bracelets!!! So cute.

So you are under the one month mark? :woohoo: Are you feeling good? Prepared? It'll be here before you know it!

No!!!!!! We're booked all weekend this weekend, next weekend we're hosting Easter, and my grades for the third marking period are due on the 5th.:scared1::scared1: But honestly, I'd probably be waiting until the last minute even if I had nothing else to do.;)

I feel your pain Kelly!!! I am SOOOOO not ready yet. Not even close. I don't know why, but I am avoiding all of this like the plague!!!! Isn't that awful?? We have had to cancel a few trips in the past at the last minute, so I think subconsciously I am not letting myself believe this is really happening!!! :rotfl: But it is, and I need to get off my &*# and get my act together!!!! :goodvibes

How excited are the girls??? I would love to try and get together (you too Pamela)!! What are your plans for Saturday and Sunday (24th and 25th)??

Our flight gets into MCO at 1:40 on Saturday. We plan on hitting Wal-Mart, then checking in at AKL. My guess is the kids are going to want to swim if we have time or at least eat!! Then we have to be over at GKTW for orientation at 7:45. Was actually thinking of heading over there kind of early so Brigge can do her star, pillows etc....just in case we don't make it back over there. I figured which ever one of us doesn't go to the orientation will take the kids to Mayor Claytons BDay.

Then on Sunday, we have an ADR at Boma in the AM, hitting AKL for the better part of the morning. Back to swim at AKL, nap for Brigitte, and then HS for a bit, and the kids are DYING to get to MK and stay late at night. We haven't ever done that before and it is open until 2am, so we figured we would just stay as long as we can!! Anything sound like it might fit into your plans??

I hear ya. We're close enough now that I just want to put Ali in isolation. The girls are getting really excited. We've started a "Disney box" that we put things in as we find them. Like Ali's Tinkerbelle sunglasses that I found at the foot of her bed when I went to change the sheets last weekend. If they don't go in the box now, we won't see them again before we leave!

I think either Saturday evening or Sunday would work for meeting up. We're definitely planning on the birthday party for Saturday, and our plans for Sunday entail simply hanging by the pool. I'll PM you my cell phone number so that we can at least be in touch and hopefully hook up!

I guess we're more ready than I think we are. We have the letter for our medical carry-on, we have a house/dog sitter lined up, and most importantly, I got my prescription for Ativan last night.:worship: I've never taken it before, but I hate flying and now that I'm a responsible mom, I can't just tie one on before I get on the plane. Anyone here take Ativan for flying and care to share experiences? It's a low dose, only .5mg.

We also got another BIG GIVE today from CAJUNFAN!:cool1: Unfortunately, you'll all have to wait for pics, as I want Garth to come home and open his goodies before I post anything. I will say, though, that we are so moved by Lynn's generosity.:goodvibes Maya kept saying, "Oh my God" and I didn't even bother correcting her to "Oh my goodness" because she was just so excited.:lmao: So I will be back later to post pics!
Just wanted to say :wave2: hello! I am subscribing to your PTR. I am loving reading all of these reports. Your girls are just beautiful, and all of the big give gifts are amazing. Looking forward to hearing more!
I am soooooooo not ready, and honestly, I'm not even at a place where I can start getting ready.:scared1:

No!!!!!! We're booked all weekend this weekend, next weekend we're hosting Easter, and my grades for the third marking period are due on the 5th.:scared1::scared1: But honestly, I'd probably be waiting until the last minute even if I had nothing else to do.;)

Kelly, if it makes you feel any better, I'm also so not even at a place where I can start getting ready. We're flying out 4/17. But I'm famous for putting things together at the last minute, so I truly think we'll be fine. Like you, I think I can start planning on 4/5 (day hospital this week; 9 year old's birthday on 4/3; Easter (hosting I think) on 4/4; soccer and lacrosse seasons starting...).

But the last time we went to WDW (before Elke was born), I threw together a great trip with 2 1/2 weeks notice (and we stayed at AKL). Even got a CRT breakfast ressie from a cancellation when we were down there. So I'm not that stressed. Well okay, I'm stressed, but really trying not to be!

After 4/5, when I have time to do my itinerary, I'll let you know what we're doing that week.

Hope we can meet up!
Okay, I have finally uploaded all of the pics from the most recent Big Give package we received from Lynn (Cajunfan)!:lovestruc

The girls were so excited!

It felt like Christmas morning as they got to work unwrapping everything. The girls were thrilled!



Lynn personalized tote bags for each girl.




The girls have been walking around with them all morning.:rotfl2:

She also included beach towels for each girl. The choices were perfect for each!


And plates!

Ali LOVES her Stitch cup (Stitch is her favorite)!

Lynn also included lanyards with trading pins and personalized notes for each girl! I wasn't going to get into the pins, but Lynn inspired me to buy a lot of 40 off Ebay.:rotfl2:


And lots and lots of pixie dust!


She even sent pixie dust for Garth and me, including these neat little customized tattoos (they're on the plates in the above pictures).

I don't have a pic of Garth's plate because it was being used at breakfast.:rolleyes1 Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lynn for bringing magic to our lives!:lovestruc:lovestruc
Hi Kelly!

You know I've been busy "elsewhere" for a while :rolleyes1 and am just catching up with the Dis after a long time. I loved the post after post of Big Give packages. How exciting for the girls (and you! and me ;))! I would kill for the sewing talent of those ladies.


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